1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to the tax on sales, use, and other |
3 | transactions; creating s. 212.086, F.S.; exempting energy- |
4 | efficient appliances from the tax; providing a definition; |
5 | providing an effective date. |
6 |
7 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
8 |
9 | Section 1. Section 212.086, Florida Statutes, is created |
10 | to read: |
11 | 212.086 Sales tax exemption; sales of energy-efficient |
12 | appliances.--The sale at retail in this state of any energy- |
13 | energy-efficient appliance is hereby specifically exempt from |
14 | the tax imposed by this chapter. For purposes of this section, |
15 | "energy-efficient appliance" means any dishwasher, clothes |
16 | washer, ceiling fan, refrigerator, room air conditioning unit, |
17 | central air conditioner, dehumidifier, programmable thermostat, |
18 | lighting fixture, or compact fluorescent light bulb that is |
19 | certified by the United States Department of Energy as meeting |
20 | or exceeding such agency's energy-saving efficiency requirements |
21 | and that is designated as meeting or exceeding such requirements |
22 | under the agency's Energy Star program. |
23 | Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004. |