Senate Bill sb1554c1
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1554
By the Committee on Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; and
Senator Saunders
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to care for elderly persons;
3 providing a short title; providing legislative
4 findings; requiring the Agency for Health Care
5 Administration and the Department of Elderly
6 Affairs to assist private, not-for-profit
7 organizations within specified counties in
8 providing services under a federal program
9 known as the Program of All-inclusive Care for
10 the Elderly; specifying the number of
11 enrollees; requiring the Agency for Health Care
12 Administration to contract with the private
13 organization providing the program under
14 specified conditions; providing an effective
15 date.
17 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19 Section 1. Program of All-inclusive Care for the
20 Elderly.--
21 (1) This section may be cited as the "All-inclusive
22 Care for the Elderly Act."
23 (2) The Legislature finds that:
24 (a) The establishment of additional sites for the
25 Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, as established
26 in Pub. L. No. 105-33, should be encouraged in this state as
27 one method to enhance the ability of frail and elderly persons
28 who are certified as needing placement in a residential
29 nursing home to delay the necessity of such placement as long
30 as possible.
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1554
1 (b) The Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
2 offers a means to help control state Medicaid costs for
3 long-term care placements by using Medicare funding to help
4 finance services that help to delay the need for long-term
5 care.
6 (c) Lee County and the surrounding counties and Martin
7 County represent large and growing regions wherein, due to
8 demographic characteristics, significant opportunities exist
9 to assist elderly persons in maintaining independence outside
10 nursing homes and wherein the state may reduce Medicaid
11 expenditures for providing long-term care.
12 (d) Due to the relative newness and comprehensiveness
13 of the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, the
14 Agency for Health Care Administration and the Department of
15 Elderly Affairs must cooperate with private organizations
16 interested in providing services under the program.
17 (e) There exists a need to develop a model for hospice
18 providers to offer nursing home diversion services as part of
19 the array of end-of-life care and services available to frail
20 and elderly persons.
21 (3) The Agency for Health Care Administration and the
22 Department of Elderly Affairs shall assist a private,
23 not-for-profit organization located in Lee County and a
24 private, not-for-profit organization in Martin County, which
25 provide comprehensive services, including hospice care for
26 frail and elderly persons, to gain approval for providing
27 services under the Program of All-inclusive Care for the
28 Elderly.
29 (4) By September 30, 2005, subject to federal approval
30 and provider readiness, the Agency for Health Care
31 Administration shall approve 50 initial enrollees in the
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1554
1 Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly within Lee
2 County and the surrounding counties and in Martin County, and
3 up to 200 enrollees within 2 years of operation, subject to
4 the ability of a private organization to sufficiently expand
5 capacity for additional enrollees. Authorization for
6 enrollment levels greater than 200 is subject to documentation
7 of each program's effectiveness.
8 (5) By July 1, 2005, and subject to an appropriation,
9 the Agency for Health Care Administration shall contract with
10 a private, not-for-profit organization in Lee County and a
11 private not-for-profit organization in Martin County, as
12 specified in subsection (3), to provide services under the
13 Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly in Lee County
14 and the surrounding counties and in Martin County, subject to
15 federal approval of the provider application.
16 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.
19 Senate Bill 1554
21 The committee substitute makes the following changes to SB
Includes Martin County as a county in which the Agency for
23 Health Care Administration and the Department of Elder Affairs
are directed to assist a private, not-for-profit organization
24 that provides comprehensive services, including hospice
services to the frail and elderly, to gain approval as Program
25 of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly site.
26 Changes the approval date to September 30, 2005, subject to
federal approval and provider readiness, for the initial
27 enrollment of 50 individuals in the program.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.