Senate Bill sb1414

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1414

    By Senator Diaz de la Portilla


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to mobile and manufactured

  3         homes; amending s. 319.261, F.S.; deleting a

  4         requirement that the manufacturer's certificate

  5         of origin be recorded with the clerk of court

  6         in order for the Department of Highway Safety

  7         and Motor Vehicles to retire the title to a

  8         mobile home; amending s. 320.822, F.S.;

  9         defining the term "installation"; amending s.

10         320.823, F.S.; requiring that mobile and

11         manufactured homes sold in this state be

12         constructed to meet certain standards; amending

13         s. 320.8249, F.S.; revising penalties imposed

14         against mobile home installers who engage in

15         certain prohibited activities; prohibiting a

16         local government from requiring an installer to

17         obtain an additional bond or insurance;

18         requiring installers to maintain a location

19         log; creating s. 320.8251, F.S.; requiring a

20         person or entity that manufactures mobile home

21         installation components, products, or systems

22         to obtain a certificate of approval from the

23         Department of Highway Safety and Motor

24         Vehicles; providing requirements for

25         certification; authorizing the department to

26         revoke or suspend the certification under

27         certain circumstances; providing that products,

28         components, or systems currently used in the

29         installation of mobile homes need not be

30         certified until a certain date; amending s.

31         320.8285, F.S.; requiring each county or


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 1         municipality to be responsible for the onsite

 2         inspection of mobile home installation within

 3         its jurisdiction; revising competency

 4         requirements for performing onsite inspections;

 5         providing requirements for a county or

 6         municipality in issuing a permit for the

 7         installation of a mobile home and issuing a

 8         certificate of occupancy; amending s. 320.8325,

 9         F.S.; deleting provisions requiring the use of

10         tie-downs and anchors; revising requirements of

11         the department with respect to rules setting

12         forth standards for the installation of mobile

13         homes, manufactured homes, and park trailers;

14         providing that owners are responsible for

15         installation pursuant to department rules;

16         amending s. 320.834, F.S.; providing

17         legislative intent that mobile homes be an

18         affordable housing resource in this state;

19         amending s. 320.835, F.S.; requiring installers

20         to warrant the installation of a new mobile

21         home from the date of receipt of a certificate

22         of occupancy for a certain period; authorizing

23         the department to adopt rules to resolve

24         disputes between mobile home manufacturers,

25         dealers, installers, or suppliers; providing an

26         effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  Subsections (2), (3), and (6) of section

31  319.261, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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 1         319.261  Real property transactions; retiring title to

 2  mobile home.--

 3         (2)  The title to the mobile home may be retired by the

 4  department if the owner of the real property records the

 5  following documents in the official records of the clerk of

 6  court in the county in which the real property is located:

 7         (a)  The original title to the mobile home, or for a

 8  new home the manufacturers' certificate of origin, which

 9  document shall include a description of the mobile home,

10  including model year, make, width, length, and vehicle

11  identification number, and a statement by any recorded

12  lienholder on the title that the security interest in the home

13  has been released, or that such security interest will be

14  released upon retirement of the title as set forth in this

15  section.

16         (b)  The legal description of the real property, and in

17  the case of a leasehold interest, a copy of the lease

18  agreement.

19         (c)  A sworn statement by the owner of the real

20  property, as shown on the real property deed or lease, that he

21  or she is the owner of the mobile home and that the home is

22  permanently affixed to the real property in accordance with

23  state law.

24         (3)  The clerk of court, upon receipt of the documents

25  set forth in subsection (2), shall record said documents

26  against the real property and provide a copy of the recorded

27  title or manufacturers' certificate of origin to the owner of

28  the real property with a copy of all the documents recorded

29  pursuant to subsection (2).

30         (6)  The owner of the real property with a recorded and

31  retired title shall file an application with the department to


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 1  issue a new title to the mobile home, if the mobile home is to

 2  be removed from the real property. The department shall issue

 3  a new title upon receipt of an application from the owner of

 4  the real property containing the following information:

 5         (a)  An affidavit signed by the owners of the land and

 6  all secured parties and other lienholders consenting to the

 7  removal of the home.

 8         (b)  A certification from a title insurance company

 9  listing the owners and all secured parties and other

10  lienholders, which is dated within 10 days of after the date

11  of application for a new title under this subsection.

12         Section 2.  Subsection (14) of section 320.822, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         320.822  Definitions; ss. 320.822-320.862.--In

15  construing ss. 320.822-320.862, unless the context otherwise

16  requires, the following words or phrases have the following

17  meanings:

18         (14)  "Setup" or "installation" means the operations

19  performed at the occupancy site which render a mobile home or

20  park trailer fit for habitation. Such operations include, but

21  are not limited to, transporting;, positioning;, blocking;,

22  leveling, supporting, installing foundation products,

23  components, and systems; tying down, connecting utility

24  systems;, making minor adjustments;, or assembling multiple or

25  expandable units.

26         Section 3.  Section 320.823, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         320.823  Establishment of uniform mobile home

29  standards.--Each new single-family or duplex mobile or

30  manufactured home manufactured in this state or manufactured

31  outside this state but sold or offered for sale in this state


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 1  must be constructed to shall meet the Manufactured the Federal

 2  Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards, promulgated by

 3  the Department of Housing and Urban Development, pursuant to

 4  the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act. Each duplex mobile

 5  home manufactured in this state or manufactured outside this

 6  state but sold or offered for sale in this state shall be

 7  constructed to meet the Federal Mobile Home Construction and

 8  Safety Standards. Construction requirements shall include a

 9  1-hour-fire-rated wall separating the two units. Such

10  standards must shall include, but need not be limited to,

11  standards for body and frame construction and the installation

12  of plumbing, HVAC heating, and electrical systems.

13         Section 4.  Subsections (1), (9), (10), and (12) of

14  section 320.8249, Florida Statutes, are amended, present

15  subsections (14), (15), and (16) of that section are

16  redesignated as subsections (15), (16), and (17),

17  respectively, and a new subsection (14) is added to that

18  section, to read:

19         320.8249  Mobile home installers license.--

20         (1)  Any person who installs a engages in mobile home

21  installation shall obtain a mobile home installers license

22  from the Bureau of Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle

23  Construction of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

24  Vehicles pursuant to this section.  Said license shall be

25  renewed annually, and each licensee shall pay a fee of $150.

26         (9)  A No licensed person or nor licensed applicant may

27  not shall:

28         (a)  Obtain a mobile home installers license by fraud

29  or misrepresentation.

30         (b)  Be convicted or found guilty of, or enter a plea

31  of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in


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 1  any jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of

 2  mobile home installation or the ability to practice.

 3         (c)  Violate any law or rule relating to installing,

 4  repairing, or dealing in mobile homes or any lawful order of

 5  the department.

 6         (d)  Commit fraud or deceit in the practice of

 7  contracting.

 8         (e)  Commit incompetence or misconduct in the practice

 9  of contracting.

10         (f)  Commit gross negligence, repeated negligence, or

11  negligence resulting in a significant danger to life or

12  property.

13         (g)  Commit violations of the installation standards

14  for mobile homes or manufactured homes contained in rules

15  15C-1.0102 to 15C-1.0104, Florida Administrative Code.

16         (10)  Any licensed person or license applicant who

17  violates subsection (7) or any provision of subsection (9) may

18  have any of the following disciplinary penalties imposed by

19  the department, at its discretion:

20         (a)  License revocation;

21         (b)  License suspension;

22         (c)  A fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation

23  involving a single installation and not to exceed $5,000 for a

24  violation involving the total setup;

25         (d)  A requirement to take and pass, or retake and

26  pass, the department-approved examination;

27         (e)  Probation;

28         (f)  Probation subject to such restriction of practice

29  as the department chooses to impose;

30         (g)  A notice of noncompliance; or

31         (h)  Refusal of licensure application.


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 1         (12)  A No county, municipality, or other unit of local

 2  government may not require additional licensing, bonding, or

 3  insurance of a duly licensed installer who performs setup

 4  operations as defined in s. 320.822.  However, a county,

 5  municipality, or other unit of local government may require an

 6  installer to obtain a local occupational license, which

 7  license shall not require for its issuance any conditions

 8  other than those required by this act and payment of the

 9  appropriate occupational license fee.

10         (14)  Each installer shall maintain a location log for

11  each decal for 2 years. This requirement will not take effect

12  until the department develops an acceptable format for the log

13  and provides a sample of the acceptable format to each

14  licensed installer.

15         Section 5.  Section 320.8251, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         320.8251  Mobile home installation products; product

18  approval.--

19         (1)  Each person or entity that engages in the

20  manufacture of mobile home installation components, products,

21  or systems must obtain a certification from the department

22  which affirms that such component, product, or system is

23  approved for use in the installation of mobile homes in this

24  state.

25         (2)  The department shall certify for use in this state

26  any mobile home installation component, product, or system for

27  which a person or entity applies to the department and which

28  complies with subsection (3).

29         (3)  In order to obtain the certification set forth in

30  this section, a manufacturer must submit to the department a

31  report certifying that the mobile home installation component,


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 1  product, or system meets the mobile home installation

 2  standards set forth in this section and in department rules.

 3  The report must be signed and sealed by a professional

 4  engineer registered in this state. In accordance with chapter

 5  120, the department shall review the report and approve or

 6  deny the certification of the installation component, product,

 7  or system for use in the installation of mobile homes in this

 8  state.

 9         (4)  The certification set forth in this subsection is

10  subject to suspension or revocation, and the person or entity

11  that obtained the certification is subject to a fine set by

12  department rules upon a finding by the department that the

13  person or entity has obtained the certification by

14  misrepresentation or fraud or that the product, component, or

15  system does not meet the mobile home installation standards

16  set forth in this chapter or in department rules.

17         (5)  Any product, component, or system subject to this

18  section which is currently being used in the installation of

19  mobile homes in this state is not required to be certified in

20  accordance with this section until July 1, 2009.

21         Section 6.  Section 320.8285, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         320.8285  Onsite inspection.--

24         (1)  Each county or municipality in this state shall be

25  responsible for the prepare and adopt a plan providing for an

26  onsite inspection of each mobile home installation located

27  within the jurisdiction of such entity. The onsite inspection

28  shall ensure compliance with the department's uniform

29  installation standards set forth in this chapter and in

30  department rules. state and local building codes, ordinances,

31  and regulations regarding such functions as blocking and


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 1  leveling, tie-downs, utility connections, conversions of

 2  appliances, and external improvements on the mobile home. If a

 3  mobile home is manufactured in conformity with the code, as

 4  established in s. 320.823, a county may not require

 5  modification of the mobile home in order to comply with local

 6  tie-down regulations.

 7         (2)  When a county or municipality has not prepared and

 8  adopted a plan providing for onsite inspection, the department

 9  shall prepare a minimum onsite inspection plan for such

10  county. The department may promulgate reasonable rules and

11  regulations pursuant to chapter 120 in preparing and enforcing

12  such a minimum onsite inspection plan.

13         (2)(3)  Each county or municipality may designate the

14  persons who are to perform the onsite inspection. If a county

15  or municipality does not so designate, the department shall

16  designate the persons who are to perform the onsite

17  inspection. A No person may not shall be designated to perform

18  onsite inspections unless that such person is competent in the

19  area areas of mobile home installation. blocking and leveling,

20  tie-downs, utility connections, conversions of appliances, and

21  external improvements. Pursuant to the onsite inspection, each

22  mobile home shall be issued a certificate of occupancy if the

23  mobile home complies with state and local building codes,

24  ordinances, and regulations regarding such functions as

25  blocking and leveling, tie-downs, utility connections,

26  conversion of appliances, and external improvements to the

27  mobile home.

28         (3)  The county or municipality issuing a permit for

29  the installation of a mobile home shall issue such permit only

30  to a licensed mobile home installer or to a licensed mobile

31  home dealer or manufactured home owner if the dealer or owner


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 1  demonstrates on the face of the application that a licensed

 2  installer will be performing the actual work. In the case of

 3  issuance to an owner, the permit must reflect the name and the

 4  license number of the licensed installer performing the work.

 5         (4)  Pursuant to the onsite inspection, each mobile

 6  home shall be issued a certificate of occupancy if the mobile

 7  home complies with department rules regarding the installation

 8  of mobile homes.

 9         (5)(4)  Fees for onsite inspections and certificates of

10  occupancy of mobile homes shall be reasonable for the services

11  performed.  A guideline for fee schedules shall be issued by

12  the department.

13         (6)(5)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

14  Vehicles shall enforce every provision of this section and the

15  rules regulations adopted pursuant hereto, except that local

16  land use and zoning requirements, fire zones, building setback

17  and side and rear yard requirements, site development and

18  property line requirements, subdivision control, and onsite

19  installation inspection requirements, as well as review and

20  regulation of architectural and aesthetic requirements, are

21  hereby specifically and entirely reserved to local

22  jurisdictions. However, any architectural or aesthetic

23  requirement imposed on the mobile home structure itself may

24  pertain only to roofing and siding materials. Such local

25  requirements and regulations and others for manufactured homes

26  must be reasonable, uniformly applied, and enforced without

27  distinctions as to whether such housing is manufactured,

28  located in a mobile home park or a mobile home subdivision, or

29  built in a conventional manner. No local jurisdiction shall

30  prohibit siting or resiting of used mobile homes based solely

31  on the date the unit was manufactured.


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 1         (7)(6)  Park trailers are subject to inspection in the

 2  same manner as are mobile homes pursuant to this section.

 3         Section 7.  Section 320.8325, Florida Statutes, is

 4  amended to read:

 5         320.8325  Mobile homes and park trailers; uniform

 6  tie-down requirements; minimum installation standards;

 7  injunctions; penalty.--

 8         (1)  The owner of a mobile home or park trailer shall

 9  secure the mobile home or park trailer to the ground by the

10  use of anchors and tie-downs so as to resist wind overturning

11  and sliding. However, nothing herein shall be construed as

12  requiring that anchors and tie-downs be installed to secure

13  mobile homes or park trailers which are permanently attached

14  to a permanent structure. A permanent structure shall have a

15  foundation and such other structural elements as are required

16  pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the

17  department which assure the rigidity and stability of the

18  mobile home or park trailer.

19         (a)  A mobile home or park trailer manufactured in

20  accordance with the code standards and labeled "hurricane and

21  windstorm resistive" shall be anchored to each anchor point

22  provided on the mobile home or park trailer.  A mobile home or

23  park trailer which does not meet these standards must be

24  anchored with anchor points spaced as required by the

25  department starting at each end of the mobile home or park

26  trailer.

27         (b)  In addition, each mobile home or park trailer

28  shall be tied down by one of the following means:

29         1.  A mobile home or park trailer having built-in,

30  over-the-roof ties shall be secured by the tie-down points,



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 1  provided such built-in ties and points meet the standards

 2  promulgated by the department.

 3         2.  A mobile home or park trailer not having built-in,

 4  over-the-roof ties and tie-down points which meet department

 5  standards shall be secured in accordance with standards

 6  promulgated by the department.

 7         (1)(2)  The department shall adopt promulgate rules and

 8  regulations setting forth uniform standards for the

 9  installation of mobile homes, manufactured homes, and park

10  trailers and for the manufacture of components, products, or

11  systems used in the installation of mobile homes, manufactured

12  homes, and park trailers. The rules shall ensure that the home

13  or park trailer is installed on a permanent foundation that

14  resists wind, flood, flotation, overturning, sliding, and

15  lateral movement of the home or park trailer. manufacture or

16  installation of anchors, tie-downs, over-the-roof ties, or

17  other reliable methods of securing mobile homes or park

18  trailers when over-the-roof ties are not suitable due to

19  factors such as unreasonable cost, design of the mobile home

20  or park trailer, or potential damage to the mobile home or

21  park trailer. No entity, other than the department, has

22  authority to amend these uniform standards. The owner of the

23  mobile home, manufactured home, or park trailer shall be

24  responsible for the installation in accordance with department

25  rules. Such devices required under this section, when properly

26  installed, shall cause the mobile home or park trailer to

27  resist wind overturning and sliding.  In promulgating such

28  rules and regulations, the department may make such

29  discriminations regarding mobile home or park trailer tie-down

30  requirements as are reasonable when factors such as age,



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 1  location, and practicality of tying down a mobile home or park

 2  trailer are considered.

 3         (2)(3)(a)  Persons licensed in this state to engage in

 4  the business of insuring mobile homes, manufactured homes, or

 5  park trailers that are subject to the provisions of this

 6  section against damage from windstorm shall issue such

 7  insurance only if the mobile home, manufactured home, or park

 8  trailer has been installed anchored and tied down in

 9  accordance with the requirements provisions of this chapter

10  and department rules section.

11         (b)  If In the event that a mobile home, manufactured

12  home, or park trailer is insured against damage caused by

13  windstorm and subsequently sustains windstorm damage of a

14  nature that indicates that the mobile home, manufactured home,

15  or park trailer was not installed anchored or tied down in the

16  manner required by this chapter and department rules section,

17  the person issuing the policy shall not be relieved from

18  meeting the obligations specified in the insurance policy with

19  respect to such damage on the basis that the mobile home or

20  park trailer was not properly installed anchored or tied down.

21         (3)(4)  Whenever a person or entity that who engages in

22  the business of manufactured housing installation or

23  installing anchors, tie-downs, or over-the-roof ties or who

24  engages in the business of manufacturing components, products,

25  or systems, distributing, or dealing in such devices for use

26  in this state and does so in a manner that is not in

27  accordance with the uniform minimum standards set forth by the

28  department, a person or entity aggrieved thereby may bring an

29  action in the appropriate court for actual damages. In

30  addition, the court may provide appropriate equitable relief,

31  including the enjoining of a violator from engaging in the


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 1  business or from engaging in further violations.  Whenever it

 2  is established to the satisfaction of the court that a willful

 3  violation has occurred, the court shall award punitive damages

 4  to the aggrieved party.  The losing party may be liable for

 5  court costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the

 6  prevailing party.

 7         (4)(5)  In addition to other penalties provided in this

 8  section, the department or the state attorneys and their

 9  assistants are authorized to apply to the circuit courts

10  within their respective jurisdictions, and such courts shall

11  have jurisdiction, upon hearing and for cause shown, to grant

12  temporary or permanent injunctions restraining any person or

13  entity persons engaging in the business of manufactured

14  housing installation or the manufacturing of components,

15  products, or systems manufacturing, distributing, or dealing

16  in anchors, tie-downs, or over-the-roof ties from installing

17  homes or manufacturing or selling such components, products,

18  or systems devices in a manner not in accordance with the

19  uniform minimum standards set forth by the department or

20  restraining any persons in the business of installing such

21  components, products, or systems anchors, tie-downs, or

22  over-the-roof ties from using utilizing devices that do not

23  meet the uniform minimum standards set forth by the department

24  or from installing such components, products, or systems

25  devices in a manner not in accordance with the uniform minimum

26  standards set forth by the department, whether or not there

27  exists an adequate remedy at law, and such injunctions shall

28  issue without bond.

29         (5)(6)  This section only applies only to a mobile

30  home, manufactured home, or park trailer that is being used as

31  a dwelling place and that is located on a particular location


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 1  for a period of time exceeding 14 days, for a mobile or

 2  manufactured home, or 45 days, for a park trailer.

 3         (6)(7)  For the purposes of this section, the

 4  definitions set forth in s. 320.822 apply.

 5         Section 8.  Section 320.834, Florida Statutes, is

 6  amended to read:

 7         320.834  Purpose.--It is the intent of the Legislature

 8  to ensure the safety and welfare of residents of mobile homes

 9  through an inspection program conducted by the Department of

10  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Mobile homes are a primary

11  affordable housing resource of many of the residents of the

12  state and satisfy a large segment of statewide housing needs.

13  It is the further intent of the Legislature that the

14  department, mobile home dealers, and mobile home manufacturers

15  continue to work together to meet the applicable code

16  requirements for mobile homes and that such dealers and

17  manufacturers share the responsibilities of warranting mobile

18  homes in accordance with applicable codes and resolving

19  legitimate consumer complaints in a timely, efficient manner.

20         Section 9.  Section 320.835, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         320.835  Mobile home and recreational vehicle

23  warranties.--Each manufacturer, dealer, installer, and

24  supplier of mobile homes or recreational vehicles shall

25  warrant each new mobile home or recreational vehicle sold in

26  this state and the setup of each such mobile home, in

27  accordance with the warranty requirements prescribed by this

28  section, for a period of at least 12 months, measured from the

29  date of delivery of the mobile home to the buyer or the date

30  of sale of the recreational vehicle in the case of a

31  manufacturer or dealer, or from the date of receipt of a


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 1  certificate of occupancy in the case of an installer. The

 2  warranty requirements of each manufacturer, dealer, installer,

 3  and supplier of mobile homes or recreational vehicles are as

 4  follows:

 5         (1)  The manufacturer warrants:

 6         (a)  For a mobile home or recreational vehicle, that

 7  all structural elements; plumbing systems; heating, cooling,

 8  and fuel-burning systems; electrical systems; fire prevention

 9  systems; and any other components or conditions included by

10  the manufacturer are free from substantial defect.

11         (b)  That 100-ampere electrical service exists in the

12  mobile home.

13         (2)  The dealer warrants:

14         (a)  That any modifications or alterations made to the

15  mobile home or recreational vehicle by the dealer or

16  authorized by the dealer shall be free from substantial

17  defect. Alterations or modifications made by a dealer shall

18  relieve the manufacturer of warranty responsibility only as to

19  the item altered or modified.

20         (b)  That setup operations performed on the mobile home

21  are performed in compliance with s. 320.8325.

22         (c)  That substantial defects do not occur to the

23  mobile home during setup or by transporting it to the

24  occupancy site.


26  When the setup of a mobile home is performed by a person who

27  is not an employee or agent of the mobile home manufacturer or

28  dealer and is not compensated or authorized by, or connected

29  with, such manufacturer or dealer, then the warranty

30  responsibility of the manufacturer or dealer as to setup shall



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 1  be limited to transporting the mobile home to the occupancy

 2  site free from substantial defect.

 3         (3)  The installer warrants that the setup operations

 4  performed on the mobile home are performed in compliance with

 5  s. 320.8325 and department rules governing the installation.

 6         (4)(3)  The supplier warrants that any warranties

 7  generally offered in the ordinary sale of his or her product

 8  to consumers shall be extended to buyers of mobile homes and

 9  recreational vehicles.  When no warranty is extended by

10  suppliers, the manufacturer shall assume warranty

11  responsibility for that component.

12         (5)  The department may adopt rules under chapter 120

13  to resolve disputes that may arise among the mobile home

14  manufacturer, dealer, installer, or supplier. Those rules must

15  comply with the dispute resolution process as set forth in the

16  federal Manufactured Housing Improvement Act.

17         Section 10.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.















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 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Deletes the manufacturers' certificate of origin as a
      document recorded with the clerk of court in order for
 4    the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to
      retire the title to a mobile home. Requires that mobile
 5    and manufactured homes be constructed according to
      certain standards. Revises penalties against mobile home
 6    installers who engage in certain unlawful activities.
      Requires licensed mobile home installers to maintain a
 7    location log. Requires a person or entity engaging in the
      manufacturing of mobile home installation components,
 8    products, or systems to obtain a certificate of approval
      from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
 9    Provides for revocation or suspension of certification
      under certain circumstances. Provides that products,
10    components, or systems currently used in the installation
      of mobile homes need not be certified until July 1, 2009.
11    Requires each county or municipality to be responsible
      for the onsite inspection of mobile home installation.
12    Provides circumstances under which a county or
      municipality may issue a permit for the installation of a
13    mobile home. Provides circumstances under which a mobile
      home is issued a certificate of occupancy. Requires
14    department rules to set forth standards for the
      installation of mobile homes, manufactured homes, and
15    park trailers. Provides that owners are responsible for
      installation pursuant to department rules. Requires
16    installers to warrant the installation of a new mobile
      home from the date of receipt of a certificate of
17    occupancy. Authorizes the department to adopt rules for
      resolving disputes among mobile home manufacturers,
18    dealers, installers, or suppliers.















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.