HB 1649CS


1The Committee on Local Government & Veterans' Affairs recommends
2the following:
4     Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to the Jacksonville Port Authority,
8Consolidated City of Jacksonville, Duval County; creating
9and establishing separate charter provisions concerning
10the seaport authority known as the Jacksonville Port
11Authority which was established effective October 1, 2001,
12pursuant to chapter 2001-319, Laws of Florida, as amended;
13establishing the separate seaport authority as a county
14authority, providing for governing bodies, appointment of
15members, terms, staggered terms, and rules of procedure;
16providing for employment of a managing director and other
17employees; providing for interrelations with and use of
18services of the City of Jacksonville; providing
19definitions; establishing powers; providing for issuance
20of bonds; providing for budgetary and financial matters;
21providing for rights of bondholders; providing rights of
22employees and participation in the Florida Retirement
23System; providing for cooperation with other entities;
24providing for audits and bonds; providing for purchasing,
25procurement, and award of contracts; providing for
26execution of instruments and examination of claims;
27effective October 1, 2001, providing for transfer of
28assets and liabilities from the former consolidated
29Jacksonville Port Authority to the separate seaport
30authority and for assumption of responsibilities; making
31the Port Facilities Financing Act applicable to seaport
32operations; declaring a county and public purpose;
33providing for liberal construction; providing for
34severability; repealing chapter 2001-319, Laws of Florida,
35as amended; providing an effective date.
37Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
39     Section 1.  Section 1. Creation of Jacksonville Port
41     (1)  The charter provisions concerning the marine
42operations of the former Jacksonville Port Authority established
43pursuant to chapter 2001-319, Laws of Florida, as amended, are
44hereby repealed and the following is created for the
45Jacksonville Port Authority. There is hereby created and
46established as of October 1, 2001 a separate body politic and
47corporate to be known as the Jacksonville Port Authority
48(formerly known as the Jacksonville Seaport Authority from
49October 1, 2001 to July 16, 2003 and hereinafter referred to
50singly as the "authority"), which is created as an agency and
51political subdivision of the State of Florida in the nature of
52counties and not municipalities. This authority is authorized to
53exercise its jurisdiction, powers, and duties within the
54geographic area defined by the boundary lines of Duval County as
55established by section 7.16, Florida Statutes, which boundary
56lines also define the geographic area of the City of
57Jacksonville, and outside such boundary lines as hereinafter
58provided. The Jacksonville Port Authority shall operate, manage,
59and control the publicly owned seaport and ancillary facilities
60located within Duval County and outside such boundary lines as
61hereinafter provided. The authority was separated from the
62Jacksonville Airport Authority pursuant to chapter 2001-319,
63Laws of Florida, as amended, and this  separation shall be
64reviewed for performance and efficiency after a period of 4
65years from October 1, 2001.
66     (2)  The governing body for the Jacksonville Port Authority
67shall consist of seven members, four of whom shall be appointed
68by the Mayor of the City of Jacksonville with the confirmation
69of the council of the City of Jacksonville, and three of whom
70shall be appointed by the Governor of Florida with the
71confirmation of the Senate. Members shall serve for terms of 4
72years commencing on October 1st of the year of the appointment
73or for the unexpired portion of a term deemed to have commenced
74on October 1st. Members of the authority, during their terms,
75shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor or Governor, whoever
76appointed the member. Members shall continue to serve on the
77authority until their death, resignation, removal, or until
78their respective successors are appointed and confirmed. A
79vacancy occurring during a term of an appointed member on the
80authority, shall be filled only for the balance of the unexpired
81term unless otherwise specified in the appointment and
82confirmation. Any member appointed to the authority for two
83consecutive full terms shall not be eligible for appointment to
84the authority for the next succeeding term. Provided, however,
85notwithstanding the above, members initially appointed to the
86authority shall serve in staggered terms to provide continuity
87of experience to the authority with two gubernatorial
88appointments and two mayoral appointments being for initial 2-
89year terms, which shall count as a full term for purposes of
90term limits herein.
91     (3)  The authority shall elect a chair, vice chair,
92secretary, and treasurer from its members, and such other
93officers it deems proper, not necessarily from its members, to
94perform such duties as the authority may direct. Four members of
95the authority shall constitute a quorum for the authority, but
96at least four members of the authority must approve any action
97to be taken by the authority. Resolutions adopted by the vote of
98at least four members of the authority shall become effective
99without further action by the authority. Each member of the
100authority shall have one vote. The yeas and nays shall be called
101and entered upon the minutes of each meeting upon the passage of
102every resolution or other action of the authority. The authority
103may meet at such times and places designated by it but shall
104hold regular meetings as necessary, and generally once a month.
105Special meetings of the authority may be called upon the call of
106its chair or any three members of the authority. The members of
107the authority shall not be entitled to compensation but members
108and employees of the authority shall be entitled to payment of
109reasonable expenses as provided by the council of the City of
111     (4)  The authority shall employ and fix the compensation of
112a managing director who shall manage the affairs of the
113authority under the supervision and control of the authority.
114Such managing director may be given any title suitable to the
115authority. The authority may employ such engineers, certified
116public accountants, consultants, and employees as it may
117require, and fix and pay their compensation. The authority may
118use any of the services available to governmental units through
119the Administration and Finance Department of the City of
120Jacksonville, but is not required by law to do so. However, the
121authority shall be required to use the legal services of the
122City of Jacksonville, except in those cases when the chief legal
123officer of the city determines that the city legal staff cannot
124provide legal services in the required legal area. Such use of
125city services, including, but not limited to, legal services,
126shall be on contractual basis and the authority is authorized to
127pay the city reasonable and fair compensation for such services
128so furnished by the city and used by the authority. The use by
129the authority of any such services furnished by the city shall
130not obligate the authority except to the extent it contracts
131with the city, or otherwise subject the authority to any rules,
132regulations, or ordinances of said city not otherwise applicable
133to the authority under this act and the charter of said city.
134The authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or
135employees such of its powers as it may deem necessary to carry
136out the purposes of this act, subject always to the supervision
137and control of the authority, and may do any and all things
138necessary to accomplish the purposes of this act.  
139     (5)  The provisions of section 286.012, Florida Statutes,
140requiring any member of the authority present at a meeting to
141vote unless there is a possible conflict of interest, and the
142provisions of sections 112.311-112.3175, Florida Statutes, and
143as the same may be amended in the future, relating to financial
144disclosure and conflicts of interest, shall apply to each member
145of the authority.
146     Section 2.  Definitions.--In the interpretation hereof the
147following words and terms shall be taken to include the
148following meanings when the context shall require or permit:
149     (1)  The term "bonds" means and embraces bonds, notes,
150certificates, and other financial obligations issued by the
151authority for financing or refinancing purposes, and except
152where otherwise required by the context, notes, and other
153instruments executed to evidence obligations of the authority
154for the repayment of borrowed funds.
155     (2)  The term "county" means the County of Duval.
156     (3)  The term "city" or "City of Jacksonville" means the

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.