Bill No. 1719
Amendment No. 911791
Senate House

1Representative Kottkamp offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between line(s) 415 and 416, insert:
5     Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 5 of
6chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
7     Section 5.  District boards of commissioners; membership,
8officers, meetings.--
9     (1)(a)  The business affairs of each district shall be
10conducted and administered by a five-member board, except that
11Captiva Fire Control District, Boca Grande Fire Control
12District, and Sanibel Fire Control District shall remain
13governed by three-member boards. The board seats shall be
14designated seats 1, 2, and 3 in the case of the three-member
15boards and seats 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for all five-member boards.
16Board elections shall be staggered with no more than two members
17of a three-member board or three members of a five-member board
18elected during an election year. The board shall be elected in
19nonpartisan elections by the electors of the district. Such
20elections shall be held at the time and in the manner prescribed
21by law for holding general elections in accordance with s.
22189.405(2)(a) and (3), Florida Statutes, and each member shall
23be elected for a term of 4 years except as provided herein and
24serve until a successor assumes office. Candidates for the board
25of a district shall qualify for a specified seat with the county
26supervisor of elections. Such candidates may qualify by paying a
27filing fee of $25 or by obtaining the signatures of at least 25
28registered electors of the district on petition forms provided
29by the supervisor of elections which petitions shall be
30submitted and checked in the same manner as petitions filed by
31nonpartisan judicial candidates pursuant to s. 105.035, Florida
33     Section 8.  Section 1 of chapter 87-447, Laws of Florida,
34is repealed.
35     Section 9.  Sections 4, 5, and 6 of chapter 87-447, Laws of
36Florida, are amended to read:
37     Section 4.  Any special or general law to the contrary
38notwithstanding, the provisions of chapter 81-414, Laws of
39Florida, prescribing uniform regulations for elections,
40qualification of candidates, and filling of vacancies for
41certain special districts in Lee County shall also apply to the
42Boca Grande Fire Control District, chapter 22372, Laws of
43Florida; Captiva Island Fire Control District, chapter 30929,
44Laws of Florida,; and North Fort Myers Fire Control District,
45chapter 30925, Laws of Florida.
46     Section 5.  For the purpose of implementing the provisions
47of ss. 1-4, each member of the Boca Grande Fire Control Board,
48the Captiva Island Fire Control Board, and the North Fort Myers
49Fire Control Board, or a person appointed to fill a vacancy,
50shall continue to hold that office until the expiration of the
51present term and thereafter until an election is held pursuant
52to the provisions of chapter 81-414, Laws of Florida, at which
53election the office will be filled.
54     Section 6.  Notwithstanding any provision of general or
55special law to the contrary, any board member of any of the
56following districts may be removed from office pursuant to
57recall election: Alva Fire Protection and Rescue Service
58District, Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue Service District,
59Boca Grande Fire Control District, Bonita Springs Fire Control
60and Rescue District, Captiva Island Fire Control District,
61Estero Fire Protection and Rescue Service District, Fort Myers
62Beach Fire Control District, Fort Myers Shores Fire Protection
63and Rescue Service District, Iona-McGregor Fire Protection and
64Rescue Service District, Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue
65District, Matlacha-Pine Island Fire Control District, North Fort
66Myers Fire Control District, San Carlos Park Fire Protection and
67Rescue Service District, Sanibel Island Fire Control District,
68South Trail Fire Protection and Rescue Service District, and
69Tice Fire Protection and Rescue Service District. The procedure
70for conducting a recall election shall be the same as for
71conducting a municipal recall election pursuant to s. 100.361,
72Florida Statutes.
75================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
76     Remove line(s) 21 and insert:
77providing for liberal construction; amending chapters 87-447 and
7897-340, Laws of Florida, and repealing section 1 of chapter 87-
79447, Laws of Florida, to conform; providing an effective

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.