Bill No. HB 1567, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 474624
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  1/AD/2R        .                    
       04/30/2004 05:13 PM         .                    
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11  Senator Bennett moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment 
14         Strike line 490 through line 553,
16  and insert:  hold office for terms of 4 years each and until
17  their successors shall be duly elected and qualified.
18         (3)  The first board of supervisors of the district
19  shall be composed of five persons, two of whom shall hold
20  office for 4 years, one of whom shall hold office for 3 years,
21  one of whom shall hold office for 2 years, and one of whom
22  shall hold office for 1 year, which terms shall terminate in
23  June of their applicable final year. Within 120 days after
24  this act becomes a law, a special meeting of landowners of the
25  West Villages Improvement District shall be held for the
26  purpose of electing the first board of supervisors for the
27  West Villages Improvement District as herein provided. Notice
28  of such special meeting of landowners shall be given by
29  causing publication thereof to be made once a week for 2
30  consecutive weeks prior to such meeting in the newspaper of
31  general paid circulation that the City of North Port publishes
    12:47 PM   04/30/04                               h1567b-21c2r

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1567, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 474624 1 notices of city meetings, and prior to the meeting, provision 2 of 2 weeks advance written notice to the City of North Port 3 City Manager including the agenda and any backup material. 4 Such special meeting of landowners shall be held in a public 5 place in the City of North Port, and the place, date, and hour 6 of holding such meeting and the purpose thereof shall be 7 stated in the notice. The landowners when assembled shall 8 organize by electing a chair who shall preside at the meeting 9 and a vice chair, secretary, and treasurer. At such meeting, 10 each and every acre, or any fraction thereof, of land in the 11 district shall represent one vote and each owner shall be 12 entitled to one vote in person or by written proxy for every 13 acre of land, or any fraction thereof, owned by such owner in 14 the district. Candidates must be citizens of the United States 15 and shall be nominated prior to commencement of the initial 16 election. The landowners shall first vote for the 2 17 supervisors who are to hold office for the 2 seats with an 18 initial term of 4 years as herein provided, and the persons 19 receiving the highest and next highest number of votes for 20 such supervisor offices shall be declared and elected as the 21 supervisors for said 2 seats. The landowners shall next vote 22 for the supervisor who is to hold office for that seat with a 23 term of 3 years as provided herein, and the person receiving 24 the highest number of votes for such supervisor shall be 25 declared and elected as such supervisor for said seat. Said 26 landowners shall continue to so vote for each remaining seat 27 until the supervisor who is to hold office for the term of 1 28 year as herein provided is elected for said seat. The 29 landowners present or voting by proxy at the meeting shall 30 constitute a quorum. 31 2 12:47 PM 04/30/04 h1567b-21c2r