Senate Bill sb1334

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1334

    By Senator Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to community residential homes;

  3         amending s. 419.001, F.S.; authorizing a

  4         sponsoring agency that does not have a contract

  5         with the Department of Children and Family

  6         Services to establish a community residential

  7         home for six or fewer residents in a

  8         single-family or multifamily zone without first

  9         obtaining approval from the local government;

10         authorizing a sponsoring agency that has a

11         contract with the department to provide

12         specified services to establish a community

13         residential home for six or fewer residents in

14         a multifamily zone without first obtaining

15         approval from the local government; prohibiting

16         a sponsoring agency that has a contract with

17         the department to provide specified services

18         from establishing a community residential home

19         for six or fewer residents in an area zoned for

20         single families without first obtaining

21         approval from the local government; requiring

22         that a sponsoring agency planning to establish

23         a community residential home notify the chief

24         executive officer of the local government and

25         provide specified information; providing an

26         effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 419.001,

31  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1334

 1         419.001  Site selection of community residential

 2  home.--

 3         (2)(a)  Homes of six or fewer residents which otherwise

 4  meet the definition of a community residential home shall be

 5  deemed a single-family unit and a noncommercial, residential

 6  use for the purpose of local laws and ordinances.

 7         (b)  Homes of six or fewer residents which otherwise

 8  meet the definition of a community residential home and do not

 9  have a contract with the department to provide supervision or

10  care shall be allowed in single-family or multifamily zoning

11  without approval by the local government, if the provided that

12  such homes are shall not be located within a radius of 1,000

13  feet of another existing such home with six or fewer

14  residents.  These Such homes with six or fewer residents shall

15  not be required to comply with the notification provisions of

16  this section; provided, however, that the sponsoring agency or

17  the department must notify notifies the local government at

18  the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by the

19  department.

20         (c)1.  Homes of six or fewer residents which otherwise

21  meet the definition of a community residential home and have a

22  contract with the department to provide supervision or care

23  shall be allowed in multifamily zoning without approval by the

24  local government. Such homes may not be located within a

25  radius of 1,000 feet of another existing home with six or

26  fewer residents. These homes are not required to comply with

27  the notification provisions of this section; however, the

28  sponsoring agency or the department must notify the local

29  government at the time of home occupancy that the home is

30  licensed by the department.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1334

 1         2.  Homes of six or fewer residents which otherwise

 2  meet the definition of a community residential home and have a

 3  contract with the department to provide supervision or care

 4  shall be allowed in single-family zoning with the approval of

 5  the local government. Such homes may not be located within a

 6  radius of 1,000 feet of another existing home with six or

 7  fewer residents. These homes must comply with the notification

 8  provisions of this section.

 9         (3)(a)  When a site for a community residential home

10  has been selected by a sponsoring agency in an area zoned for

11  multifamily units or when a site for a home with six or fewer

12  residents has been selected by a sponsoring agency in an area

13  zoned for single-family units, the agency must shall notify

14  the chief executive officer of the local government in writing

15  and include in such notice the specific address of the site,

16  the residential licensing category, the number of residents,

17  and the community support requirements of the program.  The

18  Such notice must shall also contain a statement from the

19  district administrator of the department indicating the need

20  for and the licensing status of the proposed community

21  residential home and specifying how the home meets applicable

22  licensing criteria for the safe care and supervision of the

23  clients in the home.  The district administrator shall also

24  provide to the local government the most recently published

25  data compiled that identifies all community residential homes

26  in the district in which the proposed site is to be located.

27  The local government shall review the notification of the

28  sponsoring agency in accordance with the zoning ordinance of

29  the jurisdiction.

30         (b)  Pursuant to this such review, the local government

31  may:


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1334

 1         1.  Determine that the siting of the community

 2  residential home is in accordance with local zoning and

 3  approve the siting. If the siting is approved, the sponsoring

 4  agency may establish the home at the site selected.

 5         2.  Fail to respond within 60 days.  If the local

 6  government fails to respond within 60 days such time, the

 7  sponsoring agency may establish the home at the site selected.

 8         3.  Deny the siting of the home.

 9         (c)  The local government may shall not deny the siting

10  of a community residential home unless the local government

11  establishes that the siting of the home at the site selected:

12         1.  Does not otherwise conform to existing zoning

13  regulations applicable to other multifamily uses in the area.

14         2.  Does not meet applicable licensing criteria

15  established and determined by the department, including

16  requirements that the home be located to assure the safe care

17  and supervision of all clients in the home.

18         3.  Would result in such a concentration of community

19  residential homes in the area in proximity to the site

20  selected, or would result in a combination of such homes with

21  other residences in the community, such that the nature and

22  character of the area would be substantially altered.  A

23  community residential home that is located within a radius of

24  1,200 feet of another existing community residential home in a

25  multifamily zone is shall be an overconcentration of community

26  residential such homes which that substantially alters the

27  nature and character of the area.  A community residential

28  home that is located within a radius of 500 feet of an area of

29  single-family zoning substantially alters the nature and

30  character of the area.

31         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1334

 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Authorizes a sponsoring agency that does not have a
      contract with the Department of Children and Family
 4    Services to establish a community residential home for
      six or fewer residents in a single-family or multifamily
 5    zone without first obtaining approval from the local
      government. Authorizes a sponsoring agency that has a
 6    contract with the department to provide specified
      services to establish a community residential home for
 7    six or fewer residents in a multifamily zone without
      first obtaining approval from the local government.
 8    Prohibits a sponsoring agency that has a contract with
      the department to provide specified services from
 9    establishing a community residential home for six or
      fewer residents in an area zoned for single families
10    without first obtaining approval from the local
      government. Requires that a sponsoring agency planning to
11    establish a community residential home notify the chief
      executive officer of the local government and provide
12    specified information.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.