HB 1747

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Canaveral Port District, Brevard
3County; amending chapter 2003-335, Laws of Florida;
4increasing the amount for which the Canaveral Port
5Authority may encumber personal properties and facilities
6of the authority; increasing the amount for which
7contracts for construction, improvement, repair, or
8building may be entered into or goods, supplies, or
9materials may be purchased by the district or authority;
10providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Section 16 of Article IV, sections 1 and 2 of
15Article XVII, and section 1 of Article XVIII of section 3 of
16chapter 2003-335, Laws of Florida, are amended to read:
ARTICLE IV.  General Grant of Powers
18     Section 16.  (a)  The Port Authority shall have the power
19and authority to execute and deliver all contracts, deeds,
20leases, mortgages, promissory notes, franchises, assignments,
21releases, and all other instruments necessary and convenient to
22carry out the powers herein expressly or impliedly conferred,
23all of which shall be executed in the name of the Canaveral Port
24Authority and signed by the Chair and the Secretary thereof and
25its corporate seal affixed thereto; all checks and vouchers for
26the disbursement of funds of the Port Authority shall be
27executed in the manner and form as prescribed by the Port
29     (b)  The Port Authority shall have the power and authority
30by majority vote at any regular meeting to lease the lands,
31personal properties, and facilities for period not to exceed 10
32years; or to encumber personal properties and facilities for not
33more than $1 million $10,000, and for a period not to exceed 5
34years, to secure the note or notes of the Port Authority
35authorized under subsection (a) of said article and section,
36upon such terms and conditions as the Port Authority shall
38     (c)  Any lease of the lands, personal properties, or
39facilities of the Port Authority for a period of more than 10
40years, or any encumbrance of the personal properties or
41facilities of the Port Authority for more than $1 million
42$10,000, and for a period of more than 5 years, shall be first
43advertised in a newspaper of general circulation published
44within the Canaveral Port District for 15 days by three
45consecutive weekly publications, stating the terms and the
46amount to be paid and particularly describing the lands,
47personal properties, or facilities to be leased or encumbered,
48except where it is proposed to lease or to encumber such
49properties in favor of a governmental agency, and provided that
50in the event a petition is filed within 30 days after said
51advertisement is published, signed by 10 percent of the
52qualified electors residing within the Canaveral Port District
53and therein requesting that the question of leasing of the lands
54or of encumbering of the said personal properties or facilities
55be decided by an election called for that purpose. It will then
56be the duty of the Port Authority to call an election to be held
57within the territory constituting the Canaveral Port District,
58for the purpose of determining whether or not said lease or said
59encumbrance as described in said advertisement shall be
60executed. Said election shall be held as provided in this act.
61If no such petition be filed, then the lease or the encumbrance
62may be executed by the Port Authority forthwith.
ARTICLE XVII.  Contracts; Competition
64     Section 1.  No contract shall be let by the Port Authority
65for any construction, improvement, repair, or building, nor
66shall any goods, supplies, or materials for Canaveral Port
67District purposes or uses be purchased when the amount to be
68paid by the Canaveral Port District or the Port Authority shall
69exceed $50,000 $15,000, unless notice thereof shall be
70advertised at least three times, once each week for 3
71consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
72Canaveral Port District, calling for bids upon the work to be
73done or the goods, supplies, or materials to be purchased by the
74Port Authority, and in each case the bid of the lowest
75responsible bidder shall be accepted, unless the Port Authority
76may, in its discretion, reject all bids. The Port Authority may
77also require the deposit of cash or a certified check, not to
78exceed $1,000 or 15 percent of the bid, as evidence of good
79faith on the part of the bidders, such deposit to be returned
80when the bid is rejected or performance bond deposited or
81contract completed. All other things being equal, preference
82shall be given by the Port Authority in making all purchases and
83the letting of all contracts to residents of the Canaveral Port
85     Section 2.  In the event it is reasonably expected that the
86cost amount of a contract under section 1 of this article shall
87be greater than $10,000 $5,000 but less than $50,000 $15,000,
88then the Port Manager or his or her designee shall do the
90     (a)  Obtain at least three telephonic bid offers to perform
91such work or furnish such property from at least three
92independent persons or business entities responsible in the
93subject business endeavor under consideration.
94     (b)  Make a record of the offers.
95     (c)  After obtaining and recording such offers, award the
96contract to the lowest responsible bidder of those solicited as
97provided in this article.
ARTICLE XVIII.  Leases and Encumbrances
99     Section 1.  Whether an election shall be required to be
100held to decide whether or not a lease for more than 10 years, or
101an encumbrance for more than $1 million $10,000 for a period of
102more than 5 years of or against the land, personal properties,
103or facilities of the Port Authority, shall be in accordance with
104the provisions of Article IV, Section 16, subsection (c)
105hereinabove; however, no lease shall exceed an initial period of
10650 years or any renewal or renewals thereof, excepting leases
107for the purpose of the construction and development of hotels,
108convention centers, festive market places, and world trade
109centers, which lease shall not exceed an initial period of 99
110years or any renewal or renewals thereof. If an encumbrance
111exceeds $1 million $100,000, a referendum as provided for in
112Article IV, Section 16, subsection (c) shall be required when
113said referendum is requested by a petition bearing the
114signatures of 1 percent of the qualified electors.
115     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.