HB 1557

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to health insurance; amending s. 627.419,
3F.S.; including certified surgical assistants, as defined,
4within certain benefits or services payment provisions;
5limiting application; providing an effective date.
7Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9     Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 627.419, Florida
10Statutes, is amended to read:
11     627.419  Construction of policies.--
12     (6)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when
13any health insurance policy, health care services plan, or other
14contract provides for payment for surgical first assisting
15benefits or services, the policy, plan, or contract is to be
16construed as providing for payment to a registered nurse first
17assistant or employers of a physician assistant or nurse first
18assistant who performs such services that are within the scope
19of a physician assistant's or a registered nurse first
20assistant's professional license. The provisions of This
21paragraph applies subsection apply only if reimbursement for an
22assisting physician, licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459,
23would be covered and a physician assistant or a registered nurse
24first assistant who performs such services is used as a
26     (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when any
27insurance policy, health care services plan, or other contract
28provides for payment for surgical first assisting benefits or
29services, the policy, plan, or contract is to be construed as
30providing for payment to a certified surgical assistant or to
31the employer of a certified surgical assistant who performs such
32services that are assigned by the supervising physician,
33osteopathic physician, or registered nurse. This paragraph
34applies only if reimbursement for an assisting physician
35licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 would be covered and
36the certified surgical assistant who performs such services is
37used as a substitute. As used in this paragraph, the term
38"certified surgical assistant" means a person who is an
39unlicensed health care provider that is directly accountable to
40a physician licensed under chapter 458, or an osteopathic
41physician licensed under chapter 459, or, in the absence of a
42physician or osteopathic physician, a registered nurse licensed
43under chapter 464, and who is certified by the National Surgical
44Assistant Association on the Certification of Surgical
45Assistants, the Liaison Council on Certification of Surgical
46Technologists, or the American Board of Surgical Assistants.
47     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.