Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 191990
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  1/AD/3R        .                    
       04/27/2004 01:06 PM         .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Klein moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 3, line 5, through
15            page 10, line 20, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         16.061  Proposed constitutional revisions or
19  amendments.--
20         (1)  The Attorney General shall, within 30 days after
21  receipt of a proposed revision or amendment to the State
22  Constitution by initiative petition from the Secretary of
23  State, petition the Supreme Court, requesting an advisory
24  opinion regarding the compliance of the text of the proposed
25  amendment or revision with s. 3, Art. XI of the State
26  Constitution and the compliance of the proposed ballot title
27  and substance with s. 101.161 and the compliance of the
28  financial fiscal impact statement with ss. 100.371 and
29  101.161. For all other proposed revisions or amendments to the
30  State Constitution, the Attorney General shall, upon the
31  Financial Impact Revenue Estimating Conference finalizing the
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 financial fiscal impact statement, petition the Supreme Court 2 requesting an advisory opinion regarding compliance of the 3 text of the financial fiscal impact statement with ss. 4 100.371, 100.381, and 101.161. The petition may enumerate any 5 specific factual issues that which the Attorney General 6 believes would require a judicial determination. 7 (2) A copy of the petition shall be provided to the 8 Secretary of State and the principal officer of the sponsor. 9 (3) Any financial fiscal impact statement that the 10 court finds not to be in accordance with s. 100.371, s. 11 100.381, or s. 101.161 shall be remanded solely to the 12 Financial Impact Revenue Estimating Conference for redrafting. 13 Section 3. Subsections (6) and (7) of section 100.371, 14 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 15 100.371 Initiatives; procedure for placement on 16 ballot.-- 17 (6)(a) Within 45 days after receipt of a proposed 18 revision or amendment to the State Constitution by initiative 19 petition from the Secretary of State or, within 30 days after 20 such receipt if receipt occurs 120 days or less before the 21 election at which the question of ratifying the amendment will 22 be presented for any initiative approved by the Florida 23 Supreme Court for the general election ballot for 2002, within 24 45 days after the effective date of this subsection, whichever 25 occurs later, the Financial Impact Revenue Estimating 26 Conference shall complete an analysis and financial fiscal 27 impact statement to be placed on the ballot of the estimated 28 increase or decrease in any revenues or costs to state or 29 local governments resulting from the proposed amendment or 30 revision initiative. The Financial Impact Estimating 31 Conference shall submit the financial impact statement to the 2 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 Attorney General and Secretary of State. 2 (b)1. The Financial Impact Revenue Estimating 3 Conference shall provide an opportunity for any proponents or 4 opponents of a proposed amendment or revision of the State 5 Constitution the initiative to submit information and may 6 solicit information or analysis from any other entities or 7 agencies, including the Office of Economic and Demographic 8 Research. All meetings of the Financial Impact Estimating 9 Conference shall be open to the public as provided in chapter 10 286. 11 2. The Financial Impact Estimating Conference is 12 established to review, analyze, and estimate the financial 13 impact of proposed amendments to or revisions of the State 14 Constitution. The Financial Impact Estimating Conference shall 15 consist of four principals: one person from the Executive 16 Office of the Governor; the coordinator of the Office of 17 Economic and Demographic Research, or his or her designee; one 18 person from the professional staff of the Senate; and one 19 person from the professional staff of the House of 20 Representatives. Each principal shall have appropriate fiscal 21 expertise in the subject matter of the initiative. A Financial 22 Impact Estimating Conference may be appointed for each 23 initiative. 24 3.(b)1. Principals Members of the Financial Impact 25 Revenue Estimating Conference shall reach a consensus or 26 majority concurrence on a clear and unambiguous financial 27 fiscal impact statement, no more than 75 50 words in length 28 and immediately submit the statement to the Attorney General. 29 Nothing in this subsection prohibits the Financial Impact 30 Revenue Estimating Conference from setting forth a range of 31 potential impacts in the financial fiscal impact statement. 3 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 Any financial fiscal impact statement that a court finds not 2 to be in accordance with this section, s. 100.381, or s. 3 101.161 shall be remanded solely to the Financial Impact 4 Revenue Estimating Conference for redrafting. The Financial 5 Impact Revenue Estimating Conference shall redraft the 6 financial fiscal impact statement within 15 days. 7 4.2. If the members of the Financial Impact Revenue 8 Estimating Conference are unable to agree on the statement 9 required by this subsection, or if the Supreme Court has 10 rejected the initial submission by the Financial Impact 11 Estimating Conference and no redraft has been approved by the 12 Supreme Court by 5 p.m. on the 75th day before the election, 13 the following statement shall appear on the ballot pursuant to 14 s. 101.161(1): "The financial fiscal impact of this measure, 15 if any, cannot be reasonably determined at this time." 16 (c) The financial fiscal impact statement must be 17 separately contained and be set forth after the ballot summary 18 as required in s. 101.161(1). 19 (d)1. Any financial impact statement that the Supreme 20 Court finds not to be in accordance with this subsection shall 21 be remanded solely to the Financial Impact Estimating 22 Conference for redrafting, provided the court's advisory 23 opinion is rendered at least 75 days before the election at 24 which the question of ratifying the amendment will be 25 presented. The Financial Impact Estimating Conference shall 26 prepare and adopt a revised financial impact statement no 27 later than 5 p.m. on the 15th day after the date of the 28 court's opinion. 29 2. If, by 5 p.m. on the 75th day before the election, 30 the Supreme Court has not issued an advisory opinion on the 31 initial financial impact statement prepared by the Financial 4 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 Impact Estimating Conference for an amendment or revision that 2 otherwise meets the legal requirements for ballot placement, 3 the financial impact statement shall be deemed approved for 4 placement on the ballot. 5 3. In addition to the financial impact statement 6 required by this subsection, the Financial Impact Estimating 7 Conference shall draft a financial information statement. The 8 financial information statement should describe in greater 9 detail than the financial impact statement any projected 10 increase or decrease in revenues or costs that the state or 11 local governments would likely experience if the ballot 12 measure were approved. If appropriate, the financial 13 information statement may include both estimated dollar 14 amounts and a description placing the estimated dollar amounts 15 into context. The financial information statement must include 16 both a summary of not more than 500 words and additional 17 detailed information that includes the assumptions that were 18 made to develop the financial impacts, workpapers, and any 19 other information deemed relevant by the Financial Impact 20 Estimating Conference. 21 4. The Department of State shall have printed, and 22 shall furnish to each supervisor of elections, a copy of the 23 summary from the financial information statements. The 24 supervisors shall have the summary from the financial 25 information statements available at each polling place and at 26 the main office of the supervisor of elections upon request. 27 5. The Secretary of State and the Office of Economic 28 and Demographic Research shall make available on the Internet 29 each financial information statement in its entirety. In 30 addition, each supervisor of elections whose office has a 31 website shall post the summary from each financial information 5 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 statement on the website. Each supervisor shall include the 2 Internet addresses for the information statements on the 3 Secretary of State's and the Office of Economic and 4 Demographic Research's websites in the publication or mailing 5 required by s. 101.20. 6 (7) The Department of State may adopt rules in 7 accordance with s. 120.54 to carry out the provisions of 8 subsections (1)-(6) (1)-(5) of this section. 9 Section 4. Section 100.381, Florida Statutes, is 10 amended to read: 11 100.381 Constitutional amendments or revisions other 12 than initiatives; financial fiscal impact statement.--For any 13 amendment or revision proposed pursuant to Art. XI of the 14 State Constitution other than an initiative, the Financial 15 Impact Revenue Estimating Conference shall prepare a financial 16 fiscal impact statement as provided in s. 100.371(6) no later 17 than 80 days before the election on the proposed amendment or 18 revision. The financial fiscal impact statement must be 19 separately contained and be set forth after the ballot summary 20 as required in s. 101.161(1). 21 Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 101.161, Florida 22 Statutes, is amended to read: 23 101.161 Referenda; ballots.-- 24 (1) Whenever a constitutional amendment or other 25 public measure is submitted to the vote of the people, the 26 substance of such amendment or other public measure shall be 27 printed in clear and unambiguous language on the ballot after 28 the list of candidates, followed by the word "yes" and also by 29 the word "no," and shall be styled in such a manner that a 30 "yes" vote will indicate approval of the proposal and a "no" 31 vote will indicate rejection. The wording of the substance of 6 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 the amendment or other public measure and the ballot title to 2 appear on the ballot shall be embodied in the joint 3 resolution, constitutional revision commission proposal, 4 constitutional convention proposal, taxation and budget reform 5 commission proposal, or enabling resolution or ordinance. 6 Except for amendments and ballot language proposed by joint 7 resolution, the substance of the amendment or other public 8 measure shall be an explanatory statement, not exceeding 75 9 words in length, of the chief purpose of the measure. In 10 addition, for every proposed amendment or revision of the 11 State Constitution, the ballot shall include, following the 12 ballot summary, a separate financial fiscal impact statement 13 concerning the measure prepared by the Financial Impact 14 Revenue Estimating Conference in accordance with s. 100.371(6) 15 or s. 100.381. The ballot title shall consist of a caption, 16 not exceeding 15 words in length, by which the measure is 17 commonly referred to or spoken of. 18 Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section 19 101.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 20 101.62 Request for absentee ballots.-- 21 (4)(a) To each absent qualified elector overseas who 22 has requested an absentee ballot, the supervisor of elections 23 shall, not fewer than 35 days before the first primary 24 election, mail an absentee ballot. Not fewer than 45 days 25 before the second primary and general election, the supervisor 26 of elections shall mail an advance absentee ballot to those 27 persons requesting ballots for such elections. The advance 28 absentee ballot for the second primary shall be the same as 29 the first primary absentee ballot as to the names of 30 candidates, except that for any offices where there are only 31 two candidates, those offices and all political party 7 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 executive committee offices shall be omitted. Except as 2 provided in ss. s. 99.063(4) and 100.371(6), the advance 3 absentee ballot for the general election shall be as specified 4 in s. 101.151, except that in the case of candidates of 5 political parties where nominations were not made in the first 6 primary, the names of the candidates placing first and second 7 in the first primary election shall be printed on the advance 8 absentee ballot. The advance absentee ballot or advance 9 absentee ballot information booklet shall be of a different 10 color for each election and also a different color from the 11 absentee ballots for the first primary, second primary, and 12 general election. The supervisor shall mail an advance 13 absentee ballot for the second primary and general election to 14 each qualified absent elector for whom a request is received 15 until the absentee ballots are printed. The supervisor shall 16 enclose with the advance second primary absentee ballot and 17 advance general election absentee ballot an explanation 18 stating that the absentee ballot for the election will be 19 mailed as soon as it is printed; and, if both the advance 20 absentee ballot and the absentee ballot for the election are 21 returned in time to be counted, only the absentee ballot will 22 be counted. The Department of State may prescribe by rule the 23 requirements for preparing and mailing absentee ballots to 24 absent qualified electors overseas. 25 Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 26 216.136, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 27 216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and 28 principals.-- 29 (3) REVENUE ESTIMATING CONFERENCE.-- 30 (a) Duties.--The Revenue Estimating Conference shall 31 develop such official information with respect to anticipated 8 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 state and local government revenues as the conference 2 determines is needed for the state planning and budgeting 3 system. Any principal may request the conference to review 4 and estimate revenues for any trust fund. Also, the conference 5 shall prepare fiscal impact statements for constitutional 6 amendments pursuant to s. 100.371(6). 7 Section 8. The Secretary of State shall immediately 8 submit to the Financial Impact Estimating Conference any 9 active initiative petition that met the requirements of 10 section 15.21, Florida Statutes, or any joint resolution filed 11 with the Secretary of State before the effective date of this 12 act. 13 14 15 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 16 And the title is amended as follows: 17 On page 1, line 7, through 18 page 2, line 10, delete those lines 19 20 and insert: 21 Impact Estimating Conference; amending s. 22 16.061, F.S.; requiring the Attorney General to 23 immediately petition the Supreme Court for 24 review of certain financial impact statements; 25 amending s. 100.371, F.S.; revising the times 26 within which the Financial Impact Estimating 27 Conference must complete its analysis and 28 financial impact statement for proposed 29 amendments or revisions; providing for open 30 meetings; establishing the Financial Impact 31 Estimating Conference for certain purposes; 9 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1700, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 191990 1 specifying principals of the conference; 2 revising criteria for financial impact 3 statements; providing for redrafting of such 4 statements by the conference under certain 5 circumstances; requiring the Financial Impact 6 Estimating Conference to produce a financial 7 information statement and summary; specifying 8 statement requirements; providing for 9 distribution and publication of the financial 10 information statement and summary; amending s. 11 100.381, F.S.; conforming to changes made by 12 the act; amending s. 101.161, F.S.; prescribing 13 placement of the financial impact statement on 14 the ballot; amending s. 101.62, F.S., relating 15 to absentee ballots, to conform; amending s. 16 216.136, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes 17 made by the act; providing procedures for 18 commencing the financial impact statement 19 development and review process for certain 20 proposed amendments or revisions; providing an 21 effective 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 10:49 PM 04/26/04 s1700c2c-30vb1