HB 0141CS


1The Committee on Health Care recommends the following:
3     Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to pharmacy; amending s. 465.003, F.S.;
7defining the term "Internet pharmacy"; amending s.
8465.0156, F.S.; exempting Internet pharmacies from
9registration requirements applicable to nonresident
10pharmacies; requiring a registered nonresident pharmacy
11and the pharmacist designated by that pharmacy to serve as
12the prescription department manager or the equivalent to
13be licensed in the state of location to dispense medicinal
14drugs into this state; amending s. 465.016, F.S.;
15providing for disciplinary action for dispensing a
16medicinal drug when the pharmacist knows or has reason to
17believe a prescription is not based on a valid
18practitioner-patient relationship; creating s. 465.0161,
19F.S.; prohibiting the distribution of medicinal drugs by
20an Internet pharmacy without a permit; providing
21penalties; amending s. 465.0196, F.S., relating to special
22pharmacy permits, to conform; creating s. 465.0197, F.S.;
23requiring Internet pharmacies to be permitted and
24providing requirements therefor; requiring the Internet
25pharmacy and the pharmacist designated by that pharmacy to
26serve as the prescription department manager or its
27equivalent to be licensed in the state of location to
28dispense medicinal drugs into this state; amending s.
29465.023, F.S.; providing an additional ground for which
30the Department of Health or the Board of Pharmacy may take
31action against a permitted pharmacy; amending s. 465.0255,
32F.S.; revising requirements for certain pharmacists and
33practitioners to deliver specified disclosures to
34purchasers when dispensing a medicinal drug; amending s.
35465.026, F.S.; creating an exception to the requirements
36for filling or refilling a transferred prescription for a
37medicinal drug listed in Schedule II under ch. 893, F.S.;
38amending s. 499.0121, F.S.; providing recordkeeping
39requirements relating to the storage and handling of
40prescription drugs which affiliated groups must fulfill;
41providing for future repeal; amending s. 895.02, F.S.;
42including violation of s. 465.0161, F.S., in the
43definition of the term "racketeering activity" for
44prosecution under ch. 895, F.S.; providing an
45appropriation and authorizing positions; providing an
46effective date.
48Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
50     Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (11) of section
51465.003, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
52     465.003  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term:
53     (11)(a)  "Pharmacy" includes a community pharmacy, an
54institutional pharmacy, a nuclear pharmacy, and a special
55pharmacy, and an Internet pharmacy.
56     1.  The term "community pharmacy" includes every location
57where medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or sold
58or where prescriptions are filled or dispensed on an outpatient
60     2.  The term "institutional pharmacy" includes every
61location in a hospital, clinic, nursing home, dispensary,
62sanitarium, extended care facility, or other facility,
63hereinafter referred to as "health care institutions," where
64medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or sold.
65     3.  The term "nuclear pharmacy" includes every location
66where radioactive drugs and chemicals within the classification
67of medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or sold.
68The term "nuclear pharmacy" does not include hospitals licensed
69under chapter 395 or the nuclear medicine facilities of such
71     4.  The term "special pharmacy" includes every location
72where medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or sold
73if such locations are not otherwise defined in this subsection.
74     5.  The term "Internet pharmacy" includes locations not
75otherwise licensed or issued a permit under this chapter, within
76or outside this state, which use the Internet to communicate
77with or obtain information from consumers in this state and use
78such communication or information to fill or refill
79prescriptions or to dispense, distribute, or otherwise engage in
80the practice of pharmacy in this state. Any act described in
81this subparagraph constitutes the practice of the profession of
82pharmacy as defined in subsection (13).
83     Section 2.  Subsections (7) and (8) are added to section
84465.0156, Florida Statutes, to read:
85     465.0156  Registration of nonresident pharmacies.--
86     (7)  This section does not apply to Internet pharmacies
87required to be permitted under s. 465.0197.
88     (8)  Notwithstanding s. 465.003(10), for purposes of this
89section, the registered pharmacy and the pharmacist designated
90by the registered pharmacy as the prescription department
91manager or the equivalent must be licensed in the state of
92location in order to dispense medicinal drugs into this state.
93     Section 3.  Paragraph (s) is added to subsection (1) of
94section 465.016, Florida Statutes, to read:
95     465.016  Disciplinary actions.--
96     (1)  The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a
97license or disciplinary action, as specified in s. 456.072(2):
98     (s)  Dispensing any medicinal drug based upon a
99communication that purports to be a prescription as defined in
100s. 465.003(14) or s. 893.02(20) when the pharmacist knows or has
101reason to believe that the purported prescription is not based
102upon a valid practitioner-patient relationship.
103     Section 4.  Section 465.0161, Florida Statutes, is created
104to read:
105     465.0161  Distribution of medicinal drugs without a
106permit.--An Internet pharmacy that distributes a medicinal drug
107to any person in this state without being permitted as a
108pharmacy under this chapter commits a felony of the second
109degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
111     Section 5.  Section 465.0196, Florida Statutes, is amended
112to read:
113     465.0196  Special pharmacy permits.--Any person desiring a
114permit to operate a special pharmacy which does not fall within
115the definitions set forth in s. 465.003(11)(a)1., 2., and 3.
116shall apply to the department for a special pharmacy permit. If
117the board certifies that the application complies with the
118applicable laws and rules of the board governing the practice of
119the profession of pharmacy, the department shall issue the
120permit. No permit shall be issued unless a licensed pharmacist
121is designated to undertake the professional supervision of the
122compounding and dispensing of all drugs dispensed by the
123pharmacy. The licensed pharmacist shall be responsible for
124maintaining all drug records and for providing for the security
125of the area in the facility in which the compounding, storing,
126and dispensing of medicinal drugs occurs. The permittee shall
127notify the department within 10 days of any change of the
128licensed pharmacist responsible for such duties. Every permittee
129that employs or otherwise utilizes pharmacy technicians shall
130have a written policy and procedures manual specifying those
131duties, tasks, and functions which a pharmacy technician is
132allowed to perform.
133     Section 6.  Section 465.0197, Florida Statutes, is created
134to read:
135     465.0197  Internet pharmacy permits.--
136     (1)  Any person desiring a permit to operate an Internet
137pharmacy shall apply to the department for an Internet pharmacy
138permit. If the board certifies that the application complies
139with the applicable laws and rules of the board governing the
140practice of the profession of pharmacy, the department shall
141issue the permit. No permit shall be issued unless a licensed
142pharmacist is designated as the prescription department manager
143for dispensing medicinal drugs to persons in this state. The
144licensed pharmacist shall be responsible for maintaining all
145drug records and for providing for the security of the area in
146the facility in which the compounding, storing, and dispensing
147of medicinal drugs to persons in this state occurs. The
148permittee shall notify the department within 30 days of any
149change of the licensed pharmacist responsible for such duties.
150Every permittee that employs or otherwise utilizes pharmacy
151technicians shall have a written policy and procedures manual
152specifying those duties, tasks, and functions which a pharmacy
153technician is allowed to perform.
154     (2)  An Internet pharmacy must obtain a permit under this
155section to sell medicinal drugs to persons in this state.
156     (3)  An Internet pharmacy shall provide pharmacy services
157at a high level of protection and competence and shall disclose
158to the board the following specific information:
159     (a)  That it maintains at all times a valid, unexpired
160license, permit, or registration to operate the pharmacy in
161compliance with the laws of the state in which the dispensing
162facility is located and from which the medicinal drugs shall be
164     (b)  The location, names, and titles of all principal
165corporate officers and the pharmacist who serves as the
166prescription department manager for dispensing medicinal drugs
167to persons in this state. This disclosure shall be made within
16830 days after any change of location, principal corporate
169officer, or pharmacist serving as the prescription department
170manager for dispensing medicinal drugs to persons in this state.
171     (c)  That it complies with all lawful directions and
172requests for information from the regulatory or licensing agency
173of all states in which it is licensed as well as with all
174requests for information made by the board pursuant to this
175section. It shall respond directly to all communications from
176the board concerning emergency circumstances arising from errors
177in the dispensing of medicinal drugs to persons in this state.
178     (d)  That it maintains its records of medicinal drugs
179dispensed to patients in this state so that the records are
180readily retrievable from the other business records of the
181pharmacy and from the records of other medicinal drugs
183     (e)  That during its regular hours of operation but not
184less than 6 days per week, for a minimum of 40 hours per week, a
185toll-free telephone service shall be provided to facilitate
186communication between patients in this state and a pharmacist at
187the pharmacy who has access to the patient's records. This toll-
188free number must be disclosed on the label affixed to each
189container of dispensed medicinal drugs.
190     (4)  Notwithstanding s. 465.003(10), for purposes of this
191section, the Internet pharmacy and the pharmacist designated by
192the Internet pharmacy as the prescription department manager or
193the equivalent must be licensed in the state of location in
194order to dispense medicinal drugs into this state.
195     Section 7.  Subsection (1) of section 465.023, Florida
196Statutes, is amended to read:
197     465.023  Pharmacy permittee; disciplinary action.--
198     (1)  The department or the board may revoke or suspend the
199permit of any pharmacy permittee, and may fine, place on
200probation, or otherwise discipline any pharmacy permittee who
202     (a)  Obtained a permit by misrepresentation or fraud or
203through an error of the department or the board;
204     (b)  Attempted to procure, or has procured, a permit for
205any other person by making, or causing to be made, any false
207     (c)  Violated any of the requirements of this chapter or
208any of the rules of the Board of Pharmacy; of chapter 499, known
209as the "Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act"; of 21 U.S.C. ss. 301-
210392, known as the "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act"; of 21
211U.S.C. ss. 821 et seq., known as the Comprehensive Drug Abuse
212Prevention and Control Act; or of chapter 893; or
213     (d)  Been convicted or found guilty, regardless of
214adjudication, of a felony or any other crime involving moral
215turpitude in any of the courts of this state, of any other
216state, or of the United States; or
217     (e)  Dispensed any medicinal drug based upon a
218communication that purports to be a prescription as defined in
219s. 465.003(14) or s. 893.02(20) when the pharmacist knows or has
220reason to believe that the purported prescription is not based
221upon a valid practitioner-patient relationship that includes a
222documented patient evaluation, including history and a physical
223examination adequate to establish the diagnosis for which any
224drug is prescribed and any other requirement established by
225board rule under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461, chapter
226463, chapter 464, or chapter 466.
227     Section 8.  Section 465.0255, Florida Statutes, is amended
228to read:
229     465.0255  Expiration date of medicinal drugs; display;
230related use and storage instructions.--
231     (1)  The manufacturer, repackager, or other distributor of
232any medicinal drug shall display the expiration date of each
233drug in a readable fashion on the container and on its
234packaging. The term "readable" means conspicuous and bold.
235     (2)  Each pharmacist for a community pharmacy dispensing
236medicinal drugs and each practitioner dispensing medicinal drugs
237on an outpatient basis shall display on the outside of the
238container of each medicinal drug dispensed, or in other written
239form delivered to the purchaser:,
240     (a)  The expiration date when provided by the manufacturer,
241repackager, or other distributor of the drug; or and
242     (b)  An earlier beyond-use date for expiration, which may
243be up to 1 year after the date of dispensing.
245The dispensing pharmacist or practitioner must provide
246information concerning the expiration date to the purchaser upon
247request and must provide appropriate instructions regarding the
248proper use and storage of the drug.
249     (3)  Nothing in This section does not shall impose
250liability on the dispensing pharmacist or practitioner for
251damages related to, or caused by, a medicinal drug that loses
252its effectiveness prior to the expiration date displayed by the
253dispensing pharmacist or practitioner.
254     (4)(3)  The provisions of this section are intended to
255notify the patient receiving a medicinal drug of the information
256required by this section, and the dispensing pharmacist or
257practitioner shall not be liable for the patient's failure to
258heed such notice or to follow the instructions for storage.
259     Section 9.  Subsection (7) is added to section 465.026,
260Florida Statutes, to read:
261     465.026  Filling of certain prescriptions.--Nothing
262contained in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a
263pharmacist licensed in this state from filling or refilling a
264valid prescription which is on file in a pharmacy located in
265this state or in another state and has been transferred from one
266pharmacy to another by any means, including any electronic
267means, under the following conditions:
268     (7)  A community pharmacy licensed under this chapter which
269only receives and transfers prescriptions for dispensing by
270another pharmacy may transfer a prescription for a medicinal
271drug listed in Schedule II under chapter 893. The pharmacy
272receiving the prescription may ship, mail, or deliver into this
273state, in any manner, the dispensed Schedule II medicinal drug
274under the following conditions:
275     (a)  The pharmacy receiving and dispensing the transferred
276prescription maintains at all times a valid, unexpired license,
277permit, or registration to operate the pharmacy in compliance
278with the laws of the state in which the pharmacy is located and
279from which the medicinal drugs are dispensed.
280     (b)  The community pharmacy and the receiving pharmacy are
281owned and operated by the same person and share a centralized
283     (c)  The community pharmacy assures its compliance with
284federal laws and subsections (1)-(5).
285     Section 10.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (6) of
286section 499.0121, Florida Statutes, to read:
287     499.0121  Storage and handling of prescription drugs;
288recordkeeping.--The department shall adopt rules to implement
289this section as necessary to protect the public health, safety,
290and welfare. Such rules shall include, but not be limited to,
291requirements for the storage and handling of prescription drugs
292and for the establishment and maintenance of prescription drug
293distribution records.
294     (6)  RECORDKEEPING.--The department shall adopt rules that
295require keeping such records of prescription drugs as are
296necessary for the protection of the public health.
297     (h)1.  This paragraph applies only to an affiliated group,
298as defined in s. 1504 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
299amended, which is composed of chain drug entities, including at
300least 50 retail pharmacies, warehouses, or repackagers, which
301are members of the same affiliated group if:
302     a.  The group discloses to the department the names of all
303the members of the affiliated group; and
304     b.  The affiliated group agrees in writing to provide
305records on prescription drug purchases by the members of the
306affiliated group not later than 48 hours after the department
307requests access to such records, regardless of the location of
308where the records are stored.
309     2.  Each warehouse within the affiliated group must comply
310with all applicable federal and state drug wholesale permit
311requirements and must purchase, receive, hold, and distribute
312prescription drugs only to a retail pharmacy or warehouse within
313the affiliated group. Such a warehouse is exempt from providing
314a pedigree paper in accordance with paragraph (d) or paragraph
315(e) to its affiliated group member warehouse, provided that:
316     a.  Any affiliated group member that purchases or receives
317a prescription drug from outside the affiliated group must
318receive a pedigree paper if the prescription drug is distributed
319in or into this state and a pedigree paper is required under
320this section and must authenticate the documentation as required
321in subsection (4), regardless of whether the affiliated group
322member is directly subject to regulation under this chapter; and
323     b.  The affiliated group makes available to the department
324on request all records related to the purchase or acquisition of
325prescription drugs by members of the affiliated group,
326regardless of the location where the records are stored, if the
327prescription drugs were distributed in or into this state.
328     3.  If a repackager repackages prescription drugs solely
329for distribution to its affiliated group members for the
330exclusive distribution to and among retail pharmacies that are
331members of the affiliated group to which the repackager is a
333     a.  The repackager must:
334     (I)  In lieu of the written statement required by paragraph
335(d) or paragraph (e), for all repackaged prescription drugs
336distributed in or into this state, state in writing under oath
337with each distribution of a repackaged prescription drug to an
338affiliated group member warehouse or repackager: "All repackaged
339prescription drugs are purchased by the affiliated group
340directly from the manufacturer or from a prescription drug
341wholesaler that purchased the prescription drugs directly from
342the manufacturer.";
343     (II)  Purchase all prescription drugs it repackages:
344     (A)  Directly from the manufacturer; or
345     (B)  From a prescription drug wholesaler that purchased the
346prescription drugs directly from the manufacturer; and
347     (III)  Maintain records in accordance with this section to
348document that it purchased the prescription drugs directly from
349the manufacturer or that its prescription drug wholesale
350supplier purchased the prescription drugs directly from the
352     b.  In addition, all members of the affiliated group must
353provide to agents of the department on request records of
354purchases by all members of the affiliated group of prescription
355drugs that have been repackaged, regardless of the location
356where the records are stored or where the repackager is located.
357     4.  This paragraph expires July 1, 2006.
358     Section 11.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
359895.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
360     895.02  Definitions.--As used in ss. 895.01-895.08, the
362     (1)  "Racketeering activity" means to commit, to attempt to
363commit, to conspire to commit, or to solicit, coerce, or
364intimidate another person to commit:
365     (a)  Any crime which is chargeable by indictment or
366information under the following provisions of the Florida
368     1.  Section 210.18, relating to evasion of payment of
369cigarette taxes.
370     2.  Section 403.727(3)(b), relating to environmental
372     3.4.  Section 409.920, relating to Medicaid provider fraud.
373     4.3.  Section 414.39, relating to public assistance fraud.
374     5.  Section 440.105 or s. 440.106, relating to workers'
376     6.  Section 465.0161, relating to distribution of medicinal
377drugs without a permit as an Internet pharmacy.
378     7.6.  Sections 499.0051, 499.0052, 499.0053, 499.0054, and
379499.0691, relating to crimes involving contraband and
380adulterated drugs.
381     8.7.  Part IV of chapter 501, relating to telemarketing.
382     9.8.  Chapter 517, relating to sale of securities and
383investor protection.
384     10.9.  Section 550.235, s. 550.3551, or s. 550.3605,
385relating to dogracing and horseracing.
386     11.10.  Chapter 550, relating to jai alai frontons.
387     12.11.  Chapter 552, relating to the manufacture,
388distribution, and use of explosives.
389     13.12.  Chapter 560, relating to money transmitters, if the
390violation is punishable as a felony.
391     14.13.  Chapter 562, relating to beverage law enforcement.
392     15.14.  Section 624.401, relating to transacting insurance
393without a certificate of authority, s. 624.437(4)(c)1., relating
394to operating an unauthorized multiple-employer welfare
395arrangement, or s. 626.902(1)(b), relating to representing or
396aiding an unauthorized insurer.
397     16.15.  Section 655.50, relating to reports of currency
398transactions, when such violation is punishable as a felony.
399     17.16.  Chapter 687, relating to interest and usurious
401     18.17.  Section 721.08, s. 721.09, or s. 721.13, relating
402to real estate timeshare plans.
403     19.18.  Chapter 782, relating to homicide.
404     20.19.  Chapter 784, relating to assault and battery.
405     21.20.  Chapter 787, relating to kidnapping.
406     22.21.  Chapter 790, relating to weapons and firearms.
407     23.22.  Section 796.03, s. 796.04, s. 796.05, or s. 796.07,
408relating to prostitution.
409     24.23.  Chapter 806, relating to arson.
410     25.24.  Section 810.02(2)(c), relating to specified
411burglary of a dwelling or structure.
412     26.25.  Chapter 812, relating to theft, robbery, and
413related crimes.
414     27.26.  Chapter 815, relating to computer-related crimes.
415     28.27.  Chapter 817, relating to fraudulent practices,
416false pretenses, fraud generally, and credit card crimes.
417     29.28.  Chapter 825, relating to abuse, neglect, or
418exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult.
419     30.29.  Section 827.071, relating to commercial sexual
420exploitation of children.
421     31.30.  Chapter 831, relating to forgery and
423     32.31.  Chapter 832, relating to issuance of worthless
424checks and drafts.
425     33.32.  Section 836.05, relating to extortion.
426     34.33.  Chapter 837, relating to perjury.
427     35.34.  Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of
428public office.
429     36.35.  Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of justice.
430     37.36.  Section 847.011, s. 847.012, s. 847.013, s. 847.06,
431or s. 847.07, relating to obscene literature and profanity.
432     38.37.  Section 849.09, s. 849.14, s. 849.15, s. 849.23, or
433s. 849.25, relating to gambling.
434     39.38.  Chapter 874, relating to criminal street gangs.
435     40.39.  Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and
437     41.40.  Chapter 896, relating to offenses related to
438financial transactions.
439     42.41.  Sections 914.22 and 914.23, relating to tampering
440with a witness, victim, or informant, and retaliation against a
441witness, victim, or informant.
442     43.42.  Sections 918.12 and 918.13, relating to tampering
443with jurors and evidence.
444     Section 12.  The sum of $590,051 is appropriated from the
445Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund to the Department of
446Health, and nine full-time equivalent positions are authorized,
447for the 2004-2005 fiscal year for the purpose of implementing
448this act.
449     Section 13.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.