HB 1369CS


1The Committee on Local Government & Veterans' Affairs recommends
2the following:
4     Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to the City Of West Palm Beach, Palm
8Beach County; amending chapter 24981 (1947), Laws of
9Florida, as amended; revising the definition of
10"salary"; increasing duty death benefits; providing an
11effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15     Section 1.  Paragraph (p) of subsection (2) and paragraph
16(b) of subsection (17) of section 16 of chapter 24981 (1947),
17Laws of Florida, as amended, are amended to read:
18     Section 16.  West Palm Beach Police Pension Fund.--
19     (2)  Definitions.--The following words or phrases, as used
20in this act, shall have the following meanings, unless a
21different meaning is clearly indicated by the context:
22     (p)  "Salary" means the fixed monthly compensation paid to
23a member; compensation shall include those items as have been
24included as compensation in accordance with past practice.
25However, the term shall not be construed to include lump sum
26payments for accumulated leave. On and after January 1, 2003
271997, salary compensation shall mean total cash remuneration
28paid by the City to a police officer for services rendered
29payment for regular hours worked, overtime payments for services
30performed for the City, hazardous duty pay, holiday pay,
31educational supplements, longevity pay, specialized assignment
32pay, and any payments for approved leave, excluding lump sum
33payments for  accumulated leave such as accrued vacation leave,
34accrued sick leave, and accrued personal leave.  This definition
35of compensation shall not include off-duty employment performed
36for vendors other than the City of West Palm Beach per Article
3730 37, Pension Salary Plan, Section 7 of the Officers' and
38Sergeants' Contract and Article 36, Salary Plan and Section 5 of
39the collective bargaining agreement between the Palm Beach
40County Police Benevolent Association and the City of West Palm
41Beach Lieutenants' Contract.
42     (17)  Death Benefits.--
43     (b)  Duty death.--In the event a member dies and the Board
44finds his or her death to be the natural and proximate result of
45a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of
46his or her actual performance of the duties as a police officer
47in the employ of the City, the following applicable pensions
48shall be paid:
49     1.  Effective October 1, 2003, the surviving spouse shall
50receive a pension equal to two-thirds four-ninths of the
51member's highest 12 consecutive months' final average salary or
52the current top step police officer pay, whichever is greater.  
53Upon the surviving spouse's death, the pension shall terminate.  
54Any pension payable under this paragraph shall be subject to the
55provisions of subsection (18).
56     2.  If, in addition to a surviving spouse, the deceased
57member leaves an unmarried child or children under age 18, each
58child shall receive a pension of $150 per month. Upon any
59child's adoption, marriage, death, or attainment of age 18, the
60child's pension shall terminate.  Any pension payable under this
61paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (18).
62     3.  In the event the deceased member does not leave a
63surviving spouse, or if the surviving spouse dies, and the
64member leaves an unmarried child or children under age 18, each
65such child shall receive a pension of an equal share of one-
66third of the deceased member's final average salary. Upon any
67such child's adoption, marriage, death, or attainment of age 18,
68the child's pension shall terminate and it shall be apportioned
69to the pensions payable to the deceased member's remaining
70eligible children under age 18.  Any pension payable under this
71paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (18).
72     4.  Any pensions payable, under subparagraphs 2. and 3.
73above, to any child under age 18 shall be paid to his or her
74legal guardian.
75     5.  In the event the deceased member does not leave a
76surviving spouse or children under age 18 eligible to receive a
77pension provided for in subparagraph 1., subparagraph 2., or
78subparagraph 3., and the member leaves a parent or parents who
79the Board finds are dependent upon the member for at least 50
80percent of his, her, or their financial support, then each
81parent shall receive a pension of an equal share of one-third of
82the deceased member's final average salary. Upon any such
83parent's remarriage or death, his or her pension shall
84terminate. Any pension payable under this paragraph shall be
85subject to the provisions of subsection (18).
86     6.  In the event the deceased member does not leave a
87surviving spouse, children, or parents eligible to receive a
88pension, then the death benefit, if any, shall be paid to the
89estate of the deceased member.  In any of the above cases, the
90Board, in its discretion, may direct that the actuarial value of
91the monthly benefit be paid as a lump sum.
92     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.