HB 1745

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to water management district planning and
3reporting; providing legislative findings; directing the
4South Florida Water Management District to undertake a
5pilot project; providing a new statutory deadline for
6certain plans and reports; requiring the South Florida
7Water Management District to submit certain reports to the
8Governor and the Legislature by a certain date; providing
9an effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Legislative findings.--The Legislature finds that
14plans and reports submitted to the Governor and the Legislature
15regarding the status of water management district programs and the
16state?s water resources are necessary to ensure proper protection
17and management of those resources. The Legislature also finds that
18such plans and reports should be better coordinated and, in some
19cases, consolidated to allow the Governor, the Legislature,
20stakeholders, and the public to be better informed about the
21management of the state?s water resources. Finally, the
22Legislature finds that increased access to such information will
23enhance accountability and ultimately improve the protection of
24the state's water resources.
25     Section 2.  Pilot project.--The South Florida Water
26Management District shall commence a pilot project to coordinate
27and, where appropriate, consolidate legislatively mandated plans
28and reports regarding the status of district programs and water
29resources within its jurisdiction. The district shall review all
30plans and reports required by law to be annually submitted to
31the Governor and the Legislature and determine how to provide
32the same information in a more effective and efficient manner.
33The district shall submit to the Governor, the President of the
34Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
35February 15, 2005, the information in such annual plans and
36reports due after the effective date of this act through
37February 1, 2005. This submittal date is in lieu of any other
38statutory deadlines required of the South Florida Water
39Management District for various plans and reports through
40February 1, 2005. The district shall submit the information in a
41thorough and effective format, consolidating such plans and
42reports where appropriate. Nothing in this act shall modify the
43requirements of ss. 373.501 and 373.536(5) and (6)(a)1. and 2.,
44Florida Statutes. Unless reauthorized by subsequent legislation,
45this pilot project shall commence on the effective date of this
46act and cease on March 1, 2005.
47     Section 3.  Reports.--The South Florida Water Management
48District shall report to the Governor, the President of the
49Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
50February 15, 2005, on the outcome of its efforts to better
51coordinate and, where appropriate, consolidate its legislatively
52mandated annual plans and reports. Such report shall include any
53statutory changes recommended by the district to achieve better
54coordination and consolidation. Any recommendations regarding
55statutory changes shall incorporate to the greatest extent
56possible suggestions by the other districts and the Department
57of Environmental Protection.
58     Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.