Bill No. 1763
Amendment No. 689625
Senate House

1Representative Richardson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
4     Remove line(s) 887 and 888 insert:
5     (8)  EXAMINATIONS.--
6     (b)  The State Board of Education shall, by rule, specify
7the examination scores that are required for the issuance of a
8professional certificate and temporary certificate. Such rules
9must define generic subject area competencies and must establish
10uniform evaluation guidelines. Individuals who apply for their
11professional certificate may demonstrate mastery of general
12knowledge pursuant to an alternative method specified by state
13board rule which must:
14     1.  Apply only to an applicant who has successfully
15completed all prerequisites for issuance of the professional
16certificate, except passing one specific subtest of the College
17Level Academic Skills Test, and who has taken and failed to
18achieve a passing score on that subtest at least four times.
19     2.  Require notification from the superintendent of the
20employing school district, the governing authority of the
21employing developmental research school, or the governing
22authority of the employing state-supported school or nonpublic
23school that the applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated
24mastery of the subject area covered by that specific subtest
25through successful experience in the professional application of
26generic subject area competencies and proficient academic
27performance in that subject area. The decision of the
28superintendent or governing authority shall be based on a review
29of the applicant's official academic transcript and notification
30from the applicant's principal, a peer teacher, and a district-
31level supervisor that the applicant has demonstrated successful
32professional experience in that subject area.
34=========== D I R E C T O R Y  A M E N D M E N T ==========
35     Remove line(s) 743 and insert:
36subsection (2), subsections (3), (4), and (5), and paragraph (b)
37of subsection (8) of section
39================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
40     Between line(s) 83 and 84 insert:
41providing an alternative method for demonstrating mastery of
42general knowledge;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.