HB 1371CS


2The Committee on Commerce recommends the following:
4     Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to collection practices; amending s.
8559.544, F.S.; requiring an applicant to apply to the
9Office of Financial Regulation to register as a commercial
10collection agency; amending s. 559.545, F.S.; requiring an
11applicant to comply with certain procedures to register as
12a commercial collection agency; increasing the
13registration fee; authorizing the Financial Services
14Commission or the office to require the applicant to
15provide certain information; requiring the office to
16investigate certain applicants; prescribing that a
17registration that is not renewed expires automatically;
18providing procedures by which a commercial collection
19agency may reinstate its registration; amending s.
20559.546, F.S.; requiring each applicant to purchase a
21surety bond; creating s. 559.5471, F.S.; detailing the
22powers and duties of the office with respect to regulating
23commercial collection agencies; authorizing the commission
24to adopt rules; authorizing the office to issue subpoenas
25and subpoenas duces tecum under certain conditions;
26providing procedures the office may use when a person does
27not comply with a subpoena; permitting a court to grant
28injunctive or other relief when a person does not comply
29with a subpoena; authorizing the court to award attorney's
30fees and costs to the office under certain circumstances;
31creating s. 559.5473, F.S.; authorizing the office to seek
32injunctive relief under certain circumstances; authorizing
33a court to appoint a receiver under specified conditions;
34creating s. 559.5474, F.S.; authorizing the office to
35issue cease and desist orders; creating s. 559.5475, F.S.;
36permitting specified documents made by a financial
37examiner to be admitted into evidence under certain
38conditions; creating s. 559.5476, F.S.; requiring each
39registrant to maintain business records; authorizing the
40commission to adopt rules to designate the types of
41information a registrant must maintain; creating s.
42559.5477, F.S.; providing for administrative remedies;
43specifying the grounds under which a commercial collection
44agency may have its registration suspended or revoked;
45permitting a commercial collection agency to terminate its
46registration; authorizing the office to impose an
47administrative fine up to $1,000 per violation; amending
48s. 559.55, F.S.; providing definitions; amending s.
49559.552, F.S., relating to the relationship of state and
50federal laws; providing for construing interpretations of
51the Federal Trade Commission and the federal courts when
52applying state and federal laws and rules relating to
53consumer collection practices; amending s. 559.553, F.S.;
54requiring an applicant to provide certain information to
55register as a consumer collection agency; amending s.
56559.555, F.S.; revising application procedures for
57consumer collection agencies; requiring an applicant to
58furnish specified information; requiring a surety bond;
59increasing the registration fee; requiring an applicant to
60report any licensure discipline or specified information
61on crimes committed by the applicant; listing the grounds
62for denying an application for registration; providing
63that registrations automatically expire; providing
64procedures for a consumer collection agency to renew its
65registration; amending s. 559.565, F.S.; providing that an
66out-of-state consumer collection agency otherwise subject
67to this state's jurisdiction is subject to sanctions for
68committing prohibited practices; amending s. 559.72, F.S.;
69specifying certain activities as prohibited consumer
70collection practices; amending s. 559.725, F.S.;
71authorizing the office to conduct investigations of
72consumer complaints; providing for the examination of a
73registrant; creating s. 559.726, F.S.; detailing the
74powers and duties of the office with respect to regulating
75consumer collection agencies; authorizing the commission
76to adopt rules; authorizing the office to issue subpoenas
77and subpoenas duces tecum under certain conditions;
78providing procedures the office may use when a person does
79not comply with a subpoena; permitting a court to grant
80injunctive or other relief when a person does not comply
81with a subpoena; authorizing the court to award attorney's
82fees and costs to the office under certain circumstances;
83creating s. 559.7262, F.S.; authorizing the office to seek
84injunctive relief under certain circumstances; creating s.
85559.7263, F.S.; authorizing the office to issue cease and
86desist orders; creating s. 559.7264, F.S.; permitting
87certain documents prepared by a financial examiner to be
88admitted into evidence under specified conditions;
89creating s. 559.7265, F.S.; requiring each registrant to
90maintain business records; authorizing the commission to
91adopt rules to designate the types of information a
92registrant must maintain; amending s. 559.730, F.S.;
93providing administrative remedies for violating prohibited
94consumer collection practices; specifying the prohibited
95practices for which a consumer collection agency's
96registration may be suspended or revoked; providing that a
97consumer collection agency may terminate its registration;
98authorizing the office to assess an administrative fine of
99up to $1,000 per violation; amending s. 559.77, F.S.;
100providing for construing interpretations of the Federal
101Trade Commission and the federal courts when applying
102state and federal laws and rules; amending s. 559.785,
103F.S.; specifying certain activities that subject a person
104to a criminal penalty; repealing ss. 559.547 and 559.563,
105F.S., relating to void registrations; providing an
106appropriation; authorizing six examiner positions and one
107registration analyst position for the enforcement of the
108act; providing an effective date.
110Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
112     Section 1.  Section 559.544, Florida Statutes, is amended
113to read:
114     559.544  Registration required; exemptions.--
115     (1)  A No person may not shall engage in business in this
116state as a commercial collection agency, as defined in this
117part, or continue to do business in this state as a commercial
118collection agency, unless the person without first registers
119with the office according to registering in accordance with this
120part and thereafter maintains the maintaining such registration.
121     (2)  Each commercial collection agency doing business in
122this state shall register with the office and annually renew the
123such registration, providing the registration fee, information,
124and surety bond required by this part.
125     (3)  A No registration is not shall be valid for any
126commercial collection agency transacting business at any place
127other than that designated in the registration unless the office
128is first notified in advance of any change of location.  A
129registration under this part is not transferable or assignable.
130Any commercial collection agency desiring to change its
131registered name, location, or agent for service of process at
132any time other than renewal of the registration must shall
133notify the office of the such change prior to the change.
134     (4)  The office may shall not accept an application for any
135registration for any commercial collection agency as validly
136made and filed with the office under this section unless the
137application registration information furnished to the office by
138the applicant registrant is complete under pursuant to s.
139559.545 and facially demonstrates that the applicant such
140registrant is qualified to engage in business as a commercial
141collection agency, including specifically that neither the
142applicant or registrant nor any principal of the applicant
143registrant has not engaged in any unlawful collection practices,
144dishonest dealings, acts of moral turpitude, or other criminal
145acts that reflect an inability to engage in the commercial
146collection agency business. The office shall inform any person
147whose application for registration is denied rejected by the
148office of the fact of and basis for the denial such rejection.  
149A prospective registrant is shall be entitled to be registered
150when her or his or its application registration information is
151complete on its face, the applicable registration fee has been
152paid, and the required evidence of current bond is furnished to
153the office.
154     (5)  This section does shall not apply to:
155     (a)  A member of The Florida Bar, unless the such person is
156primarily engaged in the collection of commercial claims.
157"Primarily engaged in the collection of commercial claims" means
158that more than one-half of the person's income of such person
159arises from the business of soliciting commercial claims for
160collection or collecting commercial claims.
161     (b)  A financial institution authorized to do business in
162this state and any wholly owned subsidiary and affiliate
164     (c)  A licensed real estate broker.
165     (d)  A title insurance company authorized to do business in
166this state.
167     (e)  A collection agency that which is not primarily
168engaged in the collection of commercial claims.  "Not primarily
169engaged in the collection of commercial claims" means that less
170than one-half of the collection revenue of the such agency
171arises from the collection of commercial claims.
172     (f)  A consumer finance company and any wholly owned
173subsidiary and affiliate thereof.
174     (g)  A person licensed pursuant to chapter 520.
175     (h)  A credit grantor.
176     (i)  An out-of-state collector as defined in this part.
177     (j)  An FDIC-insured institution or subsidiary or affiliate
179     Section 2.  Section 559.545, Florida Statutes, is amended
180to read:
181     559.545  Registration of commercial collection agencies;
182procedure.--A Any person who wishes to apply for registration
183register as a commercial collection agency in compliance with
184this part must shall do so on forms adopted by the commission
185and furnished by the office. Any renewal of registration shall
186be made between October 1 and December 31 of each year.  In
187applying for registering or renewing a registration as required
188by this part, each commercial collection agency shall furnish to
189the office a registration fee, information, and surety bond, as
191     (1)  The applicant or registrant shall pay to the office a
192registration fee of $800 $500.  All amounts collected shall be
193deposited to the credit of the Regulatory Trust Fund of the
195     (2)  The applicant or registrant must shall provide the
196following information:
197     (a)  The business name or trade name of the commercial
198collection agency, the current mailing address of the agency,
199and the current business location of each place from which the
200agency operates either a main or branch office, with a
201designation of which location constitutes its principal place of
203     (b)  The full names, current addresses, current telephone
204numbers, and social security numbers, or federal identification
205numbers of any corporate owner, of the applicant's or
206registrant's owners or corporate officers and directors, and of
207the Florida resident agent of the registering agency.
208     (c)  A statement as to whether the applicant or registrant
209is a domestic or foreign corporation, together with the state
210and date of incorporation, charter number of the corporation,
211and, if a foreign corporation, the date the corporation first
212registered to do business in this state.
213     (d)  A statement listing each county in this state in which
214the applicant or registrant is currently doing business or plans
215to do business within the next calendar year, indicating each
216county in which the applicant or registrant holds an
217occupational license.
218     (e)  A statement listing each county in this state in which
219the applicant or registrant is operating under a fictitious name
220or trade name other than that of the applicant or registrant,
221indicating the date and place of registration of any such
222fictitious name or trade name.
223     (f)  A statement listing the names of any other
224corporations, entities, or trade names through which any owner
225or director of the applicant or registrant was known or did
226business as a commercial or consumer collection agency within
227the 5 calendar years immediately preceding the year in which the
228agency is registering.
229     (g)  A statement clearly identifying and explaining any
230occasion on which any professional license or occupational
231license held by the applicant or registrant, any principal of
232the applicant or registrant, or any business entity in which any
233principal of the applicant or registrant was the owner of 10
234percent or more of the such business was the subject of any
235suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary action.
236     (h)  A statement clearly identifying and explaining any
237occasion of a finding of guilt of any crime involving moral
238turpitude or dishonest conduct on the part of any principal of
239the applicant or registrant.
241The commission or office may require each applicant for a
242commercial collection agency registration to provide any
243information and documentation reasonably necessary to make a
244determination of the applicant's eligibility for registration.
245     (3)  The applicant or registrant shall furnish to the
246office evidence, as provided in s. 559.546, of the applicant or
247registrant having a current surety bond in the amount of
248$50,000, valid for the year of registration, paid for and issued
249for the use and benefit of any credit grantor who suffers or
250sustains any loss or damage by reason of any violation of the
251provisions of this part by the applicant or registrant, or by
252any agent or employee of the applicant or registrant acting
253within the scope of her or his employment, and issued to ensure
254conformance with the provisions of this part.
255     (4)  Upon the filing of an application for registration and
256payment of all applicable fees, the office shall, unless the
257application is to renew or reactivate an existing registration,
258investigate the applicant. If the office determines that
259registration should be granted, it shall register the applicant
260for a period not to exceed 1 year.
261     (5)  A registration that is not renewed by the end of the
262calendar year expires automatically. A commercial collection
263agency that has not renewed its registration by the time the
264registration period expires may request reactivation of its
265registration. The registrant must file its request with the
266office on or before January 31 of the year following the year of
267expiration. The request must contain any information the office
268requires, together with the registration fee required in
269subsection (1), and a late fee equal to the registration fee.
270Any reactivation of registration granted by the office during
271the month of January is deemed retroactive to January 1 of that
272year. Any registrant that engages in business as a commercial
273collection agency after its registration has expired violates s.
275     (6)  An initial or renewal registration application is
276deemed received for purposes of s. 120.60 upon receipt of the
277completed application form prescribed by commission rule, the
278registration fee of $800, and any other fee prescribed by law or
280     Section 3.  Section 559.546, Florida Statutes, is amended
281to read:
282     559.546  Bond; evidence of current and valid
283bond.--Pursuant to s. 559.545, the applicant or registrant shall
284provide to the office evidence that the applicant or registrant
285has been issued a current and valid surety bond as required by
286this part.
287     (1)  In addition to each registration filed under pursuant
288to s. 559.545 and any renewal of the such registration, each
289applicant or registrant shall furnish to the office the
291     (a)  A copy of the surety bond, which bond shall be one
292issued by a surety known by the applicant or registrant to be
293acceptable to the office.
294     (b)  A statement from the surety that the annual premium
295for the bond has been paid in full by the applicant or
297     (c)  A statement from the surety that the bond issued by
298the surety meets the requirements of this part.
299     (2)  The liability of the surety under any bond issued
300under pursuant to the requirements of this part may shall not
301exceed in the aggregate the amount of the bond, regardless of
302the number or amount of any claims filed or which might be
303asserted against the surety on the such bond.  If multiple
304claims are filed against the surety on any such bond in excess
305of the amount of the bond, the surety may pay the full amount of
306the bond to the office and is shall not be further liable under
307the bond.  The office shall hold the such funds for distribution
308to claimants and administratively determine and pay to each
309claimant the pro rata share of each valid claim made against the
310funds within 6 months after the date of the filing of the first
311claim against the surety.
312     Section 4.  Section 559.5471, Florida Statutes, is created
313to read:
314     559.5471  Powers and duties of the Office of Financial
316     (1)  Compliance with this part shall be enforced by the
317office, except when enforcement is specifically committed to
318another agency.
319     (2)  The commission may adopt rules under ss. 120.536(1)
320and 120.54 to implement and administer this part. The commission
321may adopt a rule to require electronic submission of any form,
322document, or fee required by this part, provided that the rule
323reasonably accommodates a person with a technological or
324financial hardship. The commission may adopt a rule setting
325forth the criteria and procedures for obtaining an exemption due
326to a technological or financial hardship. The commission may
327adopt a rule to accept certification of compliance with the
328requirements of this part in lieu of requiring submission of
329specified documents.
330     (3)  All fees, charges, and fines collected by the office
331under this part shall be deposited to the credit of the
332Regulatory Trust Fund of the office.
333     (4)  The office, or any duly authorized representative,
334including any financial examiner or analyst, financial
335investigator, or attorney at law, may:
336     (a)  Issue, revoke, quash, or modify and serve subpoenas to
337compel the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum to
338compel the production of all books, accounts, records, and other
339documents and materials relevant to an examination or
340investigation. The office may exercise these powers even if the
341subject of the investigation or examination is exempt from
343     (b)  Administer oaths and affirmations to any person.
344     (c)  Take, or cause to be taken, testimony and depositions.
345     (5)(a)  If the office determines that a person is in
346substantial noncompliance with a subpoena or subpoena duces
347tecum that the office issued or caused to be issued, it may
348petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the county where
349the person subpoenaed resides or has her, his, or its principal
350place of business for an order requiring the person to appear
351and testify and to produce the books, accounts, records, and
352other documents that are specified in the subpoena duces tecum.
353     (b)  The court may grant injunctive relief restraining the
354person from advertising, promoting, soliciting, entering into,
355offering to enter into, continuing, or completing any
356transaction involving commercial debt collection. The court may
357grant such other relief, including, but not limited to, the
358restraint, by injunction or appointment of a receiver, of any
359transfer, pledge, assignment, or other disposition of the
360person's assets or any concealment, alteration, destruction, or
361other disposition of books, accounts, records, or other
362documents and materials, that the court deems appropriate until
363the person has fully complied with the subpoena duces tecum and
364the office has completed its investigation or examination. The
365court may order the refund of any sums collected whenever books
366and documents substantiating the transaction are not produced or
367cannot be produced. The office is entitled to the summary
368procedure provided in s. 51.011, and the court shall advance the
369cause on its calendar.
370     (c)  Attorney's fees and any other costs incurred by the
371office to obtain an order granting, in whole or part, a petition
372for enforcement of a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be
373taxed against the subpoenaed person, and failure to comply with
374the order is a contempt of court.
375     (6)  When it appears to the office that compliance with a
376subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under subsection (4) is
377essential and that the person or documents subpoenaed are
378otherwise unavailable to an investigation or examination, the
379office, in addition to the other remedies provided for in this
380section, may petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the
381county in which the subpoenaed person resides or has her, his,
382or its principal place of business for a writ of ne exeat. The
383court shall direct the issuance of the writ against the
384subpoenaed person requiring sufficient bond conditioned on
385compliance with the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. The court
386shall cause to be endorsed on the writ a suitable amount of bond
387upon the payment of which the person named in the writ shall be
388freed, having a due regard to the nature of the case.
389     (7)  The office may seek a writ of attachment from a court
390having jurisdiction over the person who refuses to obey a
391subpoena, to give testimony, or to produce materials described
392in the subpoena duces tecum.
393     (8)  A copy of the petition shall be served upon the person
394by anyone authorized by law or this section to serve subpoenas.
395The individual serving the petition shall make and file with the
396court an affidavit showing the date, time, place, and manner of
398     (9)  At a hearing on the petition to enforce compliance
399with a subpoena, the person subpoenaed, or any person whose
400interest will be substantially affected by the investigation,
401examination, or subpoena, may appear and object to the subpoena
402and to the granting of the petition. The court may make any
403order that justice requires in order to protect a party or other
404person and her or his personal and property rights, including,
405but not limited to, protection from annoyance, embarrassment,
406oppression, undue burden, or expense.
407     (10)  Failure to comply with an order granting, in whole or
408in part, a petition to enforce a subpoena is a contempt of the
410     (11)  Witnesses are entitled to the same fees and mileage
411to which they would be entitled by law for attending as
412witnesses in circuit court, except that fees or mileage may not
413be allowed for testimony of a person taken at the person's
414principal office or residence.
415     (12)  Reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the office
416and payable to persons involved with an investigation may be
417assessed against any debt collector on the basis of actual costs
418incurred. Assessed expenses may include, but are not limited to,
419expenses for interpreters; expenses for communications; expenses
420for legal representation; expenses for economic, legal, or other
421research; analysis and testimony; and fees and expenses for
422witnesses. The failure to reimburse the office for its
423reasonable and necessary costs is a reason to deny a
424registrant's application or to revoke the prior approval of an
426     Section 5.  Section 559.5473, Florida Statutes, is created
427to read:
428     559.5473  Injunction to restrain violations; receivers.--
429     (1)  The office may bring an action on behalf of the state
430to enjoin any person who has violated, or is about to violate,
431this part or any rule or order of the office issued under this
433     (2)  In an injunctive proceeding, the court may issue a
434subpoena requiring the attendance of any witness or a subpoena
435duces tecum requiring the production of any book, account,
436record, or other documents and materials relevant to the pending
438     (3)(a)  In addition to any procedure provided by law for
439enforcing a temporary restraining order or a temporary or
440permanent injunction, the court may, upon application of the
441office, impound the property, assets, and business of the
442registrant, including, but not limited to, the books, records,
443documents, and papers of the registrant. The court may appoint a
444receiver to administer the property. The receiver, when
445appointed and qualified, has the powers and duties that are
446conferred upon the receiver by the court.
447     (b)  After appointing a receiver, the court may issue an
448order staying all pending suits and enjoining any further
449litigation affecting the receiver's custody or possession of the
450property, assets, and business, and the court, with the consent
451of the chief judge of the circuit, may require that all suits be
452assigned to the circuit judge who appointed the receiver.
453     Section 6.  Section 559.5474, Florida Statutes, is created
454to read:
455     559.5474  Cease and desist orders; refund orders.--
456     (1)  The office may issue and serve upon a person an order
457to cease and desist and to take corrective action whenever the
458office has reason to believe that the commercial collection
459agency is violating, has violated, or is about to violate this
460part, any rule or order of the office issued under this part, or
461any written agreement between the commercial collection agency
462and the office. Procedural matters relating to the issuance and
463enforcement of a cease and desist order are governed by chapter
465     (2)  The office may seek an order of restitution for
466collected funds due to creditors or any sum collected from a
467debtor without valid proof of debt.
468     Section 7.  Section 559.5475, Florida Statutes, is created
469to read:
470     559.5475  Evidence; examiner's worksheets, investigative
471reports, other related documents.--An official written report,
472sworn complaint, worksheet, or other related paper, or a
473certified copy thereof, compiled, prepared, drafted, or
474otherwise made by the financial examiner is admissible into
475evidence if the financial examiner is available for cross-
476examination; authenticates the worksheet; and testifies that the
477report, worksheet, or related document was prepared as a result
478of an examination of the books and records of a registrant or
479other person conducted under the authority of this part.
480     Section 8.  Section 559.5476, Florida Statutes, is created
481to read:
482     559.5476  Books, accounts, and records; maintenance;
483examinations by the office.--
484     (1)  Each registrant shall maintain, at its principal place
485of business designated on its registration, all books, accounts,
486records, and documents necessary to determine the registrant's
487compliance with this part.
488     (2)  The office may authorize maintenance of records at a
489location other than a principal place of business. The office
490may require books, accounts, and records to be produced and
491available at a reasonable and convenient location in this state.
492     (3)  All books, accounts, records, documents, and receipts
493for payments to a registrant by a debtor, and payments made to a
494creditor by a registrant, shall be preserved and kept available
495for examination by the office for 3 years after the date of
496original entry. The commission shall adopt requirements by rule
497for maintaining the books, accounts, records, and documents
498retained by the registrant and for destroying the records.
499     (4)  The commission shall designate by rule the minimum
500information that must be contained in the registrant's books,
501accounts, records, and documents in order that the records will
502enable the office to determine a registrant's compliance with
503this part.
504     Section 9.  Section 559.5477, Florida Statutes, is created
505to read:
506     559.5477  Administrative remedies.--
507     (1)  The office may revoke or suspend the registration of a
508registrant under this part who:
509     (a)  Has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,
510or has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, any crime
511involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or moral turpitude;
512     (b)  Has had a final judgment entered against the person in
513a civil action upon the grounds of fraud, embezzlement,
514misrepresentation, or deceit;
515     (c)  Has pending against the person a criminal prosecution
516or administrative enforcement action, in any jurisdiction, which
517involves fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral
519     (d)  Has had any business, professional, or occupational
520license or registration suspended, revoked, or otherwise acted
521against in any jurisdiction;
522     (e)  Fails to maintain the surety bond required pursuant to
523s. 559.546;
524     (f)  Fails to maintain books and records as required by s.
526     (g)  Violates any order issued by the office; or
527     (h)  Paid for a registration with a check or electronic
528transmission of funds which failed to clear the registrant's
529financial institution.
530     (2)  Any registration made under this part which is based
531upon false identification or false information, or an
532identification that is not current with respect to name,
533address, business location, or other fact that is material to
534the registration, is void. Any registration made and
535subsequently found to be void under this section does not create
536a defense to any action brought by the office to impose a
537sanction for a violation of this part.
538     (3)  A registrant may request to terminate its registration
539by delivering written notice of its proposed termination to the
540office. However, the delivery of the termination notice does not
541affect any civil or criminal liability of the registrant or the
542authority of the office to enforce this part.
543     (4)  The office may deny a request to terminate a
544registration or to withdraw an application for registration if
545the office believes that the registrant has committed an act
546that would be grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation
547under this part.
548     (5)  Final action by the office to revoke or suspend the
549registration of a registrant is subject to review according to
550chapter 120 in the same manner as revocation of a license.
551     (6)  The office may impose an administrative fine of up to
552$1,000 per violation against an offending registrant as an
553administrative sanction. Final action by the office to impose an
554administrative fine is subject to review in accordance with ss.
555120.569 and 120.57.
556     (7)  Any administrative fine imposed under this part shall
557be payable to the office. The office shall maintain an
558appropriate record and deposit the fine into the Regulatory
559Trust Fund of the office.
560     (8)  An administrative action by the office to impose
561revocation, suspension, or a fine must be brought within 2 years
562after the date of the last violation upon which the action is
564     Section 10.  Subsections (1) and (8) of section 559.55,
565Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (10), (11), and
566(12) are added to said section, to read:
567     559.55  Definitions.--The following terms shall, unless the
568context otherwise indicates, have the following meanings for the
569purpose of this part:
570     (1)  "Debt" or "consumer debt" means:
571     (a)  Any obligation or alleged obligation of a consumer to
572pay money arising out of a transaction in which the money,
573property, insurance, or services which are the subject of the
574transaction are primarily for personal, family, or household
575purposes, whether or not such obligation has been reduced to
576judgment; or
577     (b)  Any unsatisfied obligation for the payment of money
578arising out of any legal order.
579     (8)  "Out-of-state consumer debt collector" means any
580person whose business activities in this state involve both
581collecting or attempting to collect consumer debt from debtors
582located in this state by means of interstate communication
583originating from outside this state and soliciting consumer debt
584accounts for collection from creditors who have a business
585presence in this state.  For purposes of this subsection, a
586creditor has a business presence in this state if either the
587creditor or an affiliate or subsidiary of the creditor has an
588office or resides in this state.
589     (10)  "Federal Trade Commission Act" means the federal
590legislation regulating unfair or deceptive practices or acts, as
591set forth in 15 U.S.C. ss. 41 et seq.
592     (11)  "A person who has control over an applicant or
593registrant" means a person who:
594     (a)  Directly, indirectly, or acting through one or more
595other persons owns, controls, or has the power to vote 25
596percent or more or any class of voting securities of an
597applicant or registrant.
598     (b)  The office determines, after notice and opportunity
599for hearing, exercises a controlling influence, directly or
600indirectly, over the activities of an applicant or registrant.
601     (12)  "Principal of a registrant or applicant" means the
602applicant's or registrant's owners if a partnership or sole
603proprietorship; the corporate officers; the corporate directors,
604other than directors of a not-for-profit corporation organized
605under chapter 617; or the Florida resident agent if a
606corporation is the applicant or registrant.
607     Section 11.  Section 559.552, Florida Statutes, is amended
608to read:
609     559.552  Relationship of state and federal law.--
610     (1)  Any violation of the federal Fair Debt Collection
611Practices Act constitutes a prohibited practice under s. 559.72.
612     (2)  Nothing in This part does not shall be construed to
613limit or restrict the continued applicability of the federal
614Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to consumer collection
615practices in this state.  This part is in addition to the
616requirements and regulations of the federal act. In construing
617this part, due consideration and great weight shall be given to
618interpretations of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Fair
619Debt Collection Practices Act by the Federal Trade Commission
620and the federal courts. In the event of any inconsistency
621between any provision of this part and any provision of the
622federal act, including federal case law, the provision that
623which is more protective of the consumer or debtor shall
625     Section 12.  Section 559.553, Florida Statutes, is amended
626to read:
627     559.553  Registration of consumer collection agencies
628required; exemptions.--
629     (1)  After January 1, 1994, a no person may not shall
630engage in business in this state as a consumer collection agency
631or continue to do business in this state as a consumer
632collection agency without first registering in accordance with
633this part, and thereafter maintaining a valid registration.
634     (2)  Each consumer collection agency doing business in this
635state shall register with the office and renew its such
636registration annually as set forth in s. 559.555.
637     (3)  A prospective registrant is shall be entitled to be
638registered when registration information is complete on its face
639and the applicable registration fee has been paid; however, the
640office may deny an application for reject a registration
641submitted by a prospective registrant if the applicant
642registrant or any principal or person having control of the
643applicant registrant previously has held any professional
644license or state registration that which was the subject of any
645suspension or revocation which has not been explained by the
646prospective registrant to the satisfaction of the office either
647in the registration information submitted initially or upon the
648subsequent written request of the office. If In the event that
649an application for attempted registration is denied rejected by
650the office, the prospective registrant shall be informed of the
651basis for the denial rejection.
652     (4)  This section does shall not apply to:
653     (a)  An Any original creditor.
654     (b)  A Any member of The Florida Bar.
655     (c)  A Any financial institution authorized to do business
656in this state or and a any wholly owned subsidiary or and
657affiliate thereof.
658     (d)  A Any licensed real estate broker.
659     (e)  An Any insurance company authorized to do business in
660this state.
661     (f)  A Any consumer finance company or and a any wholly
662owned subsidiary or and affiliate thereof.
663     (g)  A Any person licensed under pursuant to chapter 520.
664     (h)  An Any out-of-state consumer debt collector who does
665not solicit consumer debt accounts for collection from credit
666grantors who have a business presence in this state.
667     (i)  A Any FDIC-insured institution or subsidiary or
668affiliate thereof.
669     (5)  An Any out-of-state consumer debt collector as defined
670in s. 559.55(8) who is not exempt from registration by
671application of subsection (4) and who fails to register in
672accordance with this part shall be subject to an enforcement
673action by the state as specified in s. 559.565.
674     Section 13.  Section 559.555, Florida Statutes, is amended
675to read:
676     559.555  Registration of consumer collection agencies;
678     (1)  An application for registration under this part shall
679be filed on a form prescribed by the commission and must
681     (a)  The full legal name, residential address, business
682addresses, telephone number, and social security number or
683federal identification number for:
684     1.  The applicant;
685     2.  Any person having control over the applicant or
687     3.  Any principal of an applicant or registrant;
688     4.  Each member if the applicant is a partnership or
689association; and
690     5.  Each owner, officer, director, and registered agent if
691the applicant is a corporation.
692     (b)  The business name, trade name, fictitious name, or
693name under which the consumer collection business is doing
694business; the current mailing address of the consumer collection
695agency; and the business location of each place from which the
696consumer collection agency operates a main or branch office,
697with a designation of which location constitutes its principal
698place of business.
699     (c)  A statement listing each county in this state in which
700the applicant is currently doing business or plans to do
701business within the next calendar year, indicating each county
702in which the applicant holds an occupational license.
703     (d)  A statement listing each county in this state in which
704the applicant is currently operating under a fictitious name or
705trade name other than that of the applicant, indicating the date
706and place of registration of any fictitious name or trade name.
707     (e)  A statement listing the names of any other
708corporations, entities, or trade names by which any owner or
709director of the applicant was known or did business as a
710collection agency in the 5 years immediately before the year in
711which the agency is registering.
712     (f)  A statement clearly identifying and explaining each
713occasion on which a professional or occupational license held by
714the applicant, any principal of the applicant, or any business
715entity in which any principal of the applicant was the owner of
71610 percent or more of the business was the subject of any
717suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary action.
718     (g)  A statement clearly identifying and explaining each
719occasion when a principal of the applicant was found guilty of a
720crime involving moral turpitude or dishonest conduct.
721     (h)  Any information and documentation reasonably necessary
722to make a determination of the applicant's eligibility for
723registration, as required by the office or commission.
724     (i)  A surety bond in the amount of $50,000 issued by a
725surety company admitted to do business in this state and
726assigned to the office for the benefit of consumers.
727     (2)  The application information must include a statement
728clearly identifying and explaining each occasion when a
729professional license or state registration held by a person with
730control over an applicant or by any business entity in which any
731person with control over an applicant was the owner of 10
732percent or more of the business was the subject of a suspension
733or revocation proceeding. Any person required to register as a
734consumer collection agency shall furnish to the office the
735registration fee and information as follows:
736     (3)(1)  The applicant or registrant shall pay to the office
737a nonrefundable registration fee in the amount of $800 $200.  
738All amounts collected shall be deposited by the office to the
739credit of the Regulatory Trust Fund of the office.
740     (4)(2)  Each applicant or registrant shall provide to the
741office the business name or trade name, the current mailing
742address, the current business location that which constitutes
743its principal place of business, and the full name of each
744individual who is a principal of the applicant or registrant.  
745"Principal of a registrant" means the registrant's owners if a
746partnership or sole proprietorship, corporate officers,
747corporate directors other than directors of a not-for-profit
748corporation organized pursuant to chapter 617 and Florida
749resident agent if a corporate registrant.  The registration
750information shall include a statement clearly identifying and
751explaining any occasion on which any professional license or
752state registration held by the registrant, by any principal of
753the registrant, or by any business entity in which any principal
754of the registrant was the owner of 10 percent or more of such
755business, was the subject of any suspension or revocation.
756     (5)  Notwithstanding s. 559.553(3), the office may deny
757registration if the applicant, any principal of the applicant,
758or any person having control of the applicant:
759     (a)  Has committed any practice prohibited under s. 559.72;
760     (b)  Is under investigation by the office, any state
761attorney, or the Department of Legal Affairs for committing a
762practice prohibited under s. 559.72;
763     (c)  Is currently subject to pending enforcement by any
764federal authority for violations of the Fair Debt Collection
765Practices Act or the Federal Trade Commission Act;
766     (d)  Has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,
767or has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to,
768racketeering or any offense involving fraud or dishonest
770     (e)  Has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,
771or has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, any
773     (f)  Has had entered against him or her, or any business
774for which he or she has worked or been affiliated, an
775injunction, a temporary restraining order, or a final judgment
776or order, including a stipulated judgment or order, an assurance
777of voluntary compliance, or any similar document, in any civil
778or administrative action involving racketeering, fraud, theft,
779embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of
780property or the use of any untrue, deceptive, or misleading
781representation in an attempt to sell or dispose of real or
782personal property or the use of any unfair, unlawful, or
783deceptive trade practice, whether or not there is any litigation
784pending against the applicant;
785     (g)  Is subject to or has worked or been affiliated with
786any company that is, or ever has been, subject to any
787injunction, temporary restraining order, including a stipulated
788judgment or order, an assurance of voluntary compliance, or any
789similar document, or any restrictive court order relating to
790business activity as the result of any action brought by a
791governmental agency, including any action affecting any license
792to do business or practice an occupation or trade;
793     (h)  Has at any time during the previous 7 years filed for
794bankruptcy, been adjudged bankrupt, or been reorganized because
795of insolvency;
796     (i)  Falsified or willfully omitted any material
797information asked for in any application, document, or record
798required to be submitted under this part or the rules of the
800     (j)  Made a material false statement of fact in an
801application for registration or in response to any request or
802investigation by the office, the Department of Legal Affairs, or
803the state attorney; or
804     (k)  Has been the subject of any adverse decision, finding,
805injunction, suspension, prohibition, revocation, denial, or
806judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction or an
807administrative order by an administrative law judge, or by any
808state or federal agency or any business, professional, or
809occupational association involving a violation of any law, rule,
810or regulation relating to business or professional licensing.
811     (6)  A registrant shall maintain a surety bond of $50,000
812issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state
813and assigned to the office for the benefit of consumers.
814     (7)  Upon the filing of an application for registration and
815payment of all applicable fees, the office shall, unless the
816application is to renew or reactivate an existing license,
817investigate the applicant. If the office determines that
818registration should be granted, it shall register the applicant
819for a period not to exceed 1 year.
820     (8)  A registration must be obtained for each place of
821business subject to registration under this chapter. A
822registration is not transferable or assignable.
823     (9)  A registrant must give notice to the office within 10
824business days of any of the following:
825     (a)  Relocation of the place of the registrant's business;
827     (b)  The registrant's becoming subject to a voluntary or
828involuntary bankruptcy.
829     (10)  An application form is deemed to be received for
830purposes of s. 120.60 upon receipt of a completed application,
831as prescribed by commission rule, the nonrefundable application
832fee, and any other fee prescribed by law or rule.
833     (11)(a)(3)  Renewal of registration shall be made between
834October 1 and December 31 of each year.  There shall be no
835proration of the fee for any registration. The office shall
836adopt rules for the renewal of registration.
837     (b)  A registration that is not renewed by the end of the
838calendar year expires automatically. A consumer collection
839agency that has not renewed its registration by the time the
840registration period expires may request reactivation of its
841registration. The registrant must file its request with the
842office on or before January 31 of the year following the year of
843expiration. The request must contain any information the office
844requires, together with the registration fee required in
845subsection (1) and a late fee equal to the registration fee. Any
846reactivation of registration granted by the office during the
847month of January is deemed retroactive to January 1 of that
848year. Any registrant that engages in the business of a consumer
849collection agency after its registration has expired violates
850ss. 559.553 and 559.785(1).
851     Section 14.  Section 559.565, Florida Statutes, is amended
852to read:
853     559.565  Enforcement action against out-of-state consumer
854debt collector.--The remedies of this section are cumulative to
855other sanctions and enforcement provisions of this part for any
856violation by an out-of-state consumer debt collector, as defined
857in s. 559.55(8).
858     (1)  Any out-of-state consumer debt collector who collects
859or attempts to collect consumer debts in this state without
860first registering in accordance with this part shall be subject
861to an administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation
862together with reasonable attorney fees and court costs in any
863successful action by the state to collect the such fines.
864     (2)  Any person, whether or not exempt from registration
865under this part, who is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of
866this state and violates the provisions of s. 559.72 shall be
867subject to sanctions for the such violations the same as any
868other consumer debt collector, including imposition of an
869administrative fine.  The registration of a duly registered out-
870of-state consumer debt collector shall be subject to revocation
871or suspension in the same manner as the registration of any
872other registrant under this part.
873     (3)  In order to effectuate the provisions of this section
874and enforce the requirements of this part as it relates to out-
875of-state consumer debt collectors, the Attorney General is
876expressly authorized to initiate an such action on behalf of the
877state as he or she deems appropriate in any federal district
878court of competent jurisdiction.
879     Section 15.  Section 559.72, Florida Statutes, is amended
880to read:
881     559.72  Prohibited practices generally.--In collecting
882consumer debts, a no person may not shall:
883     (1)  Simulate in any manner a law enforcement officer or a
884representative of any governmental agency;
885     (2)  Use or threaten force, or violence, or any other means
886to harm the physical person, property, or reputation of any
888     (3)  Tell a debtor who disputes a consumer debt that she or
889he or any person employing her or him will disclose to another,
890orally or in writing, directly or indirectly, information
891affecting the debtor's reputation for credit worthiness without
892also informing the debtor that the existence of the dispute will
893also be disclosed as required by subsection (6);
894     (4)  Communicate or threaten to communicate with a debtor's
895employer prior to obtaining final judgment against the debtor,
896unless the debtor gives her or his permission in writing to
897contact her or his employer or acknowledges in writing the
898existence of the debt after the debt has been placed for
899collection, but this shall not prohibit a person from telling
900the debtor that her or his employer will be contacted if a final
901judgment is obtained;
902     (5)  Disclose to a person other than the debtor or her or
903his family information affecting the debtor's reputation,
904whether or not for credit worthiness, with knowledge or reason
905to know that the other person does not have a legitimate
906business need for the information or that the information is
908     (6)  Disclose information concerning the existence of a
909debt known to be reasonably disputed by the debtor without
910disclosing that fact.  If a disclosure is made prior to such
911reasonable dispute having been asserted and written notice is
912received from the debtor that any part of the debt is disputed
913and if such dispute is reasonable, the person who made the
914original disclosure shall reveal upon the request of the debtor
915within 30 days the details of the dispute to each person to whom
916disclosure of the debt without notice of the dispute was made
917within the preceding 90 days;
918     (7)  Willfully communicate with the debtor or any member of
919her or his family with such frequency as can reasonably be
920expected to harass the debtor or her or his family, or willfully
921engage in other conduct which can reasonably be expected to
922abuse or harass the debtor or any member of her or his family;
923     (8)  Use profane, obscene, vulgar, or willfully abusive
924language in communicating with the debtor or any member of her
925or his family;
926     (9)  Claim, attempt, or threaten to enforce a debt when
927such person knows that the debt is not legitimate or assert the
928existence of some other legal right when such person knows that
929the right does not exist;
930     (10)  Use a communication which simulates in any manner
931legal or judicial process or which gives the appearance of being
932authorized, issued or approved by a government, governmental
933agency, or attorney at law, when it is not;
934     (11)  Communicate with a debtor under the guise of an
935attorney by using the stationery of an attorney or forms or
936instruments which only attorneys are authorized to prepare;
937     (12)  Orally communicate with a debtor in such a manner as
938to give the false impression or appearance that such person is
939or is associated with an attorney;
940     (13)  Advertise or threaten to advertise for sale any debt
941as a means to enforce payment except under court order or when
942acting as an assignee for the benefit of a creditor;
943     (14)  Publish or post, threaten to publish or post, or
944cause to be published or posted before the general public
945individual names or any list of names of debtors, commonly known
946as a deadbeat list, for the purpose of enforcing or attempting
947to enforce collection of consumer debts;
948     (15)  Refuse to provide adequate identification of herself
949or himself or her or his employer or other entity whom she or he
950represents when requested to do so by a debtor from whom she or
951he is collecting or attempting to collect a consumer debt;
952     (16)  Mail any communication to a debtor in an envelope or
953postcard with words typed, written, or printed on the outside of
954the envelope or postcard indicating that the purpose of the
955communication is to collect a debt or is otherwise calculated to
956embarrass the debtor.  An example of this would be an envelope
957addressed to "Deadbeat, Jane Doe" or "Deadbeat, John Doe";
958     (17)  Communicate with the debtor between the hours of 9
959p.m. and 8 a.m. in the debtor's time zone, at any unusual time
960or place, or a time or place that is known or should be known to
961be inconvenient for the debtor without the prior consent of the
963     (18)  Communicate with a debtor if the person knows that
964the debtor is represented by an attorney with respect to such
965debt and has knowledge of, or can readily ascertain, such
966attorney's name and address, unless the debtor's attorney fails
967to respond within a reasonable period of time to a communication
968from the person, unless the debtor's attorney consents to a
969direct communication with the debtor, or unless the debtor
970initiates the communication; or
971     (19)  Cause charges to be made to any debtor for
972communications by concealment of the true purpose of the
973communication, including collect telephone calls and telegram
975     Section 16.  Section 559.725, Florida Statutes, is amended
976to read:
977     559.725  Consumer complaints; administrative duties.--
978     (1)  Any person having reason to believe that this part has
979been violated may file a written complaint with the office
980setting forth the details of the alleged violation.
981     (2)  The office may conduct an investigation of any person,
982within or outside this state, which it believes is necessary in
983order to determine whether a person has violated this part or
984the rules adopted by the office.
985     (3)(a)  The office may conduct examinations of any
986registrant. The office shall conduct all examinations at a
987location in this state convenient to the registrant unless the
988office determines that it is more effective or cost-efficient to
989perform the examination at the registrant's out-of-state
991     (b)  The registrant shall pay the travel expenses and per
992diem subsistence at the rate provided by law for an examination
993conducted at the registrant's out-of-state location. The
994registrant shall pay for up to 30 8-hour days per year for each
995office examiner participating in the examination. However, if
996the examination involves or reveals fraudulent misconduct by the
997registrant, the registrant shall pay the travel expenses and per
998diem subsistence, without limitation, for each examiner
999participating in the examination.
1000     (4)  Nothing in this part may be construed to be a
1001jurisdictional prerequisite to enforcement by the office, the
1002Department of Legal Affairs, or a state attorney.
1003     (1)  The Division of Consumer Services of the Department of
1004Financial Services shall serve as the registry for receiving and
1005maintaining records of inquiries, correspondence, and complaints
1006from consumers concerning any and all persons who collect debts,
1007including consumer collection agencies.
1008     (2)  The division shall classify complaints by type and
1009identify the number of written complaints against persons
1010collecting or attempting to collect debts in this state,
1011including credit grantors collecting their own debts, debt
1012collectors generally, and, specifically, consumer collection
1013agencies as distinguished from other persons who collect debts
1014such as commercial debt collection agencies regulated under part
1015V of this chapter. The division shall identify the nature and
1016number of various kinds of written complaints, including
1017specifically those alleging violations of s. 559.72.
1018     (3)  The division shall inform and furnish relevant
1019information to the appropriate regulatory body of the state, or
1020The Florida Bar in the case of attorneys, when any consumer debt
1021collector exempt from registration under this part has been
1022named in five or more written consumer complaints alleging
1023violations of s. 559.72 within a 12-month period.
1024     (4)  The division shall furnish a form to each complainant
1025whose complaint concerns an alleged violation of s. 559.72 by a
1026consumer collection agency.  Such form may be filed with the
1027office.  The form shall identify the accused consumer collection
1028agency and provide for the complainant's summary of the nature
1029of the alleged violation and facts which allegedly support the
1030complaint.  The form shall include a provision for the
1031complainant to state under oath before a notary public that the
1032allegations therein made are true.
1033     (5)  Upon receipt of such sworn complaint, the office shall
1034promptly furnish a copy of the sworn complaint to the accused
1035consumer collection agency.
1036     (6)  The office shall investigate sworn complaints by
1037direct written communication with the complainant and the
1038affected consumer collection agency. In addition, the office
1039shall attempt to resolve each sworn complaint and shall record
1040the resolution of such complaints.
1041     (7)  Periodically, the office shall identify consumer
1042collection agencies that have unresolved sworn consumer
1043complaints from five or more different consumers within a 12-
1044month period under the provisions of this part.
1045     (8)  The office shall issue a written warning notice to the
1046accused consumer collection agency if the office is unable to
1047resolve all such sworn complaints and fewer than five unresolved
1048complaints remain. Such notice shall include a statement that
1049the warning may constitute evidence in any future investigation
1050of similar complaints against that agency and in any future
1051administrative determination of the imposition of other
1052administrative remedies available to the office under this part.
1053     (9)  The office may issue a written reprimand when five or
1054more such unresolved sworn complaints against a consumer
1055collection agency collectively fall short of constituting
1056apparent repeated violations that warrant more serious
1057administrative sanctions. Such reprimand shall include a
1058statement that the reprimand may constitute evidence in any
1059future investigation of similar complaints against that agency
1060and in any future administrative determination of the imposition
1061of other administrative remedies available to the office.
1062     (10)  The office shall issue a notice of intent either to
1063revoke or suspend the registration or to impose an
1064administrative fine when the office preliminarily determines
1065that repeated violations of s. 559.72 by an accused registrant
1066have occurred which would warrant more serious administrative
1067sanctions being imposed under this part.  The office shall
1068advise each registrant of the right to require an administrative
1069hearing under chapter 120, prior to the agency's final action on
1070the matter as authorized by s. 559.730.
1071     (5)(11)  Any government office or agency receiving a
1072complaint under this section The office shall advise any other
1073government office or agency with apparent jurisdiction,
1074including the office, the appropriate state attorney, or the
1075Attorney General in the case of an out-of-state consumer debt
1076collector, of any determination by that agency the office of a
1077violation, or possible violation, of the requirements of this
1078part by any consumer collection agency, whether or which is not
1079registered or exempt from registration as required by this part.
1080The office shall furnish the state attorney or Attorney General
1081with the office's information concerning the alleged violations
1082of such requirements.
1083     Section 17.  Section 559.726, Florida Statutes, is created
1084to read:
1085     559.726  Powers and duties of the Office of Financial
1087     (1)  Compliance with this part shall be enforced by the
1088office, except to the extent that enforcement is specifically
1089committed to another agency.
1090     (2)  The commission may adopt rules under ss. 120.536(1)
1091and 120.54 to implement and administer this part. The commission
1092may adopt a rule to require electronic submission of any form,
1093document, or fee required by this part, provided that the rule
1094reasonably accommodates a person with a technological or
1095financial hardship. The commission may adopt a rule setting
1096forth the criteria and procedures for obtaining an exemption due
1097to a technological or financial hardship exemption. The
1098commission may adopt a rule to accept certification of
1099compliance with the requirements of this part in lieu of
1100requiring submission of documents.
1101     (3)  All fees, charges, and fines collected by the office
1102under this part shall be deposited to the credit of the
1103Regulatory Trust Fund of the office.
1104     (4)  The office, or any duly authorized representative,
1105including any financial examiner or analyst, financial
1106investigator, or attorney at law, may:
1107     (a)  Issue, revoke, quash, or modify and serve subpoenas to
1108compel the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum to
1109compel the production of all books, accounts, records, and other
1110documents and materials relevant to an examination or
1111investigation. The office may exercise these powers even if the
1112subject of the investigation or examination is exempt from
1114     (b)  Administer oaths and affirmations to any person; or
1115     (c)  Take, or cause to be taken, testimony and depositions.
1116     (5)(a)  If the office determines that a person is in
1117substantial noncompliance with a subpoena or subpoena duces
1118tecum that the office issued or caused to be issued, it may
1119petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in
1120which the person subpoenaed resides or has her, his, or its
1121principal place of business for an order requiring the
1122subpoenaed person to appear and testify and to produce the
1123books, accounts, records, and other documents that are specified
1124in the subpoena duces tecum.
1125     (b)  The court may grant injunctive relief restraining the
1126person from advertising, promoting, soliciting, entering into,
1127offering to enter into, continuing, or completing any
1128transaction involving consumer debt collection. The court may
1129grant such other relief, including, but not limited to, the
1130restraint, by injunction or appointment of a receiver, of any
1131transfer, pledge, assignment, or other disposition of the
1132person's assets or any concealment, alteration, destruction, or
1133other disposition of the books, accounts, records, or other
1134documents and materials, that the court deems appropriate until
1135the person has fully complied with the subpoena duces tecum and
1136the office has completed its investigation or examination. The
1137court may order the refund of any sums collected whenever books
1138and documents substantiating the transaction are not produced or
1139cannot be produced. The office is entitled to the summary
1140procedure provided in s. 51.011, and the court shall advance the
1141cause on its calendar.
1142     (c)  Attorney's fees and any other costs incurred by the
1143office to obtain an order granting, in whole or part, a petition
1144to enforce a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be taxed
1145against the subpoenaed person, and failure to comply with the
1146order is a contempt of court.
1147     (6)  When it appears to the office that compliance with a
1148subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under subsection (4) is
1149essential and that the person or documents subpoenaed are
1150otherwise unavailable to an investigation or examination, the
1151office, in addition to the other remedies provided for in this
1152section, may petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the
1153county in which the subpoenaed person resides or has her, his,
1154or its principal place of business for a writ of ne exeat. The
1155court shall direct the issuance of the writ against the
1156subpoenaed person requiring sufficient bond conditioned on
1157compliance with the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. The court
1158shall cause to be endorsed on the writ a suitable amount of bond
1159upon the payment of which the person named in the writ shall be
1160freed, having a due regard to the nature of the case.
1161     (7)  The office may seek a writ of attachment from the
1162court having jurisdiction over the person who refuses to obey a
1163subpoena, to give testimony, or to produce the matters described
1164in the subpoena duces tecum.
1165     (8)  A copy of the petition shall be served upon the person
1166by anyone authorized by law or this section to serve subpoenas.
1167The individual serving the petition shall make and file with the
1168court an affidavit showing the date, time, place, and manner of
1170     (9)  At a hearing on the petition to enforce compliance
1171with a subpoena, the person subpoenaed, or any person whose
1172interest will be substantially affected by the investigation,
1173examination, or subpoena, may appear and object to the subpoena
1174and to the granting of the petition. The court may make any
1175order that justice requires in order to protect a party or other
1176person and her or his personal and property rights, including,
1177but not limited to, protection from annoyance, embarrassment,
1178oppression, undue burden, or expense.
1179     (10)  Failure to comply with an order granting, in whole or
1180in part, a petition to enforce a subpoena is a contempt of the
1182     (11)  Witnesses are entitled to the same fees and mileage
1183to which they would be entitled by law for attending as
1184witnesses in circuit court, except that fees or mileage may not
1185be allowed for testimony of a person taken at the person's
1186principal office or residence.
1187     (12)  Reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the office
1188and payable to persons involved with an investigation may be
1189assessed against any debt collector on the basis of actual costs
1190incurred. Assessed expenses may include, but are not limited to,
1191expenses for interpreters; expenses for communications; expenses
1192for legal representation; expenses for economic, legal, or other
1193research; expenses for analysis and testimony; and fees and
1194expenses for witnesses. The failure to reimburse the office for
1195its reasonable and necessary costs is a reason to deny a
1196registrant's application or to revoke the prior approval of an
1198     Section 18.  Section 559.7262, Florida Statutes, is created
1199to read:
1200     559.7262  Injunction to restrain violations.--
1201     (1)  The office may bring an action on behalf of the state
1202to enjoin any person who has violated, or who is about to
1203violate, this part or any rule or order of the office issued
1204under this part.
1205     (2)  In an injunctive proceeding, the court may issue a
1206subpoena requiring the attendance of any witness or a subpoena
1207duces tecum requiring the production of any book, account,
1208record, or other documents and materials relevant to the pending
1210     (3)(a)  In addition to any procedure provided by law to
1211enforce a temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or
1212permanent injunction, the court may, upon application of the
1213office, impound the property, assets, and business of the
1214registrant, including, but not limited to, the books, records,
1215documents, and papers of the registrant. The receiver, when
1216appointed and qualified, has the powers and duties that are
1217conferred by the court.
1218     (b)  After appointing the receiver, the court may issue an
1219order staying all pending suits and enjoining any further
1220litigation affecting the receiver's custody or possession of the
1221property, assets, and business, and the court, with the consent
1222of the chief judge of the circuit, may require that all suits be
1223assigned to the circuit court judge who appointed the receiver.
1224     Section 19.  Section 559.7263, Florida Statutes, is created
1225to read:
1226     559.7263  Cease and desist orders; refund orders.--
1227     (1)  The office may issue and serve upon a person an order
1228to cease and desist and to take corrective action whenever the
1229office has reason to believe that the person is violating, has
1230violated, or is about to violate this part, any rule or order of
1231the office issued under this part, or any written agreement
1232between the person and the office. Procedural matters relating
1233to issuance and enforcement of such a cease and desist order are
1234governed by chapter 120.
1235     (2)  The office has the power to seek an order of
1236restitution for collected funds due to creditors or any sum
1237collected from a debtor without valid proof of debt.
1238     Section 20.  Section 559.7264, Florida Statutes, is created
1239to read:
1240     559.7264  Evidence; examiner's worksheets, investigative
1241reports, other related documents.--An official written report,
1242sworn complaint, worksheet, or other related paper, or a duly
1243certified copy thereof, compiled, prepared, drafted, or
1244otherwise made by the financial examiner is admissible into
1245evidence if the financial examiner is available for cross-
1246examination; authenticates the worksheet; and testifies that the
1247report, worksheet, or related document was prepared as a result
1248of an examination of the books and records of a registrant or
1249other person conducted under the authority of this part.
1250     Section 21.  Section 559.7265, Florida Statutes, is created
1251to read:
1252     559.7265  Books, accounts, and records; maintenance;
1253examinations by the office.--
1254     (1)  Each registrant shall maintain, at its principal place
1255of business designated on the registration, all books, accounts,
1256records, and documents necessary to determine the registrant's
1257compliance with this part.
1258     (2)  The office may authorize maintenance of records at a
1259location other than a principal place of business. The office
1260may require books, accounts, and records to be produced and
1261available at a reasonable and convenient location in this state.
1262     (3)  All books, accounts, records, documents, and receipts
1263for payments to a registrant by a debtor, and payments made to a
1264creditor by a registrant, shall be preserved and kept available
1265for examination by the department for 3 years after the date of
1266original entry. The commission shall adopt requirements by rule
1267for maintaining the books, accounts, records, and documents
1268retained by the registrant and for destroying the records.
1269     (4)  The commission shall designate by rule the minimum
1270information that must be contained in the books, accounts,
1271records, and documents of a registrant in order that the records
1272will enable the office to determine a registrant's compliance
1273with this part.
1274     Section 22.  Section 559.730, Florida Statutes, is amended
1275to read:
1276     559.730  Administrative remedies.--
1277     (1)  The office may revoke or suspend the registration of
1278any registrant under this part who:
1279     (a)  Has committed a violation of s. 559.72 or of the
1280federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act;
1281     (b)  Is the subject of a complaint received by a
1282governmental authority which indicates a clear pattern of abuse
1283of prohibited collection practices under s. 559.72 or the
1284federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act;
1285     (c)  Is currently under investigation by a governmental
1286authority for violating s. 559.72, the Florida Deceptive and
1287Unfair Trade Practices Act, or the federal Fair Debt Collection
1288Practices Act;
1289     (d)  Has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,
1290or has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, any crime
1291involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or moral turpitude;
1292     (e)  Had a final judgment entered against her or him in a
1293civil action upon the grounds of fraud, embezzlement,
1294misrepresentation, or deceit;
1295     (f)  Has pending against her or him in any jurisdiction a
1296criminal prosecution or administrative enforcement action that
1297involves fraud, dishonest dealing, or moral turpitude;
1298     (g)  Had a business, professional, or occupational license
1299or registration suspended, revoked, or otherwise acted against
1300in any jurisdiction;
1301     (h)  Fails to maintain the surety bond required pursuant to
1302s. 559.555(6);
1303     (i)  Fails to maintain books and records as required by s.
1305     (j)  Violates any order issued by the office;
1306     (k)  Paid for a registration with a check or electronic
1307funds transfer that failed to clear the applicant's or
1308registrant's financial institution; or
1309     (l)  Has engaged in repeated violations that which
1310establish a clear pattern of abuse of prohibited collection
1311practices under s. 559.72.
1312     (2)  Any registration made under this part which is based
1313upon false identification or false information, or an
1314identification that is not current with respect to name,
1315address, business location, or other fact that is material to
1316the registration, is void. A registration made and subsequently
1317found to be void under this section does not create a defense to
1318any action brought by the office to impose a sanction for a
1319violation of this part.
1320     (3)  A registrant may request to terminate its registration
1321by delivering written notice of its proposed termination to the
1322office. However, the delivery of the termination notice does not
1323affect any civil or criminal liability of the registrant or the
1324authority of the office to enforce this part.
1325     (4)  The office may deny a request to terminate a
1326registration or to withdraw an application for registration if
1327the office believes that the registrant or applicant has
1328committed an act that would be grounds for denial, suspension,
1329or revocation of the registration.
1330     (5)  Final office action to revoke or suspend the
1331registration of any registrant is shall be subject to review in
1332accordance with chapter 120 in the same manner as revocation of
1333a license.  The repeated violations of the law by one employee
1334shall not be grounds for revocation or suspension of the
1335registration of the employing consumer collection agency, unless
1336the employee is also the owner of a majority interest in the
1337collection agency.
1338     (2)  The registration of a registrant shall not be revoked
1339or suspended if the registrant shows by a preponderance of the
1340evidence that the violations were not intentional and resulted
1341from bona fide error notwithstanding the maintenance of
1342procedures reasonably adapted to avoid any such error.
1343     (3)  The office shall consider the number of complaints
1344against the registrant in relation to the accused registrant's
1345volume of business when determining whether suspension or
1346revocation is the more appropriate sanction when circumstances
1347warrant that one or the other should be imposed upon a
1349     (4)  The office shall impose suspension rather than
1350revocation when circumstances warrant that one or the other
1351should be imposed upon a registrant and the accused registrant
1352demonstrates that the registrant has taken affirmative steps
1353which can be expected to effectively eliminate the repeated
1354violations and that the registrant's registration has never
1355previously been suspended.
1356     (6)(5)  The office may impose an administrative fine up to
1357$1,000 per violation against the offending registrant as an
1358administrative a sanction for repeated violations of the
1359provisions of s. 559.72 when violations do not rise to the level
1360of misconduct governed by subsection (1). Final office action to
1361impose an administrative fine is shall be subject to review in
1362accordance with ss. 120.569 and 120.57.
1363     (7)(6)  An Any administrative fine imposed under this part
1364shall be payable to the office.  The office shall maintain an
1365appropriate record and shall deposit the such fine into the
1366Regulatory Trust Fund of the office.
1367     (8)(7)  An administrative action by the office to impose
1368revocation, suspension, or fine must shall be brought within 2
1369years after the date of the last violation upon which the action
1370is founded.
1371     (9)(8)  Nothing in This part does not shall be construed to
1372preclude any person from pursuing remedies available under the
1373federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Federal Trade
1374Commission Act, or the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade
1375Practices Act for any violation of these acts such act,
1376including specifically against any person who is exempt from the
1377registration provisions of this part.
1378     (10)  The remedies under this part are in addition to
1379remedies otherwise available for the same conduct under state or
1380local law.
1381     Section 23.  Subsection (5) of section 559.77, Florida
1382Statutes, is amended to read:
1383     559.77  Civil remedies.--
1384     (5)  In applying and construing this section, due
1385consideration and great weight shall be given to the
1386interpretations of the Federal Trade Commission and the federal
1387courts relating to the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices
1388Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. If there is an
1389inconsistency between this part and an interpretation of the
1390federal case law or the federal acts, the provision that is more
1391protective of the consumer or debtor shall prevail.
1392     Section 24.  Section 559.785, Florida Statutes, is amended
1393to read:
1394     559.785  Criminal penalty.--
1395     (1)  It shall be a felony misdemeanor of the third first
1396degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, or s. 775.083, or
1397s. 775.084, for any person not exempt from registering as
1398provided in this part to:
1399     (a)  Operate or solicit business as a consumer collection
1400agency engage in collecting consumer debts in this state without
1401first registering with the office;, or to
1402     (b)  Register or attempt to register by means of fraud,
1403misrepresentation, or concealment;.
1404     (c)  Engage in any consumer debt collection activity after
1405suspension or revocation of the registrant's registration under
1406s. 559.730(1); or
1407     (d)  Engage in any consumer debt collection activity while
1408under a temporary or permanent injunction issued under s.
1410     (2)  Each of the following acts constitutes a misdemeanor
1411of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
1413     (a)  Relocating a business as a consumer collection agency
1414or operating under any name other than that designated in the
1415registration, unless written notification is given to the office
1416and to the surety or sureties on the original bond.
1417     (b)  Assigning or attempting to assign a registration under
1418this part.
1419     (3)  The court may, in addition to penalties provided in
1420this part, invalidate the registration of any registrant under
1421this part who has been found guilty of conduct prohibited in
1422subsection (1) or subsection (2).
1423     (4)  The office may refer evidence concerning a violation
1424of this part, or of any rule or order, to any criminal
1425prosecuting agency that may, with or without the reference and
1426in addition to any other action it might commence, bring an
1427action against any person to enjoin, restrain, and prevent the
1428commission of any prohibited act or practice.
1429     Section 25.  Sections 559.547 and 559.563, Florida
1430Statutes, are repealed.
1431     Section 26.  For the 2004-2005 fiscal year, seven positions
1432are authorized and the sum of $450,575 is appropriated from the
1433Regulatory Trust Fund to the Office of Financial Regulation for
1434the purpose of enforcing this act. The seven positions consist
1435of six examiners and one registration analyst.
1436     Section 27.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.