Bill No. CS for SB 1578
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 122022
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       04/27/2004 04:47 PM         .                    
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11  Senator Smith moved the following amendment to amendment
12  (800466):
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 2, lines 2 and 3, delete those lines
17  and insert:  related services.
18         (2)  The State Board of Education shall adopt rules
19  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the
20  provisions of this section.
21         Section 2.  Section 743.0645, Florida Statutes, is
22  amended to read:
23         743.0645  Other persons who may consent to medical care
24  or treatment of a minor; Center for Juvenile Psychotropic
25  Studies; creation; purpose; advisory board; report.--
26         (1)  As used in this section, the term:
27         (a)  "Blood testing" includes Early Periodic Screening,
28  Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) testing and other blood
29  testing deemed necessary by documented history or
30  symptomatology but excludes HIV testing and controlled
31  substance testing or any other testing for which separate
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 court order or informed consent as provided by law is 2 required. 3 (b) "Medical care and treatment" includes ordinary and 4 necessary medical and dental examination and treatment, 5 including blood testing, preventive care including ordinary 6 immunizations, tuberculin testing, and well-child care, but 7 does not include surgery, general anesthesia, provision of 8 psychotropic medications, or other extraordinary procedures 9 for which a separate court order, power of attorney, or 10 informed consent as provided by law is required. 11 (c) "Person who has the power to consent as otherwise 12 provided by law" includes a natural or adoptive parent, legal 13 custodian, or legal guardian. 14 (d) "Psychotropic medication" means a medicine that may 15 not be dispensed or administered without a prescription which 16 is used for the treatment of medical disorders, and includes 17 hypnotics, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiety 18 agents, sedatives, and mood stabilizers such as lithium, 19 Depakote, and other anticonvulsants used as mood stabilizers 20 and psychomotor stimulants. This paragraph expires July 1, 21 2005. 22 (2) Any of the following persons, in order of priority 23 listed, may consent to the medical care or treatment of a 24 minor who is not committed to the Department of Children and 25 Family Services or the Department of Juvenile Justice or in 26 their custody under chapter 39, chapter 984, or chapter 985 27 when, after a reasonable attempt, a person who has the power 28 to consent as otherwise provided by law cannot be contacted by 29 the treatment provider and actual notice to the contrary has 30 not been given to the provider by that person: 31 (a) A person who possesses a power of attorney to 2 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 provide medical consent for the minor. A power of attorney 2 executed after July 1, 2001, to provide medical consent for a 3 minor includes the power to consent to medically necessary 4 surgical and general anesthesia services for the minor unless 5 such services are excluded by the individual executing the 6 power of attorney. 7 (b) The stepparent. 8 (c) The grandparent of the minor. 9 (d) An adult brother or sister of the minor. 10 (e) An adult aunt or uncle of the minor. 11 12 There shall be maintained in the treatment provider's records 13 of the minor documentation that a reasonable attempt was made 14 to contact the person who has the power to consent. 15 (3) The Department of Children and Family Services or 16 the Department of Juvenile Justice caseworker, juvenile 17 probation officer, or person primarily responsible for the 18 case management of the child, the administrator of any 19 facility licensed by the department under s. 393.067, s. 20 394.875, or s. 409.175, or the administrator of any 21 state-operated or state-contracted delinquency residential 22 treatment facility may consent to the medical care or 23 treatment of any minor committed to it or in its custody under 24 chapter 39, chapter 984, or chapter 985, when the person who 25 has the power to consent as otherwise provided by law cannot 26 be contacted and such person has not expressly objected to 27 such consent. There shall be maintained in the records of the 28 minor documentation that a reasonable attempt was made to 29 contact the person who has the power to consent as otherwise 30 provided by law. 31 (4) The medical provider shall notify the parent or 3 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 other person who has the power to consent as otherwise 2 provided by law as soon as possible after the medical care or 3 treatment is administered pursuant to consent given under this 4 section. The medical records shall reflect the reason consent 5 as otherwise provided by law was not initially obtained and 6 shall be open for inspection by the parent or other person who 7 has the power to consent as otherwise provided by law. 8 (5) The person who gives consent; a physician, 9 dentist, nurse, or other health care professional licensed to 10 practice in this state; or a hospital or medical facility, 11 including, but not limited to, county health departments, 12 shall not incur civil liability by reason of the giving of 13 consent, examination, or rendering of treatment, provided that 14 such consent, examination, or treatment was given or rendered 15 as a reasonable prudent person or similar health care 16 professional would give or render it under the same or similar 17 circumstances. 18 (6) The Center for Juvenile Psychotropic Studies is 19 created within the Department of Psychiatry of the College of 20 Medicine of the University of Florida. The purpose of the 21 center is to collect, track, and assess information regarding 22 minors in state custody held pursuant to chapter 39, chapter 23 984, or chapter 985 who have been or are currently being 24 prescribed psychotropic medications. 25 (a) In addition to determining the number of children 26 in state custody who are receiving psychotropic medications, 27 the types and dosages of medication being prescribed to those 28 children, and any other data relevant to scientifically 29 assessing the status of minors in state custody who are 30 receiving psychotropic medications, the center shall evaluate: 31 1. Whether the child received a full and complete 4 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 medical evaluation and, to the extent that the medication was 2 prescribed for a psychiatric condition and it is possible to 3 determine from available records, whether or not all other 4 possible physical causes had been ruled out prior to the 5 prescribing of psychotropic medication. 6 2. What other treatments and services were recommended 7 for the child in addition to psychotropic medication and 8 whether or not those services were offered or delivered. 9 3. Whether or not informed consent was received from a 10 parent, legal guardian, or the court prior to initiating 11 treatment. 12 4. Whether or not followup monitoring and treatment 13 appropriate to the child's diagnosis and prescribed medication 14 were provided to the child. 15 5. In cases where court authorization was sought, 16 whether a full and complete child resource record was provided 17 to the court for decisionmaking purposes. 18 6. Whether or not the prescription for and type of 19 psychotropic medications prescribed for the child were 20 appropriate for the age and diagnosis of the child and 21 consistent with the medical standard of care for the treatment 22 of the child's condition. 23 (b) The director of the Center for Juvenile 24 Psychotropic Studies shall be appointed by the Dean of the 25 College of Medicine of the University of Florida. 26 (c) There is created an advisory board that shall 27 periodically and objectively review and advise the center on 28 the academic rigor and research parameters of all actions 29 taken pursuant to this subsection. The board shall consist of 30 the following nine members who have backgrounds in psychiatric 31 health: 5 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 1. The Secretary of Children and Family Services or 2 his or her designee; 3 2. The Secretary of Juvenile Justice or his or her 4 designee; 5 3. The Secretary of Health Care Administration or his 6 or her designee; 7 4. The Secretary of Health or his or her designee; 8 5. One member appointed by the President of the Senate 9 from the Florida Psychiatric Society who specializes in 10 treating children and adolescents; 11 6. One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of 12 Representatives who is a pediatrician experienced in treating 13 children and adolescents with psychiatric diseases; 14 7. One member appointed by the President of the 15 University of Florida who is an epidemiologist; and 16 8. Two members appointed by the Governor, one of whom 17 has experience serving as a guardian ad litem to children and 18 adolescents in the custody of the state who have psychiatric 19 diseases, and one of whom is employed by the Louis de la Parte 20 Florida Mental Health Institute and has experience in the 21 academic study of children and adolescents with psychiatric 22 diseases. 23 (d) The center shall work in conjunction with the 24 Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of 25 Juvenile Justice, the Agency for Health Care Administration, 26 and the Department of Health, and, to the extent allowed by 27 the privacy requirements of federal and state laws, those 28 agencies shall work with the center and make available to the 29 center data regarding such dependent minors, including, but 30 not limited to: 31 1. Demographic information, including, but not limited 6 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 to, age, geographic location, and economic status. 2 2. A family history of each dependent minor, 3 including, but not limited to, the minor's involvement with 4 the child welfare system or the juvenile justice system, all 5 applicable social service records, and all applicable court 6 records. 7 3. A medical history of each dependent minor, 8 including, but not limited to, the minor's medical condition. 9 4. All information regarding the medications 10 prescribed or administered to each minor, including, but not 11 limited to, information contained in each minor's medication 12 administration record. 13 5. Practice patterns, licensure, and board 14 certification of prescribing physicians. 15 (e) All oral and written records, information, 16 letters, and reports received, made, or maintained by the 17 center shall be maintained in a manner consistent with all 18 applicable state and federal law. 19 (f) A privilege against civil liability is granted to 20 any person furnishing medical records in furtherance of the 21 charge of the center, unless such person furnishing medical 22 records acted in bad faith or with malice in providing such 23 information. A person who participates in the center's 24 research activities or provides information to the center with 25 regard to the incompetence, impairment, or unprofessional 26 conduct of any health care provider licensed under chapter 27 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 462, 28 chapter 463, chapter 464, chapter 465, or chapter 466 may not 29 be held liable in any civil action for furnishing such medical 30 records if such person acts without intentional fraud or 31 malice. 7 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 (g) By January 1, 2005, the center shall report its 2 findings regarding psychotropic medications prescribed to 3 dependent minors in state custody to the President of the 4 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the 5 appropriate committee chairs of the Senate and the House of 6 Representatives. 7 (h) This subsection expires July 1, 2005. 8 (7)(6) The Department of Children and Family Services 9 and the Department of Juvenile Justice may adopt rules to 10 implement this section. 11 (8)(7) This section does not affect other statutory 12 provisions of this state that relate to medical consent for 13 minors. 14 Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 39.401, Florida 15 Statutes, is amended to read: 16 39.401 Taking a child alleged to be dependent into 17 custody; law enforcement officers and authorized agents of the 18 department.-- 19 (1) A child may only be taken into custody: 20 (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this part, based 21 upon sworn testimony, either before or after a petition is 22 filed; or 23 (b) By a law enforcement officer, or an authorized 24 agent of the department, if the officer or authorized agent 25 has probable cause to support a finding: 26 1. That the child has been abused, neglected, or 27 abandoned, or is suffering from or is in imminent danger of 28 illness or injury as a result of abuse, neglect, or 29 abandonment; 30 2. That the parent or legal custodian of the child has 31 materially violated a condition of placement imposed by the 8 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 court; or 2 3. That the child has no parent, legal custodian, or 3 responsible adult relative immediately known and available to 4 provide supervision and care. 5 6 The refusal of a parent, legal guardian, or other person 7 responsible for a child's welfare to administer or consent to 8 the administration of any psychotropic medication to the child 9 does not, in and of itself, constitute grounds for the 10 department to take the child into custody, or for any court to 11 order that the child be taken into custody by the department, 12 unless the refusal to administer or consent to the 13 administration of psychotropic medication causes the child to 14 be neglected or abused. 15 Section 4. Section 402.3127, Florida Statutes, is 16 created to read: 17 402.3127 Unauthorized administration of medication.-- 18 (1) An employee, owner, household member, volunteer, 19 or operator of a child care facility, large family child care 20 home, or family day care home, as defined in s. 402.302, 21 including a child care program operated by a public or 22 nonpublic school deemed to be child care under s. 402.3025, 23 which is required to be licensed or registered, may not, 24 without written authorization from a child's parent or legal 25 guardian, administer any medication to a child attending the 26 child care facility, large family child care home, or family 27 day care home. The written authorization to administer 28 medication must include the child's name, the date or dates 29 for which the authorization is applicable, dosage 30 instructions, and the signature of the child's parent or legal 31 guardian. 9 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 (2) In the event of an emergency medical condition 2 when a child's parent or legal guardian is unavailable, an 3 employee, owner, household member, volunteer, or operator of a 4 licensed or unlicensed child care facility, large family child 5 care home, or family day care home may administer medication 6 to a child attending the facility or home without the written 7 authorization required in subsection (1) if the medication is 8 administered according to instructions from a prescribing 9 health care practitioner. The child care facility, large 10 family child care home, or family day care home must 11 immediately notify the child's parent or legal guardian of the 12 emergency medical condition and of the corrective measures 13 taken. If the parent or legal guardian remains unavailable and 14 the child's emergency medical condition persists, the child 15 care facility must immediately notify the child's medical care 16 provider. 17 (3) As used in this section, the term "emergency 18 medical condition" means circumstances in which a prudent 19 layperson acting reasonably would believe that an emergency 20 medical condition exists. 21 (4)(a) A person who violates this section commits a 22 felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 23 775.082 or s. 775.083, if the violation results in serious 24 injury to the child. 25 (b) A person who violates this section commits a 26 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 27 775.082 or s. 775.083, if the violation does not result in 28 serious injury to the child. 29 Section 5. Subsection (8) is added to section 30 1006.062, Florida Statutes, to read: 31 1006.062 Administration of medication and provision of 10 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 medical services by district school board personnel.-- 2 (8) Each district school board shall adopt rules that 3 prohibit all district school board personnel from recommending 4 the use of psychotropic medications for any student. This 5 subsection does not prohibit district school board personnel 6 from recommending that a student be evaluated by an 7 appropriate medical practitioner and does not prohibit 8 district school board personnel from consulting with such a 9 practitioner with the consent of the student's parent. 10 11 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 12 13 14 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 15 And the title is amended as follows: 16 On page 2, line 23, after the semicolon, 17 18 insert: 19 amending s. 743.0645, F.S.; defining the term 20 "psychotropic medication"; creating the Center 21 for Juvenile Psychotropic Studies within the 22 Department of Psychiatry of the College of 23 Medicine of the University of Florida; 24 providing the purpose of the center; providing 25 for the appointment of a director; creating an 26 advisory board; providing for board membership; 27 requiring the center to work with the 28 Department of Children and Family Services, the 29 Department of Juvenile Justice, the Agency for 30 Health Care Administration, and the Department 31 of Health; requiring certain data relating to 11 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1578 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 122022 1 dependent minors for whom psychotropic 2 medications have been prescribed to be made 3 available to the center, as legally allowed; 4 requiring the center to report to legislative 5 leaders by a specified date; providing for 6 future repeal; amending s. 39.401, F.S.; 7 providing that the refusal of a parent, legal 8 guardian, or other person responsible for a 9 child's welfare to administer or consent to the 10 administration of a psychotropic medication 11 does not by itself constitute grounds for 12 taking the child into custody; providing an 13 exception; creating s. 402.3127, F.S.; 14 prohibiting the unauthorized administration of 15 medication by personnel associated with child 16 care entities; providing an exception for 17 emergency medical conditions when the child's 18 parent or legal guardian is unavailable; 19 defining the term "emergency medical 20 condition"; providing penalties for violations; 21 amending s. 1006.062, F.S.; requiring district 22 school boards to adopt rules prohibiting 23 district school board personnel from 24 recommending the use of psychotropic 25 medications for any student; allowing such 26 personnel to recommend that a medical 27 practitioner evaluate a student and to consult 28 with such practitioners; 29 30 31 12 12:42 PM 04/27/04 s1578c1c-14c3t