HB 1585

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to biomedical research and training;
3providing for establishment of the Center for Excellence
4in Biomedical Training and Investigation upon designation
5by the Board of Governors of the State University System
6of the institution responsible for operating the center;
7providing criteria for such designation; providing duties
8of the center; requiring the center to work with Scripps
9Florida and other such entities; requiring a report to the
10Governor, Legislature, and Board of Governors; providing
11an appropriation; providing an effective date.
13     WHEREAS, expanding cooperative networks of biomedical
14research is urgently needed to speed the delivery of new
15treatment discoveries, and
16     WHEREAS, the State of Florida has developed an excellent
17medical education and research infrastructure in the northern,
18central, and southern regions of the state, and
19     WHEREAS, private corporations have expressed a desire to
20partner with public institutions devoted to biomedical research
21and training, and
22     WHEREAS, the Legislature intends to foster such
23partnerships and nurture biomedical research and training in
24this state by establishing a Center for Excellence in Biomedical
25Training and Investigation as provided in this act, NOW,
28Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30     Section 1.  Center for Excellence in Biomedical Training
31and Investigation.--
32     (1)  The Center for Excellence in Biomedical Training and
33Investigation is established upon designation by the Board of
34Governors of the State University System of the institution
35responsible for operating the center. The center shall be
36designated by the Board of Governors no later than September 1,
38     (2)  The Board of Governors shall designate the institution
39responsible for operating the center based on the following
41     (a)  The institution must be a public university.
42     (b)  The institution must include colleges of medicine,
43dentistry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine.
44     (c)  The institution must be accredited by the appropriate
45accrediting bodies.
46     (d)  The institution must be authorized to confer earned
47M.D., Ph.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., and Pharm.D. degrees.
48     (e)  The institution must be able to raise up to $10
49million in private funding to match $10 million in state
51     (3)  The duties of the center shall include, but not be
52limited to:
53     (a)  Training biomedical investigators, including medical
54and academic doctors, under the auspices of the college of
55medicine of the institution operating the center.
56     (b)  Developing a program to provide a professional
57workforce to enhance the quality and amount of biomedical
58research conducted in the state.
59     (c)  Creating a cadre of investigators to develop and
60conduct translational research initiatives that are the direct
61outgrowth of fundamental research in areas such as drug
62discovery, genetics, cancer, and neuroscience, including
63Alzheimer's disease, brain trauma, and memory loss.
64     (d)  Creating research and educational opportunities for
65medical students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows on
66regional campuses to be developed in concert with local health
67care and research facilities.
68     (e)  Providing training opportunities with investigators
69from colleges of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and veterinary
70medicine who are funded by the National Institutes of Health.
71     (f)  Providing technology-intense environments for both
72training and research.
73     (4)  The center shall work in partnership with Scripps
74Florida and other entities involved in biomedical research and
75training as appropriate.
76     (5)  The findings and achievements of the center shall be
77reported to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the
78Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Board of
79Governors no later than September 1, 2005.
80     Section 2.  The sum of $10 million is appropriated out of
81nonrecurring general revenue to the Center for Excellence in
82Biomedical Training and Investigation to carry out the purposes
83of this act.
84     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.