Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 952138
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  3/AD/2R        .                    
       04/23/2004 03:02 PM         .                    
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11  Senator Saunders moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment 
14         On page 8, lines 1-11, delete those lines
16  and insert:  
17         (c)  Establish a "near-miss," patient safety reporting
18  system. The purpose of the near-miss reporting system is
19  to:  identify potential systemic problems that could lead to
20  adverse incidents; enable publication of systemwide alerts of
21  potential harm; and facilitate development of both
22  facility-specific and statewide options to avoid adverse
23  incidents and improve patient safety. The reporting system
24  shall record "near-misses" submitted by hospitals, birthing
25  centers, and ambulatory surgical centers and other providers.
26  For the purpose of the reporting system:
27         1.  A "near-miss" means any potentially harmful event
28  that could have had an adverse result but, through chance or
29  intervention in which, harm was prevented.
30         2.  The "near-miss" reporting system shall be voluntary
31  and anonymous and independent of mandatory reporting systems
    9:35 AM   04/22/04                               s1464.hc37.2c

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 952138 1 used for regulatory purposes. 2 3. "Near-miss" data submitted to the corporation is 3 patient safety data as defined in s. 766.1016. 4 4. Reports of "near-miss" data shall be published on a 5 regular basis and special alerts shall be published as needed 6 regarding newly identified, significant risks. 7 5. Aggregated data shall be made available publicly. 8 6. The corporation shall report the performance and 9 results of the reporting system in its annual report. 10 (d) Work collaboratively with the appropriate state 11 agencies in the development of electronic health records. 12 (e) Provide for access to an active library of 13 evidence-based medicine and patient safety practices, together 14 with the emerging evidence supporting their retention or 15 modification, and make this information available to health 16 care practitioners, health care facilities, and the public. 17 Support for implementation of evidence-based medicine shall 18 include: 19 1. A report to the Governor, the President of the 20 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the 21 Agency for Health Care Administration by January 1, 2005, on: 22 a. The ability to join or support efforts for the use 23 of evidence-based medicine already underway, such as those of 24 the Leapfrog Group, the international group Bandolier, and the 25 Healthy Florida Foundation. 26 b. The means by which to promote research using 27 Medicaid and other data collected by the Agency for Health 28 Care Administration to identify and quantify the most 29 cost-effective treatment and interventions, including disease 30 management and prevention programs. 31 c. The means by which to encourage development of 2 9:35 AM 04/22/04 s1464.hc37.2c
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 952138 1 systems to measure and reward providers who implement 2 evidence-based medical practices. 3 d. The review of other state and private initiatives 4 and published literature for promising approaches and the 5 dissemination of information about them to providers. 6 e. The encouragement of the Florida health care boards 7 under the Department of Health to regularly publish findings 8 related to the cost-effectiveness of disease-specific, 9 evidence-based standards. 10 f. Public and private sector initiatives related to 11 evidence-based medicine and communication systems for the 12 sharing of clinical information among caregivers. 13 g. Regulatory barriers that interfere with the sharing 14 of clinical information among caregivers. 15 2. An implementation plan reported to the Governor, 16 the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 17 Representatives, and the Agency for Health Care Administration 18 by September 1, 2005, that must include, but need not be 19 limited to: estimated costs and savings, capital investment 20 requirements, recommended investment incentives, initial 21 committed provider participation by region, standards of 22 functionality and features, a marketing plan, and 23 implementation schedules for key components. 24 25 (Redesignate subsequent paragraphs.) 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 9:35 AM 04/22/04 s1464.hc37.2c