Senate Bill sb1578c1

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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1578

    By the Committee on Education; and Senator Dawson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the prescription of

  3         medications to minors; amending s. 39.401,

  4         F.S.; providing that the refusal of a parent,

  5         legal guardian, or other person responsible for

  6         a child's welfare to administer or consent to

  7         the administration of a psychotropic medication

  8         does not by itself constitute grounds for

  9         taking the child into custody; providing an

10         exception; creating s. 402.3127, F.S.;

11         prohibiting the unauthorized administration of

12         medication by personnel associated with child

13         care entities; providing an exception for

14         emergency medical conditions when the child's

15         parent or legal guardian is unavailable;

16         defining the term "emergency medical

17         condition"; providing penalties for violations;

18         amending s. 1006.062, F.S.; requiring district

19         school boards to adopt rules prohibiting

20         district school board personnel from

21         recommending the use of psychotropic

22         medications for any student; allowing such

23         personnel to recommend that a medical

24         practitioner evaluate a student and to consult

25         with such practitioners; providing that a

26         school district may not require a student to

27         obtain a prescription for any specified

28         controlled substance as a prerequisite to the

29         student's attending school or receiving other

30         services of the school district; providing for



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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1578

 1         rulemaking by the Department of Education;

 2         providing an effective date.


 4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 6         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 39.401, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         39.401  Taking a child alleged to be dependent into

 9  custody; law enforcement officers and authorized agents of the

10  department.--

11         (1)  A child may only be taken into custody:

12         (a)  Pursuant to the provisions of this part, based

13  upon sworn testimony, either before or after a petition is

14  filed; or

15         (b)  By a law enforcement officer, or an authorized

16  agent of the department, if the officer or authorized agent

17  has probable cause to support a finding:

18         1.  That the child has been abused, neglected, or

19  abandoned, or is suffering from or is in imminent danger of

20  illness  or injury as a result of abuse, neglect, or

21  abandonment;

22         2.  That the parent or legal custodian of the child has

23  materially violated a condition of placement imposed by the

24  court; or

25         3.  That the child has no parent, legal custodian, or

26  responsible adult relative immediately known and available to

27  provide supervision and care.


29  The refusal of a parent, legal guardian, or other person

30  responsible for a child's welfare to administer or consent to

31  the administration of any psychotropic medication to the child


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1578

 1  does not, in and of itself, constitute grounds for the

 2  department to take the child into custody, or for any court to

 3  order that the child be taken into custody by the department,

 4  unless the refusal to administer or consent to the

 5  administration of psychotropic medication causes the child to

 6  be neglected or abused.

 7         Section 2.  Section 402.3127, Florida Statutes, is

 8  created to read:

 9         402.3127  Unauthorized administration of medication.--

10         (1)  An employee, owner, household member, volunteer,

11  or operator of a child care facility, large family child care

12  home, or family day care home, as defined in s. 402.302,

13  including a child care program operated by a public or

14  nonpublic school deemed to be child care under s. 402.3025,

15  which is required to be licensed or registered, may not,

16  without written authorization from a child's parent or legal

17  guardian, administer any medication to a child attending the

18  child care facility, large family child care home, or family

19  day care home. The written authorization to administer

20  medication must include the child's name, the date or dates

21  for which the authorization is applicable, dosage

22  instructions, and the signature of the child's parent or legal

23  guardian.

24         (2)  In the event of an emergency medical condition

25  when a child's parent or legal guardian is unavailable, an

26  employee, owner, household member, volunteer, or operator of a

27  licensed or unlicensed child care facility, large family child

28  care home, or family day care home may administer medication

29  to a child attending the facility or home without the written

30  authorization required in subsection (1) if the medication is

31  administered according to instructions from a prescribing


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1578

 1  health care practitioner. The child care facility, large

 2  family child care home, or family day care home must

 3  immediately notify the child's parent or legal guardian of the

 4  emergency medical condition and of the corrective measures

 5  taken. If the parent or legal guardian remains unavailable and

 6  the child's emergency medical condition persists, the child

 7  care facility must immediately notify the child's medical care

 8  provider.

 9         (3)  As used in this section, the term "emergency

10  medical condition" means circumstances in which a prudent

11  layperson acting reasonably would believe that an emergency

12  medical condition exists.

13         (4)(a)  A person who violates this section commits a

14  felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.

15  775.082 or s. 775.083, if the violation results in serious

16  injury to the child.

17         (b)  A person who violates this section commits a

18  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.

19  775.082 or s. 775.083, if the violation does not result in

20  serious injury to the child.

21         Section 3.  Subsections (8) and (9) are added to

22  section 1006.062, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         1006.062  Administration of medication and provision of

24  medical services by district school board personnel.--

25         (8)  Each district school board shall adopt rules that

26  prohibit all district school board personnel from recommending

27  the use of psychotropic medications for any student. This

28  subsection does not prohibit district school board personnel

29  from recommending that a student be evaluated by an

30  appropriate medical practitioner and does not prohibit



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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1578

 1  district school board personnel from consulting with such a

 2  practitioner with the consent of the student's parent.

 3         (9)(a)  A school district may not require that a

 4  student who attends school in the district must, as a

 5  prerequisite to the student's attending school or receiving

 6  any other services of the school district, obtain a

 7  prescription for a controlled substance listed in schedule II

 8  under s. 202(c) of the federal Controlled Substances Act, 21

 9  U.S.C. s. 812(c), as amended by Title 21 C.F.R. part 1308.

10         (b)  The Department of Education shall develop rules

11  containing policies and procedures that prohibit school

12  personnel from requiring a student to obtain a prescription

13  for a controlled substance in violation of paragraph (a).

14         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
17                         Senate Bill 1578


19  The committee substitute adds the provisions from CS/CS for SB
    2262 relating to providing medication to children taken into
20  protective custody and in child care settings.  Specifically
    the committee substitute:
    -prohibits a child from being taken into custody due to a
22  parent's refusal to administer psychotropic medications,
    unless the refusal caused the child's neglect or abuse.
    -establishes requirements for obtaining parental authorization
24  to administer medications to children in child care programs
    and creates criminal penalties for violations of these
25  requirements.

26  -requires school districts from recommending the use of
    psychotropic medications for students and provides an
27  exception.






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