HB 1277

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the City of Jacksonville, Duval County;
3amending Article 17 of chapter 92-341, Laws of Florida, as
4amended, being the Charter of the City of Jacksonville;
5revising the membership of the Civil Service Board;
6revising restrictions to membership; revising criteria in
7determining a vacancy; providing for transition to the
8amended method of appointment and terms of members;
9revising provisions relating to ex parte communications;
10revising the two-term limit requirement to conform to the
11appointed status of board members; providing an effective
14Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16     Section 1.  Sections 17.02, 17.10, and 17.12 of the Charter
17of the City of Jacksonville, as created by chapter 92-341, Laws
18of Florida, as amended, are amended to read:
21     Section 17.02.  Civil service board.--
22     (a)  There shall be a civil service board of the
23consolidated government which shall consist of nine seven (7)
24members. Each member shall be a resident and qualified elector
25of the City of Jacksonville.
26     (b)  The members of the board shall serve without
27compensation and shall be appointed for 3-year three year
28overlapping terms. Five Three members shall be appointed by the
29Mayor, one of whom shall be a member of a union, two members
30shall be appointed by JEA, one member three members shall be
31appointed by the Duval County School Board, and the ninth
32seventh member shall be chosen by the other eight six, with all
33appointments subject to confirmation being confirmed by the City
34Council. The original Members shall be appointed for staggered
35terms commencing July 1, 1995. The board shall elect annually
36one (1) of its members as chair and one as vice chair chairman.
37Five (5) members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
38     (c)  No member of the Civil Service Board shall be an agent
39of or employed by the City of Jacksonville, the JEA, the Duval
40County School Board, or any collective bargaining organization
41representing employees of the City of Jacksonville, the JEA, or
42the Duval County School Board or be connected with the city
43administration. The City Council shall be empowered to remove
44members of the board for cause under due process of law.
45     (d)  Each member of the board shall continue to hold office
46until the member?s his successor is chosen and qualified.
47The office of a board member shall become vacant upon the
48member?s his death, resignation, relocating outside the
49boundaries of the City of Jacksonville, or removal from office
50in any manner provided by law. If any member of the board fails
51to attend three consecutive meetings or fails to attend 50
52percent of the meetings in a calendar year, the chair shall make
53a recommendation of retention or removal to the Mayor, who may
54declare the member?s office vacant and notify the appointing
55body of the Mayor's recommendation. The vacancy shall be filled
56as provided in this act. The City Council shall also be
57empowered to remove members of the board for cause under due
58process of law Vacancies shall be filled and confirmed in the
59same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the
61     (e)  A board member appointed before or on the effective
62date of this act shall serve through the end of his or her
63respective term. Thereafter, the first two of the current
64positions appointed by the Duval County School Board to become
65vacant shall be filled by the Mayor and the JEA, respectively,
66and confirmed by the City Council. The Mayor and JEA shall each
67immediately appoint a member to one of the two new positions
68created by this act, whose terms shall expire on June 30, 2005,
69and June 30, 2006, respectively. Thereafter, all vacancies shall
70be filled in the same manner as provided in this act.
71     Section 17.10.  Ex parte communication.--Board members
72shall not have any ex parte communications regarding complaints,
73grievances, and appeals that are pending or are reasonably
74anticipated to be considered by the board.
75     (a)  This section shall apply to any proceeding under
76section 17.04(b) or (d), where an ex parte communication
77relative to the merits, threat, or offer of reward is made to
78any member of the elected civil service board by:
79     (1)  A party to the proceeding or any person who, directly
80or indirectly, would have a substantial interest in the proposed
81board action, or his authorized representative or counsel, or
82any member of the public.
83     (2)  Any elected or appointed official or employee of the
84city engaged in prosecution or advocacy in connection with the
85matter under consideration or a factually related matter.
86     (b)  In the event a Any board member who is involved in the
87decisional process and who receives a prohibited an ex parte
88communication, the board member as provided in subsection (a)
89shall place on the record of the pending matter all written
90communications received, all written responses to such
91communications, and a memorandum stating the substance of all
92oral communications received and all oral responses made, and
93shall also advise all parties that such matters have been placed
94on the record. Any party desiring to rebut the ex parte
95communication shall be allowed to do so, if such party requests
96the opportunity for rebuttal in writing within 10 days after
97notice of such communication. The board member may, if deemed he
98deems it necessary to eliminate the effect of an ex parte
99communication received by him, recuse himself or herself from
100the proceeding.
101     Section 17.12.  Two-term limit.--No person appointed
102elected and qualified for two consecutive full terms as a member
103of the Civil Service Board shall be eligible for appointment
104election as a member of the Civil Service Board for the next
105succeeding term. The two-term limitation shall apply to any full
106term which began in 1992 or thereafter.
107     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.