HB 1433CS


1The Committee on Insurance recommends the following:
3     Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to warranty associations; creating s.
7634.1815, F.S.; providing conditions under which a
8salesperson of a motor vehicle service agreement company
9may rebate his or her commission; creating s. 634.3205,
10F.S.; providing conditions under which a sales
11representative of a home warranty association may rebate
12his or her commission; amending s. 634.406, F.S.; providing
13conditions under which a service warranty association is
14exempt from certain premium reserve and liability insurance
15requirements and may allow premiums to exceed certain
16limits; creating s. 634.4225, F.S.; providing conditions
17under which a sales representative of a service warranty
18association may rebate his or her commission; providing an
19effective date.
21Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23     Section 1.  Section 634.1815, Florida Statutes, is created
24to read:
25     634.1815  Rebating; when allowed.--
26     (1)  No salesperson shall rebate any portion of his or her
27commission except as follows:
28     (a)  The rebate shall be available to all consumers in the
29same actuarial class.
30     (b)  The rebate shall be in accordance with a rebating
31schedule filed by the salesperson with the service agreement
32company issuing the service agreement to which the rebate
33applies. The service agreement company shall maintain a copy of
34all rebating schedules for a period of 3 years.
35     (c)  The rebating schedule shall be uniformly applied so
36all consumers who purchase the same service agreement through
37the salesperson for the same coverage shall receive the same
38percentage rebate.
39     (d)  The rebate schedule shall be prominently displayed in
40public view in the salesperson's place of business, and a copy
41shall be made available to consumers on request at no charge.
42     (e)  The age, sex, place of residence, race, nationality,
43ethnic origin, marital status, or occupation of the consumer
44shall not be used in determining the percentage of the rebate or
45whether a rebate is available.
46     (2)  No rebate shall be withheld or limited in amount based
47on factors which are unfairly discriminatory.
48     (3)  No rebate shall be given which is not reflected on the
49rebate schedule.
50     (4)  No rebate shall be refused or granted based upon the
51purchase of or failure to purchase collateral business.
52     Section 2.  Section 634.3205, Florida Statutes, is created
53to read:
54     634.3205  Rebating; when allowed.--
55     (1)  No sales representative shall rebate any portion of
56his or her commission except as follows:
57     (a)  The rebate shall be available to all consumers in the
58same actuarial class.
59     (b)  The rebate shall be in accordance with a rebating
60schedule filed by the sales representative with the home
61warranty association issuing the home warranty to which the
62rebate applies. The home warranty association shall maintain a
63copy of all rebating schedules for a period of 3 years.
64     (c)  The rebating schedule shall be uniformly applied so
65all consumers who purchase the same home warranty through the
66sales representative for the same coverage shall receive the
67same percentage rebate.
68     (d)  The rebate schedule shall be prominently displayed in
69public view in the sales representative's place of business, and
70a copy shall be made available to consumers on request at no
72     (e)  The age, sex, place of residence, race, nationality,
73ethnic origin, marital status, or occupation of the consumer
74shall not be used in determining the percentage of the rebate or
75whether a rebate is available.
76     (2)  No rebate shall be withheld or limited in amount based
77on factors which are unfairly discriminatory.
78     (3)  No rebate shall be given which is not reflected on the
79rebate schedule.
80     (4)  No rebate shall be refused or granted based upon the
81purchase of or failure to purchase collateral business.
82     Section 3.  Subsection (8) is added to section 634.406,
83Florida Statutes, to read:
84     634.406  Financial requirements.--
85     (8)  An association licensed under this part and holding no
86other license under part I or part II of this chapter is not
87required to establish an unearned premium reserve or maintain
88contractual liability insurance and may allow its premiums to
89exceed the ratio to net assets limitation of this section if the
90association complies with the following:
91     (a)  The association or, if the association is a direct or
92indirect wholly owned subsidiary of a parent corporation, its
93parent corporation has, and maintains at all times, a minimum
94net worth of at least $100 million and provides the office with
95the following:
96     1.  A copy of the association's annual audited financial
97statements or the audited consolidated financial statements of
98the association's parent corporation, prepared by an independent
99certified public accountant in accordance with generally
100accepted accounting principles, which clearly demonstrate the
101net worth of the association or its parent corporation to be
102$100 million and a quarterly written certification to the office
103that such entity continues to maintain the net worth required
104under this paragraph.
105     2.  The association's, or its parent corporation's, Form
10610K, Form 10Q, or Form 20F as filed with the United States
107Securities and Exchange Commission or such other documents
108required to be filed with a recognized stock exchange, which
109shall be provided on a quarterly and annual basis within 10 days
110after the last date each such report must be filed with the
111Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Association of
112Security Dealers Automated Quotation system, or other recognized
113stock exchange.
115Failure to timely file the documents required under this
116paragraph may, at the discretion of the office, subject the
117association to suspension or revocation of its license under
118this part. An association or parent corporation demonstrating
119compliance with subparagraph 1. and subparagraph 2. must
120maintain outstanding debt obligations, if any, rated in the top
121four rating categories by a recognized rating service.
122     (b)  If the net worth of a parent corporation is used to
123satisfy the net worth provisions of paragraph (a), the following
124provisions must be met:
125     1.  The parent corporation must guarantee all service
126warranty obligations of the association, wherever written, on a
127form approved in advance by the office. No cancellation,
128termination, or modification of the guarantee shall become
129effective unless the parent corporation provides the office
130written notice at least 90 days before the effective date of the
131cancellation, termination, or modification and the office
132approves the request in writing. Prior to the effective date of
133cancellation, termination, or modification of the guarantee, the
134association must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the office
135compliance with all applicable provisions of this part,
136including whether the association will meet the requirements of
137this section by the purchase of contractual liability insurance,
138establishing required reserves, or other method allowed under
139this section. If the association or parent corporation does not
140demonstrate to the satisfaction of the office compliance with
141all applicable provisions of this part, it shall immediately
142cease writing new and renewal business upon the effective date
143of the cancellation, termination, or modification.
144     2.  The association must maintain at all times net assets
145of at least $750,000.
146     Section 4.  Section 634.4225, Florida Statutes, is created
147to read:
148     634.4225  Rebating; when allowed.--
149     (1)  No sales representative shall rebate any portion of
150his or her commission except as follows:
151     (a)  The rebate shall be available to all consumers in the
152same actuarial class.
153     (b)  The rebate shall be in accordance with a rebating
154schedule filed by the sales representative with the association
155issuing the service warranty to which the rebate applies. The
156association shall maintain a copy of all rebating schedules for
157a period of 3 years.
158     (c)  The rebating schedule shall be uniformly applied so
159all consumers who purchase the same service warranty through the
160sales representative for the same coverage shall receive the
161same percentage rebate.
162     (d)  The rebate schedule shall be prominently displayed in
163public view in the sales representative's place of business, and
164a copy shall be made available to consumers on request at no
166     (e)  The age, sex, place of residence, race, nationality,
167ethnic origin, marital status, or occupation of the consumer
168shall not be used in determining the percentage of the rebate or
169whether a rebate is available.
170     (2)  No rebate shall be withheld or limited in amount based
171on factors which are unfairly discriminatory.
172     (3)  No rebate shall be given which is not reflected on the
173rebate schedule.
174     (4)  No rebate shall be refused or granted based upon the
175purchase of or failure to purchase collateral business.
176     Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.