HB 1567CS


1The Committee on Local Government & Veterans' Affairs recommends
2the following:
4     Committee Substitute
     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to the West Villages Improvement
8District, City of North Port, Sarasota County;
9providing a short title; providing a district charter;
10creating an independent special district; providing a
11district boundary; providing for amendment only by
12special act; providing powers, functions, and duties;
13providing for a governing board, elections,
14qualifications, terms of office, staggering terms of
15office, removal from office, and filling vacancies;
16providing for election of a chair, vice chair, and
17secretary-treasurer; providing a quorum; providing
18requirements for meetings and notice; providing
19requirements for reports, budgets, and audits;
20providing for liberal construction; authorizing the
21levy of non-ad valorem assessments; specifying method
22of collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem
23assessments; authorizing property appraiser's and tax
24collector's fees or commissions; providing for
25collection and enforcement of fees, costs, and
26expenses; providing for issuance of revenue bonds,
27assessment bonds, bond anticipation notes, and general
28obligation bonds; providing for the applicability of
29provisions of chapters 189 and 298, Florida Statutes,
30and other general laws; providing for severability;
31providing an effective date.
33Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
35     Section 1.  Popular name.--This act may be cited as the
36"West Villages Improvement District Act."
37     Section 2.  District; creation, jurisdiction, and
39     (1)  The West Villages Improvement District, herein
40referred to as the "district," is hereby created and
41incorporated as an independent special district, pursuant to
42chapter 189, Florida Statutes, to be known as the West Villages
43Improvement District, in the City of North Port, Sarasota
44County, which independent special district shall be a public
45body corporate and politic.
46     (2)  The district's territorial boundary shall embrace and
47include that real property described in following section 17.
48     (3)  The district is created for all purposes as shall be
49liberally construed from and set forth in this act, under
50sections 189.401-189.429, Florida Statutes, provided that
51section 189.4045(2), Florida Statutes, is specifically excluded
52and not applicable to the district or the City of North Port,
53and chapter 298, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended
54from time to time, and may perform such acts as shall be
55necessary, convenient, incidental, or proper for the provision,
56acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of those
57public infrastructure works and services authorized herein,
58including all facilities necessary and incidental thereto.
59     (4)  The district charter created by this act may be
60amended only by special act of the Legislature. Any expansion of
61the powers or the boundaries of the district within the City of
62North Port shall require prior approval of the City of North
63Port Commission or its designee.
64     (5)  The definition of terms and phrases shall be as set
65forth in chapters 189 and 298, Florida Statutes, unless
66otherwise herein defined.
67     Section 3.  District powers, functions, and duties.--
68     (1)  In addition to any powers, functions, and duties set
69forth in this act, the district shall have the authority to
70exercise such powers, functions, and duties as may be set forth
71in chapter 298, Florida Statutes.
72     (2)  The district is hereby authorized and empowered as
74     (a)  To adopt by resolution bylaws for the regulation of
75its affairs and the conduct of its business.
76     (b)  To adopt by resolution rules as necessary for
77implementation, regulation, and enforcement as are consistent
78with the purposes of the district and this act.
79     (c)  To adopt an official seal reflecting the name and
80nature of the district.
81     (d)  To acquire by grant, loan, purchase, gift, transfer,
82exchange, dedication, lease, devise, or, when reasonably
83necessary for the implementation of district-authorized public
84infrastructure works, facilities, or services by means of the
85exercise of the right of eminent domain pursuant to the laws of
86the state and in accordance with section 12 of this act, all
87property, real or personal, or any easement, license, estate, or
88interest therein necessary, desirable, or convenient for the
89purposes of this act, and to sell, convey, transfer, gift,
90lease, rent, dedicate, forfeit, abandon, exchange, or assign all
91or any part thereof to or with other entities, including
92governmental entities and agencies, and to exercise all of its
93powers and authority with respect thereto. The district shall
94not have the right of eminent domain outside of the boundaries
95of the district. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the
96district shall not obtain fee simple title to any real property
97within the district except by dedication on an approved plat,
98with the approval of the City of North Port Commission or its
99designee, or if otherwise required by another governmental
100entity or agency. Any property interests owned by the district
101which are used for nonpublic or private commercial purposes
102shall be subject to all ad valorem taxes, intangible personal
103property taxes, or non-ad valorem assessments, as would be
104applicable if said property were privately owned.
105     (e)  To finance, plan (consistent with City of North Port
106Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances, studies, and
107plans), design, acquire, construct, install, operate, equip,
108upgrade, reclaim, replace, extend, renovate, mitigate, and
109maintain canals, swales, outfalls, dams, control structures,
110pumps and pumping systems, aerators, seawalls, berms, ditches,
111telemetry and monitoring equipment, retention areas, holding
112basins, marshes, wetlands, uplands, drains, levees, lakes,
113ponds, and other works or elements for modern comprehensive
114water management drainage, environmental, mitigation
115preservation, erosion, quality, and control purposes, and further
116that the district shall agree, at the request of the City of North
117Port Commission or its designee, subject to a developer's

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.