Senate Bill sb1608

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

    By the Committee on Comprehensive Planning


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public nuisances; amending

  3         s. 893.138, F.S.; clarifying the uses of

  4         property that constitute a public nuisance;

  5         specifying the period that property may be

  6         closed; providing exceptions; requiring a

  7         nuisance abatement board to specify procedures

  8         to abate a public nuisance; providing

  9         exceptions; providing for closure of property

10         only if the use of the property materially

11         contributes to the nuisance; providing that

12         closure of property constituting an unabated

13         nuisance is not a taking; providing that a

14         property may be reopened under certain

15         circumstances; providing an effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Section 893.138, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         893.138  Local administrative action to abate

22  drug-related, prostitution-related, or stolen-property-related

23  public nuisances and criminal street gang activity.--

24         (1)  It is the intent of this section to promote,

25  protect, and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the

26  citizens of the counties and municipalities of this state by

27  authorizing the creation of administrative boards with

28  authority to impose administrative fines and other noncriminal

29  penalties, including, but not limited to, the power to close

30  property for up to 1 year, in order to abate drug-related,

31  prostitution-related, stolen-property-related, or


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

 1  street-gang-related public nuisances on the property and

 2  provide an equitable, expeditious, effective, and inexpensive

 3  method of enforcing ordinances in counties and municipalities

 4  under circumstances when a pending or repeated violation

 5  continues to exist.

 6         (2)  Any place or premises that has been used:

 7         (a)  On more than two occasions within a 6-month

 8  period, as the site of a violation of s. 796.07;

 9         (b)  On more than two occasions within a 6-month

10  period, as the site of the unlawful sale, delivery,

11  manufacture, or cultivation of any controlled substance;

12         (c)  On one occasion as the site of the unlawful

13  possession of a controlled substance, where such possession

14  constitutes a felony and that has been previously used on more

15  than one occasion as the site of the unlawful sale, delivery,

16  manufacture, or cultivation of any controlled substance;

17         (d)  By a criminal street gang for the purpose of

18  conducting a pattern of criminal street gang activity as

19  defined by s. 874.03; or

20         (e)  On more than two occasions within a 6-month

21  period, as the site of a violation of s. 812.019 relating to

22  dealing in stolen property,


24  may be declared to be a public nuisance, and such nuisance may

25  be abated pursuant to the procedures provided in this section.

26  However, specific instances of criminal activity reported to a

27  law enforcement agency by the property owner of, the business

28  owner of, or an employee at the site of the criminal activity

29  do not constitute unlawful conduct for purposes of declaring

30  the property a public nuisance under this subsection.



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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

 1         (3)  Any county or municipality may, by ordinance,

 2  create an administrative board to hear complaints regarding

 3  the nuisances described in subsection (2). Any employee,

 4  officer, or resident of the county or municipality may bring a

 5  complaint before the board after giving not less than 3 days'

 6  written notice of such complaint to the owner of the place or

 7  premises at his or her last known address.  After a hearing in

 8  which the board may consider any evidence, including evidence

 9  of the general reputation of the place or premises, and at

10  which the owner of the premises shall have an opportunity to

11  present evidence in his or her defense, the board may declare

12  the place or premises to be a public nuisance as described in

13  subsection (2).

14         (4)  If the board declares a place or premises to be a

15  public nuisance, it shall may enter an order requiring the

16  owner of such place or premises to adopt specific procedures

17  such procedure as may be appropriate under the circumstances

18  to abate any such nuisance. If the property owner does not

19  implement the board's recommended procedures within 30 days,

20  or a longer period as determined by the board, the board or it

21  may enter an order immediately prohibiting:

22         (a)  The maintaining of the nuisance;

23         (b)  The operating or maintaining of the place or

24  premises, including the closure of the place or premises or

25  any part thereof for up to 1 year; or

26         (c)  The conduct, operation, or maintenance of any

27  business or activity on the premises which is conducive to

28  such nuisance.


30  This subsection does not affect the availability of civil

31  penalties under subsection (13).


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

 1         (5)  If the owner of the place or premises does not

 2  reside upon the property, before the property is closed the

 3  owner must be given at least 30 days in which to abate the

 4  nuisance, implement the board's recommended procedures, or

 5  commence legal proceedings. If such owner abates the nuisance,

 6  implements the board's recommended procedures, or commences

 7  and diligently pursues legal proceedings to abate the nuisance

 8  within the prescribed period, the board may not close the

 9  property under its existing order.

10         (6)  A place or premises may be closed under paragraph

11  (4)(b) only if the use of the property materially contributes

12  to the nuisance. Closure of property that constitutes an

13  unabated nuisance does not constitute a taking.

14         (7)  If the owner of a place or premises petitions the

15  board to reopen the property prior to expiration of the

16  board's order closing the property under paragraph (4)(b), the

17  board may reopen the property upon a showing that the nuisance

18  has been abated or upon a showing that the board's recommended

19  procedures have been implemented and the proposed occupants

20  are unlikely to maintain a nuisance therein.

21         (8)(5)  An order entered under subsection (4) shall

22  expire after 1 year or at such earlier time as is stated in

23  the order.

24         (9)(6)  An order entered under subsection (4) may be

25  enforced pursuant to the procedures contained in s. 120.69.

26  This subsection does not subject a municipality that creates a

27  board under this section, or the board so created, to any

28  other provision of chapter 120.

29         (10)(7)  The board may bring a complaint under s. 60.05

30  seeking temporary and permanent injunctive relief against any

31  nuisance described in subsection (2).


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

 1         (11)(8)  This section does not restrict the right of

 2  any person to proceed under s. 60.05 against any public

 3  nuisance.

 4         (12)(9)  As used in this section, the term "controlled

 5  substance" includes any substance sold in lieu of a controlled

 6  substance in violation of s. 817.563 or any imitation

 7  controlled substance defined in s. 817.564.

 8         (13)(10)  The provisions of this section may be

 9  supplemented by a county or municipal ordinance.  The

10  ordinance may include, but is not limited to, provisions that

11  establish additional penalties for public nuisances, including

12  fines not to exceed $250 per day; provide for the payment of

13  reasonable costs, including reasonable attorney fees

14  associated with investigations of and hearings on public

15  nuisances; provide for continuing jurisdiction for a period of

16  1 year over any place or premises that has been or is declared

17  to be a public nuisance; establish penalties, including fines

18  not to exceed $500 per day for recurring public nuisances;

19  provide for the recording of orders on public nuisances so

20  that notice must be given to subsequent purchasers, successors

21  in interest, or assigns of the real property that is the

22  subject of the order; provide that recorded orders on public

23  nuisances may become liens against the real property that is

24  the subject of the order; and provide for the foreclosure of

25  property subject to a lien and the recovery of all costs,

26  including reasonable attorney fees, associated with the

27  recording of orders and foreclosure. No lien created pursuant

28  to the provisions of this section may be foreclosed on real

29  property which is a homestead under s. 4, Art. X of the State

30  Constitution. Where a local government seeks to bring an

31  administrative action, based on a stolen property nuisance,


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1608

 1  against a property owner operating an establishment where

 2  multiple tenants, on one site, conduct their own retail

 3  business, the property owner shall not be subject to a lien

 4  against his or her property or the prohibition of operation

 5  provision if the property owner evicts the business declared

 6  to be a nuisance within 90 days after notification by

 7  registered mail to the property owner of a second stolen

 8  property conviction of the tenant. The total fines imposed

 9  pursuant to the authority of this section shall not exceed

10  $15,000. Nothing contained within this section prohibits a

11  county or municipality from proceeding against a public

12  nuisance by any other means.

13         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2004.


15            *****************************************

16                          SENATE SUMMARY

17    Revises the law authorizing the closure of property for
      up to 1 year for drug-related, prostitution-related,
18    stolen-property-related, or street-gang-related
      activities. Provides for certain exceptions. Specifies
19    that the closure of property in order to abate a nuisance
      is not a taking. (See bill for details.)













CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.