Bill No. CS for SB 138
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 563456
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Lynn moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Statewide Study Commission on Cargo Theft
18  and Trucking Security.--
19         (1)  For the purposes of this section, the term
20  "commission" means the Statewide Study Commission on Cargo
21  Theft and Trucking Security.
22         (2)  The Legislature finds that the theft of cargo from
23  commercial trucking vehicles, as well as the theft of the
24  vehicles, in this state are increasing. Losses from these
25  thefts have a considerable negative impact on businesses and
26  commerce in this state. The Legislature further finds that the
27  creation of a Statewide Study Commission on Cargo Theft and
28  Trucking Security issues to collect information and testimony
29  would be of benefit to the state and to the Legislature in
30  determining appropriate safety and homeland security measures.
31  The purpose of the commission is to address cargo theft
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 issues, including, but not limited to, measures that would 2 mandate action by the trucking industry. 3 (3) The Statewide Study Commission on Cargo Theft and 4 Trucking Security is created and is assigned to the Department 5 of Transportation for administrative and fiscal purposes only. 6 The commission shall be staffed by the Office of Motor Carrier 7 Compliance in the Department of Transportation. 8 (4) The commission shall consist of eight members, 9 including: 10 (a) A member of the trucking industry in this state 11 who is not a member of the Florida Trucking Association or the 12 American Trucking Association, appointed by the Governor. 13 (b) A member of the Senate appointed by the President 14 of the Senate. 15 (c) A member of the House of Representatives appointed 16 by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 17 (d) The Director of the Office of Motor Carrier 18 Compliance in the Department of Transportation or the 19 director's designee. 20 (e) The President of the Florida Sheriff's Association 21 or the president's designee. 22 (f) The President of the Florida Trucking Association 23 or the president's designee. 24 (g) The head of the Tactical Operations Multi-Agency 25 Cargo Anti-Theft Task Force or that person's designee. 26 (h) The President of the Florida Retail Federation or 27 the president's designee. 28 (5) Members of the commission who are subject to 29 appointment must be appointed by May 1, 2004. All members of 30 the commission shall convene by June 1, 2004, to organize and 31 select a chairperson for the commission. The director of the 2 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 Office of Motor Carrier Compliance in the Department of 2 Transportation shall set the first meeting date. The 3 chairperson of the commission shall set the dates of 4 subsequent meetings. 5 (6) A vacancy of an appointed member of the commission 6 shall be filled in the same manner as the original 7 appointment. A vacancy of a member who may select a designee 8 shall be filled by the member's selected designee, or, if the 9 vacancy concerns a member's selected designee, shall be filled 10 by the member or another designee selected by the member. 11 Vacancies must be filled as soon as possible. 12 (7) The commission shall hold its meetings within the 13 state. Meetings of the commission shall be open to the public. 14 (8) Members of the commission shall serve without 15 compensation but are entitled to receive reimbursement for 16 travel and per diem expenses, as provided by section 112.061, 17 Florida Statutes, while carrying out official business of the 18 commission. 19 (9) The commission shall examine issues related to 20 cargo theft and trucking security and shall make findings and 21 recommendations on matters including, but not limited to: 22 (a) The scope and breadth of the cargo theft problem 23 in this state. 24 (b) The costs and benefits of mandating that security 25 devices be installed on certain vehicles; the parameters of 26 such a potential mandate; and the potential effects of any 27 such mandate on the efficient flow of commerce in this state. 28 (c) The use of technological advances to protect cargo 29 shipments. 30 (d) Recommended language for legislation addressing 31 cargo theft and trucking security, if necessary for 3 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 consideration by the Legislature. 2 (e) Best practices regarding trucking security which 3 are used by industry and other private-sector entities and by 4 public-sector entities. 5 (10) The commission shall state its findings and 6 recommendations in an official report that is adopted by the 7 commission members and transmitted to the Governor, the 8 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 9 Representatives by January 1, 2005. If the commission 10 recommends legislation, the report shall include an appendix 11 containing a draft of legislation proposed by the commission. 12 The commission shall automatically expire upon submission of 13 its report to the Governor and the Legislature. 14 Section 2. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 812.014, 15 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 16 812.014 Theft.-- 17 (1) A person commits theft if he or she knowingly 18 obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the 19 property of another with intent to, either temporarily or 20 permanently: 21 (a) Deprive the other person of a right to the 22 property or a benefit from the property. 23 (b) Appropriate the property to his or her own use or 24 to the use of any person not entitled to the use of the 25 property. 26 (2)(a)1. If the property stolen is valued at $100,000 27 or more; or 28 2. If the property stolen is a semitrailer as defined 29 in s. 316.003, which was deployed by a law enforcement agency, 30 or is cargo valued at $50,000 or more that has entered the 31 stream of interstate or intrastate commerce from the shipper's 4 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 loading platform to the consignee's receiving dock; or 2 3. If the offender commits any grand theft and: 3 a. In the course of committing the offense the 4 offender uses a motor vehicle as an instrumentality, other 5 than merely as a getaway vehicle, to assist in committing the 6 offense and thereby damages the real property of another; or 7 b. In the course of committing the offense the 8 offender causes damage to the real or personal property of 9 another in excess of $1,000, 10 11 the offender commits grand theft in the first degree, 12 punishable as a felony of the first degree, as provided in s. 13 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 14 (b)1. If the property stolen is valued at $20,000 or 15 more, but less than $100,000; 16 2. The property stolen is cargo valued at less than 17 $50,000 that has entered the stream of interstate or 18 intrastate commerce from the shipper's loading platform to the 19 consignee's receiving dock; or 20 3. The property stolen is emergency medical equipment, 21 valued at $300 or more, that is taken from a facility licensed 22 under chapter 395 or from an aircraft or vehicle permitted 23 under chapter 401, 24 25 the offender commits grand theft in the second degree, 26 punishable as a felony of the second degree, as provided in s. 27 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. Emergency medical 28 equipment means mechanical or electronic apparatus used to 29 provide emergency services and care as defined in s. 30 395.002(10) or to treat medical emergencies. 31 (c) It is grand theft of the third degree and a felony 5 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 2 775.083, or s. 775.084, if the property stolen is: 3 1. Valued at $300 or more, but less than $5,000. 4 2. Valued at $5,000 or more, but less than $10,000. 5 3. Valued at $10,000 or more, but less than $20,000. 6 4. A will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument. 7 5. A firearm. 8 6. A motor vehicle, except as provided in paragraph 9 (2)(a). 10 7. Any commercially farmed animal, including any 11 animal of the equine, bovine, or swine class, or other grazing 12 animal, and including aquaculture species raised at a 13 certified aquaculture facility. If the property stolen is 14 aquaculture species raised at a certified aquaculture 15 facility, then a $10,000 fine shall be imposed. 16 8. Any fire extinguisher. 17 9. Any amount of citrus fruit consisting of 2,000 or 18 more individual pieces of fruit. 19 10. Taken from a designated construction site 20 identified by the posting of a sign as provided for in s. 21 810.09(2)(d). 22 11. Any stop sign. 23 12. Anhydrous ammonia. 24 (d) It is grand theft of the third degree and a felony 25 of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 26 775.083, or s. 775.084, if the property stolen is valued at 27 $100 or more, but less than $300, and is taken from a dwelling 28 as defined in s. 810.011(2) or from the unenclosed curtilage 29 of a dwelling pursuant to s. 810.09(1). 30 (e) Except as provided in paragraph (d), if the 31 property stolen is valued at $100 or more, but less than $300, 6 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 the offender commits petit theft of the first degree, 2 punishable as a misdemeanor of the first degree, as provided 3 in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 4 Section 3. Section 812.0147, Florida Statutes, is 5 created to read: 6 812.0147 Unlawful possession or use of a fifth 7 wheel.-- 8 (1) It is unlawful for any person to modify, alter, or 9 attempt to alter, or, if altered, to sell, possess, offer for 10 sale, move, or cause to be moved onto the highways of this 11 state a fifth wheel, with the intent to use the altered fifth 12 wheel to commit or attempt to commit theft. For the purposes 13 of this section, the term "fifth wheel" applies only to a 14 fifth wheel on a truck tractor as defined in s. 320.01. 15 (2) A person who violates subsection (1) commits a 16 felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 17 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 18 Section 4. Paragraphs (f), (g), (h), and (i) of 19 subsection (3) of section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are 20 amended to read: 21 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity 22 ranking chart.-- 23 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 24 25 Florida Felony 26 Statute Degree Description 27 28 29 (f) LEVEL 6 30 316.193(2)(b) 3rd Felony DUI, 4th or subsequent 31 conviction. 7 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 499.0051(3) 2nd Forgery of pedigree papers. 2 499.0051(4) 2nd Purchase or receipt of legend 3 drug from unauthorized person. 4 499.0051(5) 2nd Sale of legend drug to 5 unauthorized person. 6 775.0875(1) 3rd Taking firearm from law 7 enforcement officer. 8 775.21(10) 3rd Sexual predators; failure to 9 register; failure to renew 10 driver's license or 11 identification card. 12 784.021(1)(a) 3rd Aggravated assault; deadly weapon 13 without intent to kill. 14 784.021(1)(b) 3rd Aggravated assault; intent to 15 commit felony. 16 784.041 3rd Felony battery. 17 784.048(3) 3rd Aggravated stalking; credible 18 threat. 19 784.048(5) 3rd Aggravated stalking of person 20 under 16. 21 784.07(2)(c) 2nd Aggravated assault on law 22 enforcement officer. 23 784.074(1)(b) 2nd Aggravated assault on sexually 24 violent predators facility staff. 25 784.08(2)(b) 2nd Aggravated assault on a person 65 26 years of age or older. 27 784.081(2) 2nd Aggravated assault on specified 28 official or employee. 29 784.082(2) 2nd Aggravated assault by detained 30 person on visitor or other 31 detainee. 8 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 784.083(2) 2nd Aggravated assault on code 2 inspector. 3 787.02(2) 3rd False imprisonment; restraining 4 with purpose other than those in 5 s. 787.01. 6 790.115(2)(d) 2nd Discharging firearm or weapon on 7 school property. 8 790.161(2) 2nd Make, possess, or throw 9 destructive device with intent to 10 do bodily harm or damage 11 property. 12 790.164(1) 2nd False report of deadly explosive, 13 weapon of mass destruction, or 14 act of arson or violence to state 15 property. 16 790.19 2nd Shooting or throwing deadly 17 missiles into dwellings, vessels, 18 or vehicles. 19 794.011(8)(a) 3rd Solicitation of minor to 20 participate in sexual activity by 21 custodial adult. 22 794.05(1) 2nd Unlawful sexual activity with 23 specified minor. 24 800.04(5)(d) 3rd Lewd or lascivious molestation; 25 victim 12 years of age or older 26 but less than 16 years; offender 27 less than 18 years. 28 800.04(6)(b) 2nd Lewd or lascivious conduct; 29 offender 18 years of age or 30 older. 31 9 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 806.031(2) 2nd Arson resulting in great bodily 2 harm to firefighter or any other 3 person. 4 810.02(3)(c) 2nd Burglary of occupied structure; 5 unarmed; no assault or battery. 6 812.014(2)(b)1. 2nd Property stolen $20,000 or more, 7 but less than $100,000, grand 8 theft in 2nd degree. 9 812.014(2)(b)2. 2nd Property stolen; cargo valued at 10 less than $50,000, grand theft in 11 2nd degree. 12 812.015(9) 2nd Retail theft; property stolen 13 $300 or more; second or 14 subsequent conviction. 15 812.13(2)(c) 2nd Robbery, no firearm or other 16 weapon (strong-arm robbery). 17 817.034(4)(a)1. 1st Communications fraud, value 18 greater than $50,000. 19 817.4821(5) 2nd Possess cloning paraphernalia 20 with intent to create cloned 21 cellular telephones. 22 825.102(1) 3rd Abuse of an elderly person or 23 disabled adult. 24 825.102(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of an elderly person or 25 disabled adult. 26 825.1025(3) 3rd Lewd or lascivious molestation of 27 an elderly person or disabled 28 adult. 29 825.103(2)(c) 3rd Exploiting an elderly person or 30 disabled adult and property is 31 valued at less than $20,000. 10 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 827.03(1) 3rd Abuse of a child. 2 827.03(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of a child. 3 827.071(2)&(3) 2nd Use or induce a child in a sexual 4 performance, or promote or direct 5 such performance. 6 836.05 2nd Threats; extortion. 7 836.10 2nd Written threats to kill or do 8 bodily injury. 9 843.12 3rd Aids or assists person to escape. 10 847.0135(3) 3rd Solicitation of a child, via a 11 computer service, to commit an 12 unlawful sex act. 13 914.23 2nd Retaliation against a witness, 14 victim, or informant, with bodily 15 injury. 16 943.0435(9) 3rd Sex offenders; failure to comply 17 with reporting requirements. 18 944.35(3)(a)2. 3rd Committing malicious battery upon 19 or inflicting cruel or inhuman 20 treatment on an inmate or 21 offender on community 22 supervision, resulting in great 23 bodily harm. 24 944.40 2nd Escapes. 25 944.46 3rd Harboring, concealing, aiding 26 escaped prisoners. 27 944.47(1)(a)5. 2nd Introduction of contraband 28 (firearm, weapon, or explosive) 29 into correctional facility. 30 951.22(1) 3rd Intoxicating drug, firearm, or 31 weapon introduced into county 11 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 facility. 2 (g) LEVEL 7 3 316.027(1)(b) 2nd Accident involving death, failure 4 to stop; leaving scene. 5 316.193(3)(c)2. 3rd DUI resulting in serious bodily 6 injury. 7 327.35(3)(c)2. 3rd Vessel BUI resulting in serious 8 bodily injury. 9 402.319(2) 2nd Misrepresentation and negligence 10 or intentional act resulting in 11 great bodily harm, permanent 12 disfiguration, permanent 13 disability, or death. 14 409.920(2) 3rd Medicaid provider fraud. 15 456.065(2) 3rd Practicing a health care 16 profession without a license. 17 456.065(2) 2nd Practicing a health care 18 profession without a license 19 which results in serious bodily 20 injury. 21 458.327(1) 3rd Practicing medicine without a 22 license. 23 459.013(1) 3rd Practicing osteopathic medicine 24 without a license. 25 460.411(1) 3rd Practicing chiropractic medicine 26 without a license. 27 461.012(1) 3rd Practicing podiatric medicine 28 without a license. 29 462.17 3rd Practicing naturopathy without a 30 license. 31 12 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 463.015(1) 3rd Practicing optometry without a 2 license. 3 464.016(1) 3rd Practicing nursing without a 4 license. 5 465.015(2) 3rd Practicing pharmacy without a 6 license. 7 466.026(1) 3rd Practicing dentistry or dental 8 hygiene without a license. 9 467.201 3rd Practicing midwifery without a 10 license. 11 468.366 3rd Delivering respiratory care 12 services without a license. 13 483.828(1) 3rd Practicing as clinical laboratory 14 personnel without a license. 15 483.901(9) 3rd Practicing medical physics 16 without a license. 17 484.013(1)(c) 3rd Preparing or dispensing optical 18 devices without a prescription. 19 484.053 3rd Dispensing hearing aids without a 20 license. 21 494.0018(2) 1st Conviction of any violation of 22 ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the 23 total money and property 24 unlawfully obtained exceeded 25 $50,000 and there were five or 26 more victims. 27 560.123(8)(b)1. 3rd Failure to report currency or 28 payment instruments exceeding 29 $300 but less than $20,000 by 30 money transmitter. 31 13 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 560.125(5)(a) 3rd Money transmitter business by 2 unauthorized person, currency or 3 payment instruments exceeding 4 $300 but less than $20,000. 5 655.50(10)(b)1. 3rd Failure to report financial 6 transactions exceeding $300 but 7 less than $20,000 by financial 8 institution. 9 782.051(3) 2nd Attempted felony murder of a 10 person by a person other than the 11 perpetrator or the perpetrator of 12 an attempted felony. 13 782.07(1) 2nd Killing of a human being by the 14 act, procurement, or culpable 15 negligence of another 16 (manslaughter). 17 782.071 2nd Killing of human being or viable 18 fetus by the operation of a motor 19 vehicle in a reckless manner 20 (vehicular homicide). 21 782.072 2nd Killing of a human being by the 22 operation of a vessel in a 23 reckless manner (vessel 24 homicide). 25 784.045(1)(a)1. 2nd Aggravated battery; intentionally 26 causing great bodily harm or 27 disfigurement. 28 784.045(1)(a)2. 2nd Aggravated battery; using deadly 29 weapon. 30 784.045(1)(b) 2nd Aggravated battery; perpetrator 31 aware victim pregnant. 14 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 784.048(4) 3rd Aggravated stalking; violation of 2 injunction or court order. 3 784.07(2)(d) 1st Aggravated battery on law 4 enforcement officer. 5 784.074(1)(a) 1st Aggravated battery on sexually 6 violent predators facility staff. 7 784.08(2)(a) 1st Aggravated battery on a person 65 8 years of age or older. 9 784.081(1) 1st Aggravated battery on specified 10 official or employee. 11 784.082(1) 1st Aggravated battery by detained 12 person on visitor or other 13 detainee. 14 784.083(1) 1st Aggravated battery on code 15 inspector. 16 790.07(4) 1st Specified weapons violation 17 subsequent to previous conviction 18 of s. 790.07(1) or (2). 19 790.16(1) 1st Discharge of a machine gun under 20 specified circumstances. 21 790.165(2) 2nd Manufacture, sell, possess, or 22 deliver hoax bomb. 23 790.165(3) 2nd Possessing, displaying, or 24 threatening to use any hoax bomb 25 while committing or attempting to 26 commit a felony. 27 790.166(3) 2nd Possessing, selling, using, or 28 attempting to use a hoax weapon 29 of mass destruction. 30 790.166(4) 2nd Possessing, displaying, or 31 threatening to use a hoax weapon 15 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 of mass destruction while 2 committing or attempting to 3 commit a felony. 4 796.03 2nd Procuring any person under 16 5 years for prostitution. 6 800.04(5)(c)1. 2nd Lewd or lascivious molestation; 7 victim less than 12 years of age; 8 offender less than 18 years. 9 800.04(5)(c)2. 2nd Lewd or lascivious molestation; 10 victim 12 years of age or older 11 but less than 16 years; offender 12 18 years or older. 13 806.01(2) 2nd Maliciously damage structure by 14 fire or explosive. 15 810.02(3)(a) 2nd Burglary of occupied dwelling; 16 unarmed; no assault or battery. 17 810.02(3)(b) 2nd Burglary of unoccupied dwelling; 18 unarmed; no assault or battery. 19 810.02(3)(d) 2nd Burglary of occupied conveyance; 20 unarmed; no assault or battery. 21 812.014(2)(a)1.&3. 1st Property stolen, valued at 22 $100,000 or more; cargo stolen 23 valued at $50,000 or more; 24 property stolen while causing 25 other property damage; 1st degree 26 grand theft. 27 812.014(2)(b)3. 2nd Property stolen, emergency 28 medical equipment; 2nd degree 29 grand theft. 30 812.0145(2)(a) 1st Theft from person 65 years of age 31 or older; $50,000 or more. 16 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 812.019(2) 1st Stolen property; initiates, 2 organizes, plans, etc., the theft 3 of property and traffics in 4 stolen property. 5 812.131(2)(a) 2nd Robbery by sudden snatching. 6 812.133(2)(b) 1st Carjacking; no firearm, deadly 7 weapon, or other weapon. 8 817.234(8)(a) 2nd Solicitation of motor vehicle 9 accident victims with intent to 10 defraud. 11 817.234(9) 2nd Organizing, planning, or 12 participating in an intentional 13 motor vehicle collision. 14 817.234(11)(c) 1st Insurance fraud; property value 15 $100,000 or more. 16 817.2341(2)(b)& 17 (3)(b) 1st Making false entries of material 18 fact or false statements 19 regarding property values 20 relating to the solvency of an 21 insuring entity which are a 22 significant cause of the 23 insolvency of that entity. 24 825.102(3)(b) 2nd Neglecting an elderly person or 25 disabled adult causing great 26 bodily harm, disability, or 27 disfigurement. 28 825.103(2)(b) 2nd Exploiting an elderly person or 29 disabled adult and property is 30 valued at $20,000 or more, but 31 less than $100,000. 17 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 827.03(3)(b) 2nd Neglect of a child causing great 2 bodily harm, disability, or 3 disfigurement. 4 827.04(3) 3rd Impregnation of a child under 16 5 years of age by person 21 years 6 of age or older. 7 837.05(2) 3rd Giving false information about 8 alleged capital felony to a law 9 enforcement officer. 10 838.015 2nd Bribery. 11 838.016 2nd Unlawful compensation or reward 12 for official behavior. 13 838.021(3)(a) 2nd Unlawful harm to a public 14 servant. 15 838.22 2nd Bid tampering. 16 872.06 2nd Abuse of a dead human body. 17 893.13(1)(c)1. 1st Sell, manufacture, or deliver 18 cocaine (or other drug prohibited 19 under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), 20 (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or 21 (2)(c)4.) within 1,000 feet of a 22 child care facility, school, or 23 state, county, or municipal park 24 or publicly owned recreational 25 facility or community center. 26 893.13(1)(e)1. 1st Sell, manufacture, or deliver 27 cocaine or other drug prohibited 28 under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), 29 (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or 30 (2)(c)4., within 1,000 feet of 31 property used for religious 18 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 services or a specified business 2 site. 3 893.13(4)(a) 1st Deliver to minor cocaine (or 4 other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), 5 (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or 6 (2)(c)4. drugs). 7 893.135(1)(a)1. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 8 than 25 lbs., less than 2,000 9 lbs. 10 893.135 11 (1)(b)1.a. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 12 28 grams, less than 200 grams. 13 893.135 14 (1)(c)1.a. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 15 more than 4 grams, less than 14 16 grams. 17 893.135 18 (1)(d)1. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 19 more than 28 grams, less than 200 20 grams. 21 893.135(1)(e)1. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 22 than 200 grams, less than 5 23 kilograms. 24 893.135(1)(f)1. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 25 than 14 grams, less than 28 26 grams. 27 893.135 28 (1)(g)1.a. 1st Trafficking in flunitrazepam, 4 29 grams or more, less than 14 30 grams. 31 19 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 893.135 2 (1)(h)1.a. 1st Trafficking in 3 gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), 4 1 kilogram or more, less than 5 5 kilograms. 6 893.135 7 (1)(j)1.a. 1st Trafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 1 8 kilogram or more, less than 5 9 kilograms. 10 893.135 11 (1)(k)2.a. 1st Trafficking in Phenethylamines, 12 10 grams or more, less than 200 13 grams. 14 896.101(5)(a) 3rd Money laundering, financial 15 transactions exceeding $300 but 16 less than $20,000. 17 896.104(4)(a)1. 3rd Structuring transactions to evade 18 reporting or registration 19 requirements, financial 20 transactions exceeding $300 but 21 less than $20,000. 22 (h) LEVEL 8 23 316.193 24 (3)(c)3.a. 2nd DUI manslaughter. 25 327.35(3)(c)3. 2nd Vessel BUI manslaughter. 26 499.0051(7) 1st Forgery of prescription or legend 27 drug labels. 28 499.0052 1st Trafficking in contraband legend 29 drugs. 30 560.123(8)(b)2. 2nd Failure to report currency or 31 payment instruments totaling or 20 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 exceeding $20,000, but less than 2 $100,000 by money transmitter. 3 560.125(5)(b) 2nd Money transmitter business by 4 unauthorized person, currency or 5 payment instruments totaling or 6 exceeding $20,000, but less than 7 $100,000. 8 655.50(10)(b)2. 2nd Failure to report financial 9 transactions totaling or 10 exceeding $20,000, but less than 11 $100,000 by financial 12 institutions. 13 777.03(2)(a) 1st Accessory after the fact, capital 14 felony. 15 782.04(4) 2nd Killing of human without design 16 when engaged in act or attempt of 17 any felony other than arson, 18 sexual battery, robbery, 19 burglary, kidnapping, aircraft 20 piracy, or unlawfully discharging 21 bomb. 22 782.051(2) 1st Attempted felony murder while 23 perpetrating or attempting to 24 perpetrate a felony not 25 enumerated in s. 782.04(3). 26 782.071(1)(b) 1st Committing vehicular homicide and 27 failing to render aid or give 28 information. 29 782.072(2) 1st Committing vessel homicide and 30 failing to render aid or give 31 information. 21 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 790.161(3) 1st Discharging a destructive device 2 which results in bodily harm or 3 property damage. 4 794.011(5) 2nd Sexual battery, victim 12 years 5 or over, offender does not use 6 physical force likely to cause 7 serious injury. 8 800.04(4) 2nd Lewd or lascivious battery. 9 806.01(1) 1st Maliciously damage dwelling or 10 structure by fire or explosive, 11 believing person in structure. 12 810.02(2)(a) 1st,PBL Burglary with assault or battery. 13 810.02(2)(b) 1st,PBL Burglary; armed with explosives 14 or dangerous weapon. 15 810.02(2)(c) 1st Burglary of a dwelling or 16 structure causing structural 17 damage or $1,000 or more property 18 damage. 19 812.014(2)(b)2. 2nd Property stolen; cargo valued at 20 less than $50,000; 2nd degree 21 grand theft. 22 812.13(2)(b) 1st Robbery with a weapon. 23 812.135(2) 1st Home-invasion robbery. 24 817.568(6) 2nd Fraudulent use of personal 25 identification information of an 26 individual under the age of 18. 27 825.102(2) 2nd Aggravated abuse of an elderly 28 person or disabled adult. 29 825.1025(2) 2nd Lewd or lascivious battery upon 30 an elderly person or disabled 31 adult. 22 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 825.103(2)(a) 1st Exploiting an elderly person or 2 disabled adult and property is 3 valued at $100,000 or more. 4 837.02(2) 2nd Perjury in official proceedings 5 relating to prosecution of a 6 capital felony. 7 837.021(2) 2nd Making contradictory statements 8 in official proceedings relating 9 to prosecution of a capital 10 felony. 11 860.121(2)(c) 1st Shooting at or throwing any 12 object in path of railroad 13 vehicle resulting in great bodily 14 harm. 15 860.16 1st Aircraft piracy. 16 893.13(1)(b) 1st Sell or deliver in excess of 10 17 grams of any substance specified 18 in s. 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 19 893.13(2)(b) 1st Purchase in excess of 10 grams of 20 any substance specified in s. 21 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 22 893.13(6)(c) 1st Possess in excess of 10 grams of 23 any substance specified in s. 24 893.03(1)(a) or (b). 25 893.135(1)(a)2. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 26 than 2,000 lbs., less than 10,000 27 lbs. 28 893.135 29 (1)(b)1.b. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 30 200 grams, less than 400 grams. 31 23 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 893.135 2 (1)(c)1.b. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 3 more than 14 grams, less than 28 4 grams. 5 893.135 6 (1)(d)1.b. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 7 more than 200 grams, less than 8 400 grams. 9 893.135 10 (1)(e)1.b. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 11 than 5 kilograms, less than 25 12 kilograms. 13 893.135 14 (1)(f)1.b. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 15 than 28 grams, less than 200 16 grams. 17 893.135 18 (1)(g)1.b. 1st Trafficking in flunitrazepam, 14 19 grams or more, less than 28 20 grams. 21 893.135 22 (1)(h)1.b. 1st Trafficking in 23 gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), 24 5 kilograms or more, less than 10 25 kilograms. 26 893.135 27 (1)(j)1.b. 1st Trafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 5 28 kilograms or more, less than 10 29 kilograms. 30 893.135 31 (1)(k)2.b. 1st Trafficking in Phenethylamines, 24 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 200 grams or more, less than 400 2 grams. 3 895.03(1) 1st Use or invest proceeds derived 4 from pattern of racketeering 5 activity. 6 895.03(2) 1st Acquire or maintain through 7 racketeering activity any 8 interest in or control of any 9 enterprise or real property. 10 895.03(3) 1st Conduct or participate in any 11 enterprise through pattern of 12 racketeering activity. 13 896.101(5)(b) 2nd Money laundering, financial 14 transactions totaling or 15 exceeding $20,000, but less than 16 $100,000. 17 896.104(4)(a)2. 2nd Structuring transactions to evade 18 reporting or registration 19 requirements, financial 20 transactions totaling or 21 exceeding $20,000 but less than 22 $100,000. 23 (i) LEVEL 9 24 316.193 25 (3)(c)3.b. 1st DUI manslaughter; failing to 26 render aid or give information. 27 327.35(3)(c)3.b. 1st BUI manslaughter; failing to 28 render aid or give information. 29 499.0053 1st Sale or purchase of contraband 30 legend drugs resulting in great 31 bodily harm. 25 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 560.123(8)(b)3. 1st Failure to report currency or 2 payment instruments totaling or 3 exceeding $100,000 by money 4 transmitter. 5 560.125(5)(c) 1st Money transmitter business by 6 unauthorized person, currency, or 7 payment instruments totaling or 8 exceeding $100,000. 9 655.50(10)(b)3. 1st Failure to report financial 10 transactions totaling or 11 exceeding $100,000 by financial 12 institution. 13 775.0844 1st Aggravated white collar crime. 14 782.04(1) 1st Attempt, conspire, or solicit to 15 commit premeditated murder. 16 782.04(3) 1st,PBL Accomplice to murder in 17 connection with arson, sexual 18 battery, robbery, burglary, and 19 other specified felonies. 20 782.051(1) 1st Attempted felony murder while 21 perpetrating or attempting to 22 perpetrate a felony enumerated in 23 s. 782.04(3). 24 782.07(2) 1st Aggravated manslaughter of an 25 elderly person or disabled adult. 26 787.01(1)(a)1. 1st,PBL Kidnapping; hold for ransom or 27 reward or as a shield or hostage. 28 787.01(1)(a)2. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to commit 29 or facilitate commission of any 30 felony. 31 26 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 787.01(1)(a)4. 1st,PBL Kidnapping with intent to 2 interfere with performance of any 3 governmental or political 4 function. 5 787.02(3)(a) 1st False imprisonment; child under 6 age 13; perpetrator also commits 7 aggravated child abuse, sexual 8 battery, or lewd or lascivious 9 battery, molestation, conduct, or 10 exhibition. 11 790.161 1st Attempted capital destructive 12 device offense. 13 790.166(2) 1st,PBL Possessing, selling, using, or 14 attempting to use a weapon of 15 mass destruction. 16 794.011(2) 1st Attempted sexual battery; victim 17 less than 12 years of age. 18 794.011(2) Life Sexual battery; offender younger 19 than 18 years and commits sexual 20 battery on a person less than 12 21 years. 22 794.011(4) 1st Sexual battery; victim 12 years 23 or older, certain circumstances. 24 794.011(8)(b) 1st Sexual battery; engage in sexual 25 conduct with minor 12 to 18 years 26 by person in familial or 27 custodial authority. 28 800.04(5)(b) 1st Lewd or lascivious molestation; 29 victim less than 12 years; 30 offender 18 years or older. 31 27 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 812.014(2)(a)2. 1st Property stolen; semi-trailer 2 deployed by law enforcement 3 agency or cargo valued at $50,000 4 or more; 1st degree grand theft. 5 812.13(2)(a) 1st,PBL Robbery with firearm or other 6 deadly weapon. 7 812.133(2)(a) 1st,PBL Carjacking; firearm or other 8 deadly weapon. 9 817.568(7) 2nd,PBL Fraudulent use of personal 10 identification information of an 11 individual under the age of 18 by 12 his or her parent, legal 13 guardian, or person exercising 14 custodial authority. 15 827.03(2) 1st Aggravated child abuse. 16 847.0145(1) 1st Selling, or otherwise 17 transferring custody or control, 18 of a minor. 19 847.0145(2) 1st Purchasing, or otherwise 20 obtaining custody or control, of 21 a minor. 22 859.01 1st Poisoning or introducing 23 bacteria, radioactive materials, 24 viruses, or chemical compounds 25 into food, drink, medicine, or 26 water with intent to kill or 27 injure another person. 28 893.135 1st Attempted capital trafficking 29 offense. 30 893.135(1)(a)3. 1st Trafficking in cannabis, more 31 than 10,000 lbs. 28 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 893.135 2 (1)(b)1.c. 1st Trafficking in cocaine, more than 3 400 grams, less than 150 4 kilograms. 5 893.135 6 (1)(c)1.c. 1st Trafficking in illegal drugs, 7 more than 28 grams, less than 30 8 kilograms. 9 893.135 10 (1)(d)1.c. 1st Trafficking in phencyclidine, 11 more than 400 grams. 12 893.135 13 (1)(e)1.c. 1st Trafficking in methaqualone, more 14 than 25 kilograms. 15 893.135 16 (1)(f)1.c. 1st Trafficking in amphetamine, more 17 than 200 grams. 18 893.135 19 (1)(h)1.c. 1st Trafficking in 20 gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), 21 10 kilograms or more. 22 893.135 23 (1)(j)1.c. 1st Trafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 10 24 kilograms or more. 25 893.135 26 (1)(k)2.c. 1st Trafficking in Phenethylamines, 27 400 grams or more. 28 896.101(5)(c) 1st Money laundering, financial 29 instruments totaling or exceeding 30 $100,000. 31 29 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 896.104(4)(a)3. 1st Structuring transactions to evade 2 reporting or registration 3 requirements, financial 4 transactions totaling or 5 exceeding $100,000. 6 Section 5. For the purpose of incorporating the 7 amendment made by this act to section 812.014, Florida 8 Statutes, in a reference thereto, subsection (17) of section 9 409.910, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 10 409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of 11 Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.-- 12 (17) A recipient or his or her legal representative or 13 any person representing, or acting as agent for, a recipient 14 or the recipient's legal representative, who has notice, 15 excluding notice charged solely by reason of the recording of 16 the lien pursuant to paragraph (6)(c), or who has actual 17 knowledge of the agency's rights to third-party benefits under 18 this section, who receives any third-party benefit or proceeds 19 therefrom for a covered illness or injury, is required either 20 to pay the agency, within 60 days after receipt of settlement 21 proceeds, the full amount of the third-party benefits, but not 22 in excess of the total medical assistance provided by 23 Medicaid, or to place the full amount of the third-party 24 benefits in a trust account for the benefit of the agency 25 pending judicial or administrative determination of the 26 agency's right thereto. Proof that any such person had notice 27 or knowledge that the recipient had received medical 28 assistance from Medicaid, and that third-party benefits or 29 proceeds therefrom were in any way related to a covered 30 illness or injury for which Medicaid had provided medical 31 assistance, and that any such person knowingly obtained 30 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 possession or control of, or used, third-party benefits or 2 proceeds and failed either to pay the agency the full amount 3 required by this section or to hold the full amount of 4 third-party benefits or proceeds in trust pending judicial or 5 administrative determination, unless adequately explained, 6 gives rise to an inference that such person knowingly failed 7 to credit the state or its agent for payments received from 8 social security, insurance, or other sources, pursuant to s. 9 414.39(4)(b), and acted with the intent set forth in s. 10 812.014(1). 11 (a) In cases of suspected criminal violations or 12 fraudulent activity, the agency may take any civil action 13 permitted at law or equity to recover the greatest possible 14 amount, including, without limitation, treble damages under 15 ss. 772.11 and 812.035(7). 16 (b) The agency is authorized to investigate and to 17 request appropriate officers or agencies of the state to 18 investigate suspected criminal violations or fraudulent 19 activity related to third-party benefits, including, without 20 limitation, ss. 414.39 and 812.014. Such requests may be 21 directed, without limitation, to the Medicaid Fraud Control 22 Unit of the Office of the Attorney General, or to any state 23 attorney. Pursuant to s. 409.913, the Attorney General has 24 primary responsibility to investigate and control Medicaid 25 fraud. 26 (c) In carrying out duties and responsibilities 27 related to Medicaid fraud control, the agency may subpoena 28 witnesses or materials within or outside the state and, 29 through any duly designated employee, administer oaths and 30 affirmations and collect evidence for possible use in either 31 civil or criminal judicial proceedings. 31 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 (d) All information obtained and documents prepared 2 pursuant to an investigation of a Medicaid recipient, the 3 recipient's legal representative, or any other person relating 4 to an allegation of recipient fraud or theft is confidential 5 and exempt from s. 119.07(1): 6 1. Until such time as the agency takes final agency 7 action; 8 2. Until such time as the Department of Legal Affairs 9 refers the case for criminal prosecution; 10 3. Until such time as an indictment or criminal 11 information is filed by a state attorney in a criminal case; 12 or 13 4. At all times if otherwise protected by law. 14 Section 6. For the purpose of incorporating the 15 amendment made by this act to section 812.014, Florida 16 Statutes, in a reference thereto, subsection (2) of section 17 538.23, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 18 538.23 Violations and penalties.-- 19 (2) A secondary metals recycler is presumed to know 20 upon receipt of stolen regulated metals property in a purchase 21 transaction that the regulated metals property has been stolen 22 from another if the secondary metals recycler knowingly and 23 intentionally fails to maintain the information required in s. 24 538.19 and shall, upon conviction of a violation of s. 25 812.015, be punished as provided in s. 812.014(2) or (3). 26 Section 7. For the purpose of incorporating the 27 amendment made by this act to section 812.014, Florida 28 Statutes, in a reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection 29 (1) of section 985.227, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to 30 read: 31 985.227 Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the 32 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 direct filing of an information in the criminal division of 2 the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory 3 criteria.-- 4 (1) DISCRETIONARY DIRECT FILE; CRITERIA.-- 5 (a) With respect to any child who was 14 or 15 years 6 of age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the 7 state attorney may file an information when in the state 8 attorney's judgment and discretion the public interest 9 requires that adult sanctions be considered or imposed and 10 when the offense charged is for the commission of, attempt to 11 commit, or conspiracy to commit: 12 1. Arson; 13 2. Sexual battery; 14 3. Robbery; 15 4. Kidnapping; 16 5. Aggravated child abuse; 17 6. Aggravated assault; 18 7. Aggravated stalking; 19 8. Murder; 20 9. Manslaughter; 21 10. Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a 22 destructive device or bomb; 23 11. Armed burglary in violation of s. 810.02(2)(b) or 24 specified burglary of a dwelling or structure in violation of 25 s. 810.02(2)(c), or burglary with an assault or battery in 26 violation of s. 810.02(2)(a); 27 12. Aggravated battery; 28 13. Any lewd or lascivious offense committed upon or 29 in the presence of a person less than 16 years of age; 30 14. Carrying, displaying, using, threatening, or 31 attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the commission of 33 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 a felony; 2 15. Grand theft in violation of s. 812.014(2)(a); 3 16. Possessing or discharging any weapon or firearm on 4 school property in violation of s. 790.115; 5 17. Home invasion robbery; 6 18. Carjacking; or 7 19. Grand theft of a motor vehicle in violation of s. 8 812.014(2)(c)6. or grand theft of a motor vehicle valued at 9 $20,000 or more in violation of s. 812.014(2)(b) if the child 10 has a previous adjudication for grand theft of a motor vehicle 11 in violation of s. 812.014(2)(c)6. or s. 812.014(2)(b). 12 Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004, 13 except that this section and section 1 of this act shall take 14 effect upon becoming a law. 15 16 17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 18 And the title is amended as follows: 19 Delete everything before the enacting clause 20 21 and insert: 22 A bill to be entitled 23 An act relating to theft; creating the 24 Statewide Study Commission on Cargo Theft and 25 Trucking Security; providing legislative 26 findings in support of creating the commission; 27 providing for membership; authorizing 28 reimbursement for travel and per diem expenses 29 for members while carrying out official 30 business of the commission; specifying 31 commission duties; requiring the commission to 34 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 report findings and recommendations to the 2 Governor and to legislative leaders by a 3 specified date; providing for expiration of the 4 commission upon the submission of its report; 5 providing for staffing of the commission; 6 providing that commission meetings must be held 7 within the state and must be open to the 8 public; amending s. 812.014, F.S.; providing 9 that the theft of a semitrailer deployed by a 10 law enforcement agency is grand theft of the 11 first degree, punishable as a felony of the 12 first degree; creating s. 812.0147, F.S.; 13 providing that it is a felony of the second 14 degree to commit certain acts involving a fifth 15 wheel or altered fifth wheel with the intent to 16 commit or attempt to commit theft; amending s. 17 921.0022, F.S.; increasing the 18 offense-severity-level ranking of offenses 19 involving cargo theft and providing a ranking 20 for a new offense involving the theft of a 21 semitrailer deployed by a law enforcement 22 agency; reenacting s. 409.910(17), F.S., 23 relating to the responsibility for certain 24 payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons 25 when other parties are liable; reenacting s. 26 538.23(2), F.S., relating to a presumption of 27 knowledge about stolen property which is 28 attributed to a secondary metals recycler in 29 specified circumstances; reenacting s. 30 985.227(1)(a), F.S., relating to offenses for 31 which a state attorney may consider or impose 35 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 138 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 563456 1 adult sanctions on a child who was 14 or 15 2 years of age when the alleged offense was 3 committed, to incorporate the amendment to s. 4 812.014, F.S., in references thereto; providing 5 effective dates. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 1:46 PM 04/20/04 s0138c1c-07p1k