HB 1553

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to corporate income taxation; amending s.
3220.02, F.S.; revising legislative intent to subject
4limited liability companies and subchapter S corporations
5to the corporate income tax; distinguishing income of
6certain entities from income of shareholders, partners, or
7members; amending s. 220.03, F.S.; revising the
8definitions of corporation and taxpayer to conform;
9expanding the definition of nonbusiness income; providing
10a definition of water's edge group; amending s. 220.13,
11F.S.; revising subtraction adjustments to adjusted federal
12income for water's edge groups and limited liability
13companies; revising a definition of taxable income for
14corporations and limited liability companies; creating s.
15220.136, F.S.; providing certain reporting method
16requirements for water's edge groups; authorizing members
17of a water's edge group to file a single combined tax
18return and pay the entire tax due for all members;
19requiring a water's edge group to file a domestic
20disclosure spreadsheet under certain circumstances;
21providing requirements; authorizing the Department of
22Revenue to adopt implementing and administering rules and
23forms; amending s. 220.15, F.S.; revising criteria for
24determining the occurrence of sales of tangible personal
25property in this state; amending s. 220.64, F.S.;
26providing for application of the water's edge reporting
27requirements to the franchise tax imposed on banks and
28savings associations; amending s. 608.471, F.S.; revising
29provisions granting a tax exemption on income of certain
30limited liability companies to delete certain partnership
31classification provisions; providing applicability;
32providing an effective date.
34Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
36     Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (9) of section 220.02,
37Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
38     220.02  Legislative intent.--
39     (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this
40code to impose a tax upon all corporations, organizations,
41associations, and other artificial entities which derive from
42this state or from any other jurisdiction permanent and inherent
43attributes not inherent in or available to natural persons, such
44as perpetual life, transferable ownership represented by shares
45or certificates, and limited liability for any all owners. It is
46intended that any limited liability companies and subchapter S
47corporations company that is classified as a partnership for
48federal income tax purposes and formed under chapter 608 or
49qualified to do business in this state as a foreign limited
50liability company not be subject to the tax imposed by this
51code. It is the intent of the Legislature to subject such
52corporations and other entities to taxation hereunder for the
53privilege of conducting business, deriving income, or existing
54within this state. This code is not intended to tax, and shall
55not be construed so as to tax, any natural person who engages in
56a trade, business, or profession in this state under his or her
57own or any fictitious name, whether individually as a
58proprietorship or in partnership with others, or as a member or
59a manager of a limited liability company classified as a
60partnership for federal income tax purposes; any estate of a
61decedent or incompetent; or any testamentary trust. The income
62of a corporation, limited liability company, subchapter S
63corporation, or other taxable entity is distinct from the income
64of its shareholders, partners, or members. However, a
65corporation or other taxable entity which is or which becomes
66partners with one or more natural persons shall not, merely by
67reason of being a partner, exclude from its net income subject
68to tax its respective share of partnership net income. This
69statement of intent shall be given preeminent consideration in
70any construction or interpretation of this code in order to
71avoid any conflict between this code and the mandate in s. 5,
72Art. VII of the State Constitution that no income tax be levied
73upon natural persons who are residents and citizens of this
75     (9)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
76it is the intent of the Legislature that, except as otherwise
77provided under the Internal Revenue Code, for the purposes of
78this chapter, the term "qualified subchapter S subsidiary," as
79that term is defined in s. 1361(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue
80Code, shall not be treated as a separate corporation or entity
81from the S corporation parent to which the subsidiary's assets,
82liabilities, income, deductions, and credits are attributed
83under s. 1361(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
84     Section 2.  Paragraphs (e), (r), and (aa) of subsection (1)
85of section 220.03, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph
86(hh) is added to said subsection, to read:
87     220.03  Definitions.--
88     (1)  SPECIFIC TERMS.--When used in this code, and when not
89otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with
90the intent thereof, the following terms shall have the following
92     (e)  "Corporation" includes all domestic corporations;
93foreign corporations qualified to do business in this state or
94actually doing business in this state; joint-stock companies;
95limited liability companies, under chapter 608; common-law
96declarations of trust, under chapter 609; corporations not for
97profit, under chapter 617; agricultural cooperative marketing
98associations, under chapter 618; professional service
99corporations, under chapter 621; foreign unincorporated
100associations, under chapter 622; private school corporations,
101under chapter 623; foreign corporations not for profit which are
102carrying on their activities in this state; and all other
103organizations, associations, legal entities, and artificial
104persons which are created by or pursuant to the statutes of this
105state, the United States, or any other state, territory,
106possession, or jurisdiction. The term "corporation" does not
107include proprietorships, even if using a fictitious name;
108partnerships of any type, as such; limited liability companies
109that are taxable as partnerships for federal income tax
110purposes; state or public fairs or expositions, under chapter
111616; estates of decedents or incompetents; testamentary trusts;
112or private trusts.
113     (r)  "Nonbusiness income" means rents and royalties from
114real or tangible personal property, capital gains, interest,
115dividends, and patent and copyright royalties, to the extent
116that they do not arise from transactions and activities in the
117regular course of the taxpayer's trade or business. The term
118"nonbusiness income" does not include income from tangible and
119intangible property if the acquisition, management, or and
120disposition of the property constitutes an constitute integral
121part parts of the taxpayer's regular trade or business
122operations, including amounts received from manufacturing under
123license agreements, or any amounts which could be included in
124apportionable income without violating the due process clause of
125the United States Constitution. For purposes of this definition,
126"income" means gross receipts less all expenses directly or
127indirectly attributable thereto. Functionally related dividends
128are presumed to be business income.
129     (aa)  "Taxpayer" means any corporation subject to the tax
130imposed by this code, and includes all corporations for which a
131consolidated return is filed under s. 220.131 or a water's edge
132group return is filed under s. 220.136. However, "taxpayer" does
133not include a corporation having no individuals (including
134individuals employed by an affiliate) receiving compensation in
135this state as defined in s. 220.15 when the only property owned
136or leased by said corporation (including an affiliate) in this
137state is located at the premises of a printer with which it has
138contracted for printing, if such property consists of the final
139printed product, property which becomes a part of the final
140printed product, or property from which the printed product is
142     (hh)  "Water's edge group" means a group of taxpayers
143related through common ownership whose business activities are
144integrated with, dependent upon, or contribute to a flow of
145value among members of the group. When 50 percent or more of the
146outstanding voting stock of a corporation is under direct or
147indirect ownership or control of the group, the group shall be
148considered a water's edge group unless clearly shown by the
149facts and circumstances of the individual case to not be a
150water's edge group. When less than 50 percent of the outstanding
151voting stock of a corporation is under direct or indirect
152ownership or control of the group, all elements of the business
153activities shall be considered in determining whether the group
154qualifies as a water's edge group. The water's edge group shall
155not include the income of any corporation which conducts
156business outside the United States if 80 percent or more of the
157corporation's property and payroll, as determined by the
158apportionment factors described in ss. 220.15 and 220.151, is
159assignable to locations outside the United States. In
160determining whether voting stock is owned indirectly, the
161attribution rules of s. 318 of the Internal Revenue Code shall
162be used. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "United
163States" is restricted to the 50 states, the District of
164Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
165     Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraphs
166(i) and (j) of subsection (2) of section 220.13, Florida
167Statutes, are amended to read:
168     220.13  "Adjusted federal income" defined.--
169     (1)  The term "adjusted federal income" means an amount
170equal to the taxpayer's taxable income as defined in subsection
171(2), or such taxable income of more than one taxpayer as
172provided in s. 220.131, for the taxable year, adjusted as
174     (b)  Subtractions.--
175     1.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income:
176     a.  The net operating loss deduction allowable for federal
177income tax purposes under s. 172 of the Internal Revenue Code
178for the taxable year,
179     b.  The net capital loss allowable for federal income tax
180purposes under s. 1212 of the Internal Revenue Code for the
181taxable year,
182     c.  The excess charitable contribution deduction allowable
183for federal income tax purposes under s. 170(d)(2) of the
184Internal Revenue Code for the taxable year, and
185     d.  The excess contributions deductions allowable for
186federal income tax purposes under s. 404 of the Internal Revenue
187Code for the taxable year.
189However, a net operating loss and a capital loss shall never be
190carried back as a deduction to a prior taxable year, but all
191deductions attributable to such losses shall be deemed net
192operating loss carryovers and capital loss carryovers,
193respectively, and treated in the same manner, to the same
194extent, and for the same time periods as are prescribed for such
195carryovers in ss. 172 and 1212, respectively, of the Internal
196Revenue Code. No deduction shall be allowed for net operating
197losses, net capital losses, or excess contribution deductions
198under ss. 170(d)(2), 172, 1212, and 404 of the Internal Revenue
199Code for a non-United States member of a water's edge group.
200     2.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income any
201amount to the extent included therein the following:
202     a.  Dividends treated as received from sources without the
203United States, as determined under s. 862 of the Internal
204Revenue Code.
205     b.  All amounts included in taxable income under s. 78 or
206s. 951 of the Internal Revenue Code.
208However, as to any amount subtracted under this subparagraph,
209there shall be added to such taxable income all expenses
210deducted on the taxpayer's return for the taxable year which are
211attributable, directly or indirectly, to such subtracted amount.
212Further, no amount shall be subtracted with respect to dividends
213paid or deemed paid by a Domestic International Sales
215     3.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income, to
216the extent included therein, amounts received by a member of a
217water's edge group which was a dividend paid by another member
218of the same water's edge group.
219     4.3.  In computing "adjusted federal income" for taxable
220years beginning after December 31, 1976, there shall be allowed
221as a deduction the amount of wages and salaries paid or incurred
222within this state for the taxable year for which no deduction is
223allowed pursuant to s. 280C(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
224(relating to credit for employment of certain new employees).
225     5.4.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income
226any amount of nonbusiness income included therein.
227     6.5.  There shall be subtracted any amount of taxes of
228foreign countries allowable as credits for taxable years
229beginning on or after September 1, 1985, under s. 901 of the
230Internal Revenue Code to any corporation which derived less than
23120 percent of its gross income or loss for its taxable year
232ended in 1984 from sources within the United States, as
233described in s. 861(a)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code, not
234including credits allowed under ss. 902 and 960 of the Internal
235Revenue Code, withholding taxes on dividends within the meaning
236of sub-subparagraph 2.a., and withholding taxes on royalties,
237interest, technical service fees, and capital gains.
238     7.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income any
239amount of the taxpayer's respective share of income, gain, loss,
240or deduction received from a limited liability company that was
241reported on a return filed under this chapter by the limited
242liability company.
243     8.6.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this code,
244except with respect to amounts subtracted pursuant to
245subparagraphs 1. and 4. 3., any increment of any apportionment
246factor which is directly related to an increment of gross
247receipts or income which is deducted, subtracted, or otherwise
248excluded in determining adjusted federal income shall be
249excluded from both the numerator and denominator of such
250apportionment factor. Further, all valuations made for
251apportionment factor purposes shall be made on a basis
252consistent with the taxpayer's method of accounting for federal
253income tax purposes.
254     (2)  For purposes of this section, a taxpayer's taxable
255income for the taxable year means taxable income as defined in
256s. 63 of the Internal Revenue Code and properly reportable for
257federal income tax purposes for the taxable year, but subject to
258the limitations set forth in paragraph (1)(b) with respect to
259the deductions provided by ss. 172 (relating to net operating
260losses), 170(d)(2) (relating to excess charitable
261contributions), 404(a)(1)(D) (relating to excess pension trust
262contributions), 404(a)(3)(A) and (B) (to the extent relating to
263excess stock bonus and profit-sharing trust contributions), and
2641212 (relating to capital losses) of the Internal Revenue Code,
265except that, subject to the same limitations, the term:
266     (i)  "Taxable income," in the case of a corporation for
267which there is in effect for the taxable year an election under
268s. 1362(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, means the ordinary
269income or loss from trade or business activity and the amounts
270subject to tax under s. 1374 or s. 1375 of the Internal Revenue
271Code for each taxable year;
272     (j)  "Taxable income," in the case of a limited liability
273company, other than a limited liability company classified as a
274partnership for federal income tax purposes, as defined in and
275organized pursuant to chapter 608 or qualified to do business in
276this state as a foreign limited liability company or other than
277a similar limited liability company classified as a partnership
278for federal income tax purposes and created as an artificial
279entity pursuant to the statutes of the United States or any
280other state, territory, possession, or jurisdiction, absent a
281federal report and determination of taxable income as a
282corporation under the Internal Revenue Code if such limited
283liability company or similar entity is taxable as a corporation
284for federal income tax purposes, means taxable income determined
285as if such limited liability company were required to file or
286had filed a federal corporate income tax return under the
287Internal Revenue Code;
288     Section 4.  Section 220.136, Florida Statutes, is created
289to read:
290     220.136  Water's edge groups; special requirements.-?
291     (1)  All members of a water's edge group must use the
292water's edge reporting method unless the parent of the water's
293edge group is eligible to make a Florida consolidated return
294election pursuant to s. 220.131(1) and such election is made or
295was previously made. The group electing to make such Florida
296consolidated return shall be composed of the identical component
297members as those which have consolidated their taxable incomes
298in a consolidated return for federal income tax purposes as
299provided in s. 220.131(1)(b). Under the water's edge reporting
301     (a)  Adjusted federal income for purposes of s. 220.12
302means the sum of adjusted federal income for all members of the
303group determined for a concurrent taxable year.
304     (b)  The denominators of the apportionment factors shall be
305calculated for all members of the water's edge group combined.
306     (c)  The general apportionment method shall be used for all
307members of the water's edge group, unless an alternate method is
308determined to be more appropriate by the department.
309     (d)  Intercompany transactions sales made between members
310of the water's edge group shall be eliminated in the computation
311of the sales factor pursuant to ss. 220.15 and 220.151. As used
312in this subsection, the term "sales" includes, but is not
313limited to, loans, payments for intangibles, dividends, and
314management fees.
315     (e)  Each taxpayer shall apportion adjusted federal income
316under s. 220.15 as a member of a water's edge group which files
317a water's edge return under this section on the basis of
318apportionment factors described in s. 220.15. For purposes of
319this subsection, each special industry member included in a
320water's edge group filing a water's edge return under this
321section, which member would otherwise be permitted to use a
322special method of apportionment under s. 220.151, shall
323construct the numerator of its sales, property, and payroll
324factors, respectively, by multiplying the denominator of each
325such factor by the premiums or revenue miles factor ratio
326otherwise applicable pursuant to s. 220.151 in the manner
327prescribed by the department by rule.
328     (f)  For purposes of this section, the term "water's edge
329reporting method" means the determination of taxable business
330profits for a group of entities conducting a unitary business by
331adding their combined net income and the additions and
332deductions provided in s. 220.13 for members of the group and
333apportioning the result as provided in s. 220.15.
334     (2)  Members of a water's edge group may elect to file a
335single combined tax return and pay the entire tax due for all
336taxpayers included in the group.
337     (3)  A water's edge group shall be required to file a
338domestic disclosure spreadsheet in the manner and form
339prescribed in rule by the department. A "domestic disclosure
340spreadsheet" means a spreadsheet which fully discloses the
341income reported to each state, the state tax liability, the
342method used for apportioning or allocating income to the various
343states, and other information provided for by rules as may be
344necessary to determine the proper amount of tax due to each
345state and to identify the water's edge group.
346     (4)  The department may adopt rules and forms as may be
347necessary or appropriate to administer and implement this
348section. It is the intent of the Legislature, by this section,
349to grant to the department extensive authority to adopt rules
350and forms describing and defining principles for determining the
351existence of a water's edge group, the water's edge business
352principle, indicators of a water's edge business, definitions of
353common control, methods of reporting, and related forms,
354principles, and definitions.
355     Section 5.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section
356220.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
357     220.15  Apportionment of adjusted federal income.--
358     (5)  The sales factor is a fraction the numerator of which
359is the total sales of the taxpayer in this state during the
360taxable year or period and the denominator of which is the total
361sales of the taxpayer everywhere during the taxable year or
363     (b)1.  Sales of tangible personal property occur in this
364state if the property is delivered or shipped to a purchaser
365within this state, regardless of the f.o.b. point, other
366conditions of the sale, or ultimate destination of the property,
367unless shipment is made via a common or contract carrier, or if
368the property is shipped from an office, store, warehouse,
369factory, or other place of storage in this state, and the
370purchaser is the United States Government or the actual entity
371making the sale is not subject to a tax upon or measured by
372income in the state to which the sale would be assigned absent
373this paragraph. However, for industries in SIC Industry Number
3742037, if the ultimate destination of the product is to a
375location outside this state, regardless of the method of
376shipment or f.o.b. point, the sale shall not be deemed to occur
377in this state.
378     2.  When citrus fruit is delivered by a cooperative for a
379grower-member, by a grower-member to a cooperative, or by a
380grower-participant to a Florida processor, the sales factor for
381the growers for such citrus fruit delivered to such processor
382shall be the same as the sales factor for the most recent
383taxable year of that processor. That sales factor, expressed
384only as a percentage and not in terms of the dollar volume of
385sales, so as to protect the confidentiality of the sales of the
386processor, shall be furnished on the request of such a grower
387promptly after it has been determined for that taxable year.
388     3.  Reimbursement of expenses under an agency contract
389between a cooperative, a grower-member of a cooperative, or a
390grower and a processor is not a sale within this state.
391     Section 6.  Section 220.64, Florida Statutes, is amended to
393     220.64  Other provisions applicable to franchise tax.--To
394the extent that they are not manifestly incompatible with the
395provisions of this part, parts I, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, and
396X of this code and ss. 220.12, 220.13, 220.136, 220.15, and
397220.16 apply to the franchise tax imposed by this part. Under
398rules prescribed in s. 220.131, a consolidated return may be
399filed by any affiliated group of corporations composed of one or
400more banks or savings associations, its or their Florida parent
401corporation, and any nonbank or nonsavings subsidiaries of such
402parent corporation.
403     Section 7.  Section 608.471, Florida Statutes, is amended
404to read:
405     608.471  Tax exemption on income of certain limited
406liability companies.--
407     (1)  A limited liability company classified as a
408partnership for federal income tax purposes, or a single member
409limited liability company which is disregarded as an entity
410separate from its owner for federal income tax purposes, and
411organized pursuant to this chapter or qualified to do business
412in this state as a foreign limited liability company is not an
413"artificial entity" within the purview of s. 220.02 and is not
414subject to the tax imposed under chapter 220. A distribution
415shall be deemed a "dividend" under s. 316 of the Internal
416Revenue Code as such code is defined in s. 220.03. If a single
417member limited liability company is disregarded as an entity
418separate from its owner for federal income tax purposes, its
419activities are, for purposes of taxation under chapter 220,
420treated in the same manner as a sole proprietorship, branch, or
421division of the owner.
422     (2)  For purposes of taxation under chapter 220, a limited
423liability company formed in this state or authorized to transact
424business in this state as a foreign limited liability company
425shall be classified as a partnership, or a limited liability
426company which has only one member shall be disregarded as an
427entity separate from its owner for federal income tax purposes,
428unless classified otherwise for federal income tax purposes, in
429which case the limited liability company shall be classified
430identically to its classification for federal income tax
431purposes. For purposes of taxation under chapter 220, a member
432or an assignee of a member of a limited liability company formed
433in this state or qualified to do business in this state as a
434foreign limited liability company shall be treated as a resident
435or nonresident partner unless classified otherwise for federal
436income tax purposes, in which case the member or assignee of a
437member shall have the same status as such member or assignee of
438a member has for federal income tax purposes.
439     (2)(3)  Single-member limited liability companies and other
440entities that are disregarded for federal income tax purposes
441must be treated as separate legal entities for all non-income-
442tax purposes. The Department of Revenue shall adopt rules to
443take into account that single-member disregarded entities such
444as limited liability companies and qualified subchapter S
445corporations may be disregarded as separate entities for federal
446tax purposes and therefore may report and account for income,
447employment, and other taxes under the taxpayer identification
448number of the owner of the single-member entity.
449     Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004, and
450shall apply to tax years ending on or after December 31, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.