Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 955780
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  2/AD/2R        .                    
       04/23/2004 02:49 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Saunders moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment 
14         On page 5, line 9, through
15            page 6, line 17, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         (5)  ADVISORY COMMITTEES.--In addition to any
19  committees that the corporation may establish, the corporation
20  shall establish the following advisory committees:
21         (a)  A scientific research advisory committee that
22  includes, at a minimum, a representative from each patient
23  safety center or other patient safety program in the
24  universities of this state who is a physician licensed under
25  chapter 458 or chapter 459, with experience in patient safety
26  and evidence-based medicine. The duties of the scientific
27  research advisory committee shall include, but not be limited
28  to, the analysis of existing data and research to improve
29  patient safety and encourage evidence-based medicine.
30         (b)  A technology advisory committee that includes, at
31  a minimum, a representative of a hospital that has implemented
    9:35 AM   04/22/04                               s1464.hc37.3c

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 955780 1 a computerized physician order entry system and a health care 2 provider that has implemented an electronic medical records 3 system. The duties of the technology advisory committee shall 4 include, but not be limited to, fostering development and use 5 of new patient safety technologies, including electronic 6 medical records. 7 (c) A health care provider advisory committee that 8 includes, at a minimum, representatives of hospitals, 9 ambulatory surgical centers, physicians, nurses, and 10 pharmacists licensed in this state and a representative of the 11 Veterans Integrated Service Network 8 VA Patient Safety 12 Center. The duties of the health care provider advisory 13 committee shall include, but not be limited to, promotion of a 14 culture of patient safety that reduces errors. 15 (d) A health care consumer advisory committee that 16 includes, at a minimum, representatives of businesses that 17 provide health insurance coverage to their employees, consumer 18 advocacy groups, and representatives of patient organizations. 19 The duties of the health care consumer advisory committee 20 shall include, but not be limited to, identification of 21 incentives to encourage patient safety and the efficiency and 22 quality of care. 23 (e) A state agency advisory committee that includes, 24 at a minimum, a representative from each state agency that has 25 regulatory responsibilities related to patient safety. The 26 duties of the state agency advisory committee shall include, 27 but not be limited to, fostering coordination of patient 28 safety activities among state agencies. 29 (f) A litigation alternatives advisory committee that 30 includes, at a minimum, representatives of attorneys who 31 represent plaintiffs and defendants in medical malpractice 2 9:35 AM 04/22/04 s1464.hc37.3c
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1464 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 955780 1 cases, a representative of each law school in the state, 2 physicians, and health care facilities. The duties of the 3 litigation alternatives advisory committee shall include, but 4 not be limited to, identification of alternative systems to 5 compensate for injuries. 6 (g) An education advisory committee that includes, at 7 a minimum, the associate dean for education, or the equivalent 8 position, as a representative from each school of medicine, 9 nursing, public health, or allied health to provide advice on 10 the development, implementation, and measurement of core 11 competencies for patient safety to be considered for 12 incorporation in the educational programs of the universities 13 and colleges of this state. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 9:35 AM 04/22/04 s1464.hc37.3c