1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to quality of school personnel; amending |
3 | s. 1004.04, F.S.; revising criteria for admission to |
4 | teacher preparation programs; requiring a certification |
5 | ombudsman; authorizing certain postsecondary institutions |
6 | to develop and implement short-term teaching experiences; |
7 | creating s. 1004.85, F.S.; providing a definition; |
8 | providing for postsecondary institutions to create |
9 | educator preparation institutes; providing purpose of the |
10 | institutes; authorizing institutes to offer alternative |
11 | educator certification programs; requiring Department of |
12 | Education response to a request for approval; providing |
13 | criteria for alternative certification programs; providing |
14 | requirements for program participants; providing for |
15 | participants to receive a credential signifying mastery of |
16 | professional preparation and education competence; |
17 | authorizing school districts to use an alternative |
18 | certification program at an educator preparation institute |
19 | to satisfy certain requirements; requiring performance |
20 | evaluations; requiring certain criteria for instructors; |
21 | providing rulemaking authority; amending s. 1012.05, F.S.; |
22 | requiring the department to concentrate on retention of |
23 | teachers; requiring the department to provide certain |
24 | resources for teachers and to establish an Educator |
25 | Appreciation Week; requiring district school boards to |
26 | adopt policies for mentors and support for first-time |
27 | teachers; amending s. 1012.231, F.S.; authorizing a salary |
28 | career ladder for certain classifications of instructional |
29 | personnel; providing criteria for certain lead teachers; |
30 | amending s. 1012.32, F.S.; requiring background screening |
31 | for contractual personnel, charter school personnel, and |
32 | certain instructional and noninstructional personnel; |
33 | deleting provision for probationary status for new |
34 | employees pending fingerprint processing; prohibiting |
35 | certain persons from providing services; providing for |
36 | appeals; providing for payment of costs; deleting a |
37 | refingerprinting requirement; requiring the Department of |
38 | Law Enforcement to retain and enter fingerprints into the |
39 | statewide automated fingerprint identification system; |
40 | requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to search |
41 | arrest fingerprint cards against retained fingerprints and |
42 | to report identified arrest records; providing school |
43 | district responsibilities and the imposition of a fee; |
44 | requiring refingerprinting for personnel whose |
45 | fingerprints are not retained; amending s. 1012.33, F.S.; |
46 | revising provisions relating to acceptance of teaching |
47 | service; amending s. 1012.35, F.S.; requiring background |
48 | screening and additional requirements for substitute |
49 | teachers; requiring the department to develop certain |
50 | resources and school districts to develop performance |
51 | appraisal measures; amending s. 1012.39, F.S.; requiring |
52 | background screening and qualifications for substitute |
53 | teachers; requiring background screening for teachers in |
54 | adult education programs and nondegreed teachers of career |
55 | and technical programs; creating s. 1012.465, F.S.; |
56 | requiring background screening for certain |
57 | noninstructional personnel and contractors with the school |
58 | district; requiring such persons to report conviction of a |
59 | disqualifying offense; providing for suspension of |
60 | personnel who do not meet screening requirements; amending |
61 | s. 1012.55, F.S.; providing department duties relating to |
62 | identification of appropriate certification for certain |
63 | instruction; requiring background screening for certain |
64 | instructors; amending s. 1012.56, F.S.; clarifying |
65 | required response of the department to applicants for |
66 | certification; revising eligibility criteria for |
67 | certification applicants; requiring an affidavit for |
68 | educator certification; requiring background screening for |
69 | educator certification; revising means of demonstrating |
70 | mastery of general knowledge, subject area knowledge, and |
71 | professional preparation and education competence; |
72 | providing background screening requirements; requiring |
73 | persons to report conviction of a disqualifying offense; |
74 | providing for suspension from position and revocation or |
75 | suspension of certification; creating s. 1012.561, F.S.; |
76 | providing requirements relating to notification of the |
77 | address of record of a certified educator or applicant for |
78 | certification; amending s. 1012.57, F.S.; requiring |
79 | background screening for adjunct educators; amending s. |
80 | 1012.585, F.S.; revising means of renewal of a |
81 | professional certificate; revising means of earning |
82 | inservice points; providing requirements for training in |
83 | the teaching of reading for renewal of a professional |
84 | certificate; amending s. 1002.33, F.S.; requiring |
85 | background screening for employees and members of the |
86 | governing boards of charter schools; providing an |
87 | effective date. |
88 |
89 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
90 |
91 | Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 1004.04, Florida |
92 | Statutes, is amended, subsections (10), (11), and (12) are |
93 | renumbered as subsections (11), (12), and (13), respectively, |
94 | and a new subsection (10) is added to said section, to read: |
95 | 1004.04 Public accountability and state approval for |
96 | teacher preparation programs.-- |
98 | (a) A program approval process based on standards adopted |
99 | pursuant to subsections (2) and (3) must be established for |
100 | postsecondary teacher preparation programs, phased in according |
101 | to timelines determined by the Department of Education, and |
102 | fully implemented for all teacher preparation programs in the |
103 | state. Each program shall be approved by the department, |
104 | consistent with the intent set forth in subsection (1) and based |
105 | primarily upon significant, objective, and quantifiable graduate |
106 | performance measures. |
107 | (b) Each teacher preparation program approved by the |
108 | Department of Education, as provided for by this section, shall |
109 | require students to meet the following as prerequisites for |
110 | admission into the program: |
111 | 1. Have a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 |
112 | scale for the general education component of undergraduate |
113 | studies or have completed the requirements for a baccalaureate |
114 | degree with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale |
115 | from any college or university accredited by a regional |
116 | accrediting association as defined by State Board of Education |
117 | rule or any college or university otherwise approved pursuant to |
118 | State Board of Education rule. |
119 | 2. Demonstrate mastery of general knowledge, including the |
120 | ability to read, write, and compute, by passing the General |
121 | Knowledge Test of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination, |
122 | the College Level Academic Skills Test, a corresponding |
123 | component of the National Teachers Examination series, or a |
124 | similar test pursuant to rules of the State Board of Education. |
125 |
126 | Each teacher preparation program may waive these admissions |
127 | requirements for up to 10 percent of the students admitted. |
128 | Programs shall implement strategies to ensure that students |
129 | admitted under a waiver receive assistance to demonstrate |
130 | competencies to successfully meet requirements for |
131 | certification. |
132 | (c) Each teacher preparation program approved by the |
133 | Department of Education, as provided for by this section, shall |
134 | provide a certification ombudsman to facilitate the process and |
135 | procedures required for graduates to obtain educator |
136 | professional or temporary certification pursuant to s. 1012.56. |
138 | Postsecondary institutions offering teacher preparation programs |
139 | and community colleges, in collaboration with school districts, |
140 | may develop and implement a program to provide short-term |
141 | experiences as teacher assistants prior to beginning a teacher |
142 | preparation program or alternative certification program. The |
143 | program shall serve individuals with baccalaureate degrees who |
144 | are interested in the teaching profession. This experience may |
145 | be accepted for use in teacher preparation programs and |
146 | competency-based alternative certification programs, where |
147 | applicable. |
148 | Section 2. Section 1004.85, Florida Statutes, is created |
149 | to read: |
150 | 1004.85 Postsecondary educator preparation institutes.-- |
151 | (1) As used in this section, "educator preparation |
152 | institute" means an institute created by a postsecondary |
153 | institution and approved by the Department of Education. |
154 | (2) Postsecondary institutions may seek approval from the |
155 | Department of Education to create educator preparation |
156 | institutes for the purpose of providing any or all of the |
157 | following: |
158 | (a) Professional development instruction to assist |
159 | teachers in improving classroom instruction and in meeting |
160 | certification or recertification requirements. |
161 | (b) Instruction to assist potential and existing |
162 | substitute teachers in performing their duties. |
163 | (c) Instruction to assist paraprofessionals in meeting |
164 | education and training requirements. |
165 | (d) Instruction for baccalaureate degree holders to become |
166 | certified teachers as provided in this section in order to |
167 | increase routes to the classroom for mid-career professionals |
168 | who hold a baccalaureate degree and college graduates who were |
169 | not education majors. |
170 | (3) Educator preparation institutes approved pursuant to |
171 | this section may offer alternative certification programs |
172 | specifically designed for noneducation major baccalaureate |
173 | degree holders to enable program participants to meet the |
174 | educator certification requirements of s. 1012.56. Such programs |
175 | shall be competency-based educator certification preparation |
176 | programs that prepare educators through an alternative route. An |
177 | educator preparation institute choosing to offer an alternative |
178 | certification program pursuant to the provisions of this section |
179 | must implement a program previously approved by the Department |
180 | of Education for this purpose or a program developed by the |
181 | institute and approved by the department for this purpose. |
182 | Approved programs shall be available for use by other approved |
183 | educator preparation institutes. |
184 | (a) Within 90 days after receipt of a request for |
185 | approval, the Department of Education shall approve an |
186 | alternative certification program or issue a statement of the |
187 | deficiencies in the request for approval. The department shall |
188 | approve an alternative certification program if the institute |
189 | provides sufficient evidence of the following: |
190 | 1. Instruction must be provided in professional knowledge |
191 | and subject matter content that includes educator-accomplished |
192 | practices and competencies specified in State Board of Education |
193 | rule and meets subject matter content requirements, professional |
194 | competency testing requirements, and competencies associated |
195 | with teaching scientifically based reading instruction and |
196 | strategies that research has shown to be successful in improving |
197 | reading among low-performing readers. |
198 | 2. The program must provide field experience with |
199 | supervision from qualified educators. |
200 | 3. The program must provide a certification ombudsman to |
201 | facilitate the process and procedures required for participants |
202 | who complete the program to meet any requirements related to the |
203 | background screening pursuant to s. 1012.32 and educator |
204 | professional or temporary certification pursuant to s. 1012.56. |
205 | (b) Each program participant must: |
206 | 1. Meet certification requirements pursuant to s. |
207 | 1012.56(1) by obtaining a statement of status of eligibility and |
208 | meet the requirements of s. 1012.56(2)(a)-(f). |
209 | 2. Participate in field experience that is appropriate to |
210 | his or her educational plan. |
211 | 3. Fully demonstrate his or her ability to teach the |
212 | subject area for which he or she is seeking certification prior |
213 | to completion of the program. |
214 | (c) Upon completion of an alternative certification |
215 | program approved pursuant to this subsection, a participant |
216 | shall receive a credential from the sponsoring institution |
217 | signifying satisfaction of the requirements of s. 1012.56(5) |
218 | relating to mastery of professional preparation and education |
219 | competence. A participant shall be eligible for educator |
220 | certification through the Department of Education upon |
221 | satisfaction of all requirements for certification set forth in |
222 | s. 1012.56(2), including demonstration of mastery of general |
223 | knowledge, subject area knowledge, and professional preparation |
224 | and education competence, through testing or other statutorily |
225 | authorized means. |
226 | (d) If an institution offers an alternative certification |
227 | program approved pursuant to this subsection, such program may |
228 | be used by the school district or districts served by that |
229 | institution to fully satisfy the requirements for the provision |
230 | of a competency-based professional preparation alternative |
231 | certification program as required in s. 1012.56(7). |
232 | (4) Each institute approved pursuant to this section shall |
233 | submit to the Department of Education annual performance |
234 | evaluations that measure the effectiveness of the programs, |
235 | including the pass rates of participants on all examinations |
236 | required for teacher certification, employment rates, |
237 | longitudinal retention rates, and employer satisfaction surveys. |
238 | The employer satisfaction surveys must be designed to measure |
239 | the sufficient preparation of the educator to enter the |
240 | classroom. |
241 | (5) Instructors for an alternative certification program |
242 | approved pursuant to this section must possess a master's degree |
243 | in education or a master's degree in an appropriate related |
244 | field and document teaching experience. |
245 | (6) Educator preparation institutes approved pursuant to |
246 | this section and providing approved instructional programs for |
247 | any of the purposes in subsection (2) are eligible for funding |
248 | from federal and state funds, as appropriated by the |
249 | Legislature. (7) The State Board of Education may adopt rules |
250 | pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the |
251 | provisions of this section. |
252 | Section 3. Section 1012.05, Florida Statutes, is amended |
253 | to read: |
254 | 1012.05 Teacher recruitment and retention.-- |
255 | (1) The Department of Education, in cooperation with |
256 | teacher organizations, district personnel offices, and schools, |
257 | colleges, and departments of all public and nonpublic |
258 | postsecondary educational institutions, shall concentrate on the |
259 | recruitment and retention of qualified teachers. |
260 | (2) The Department of Education shall: |
261 | (a) Develop and implement a system for posting teaching |
262 | vacancies and establish a database of teacher applicants that is |
263 | accessible within and outside the state. |
264 | (b) Advertise in major newspapers, national professional |
265 | publications, and other professional publications and in public |
266 | and nonpublic postsecondary educational institutions. |
267 | (c) Utilize state and nationwide toll-free numbers. |
268 | (d) Conduct periodic communications with district |
269 | personnel directors regarding applicants. |
270 | (e) Provide district access to the applicant database by |
271 | computer or telephone. |
272 | (f) Develop and distribute promotional materials related |
273 | to the teaching profession as a career. |
274 | (g) Publish and distribute information pertaining to |
275 | employment opportunities, application procedures, and all routes |
276 | toward teacher certification in Florida, and teacher salaries. |
277 | (h) Provide information related to certification |
278 | procedures. |
279 | (i) Develop and sponsor the Florida Future Educator of |
280 | America Program throughout the state. |
281 | (j) Develop, in consultation with school district staff |
282 | including, but not limited to, district school superintendents, |
283 | district school board members, and district human resources |
284 | personnel, a long-range plan for educator recruitment and |
285 | retention. |
286 | (k) Identify best practices for retaining high-quality |
287 | teachers. |
288 | (l) Develop, in consultation with Workforce Florida, Inc., |
289 | and the Agency for Workforce Innovation, created pursuant to ss. |
290 | 445.004 and 20.50, respectively, a plan for accessing and |
291 | identifying available resources in the state's workforce system |
292 | and tourism offices for the purpose of enhancing teacher |
293 | recruitment and retention. |
294 | (m) In consultation with school districts, create |
295 | guidelines and identify best practices for mentors of first-time |
296 | teachers and for new teacher support programs that focus on the |
297 | professional assistance needed by first-time teachers throughout |
298 | the first year of teaching. |
299 | (n)(m) Develop and implement a First Response Center to |
300 | provide educator candidates one-stop shopping for information on |
301 | teaching careers in Florida and establish the Teacher Lifeline |
302 | Network to provide online support to beginning teachers and |
303 | those needing assistance. |
304 | (o) Develop and implement an online teacher tool kit that |
305 | contains a menu of resources, based on the Sunshine State |
306 | Standards, which all teachers can use to enhance classroom |
307 | instruction and increase teacher effectiveness to improve |
308 | student achievement. |
309 | (p) Establish an Educator Appreciation Week to recognize |
310 | the significant contributions made by educators to their |
311 | students and school communities. |
312 | (3) Each district school board shall adopt policies |
313 | relating to mentors and support for first-time teachers based |
314 | upon guidelines issued by the Department of Education. |
315 | (4)(3) The Department of Education, in cooperation with |
316 | district personnel offices, shall sponsor a job fair in a |
317 | central part of the state to match in-state educators and |
318 | potential educators and out-of-state educators and potential |
319 | educators with teaching opportunities in this state. |
320 | (5)(4) Subject to proviso in the General Appropriations |
321 | Act, the Commissioner of Education may use funds appropriated by |
322 | the Legislature and funds from federal grants and other sources |
323 | to provide incentives for teacher recruitment and preparation |
324 | programs. The purpose of the use of such funds is to recruit and |
325 | prepare individuals who do not graduate from state-approved |
326 | teacher preparation programs to teach in a Florida public |
327 | school. The commissioner may contract with entities other than, |
328 | and including, approved teacher preparation programs to provide |
329 | intensive teacher training leading to passage of the required |
330 | certification exams for the desired subject area or coverage. |
331 | The commissioner shall survey school districts to evaluate the |
332 | effectiveness of such programs. |
333 | (6) The Commissioner of Education is directed to take |
334 | steps that provide flexibility and consistency in meeting the |
335 | high-quality teacher criteria defined in the No Child Left |
336 | Behind Act through a high, objective, uniform state system of |
337 | evaluation. |
338 | Section 4. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 1012.231, |
339 | Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (3) and (4), |
340 | respectively, and a new subsection (2) is added to said section |
341 | to read: |
342 | 1012.231 BEST Florida Teaching salary career ladder |
343 | program; assignment of teachers.-- |
345 | INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL.--Each school district may incorporate |
346 | one or more individuals into the district career ladder program |
347 | as lead teachers pursuant to paragraph (1)(c) for the following |
348 | classifications: |
349 | (a) Student personnel services as defined in s. |
350 | 1012.01(2)(b). |
351 | (b) Librarians/media specialists as defined in s. |
352 | 1012.01(2)(c). |
353 | (c) Other instructional staff as defined in s. |
354 | 1012.01(2)(d). |
355 | (d) Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages |
356 | pursuant to s. 1003.56. |
357 |
358 | If a school district chooses to incorporate individuals |
359 | identified in this subsection into the district career ladder |
360 | program, a lead teacher designated pursuant to this subsection |
361 | shall serve as a team leader, intern coordinator, or |
362 | professional development coordinator; shall participate in |
363 | direct instruction of students throughout the school year; and |
364 | shall serve as faculty for professional development activities |
365 | as determined by the State Board of Education. To be eligible |
366 | for designation as a lead teacher, an educator must demonstrate |
367 | outstanding performance pursuant to s. 1012.34(3)(a). |
368 | Section 5. Section 1012.32, Florida Statutes, is amended, |
369 | to read: |
370 | 1012.32 Qualifications of personnel.-- |
371 | (1) To be eligible for appointment in any position in any |
372 | district school system, a person shall be of good moral |
373 | character; shall have attained the age of 18 years, if he or she |
374 | is to be employed in an instructional capacity; and shall, when |
375 | required by law, hold a certificate or license issued under |
376 | rules of the State Board of Education or the Department of |
377 | Children and Family Services, except when employed pursuant to |
378 | s. 1012.55 or under the emergency provisions of s. 1012.24. |
379 | Previous residence in this state shall not be required in any |
380 | school of the state as a prerequisite for any person holding a |
381 | valid Florida certificate or license to serve in an |
382 | instructional capacity. |
383 | (2)(a) Instructional and noninstructional personnel who |
384 | are hired or contracted to fill positions requiring direct |
385 | contact with students in any district school system or |
386 | university lab school shall, upon employment or engagement to |
387 | provide services, undergo background screening as required under |
388 | s. 1012.56 or s. 1012.465, whichever is applicable, file a |
389 | complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law |
390 | enforcement officer or an employee of the school or district who |
391 | is trained to take fingerprints. |
392 | (b) Instructional and noninstructional personnel who are |
393 | hired or contracted to fill positions in any charter school and |
394 | members of the governing board of any charter school, in |
395 | compliance with s. 1002.33(12)(g), shall, upon employment, |
396 | engagement of services, or appointment, undergo background |
397 | screening as required under s. 1012.56 or s. 1012.465, whichever |
398 | is applicable, by filing with the district school board for the |
399 | school district in which the charter school is located a |
400 | complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law |
401 | enforcement agency or an employee of the school or school |
402 | district who is trained to take fingerprints. |
403 | (c) Instructional and noninstructional personnel who are |
404 | hired or contracted to fill positions requiring direct contact |
405 | with students in an alternative school that operates under |
406 | contract with a district school system shall, upon employment or |
407 | engagement to provide services, undergo background screening as |
408 | required under s. 1012.56 or s. 1012.465, whichever is |
409 | applicable, by filing with the district school board for the |
410 | school district to which the alternative school is under |
411 | contract a complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized |
412 | law enforcement agency or an employee of the school or school |
413 | district who is trained to take fingerprints. |
414 | (d) Student teachers, persons participating in a field |
415 | experience pursuant to s. 1004.04(6) or s. 1004.85, and persons |
416 | participating in a short-term experience as a teacher assistant |
417 | pursuant to s. 1004.04(10) in any district school system, lab |
418 | school, or charter school shall, upon engagement to provide |
419 | services, undergo background screening as required under s. |
420 | 1012.56. |
421 |
422 | These Fingerprints shall be submitted to the Department of Law |
423 | Enforcement for state processing and to the Federal Bureau of |
424 | Investigation for federal processing. Persons subject to this |
425 | subsection The new employees shall be on probationary status |
426 | pending fingerprint processing and determination of compliance |
427 | with standards of good moral character. Employees found through |
428 | fingerprint processing to have been convicted of a crime |
429 | involving moral turpitude shall not be employed, engaged to |
430 | provide services, or serve in any position requiring direct |
431 | contact with students. Probationary persons subject to this |
432 | subsection employees terminated because of their criminal record |
433 | shall have the right to appeal such decisions. The cost of the |
434 | background screening fingerprint processing may be borne by the |
435 | district school board, the charter school, or the employee, the |
436 | contractor, or a person subject to this subsection. |
437 | (b) Personnel who have been fingerprinted or screened |
438 | pursuant to this subsection and who have not been unemployed for |
439 | more than 90 days shall not be required to be refingerprinted or |
440 | rescreened in order to comply with the requirements of this |
441 | subsection. |
442 | (3)(a) Beginning July 1, 2004, all fingerprints submitted |
443 | to the Department of Law Enforcement as required by subsection |
444 | (2) shall be retained by the Department of Law Enforcement in a |
445 | manner provided by rule and entered in the statewide automated |
446 | fingerprint identification system authorized by s. 943.05(2)(b). |
447 | Such fingerprints shall thereafter be available for all purposes |
448 | and uses authorized for arrest fingerprint cards entered in the |
449 | statewide automated fingerprint identification system pursuant |
450 | to s. 943.051. |
451 | (b) Beginning December 15, 2004, the Department of Law |
452 | Enforcement shall search all arrest fingerprint cards received |
453 | under s. 943.051 against the fingerprints retained in the |
454 | statewide automated fingerprint identification system under |
455 | paragraph (a). Any arrest record that is identified with the |
456 | retained fingerprints of a person subject to the background |
457 | screening under this section shall be reported to the employing |
458 | or contracting school district or the school district with which |
459 | the person is affiliated. Each school district is required to |
460 | participate in this search process by payment of an annual fee |
461 | to the Department of Law Enforcement and by informing the |
462 | Department of Law Enforcement of any change in the affiliation, |
463 | employment, or contractual status or place of affiliation, |
464 | employment, or contracting of its instructional and |
465 | noninstructional personnel whose fingerprints are retained under |
466 | paragraph (a). The Department of Law Enforcement shall adopt a |
467 | rule setting the amount of the annual fee to be imposed upon |
468 | each school district for performing these searches and |
469 | establishing the procedures for the retention of instructional |
470 | and noninstructional personnel fingerprints and the |
471 | dissemination of search results. The fee may be borne by the |
472 | district school board, the contractor, or the person |
473 | fingerprinted. |
474 | (c) Personnel whose fingerprints are not retained by the |
475 | Department of Law Enforcement under paragraphs (a) and (b) are |
476 | required to be refingerprinted and must meet level 2 screening |
477 | requirements as described in s. 435.04, upon reemployment or |
478 | reengagement to provide services, in order to comply with the |
479 | requirements of this subsection. |
480 | Section 6. Paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section |
481 | 1012.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
482 | 1012.33 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, |
483 | and school principals.-- |
484 | (3) |
485 | (g) Beginning July 1, 2001, For each employee who enters |
486 | into a written contract, pursuant to this section, in a school |
487 | district in which the employee was not employed as of June 30, |
488 | 2001, for purposes of pay, a district school board must |
489 | recognize and accept each year of full-time public school |
490 | teaching service earned in the State of Florida or outside the |
491 | state and for which the employee received a satisfactory |
492 | performance evaluation. Instructional personnel employed |
493 | pursuant to s. 121.091(9)(b)3. are exempt from the provisions of |
494 | this paragraph. |
495 | Section 7. Section 1012.35, Florida Statutes, is amended |
496 | to read: |
497 | 1012.35 Substitute teachers.-- |
498 | (1)(a) Each district school board shall adopt rules |
499 | prescribing the compensation of, and the procedure for |
500 | employment of, substitute teachers. Such procedure for |
501 | employment shall include, but is not limited to, the background |
502 | screening filing of a complete set of fingerprints as required |
503 | in s. 1012.32; documentation of a minimum education level of a |
504 | high school diploma or its equivalent as described in s. |
505 | 1003.429, s. 1003.43, or s. 1003.435; and completion of an |
506 | initial orientation/training program in school district policies |
507 | and procedures addressing school safety and security procedures, |
508 | educational liability laws, professional responsibilities, and |
509 | ethics. |
510 | (b) Candidates without prior teaching experience, as |
511 | determined by the employing school district, must complete an |
512 | additional training program that includes classroom management |
513 | skills and instructional strategies prior to employment. |
514 | (c) The required training programs for substitute teachers |
515 | may be provided by educator preparation institutes established |
516 | pursuant to s. 1004.85, community colleges, colleges of |
517 | education, district school boards, educational consortia, or |
518 | commercial vendors. |
519 | (d) It is recommended that ongoing training and access to |
520 | professional development offerings be made available to |
521 | substitute teachers by the employing school district. |
522 | (2) The Department of Education shall develop web-based |
523 | resources to enhance school district substitute teacher |
524 | orientation programs and provide web-based training resources to |
525 | meet the required training pursuant to paragraph (1)(b). |
526 | (3) School districts shall develop performance appraisal |
527 | measures for assessing the quality of instruction delivered by |
528 | substitute teachers who provide instruction for 30 or more days |
529 | in a single classroom placement. |
530 | Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 1012.39, Florida |
531 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
532 | 1012.39 Employment of substitute teachers, teachers of |
533 | adult education, nondegreed teachers of career education, and |
534 | career specialists; students performing clinical field |
535 | experience.-- |
536 | (1) Notwithstanding ss. 1012.32, 1012.55, 1012.56, and |
537 | 1012.57, or any other provision of law or rule to the contrary, |
538 | each district school board shall establish the minimal |
539 | qualifications for: |
540 | (a) Substitute teachers to be employed pursuant to s. |
541 | 1012.35. The qualifications shall require the filing of a |
542 | background screening complete set of fingerprints in the same |
543 | manner as required by s. 1012.32; documentation of a minimum |
544 | education level of a high school diploma or its equivalent as |
545 | described in s. 1003.429, s. 1003.43, or s. 1003.435; and |
546 | completion of an initial orientation/training program in school |
547 | district policies and procedures addressing school safety and |
548 | security procedures, educational liability laws, professional |
549 | responsibilities, and ethics. |
550 | (b) Part-time and full-time teachers in adult education |
551 | programs. The qualifications shall require the filing of a |
552 | background screening complete set of fingerprints in the same |
553 | manner as required by s. 1012.32. Faculty employed solely to |
554 | conduct postsecondary instruction may be exempted from this |
555 | requirement. |
556 | (c) Part-time and full-time nondegreed teachers of career |
557 | and technical programs. Qualifications shall be established for |
558 | agriculture, business, health occupations, family and consumer |
559 | sciences, industrial, marketing, career specialist, and public |
560 | service education teachers, based primarily on successful |
561 | occupational experience rather than academic training. The |
562 | qualifications for such teachers shall require: |
563 | 1. The filing of a background screening complete set of |
564 | fingerprints in the same manner as required by s. 1012.32. |
565 | Faculty employed solely to conduct postsecondary instruction may |
566 | be exempted from this requirement. |
567 | 2. Documentation of education and successful occupational |
568 | experience including documentation of: |
569 | a. A high school diploma or the equivalent. |
570 | b. Completion of 6 years of full-time successful |
571 | occupational experience or the equivalent of part-time |
572 | experience in the teaching specialization area. Alternate means |
573 | of determining successful occupational experience may be |
574 | established by the district school board. |
575 | c. Completion of career education training conducted |
576 | through the local school district inservice master plan. |
577 | d. For full-time teachers, completion of professional |
578 | education training in teaching methods, course construction, |
579 | lesson planning and evaluation, and teaching special needs |
580 | students. This training may be completed through coursework from |
581 | an accredited or approved institution or an approved district |
582 | teacher education program. |
583 | e. Demonstration of successful teaching performance. |
584 | Section 9. Section 1012.465, Florida Statutes, is created |
585 | to read: |
586 | 1012.465 Background screening requirements for certain |
587 | noninstructional school district employees and contractors.-- |
588 | (1) Noninstructional school district employees or |
589 | contractual personnel who have direct contact with students or |
590 | have access to or control of school funds must meet level 2 |
591 | screening requirements as described in s. 435.04. |
592 | (2) Every 5 years following employment or entry into a |
593 | contract in a capacity described in subsection (1), each person |
594 | who is so employed or under contract with the school district |
595 | must meet level 2 screening requirements as described in s. |
596 | 435.04, at which time the school district shall request the |
597 | Department of Law Enforcement to forward the fingerprints to the |
598 | Federal Bureau of Investigation for the level 2 screening. If, |
599 | for any reason following employment or entry into a contract in |
600 | a capacity described in subsection (1), the fingerprints of a |
601 | person who is so employed or under contract with the school |
602 | district are not retained by the Department of Law Enforcement |
603 | under s. 1012.32(3)(a) and (b), the person must file a complete |
604 | set of fingerprints with the district school superintendent of |
605 | the employing or contracting school district. Upon submission of |
606 | fingerprints for this purpose, the school district shall request |
607 | the Department of Law Enforcement to forward the fingerprints to |
608 | the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the level 2 screening, |
609 | and the fingerprints shall be retained by the Department of Law |
610 | Enforcement under s. 1012.32(3)(a) and (b). The cost of the |
611 | state and federal criminal history check required by level 2 |
612 | screening may be borne by the district school board, the |
613 | contractor, or the person fingerprinted. Under penalty of |
614 | perjury, each person who is employed or under contract in a |
615 | capacity described in subsection (1) must agree to inform his or |
616 | her employer or the party with whom he or she is under contract |
617 | within 48 hours if convicted of any disqualifying offense while |
618 | he or she is employed or under contract in that capacity. |
619 | (3) If it is found that a person who is employed or under |
620 | contract in a capacity described in subsection (1) does not meet |
621 | the level 2 requirements, the person shall be immediately |
622 | suspended from working in that capacity and shall remain |
623 | suspended until final resolution of any appeals. |
624 | Section 10. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 1012.55, |
625 | Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
626 | 1012.55 Positions for which certificates required.-- |
627 | (1) The State Board of Education shall classify school |
628 | services, designate the certification subject areas, establish |
629 | competencies, including the use of technology to enhance student |
630 | learning, and certification requirements for all school-based |
631 | personnel, and adopt rules in accordance with which the |
632 | professional, temporary, and part-time certificates shall be |
633 | issued by the Department of Education to applicants who meet the |
634 | standards prescribed by such rules for their class of service. |
635 | Each person employed or occupying a position as school |
636 | supervisor, school principal, teacher, library media specialist, |
637 | school counselor, athletic coach, or other position in which the |
638 | employee serves in an instructional capacity, in any public |
639 | school of any district of this state shall hold the certificate |
640 | required by law and by rules of the State Board of Education in |
641 | fulfilling the requirements of the law for the type of service |
642 | rendered. The Department of Education shall identify appropriate |
643 | educator certification for the instruction of specified courses |
644 | in an annual publication of a directory of course code numbers |
645 | for all programs and courses that are funded through the Florida |
646 | Education Finance Program. However, the state board shall adopt |
647 | rules authorizing district school boards to employ selected |
648 | noncertificated personnel to provide instructional services in |
649 | the individuals' fields of specialty or to assist instructional |
650 | staff members as education paraprofessionals. |
651 | (4) A commissioned or noncommissioned military officer who |
652 | is an instructor of junior reserve officer training shall be |
653 | exempt from requirements for teacher certification, except for |
654 | the background screening filing of fingerprints pursuant to s. |
655 | 1012.32, if he or she meets the following qualifications: |
656 | (a) Is retired from active military duty, pursuant to |
657 | chapter 102 of Title 10, U.S.C. |
658 | (b) Satisfies criteria established by the appropriate |
659 | military service for certification by the service as a junior |
660 | reserve officer training instructor. |
661 | (c) Has an exemplary military record. |
662 |
663 | If such instructor is assigned instructional duties other than |
664 | junior reserve officer training, he or she shall hold the |
665 | certificate required by law and rules of the state board for the |
666 | type of service rendered. |
667 | Section 11. Subsection (1), paragraphs (b) and (d) of |
668 | subsection (2), and subsections (3), (4), and (5) of section |
669 | 1012.56, Florida Statutes, are amended, subsections (9) through |
670 | (15) are renumbered as subsections (10) through (16), |
671 | respectively, and a new subsection (9) is added to said section, |
672 | to read: |
673 | 1012.56 Educator certification requirements.-- |
674 | (1) APPLICATION.--Each person seeking certification |
675 | pursuant to this chapter shall submit a completed application |
676 | containing the applicant's social security number to the |
677 | Department of Education and remit the fee required pursuant to |
678 | s. 1012.59 and rules of the State Board of Education. Pursuant |
679 | to the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity |
680 | Reconciliation Act of 1996, each party is required to provide |
681 | his or her social security number in accordance with this |
682 | section. Disclosure of social security numbers obtained through |
683 | this requirement is limited to the purpose of administration of |
684 | the Title IV-D program of the Social Security Act for child |
685 | support enforcement. Pursuant to s. 120.60, the department shall |
686 | issue within 90 calendar days after the stamped receipted date |
687 | of the completed application: |
688 | (a) If the applicant meets the requirements, a |
689 | professional certificate covering the classification, level, and |
690 | area for which the applicant is deemed qualified and a document |
691 | explaining the requirements for renewal of the professional |
692 | certificate; or |
693 | (b) If the applicant meets the requirements and if |
694 | requested by an employing school district or an employing |
695 | private school with a professional education competence |
696 | demonstration program pursuant to paragraphs (5)(f) and (7)(b), |
697 | a temporary certificate covering the classification, level, and |
698 | area for which the applicant is deemed qualified and an official |
699 | statement of status of eligibility; or |
700 | (c)(b) If an applicant does not meet the requirements for |
701 | either certificate, an official statement of status of |
702 | eligibility. |
703 |
704 | The statement of status of eligibility must advise the applicant |
705 | of any qualifications that must be completed to qualify for |
706 | certification. Each statement of status of eligibility is valid |
707 | for 3 years after its date of issuance, except as provided in |
708 | paragraph (2)(d). |
709 | (2) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.--To be eligible to seek |
710 | certification, a person must: |
711 | (b) File an affidavit a written statement, under oath, |
712 | that the applicant subscribes to and will uphold the principles |
713 | incorporated in the Constitution of the United States and the |
714 | Constitution of the State of Florida and that the information |
715 | provided in the application is true, accurate, and complete. The |
716 | affidavit shall be by original signature or by electronic |
717 | authentication. The affidavit shall include substantially the |
718 | following warning: |
719 |
720 | WARNING: Giving false information in order to obtain or renew a |
721 | Florida educator's certificate is a criminal offense under |
722 | Florida law. Anyone giving false information on this affidavit |
723 | is subject to criminal prosecution as well as disciplinary |
724 | action by the Education Practices Commission. |
725 |
726 | (d) Submit to background screening in accordance with |
727 | subsection (9) a fingerprint check from the Department of Law |
728 | Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation pursuant to |
729 | s. 1012.32. If the background screening indicates fingerprint |
730 | reports indicate a criminal history or if the applicant |
731 | acknowledges a criminal history, the applicant's records shall |
732 | be referred to the investigative section in the Department of |
733 | Education Bureau of Educator Standards for review and |
734 | determination of eligibility for certification. If the applicant |
735 | fails to provide the necessary documentation requested by the |
736 | department Bureau of Educator Standards within 90 days after the |
737 | date of the receipt of the certified mail request, the statement |
738 | of eligibility and pending application shall become invalid. |
739 | (3) MASTERY OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE.--Acceptable means of |
740 | demonstrating mastery of general knowledge are: |
741 | (a) Achievement of passing scores on basic skills |
742 | examination required by state board rule; |
743 | (b) Achievement of passing scores on the College Level |
744 | Academic Skills Test earned prior to July 1, 2002; |
745 | (c) A valid professional standard teaching certificate |
746 | issued by another state; |
747 | (d) A valid certificate issued by the National Board for |
748 | Professional Teaching Standards or a national educator |
749 | credentialing board approved by the State Board of Education; or |
750 | (e) Documentation of two semesters of successful teaching |
751 | in a community college, state university, or private college or |
752 | university that awards an associate or higher degree and is an |
753 | accredited institution or an institution of higher education |
754 | identified by the Department of Education as having a quality |
755 | program. |
756 | (4) MASTERY OF SUBJECT AREA KNOWLEDGE.--Acceptable means |
757 | of demonstrating mastery of subject area knowledge are: |
758 | (a) Achievement of passing scores on subject area |
759 | examinations required by state board rule; |
760 | (b) Completion of the subject area specialization |
761 | requirements specified in state board rule and verification of |
762 | the attainment of the essential subject matter competencies by |
763 | the district school superintendent of the employing school |
764 | district or chief administrative officer of the employing state- |
765 | supported or private school for a subject area for which a |
766 | subject area examination has not been developed and required by |
767 | state board rule; |
768 | (c) Completion of the subject area specialization |
769 | requirements specified in state board rule for a subject |
770 | coverage requiring a master's or higher degree and achievement |
771 | of a passing score on the subject area examination specified in |
772 | state board rule; |
773 | (d) A valid professional standard teaching certificate |
774 | issued by another state; or |
775 | (e) A valid certificate issued by the National Board for |
776 | Professional Teaching Standards or a national educator |
777 | credentialing board approved by the State Board of Education. |
779 | COMPETENCE.--Acceptable means of demonstrating mastery of |
780 | professional preparation and education competence are: |
781 | (a) Completion of an approved teacher preparation program |
782 | at a postsecondary educational institution within this state and |
783 | achievement of a passing score on the professional education |
784 | competency examination required by state board rule; |
785 | (b) Completion of a teacher preparation program at a |
786 | postsecondary educational institution outside Florida and |
787 | achievement of a passing score on the professional education |
788 | competency examination required by state board rule; |
789 | (c) A valid professional standard teaching certificate |
790 | issued by another state; |
791 | (d) A valid certificate issued by the National Board for |
792 | Professional Teaching Standards or a national educator |
793 | credentialing board approved by the State Board of Education; |
794 | (e) Documentation of two semesters of successful teaching |
795 | in a community college, state university, or private college or |
796 | university that awards an associate or higher degree and is an |
797 | accredited institution or an institution of higher education |
798 | identified by the Department of Education as having a quality |
799 | program; |
800 | (f) Completion of professional preparation courses as |
801 | specified in state board rule, successful completion of a |
802 | professional education competence demonstration program pursuant |
803 | to paragraph (7)(b), and achievement of a passing score on the |
804 | professional education competency examination required by state |
805 | board rule; or |
806 | (g) Successful completion of a professional preparation |
807 | alternative certification and education competency program, |
808 | outlined in paragraph (7)(a); or |
809 | (h) Successful completion of an alternative certification |
810 | program pursuant to s. 1004.85 and achievement of a passing |
811 | score on the professional education competency examination |
812 | required by state board rule. |
815 | (a) Each person who seeks certification under this chapter |
816 | must meet level 2 screening requirements as described in s. |
817 | 435.04 unless a level 2 screening has been conducted by a |
818 | district school board or the Department of Education within 12 |
819 | months before the date the person initially obtains |
820 | certification under this chapter, the results of which are |
821 | submitted to the district school board or to the Department of |
822 | Education. |
823 | (b) A person may not receive a certificate under this |
824 | chapter until the level 2 screening has been completed and the |
825 | results have been submitted to the Department of Education or to |
826 | the district school superintendent of the school district that |
827 | employs the person. Every 5 years after obtaining initial |
828 | certification, each person who is required to be certified under |
829 | this chapter must meet level 2 screening requirements as |
830 | described in s. 435.04, at which time the school district shall |
831 | request the Department of Law Enforcement to forward the |
832 | fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the |
833 | level 2 screening. If, for any reason after obtaining initial |
834 | certification, the fingerprints of a person who is required to |
835 | be certified under this chapter are not retained by the |
836 | Department of Law Enforcement under s. 1012.32(3)(a) and (b), |
837 | the person must file a complete set of fingerprints with the |
838 | district school superintendent of the employing school district. |
839 | Upon submission of fingerprints for this purpose, the school |
840 | district shall request the Department of Law Enforcement to |
841 | forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation |
842 | for the level 2 screening, and the fingerprints shall be |
843 | retained by the Department of Law Enforcement under s. |
844 | 1012.32(3)(a) and (b). The cost of the state and federal |
845 | criminal history check required by level 2 screening may be |
846 | borne by the district school board or the employee. Under |
847 | penalty of perjury, each person who is certified under this |
848 | chapter must agree to inform his or her employer within 48 hours |
849 | if convicted of any disqualifying offense while he or she is |
850 | employed in a position for which such certification is required. |
851 | (c) If it is found under s. 1012.796 that a person who is |
852 | employed in a position requiring certification under this |
853 | chapter does not meet the level 2 screening requirements, the |
854 | person's certification shall be immediately revoked or suspended |
855 | and he or she shall be immediately suspended from the position |
856 | requiring certification. |
857 | Section 12. Section 1012.561, Florida Statutes, is created |
858 | to read: |
859 | 1012.561 Address of record.--Each certified educator or |
860 | applicant for certification is responsible for maintaining his |
861 | or her current address with the Department of Education and for |
862 | notifying the department in writing of a change of address. By |
863 | January 1, 2005, each educator and applicant for certification |
864 | must have on file with the department a current mailing address. |
865 | Thereafter, a certified educator or applicant for certification |
866 | who is employed by a district school board shall notify his or |
867 | her employing school district in writing within 10 days after a |
868 | change of address. At a minimum, the employing district school |
869 | board shall notify the department quarterly of the addresses of |
870 | certified educators or applicants for certification in the |
871 | manner prescribed by the department. A certified educator or |
872 | applicant for certification not employed by a district school |
873 | board shall personally notify the department in writing within |
874 | 30 days after a change of address. Electronic notification shall |
875 | be permitted by the department; however, it shall be the |
876 | responsibility of the certified educator or applicant for |
877 | certification to ascertain that the electronic notification was |
878 | received by the department. |
879 | Section 13. Section 1012.57, Florida Statutes, is amended |
880 | to read: |
881 | 1012.57 Certification of adjunct educators.-- |
882 | (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 1012.32, |
883 | 1012.55, and 1012.56, or any other provision of law or rule to |
884 | the contrary, district school boards shall adopt rules to allow |
885 | for the issuance of an adjunct teaching certificate to any |
886 | applicant who fulfills the requirements of s. 1012.56(2)(a)-(f) |
887 | and (9) and who has expertise in the subject area to be taught. |
888 | An applicant shall be considered to have expertise in the |
889 | subject area to be taught if the applicant demonstrates |
890 | sufficient subject area mastery through passage of a subject |
891 | area test. The adjunct teaching certificate shall be used for |
892 | part-time teaching positions. The intent of this provision is to |
893 | allow school districts to tap the wealth of talent and expertise |
894 | represented in Florida's citizens who may wish to teach part- |
895 | time in a Florida public school by permitting school districts |
896 | to issue adjunct certificates to qualified applicants. Adjunct |
897 | certificateholders should be used as a strategy to reduce the |
898 | teacher shortage; thus, adjunct certificateholders should |
899 | supplement a school's instructional staff, not supplant it. Each |
900 | school principal shall assign an experienced peer mentor to |
901 | assist the adjunct teaching certificateholder during the |
902 | certificateholder's first year of teaching, and an adjunct |
903 | certificateholder may participate in a district's new teacher |
904 | training program. District school boards shall provide the |
905 | adjunct teaching certificateholder an orientation in classroom |
906 | management prior to assigning the certificateholder to a school. |
907 | Each adjunct teaching certificate is valid for 5 school years |
908 | and is renewable if the applicant has received satisfactory |
909 | performance evaluations during each year of teaching under |
910 | adjunct teaching certification. |
911 | (2) Individuals who are certified and employed under |
912 | pursuant to this section shall have the same rights and |
913 | protection of laws as teachers certified under pursuant to s. |
914 | 1012.56. |
915 | Section 14. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and paragraphs |
916 | (a) and (d) of subsection (3) of section 1012.585, Florida |
917 | Statutes, are amended to read: |
918 | 1012.585 Process for renewal of professional |
919 | certificates.-- |
920 | (2) |
921 | (b) A teacher with national certification from the |
922 | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or a national |
923 | educator credentialing board approved by the State Board of |
924 | Education is deemed to meet state renewal requirements for the |
925 | life of the teacher's national certificate in the subject shown |
926 | on the national certificate. A complete renewal application and |
927 | fee shall be submitted. The Commissioner of Education shall |
928 | notify teachers of the renewal application and fee requirements. |
929 | (3) For the renewal of a professional certificate, the |
930 | following requirements must be met: |
931 | (a) The applicant must earn a minimum of 6 college credits |
932 | or 120 inservice points or a combination thereof. For each area |
933 | of specialization to be retained on a certificate, the applicant |
934 | must earn at least 3 of the required credit hours or equivalent |
935 | inservice points in the specialization area. Education in |
936 | "clinical educator" training pursuant to s. 1004.04(6)(b) and |
937 | credits or points that provide training in the area of |
938 | scientifically researched, knowledge-based reading literacy and |
939 | computational skills acquisition, exceptional student education, |
940 | normal child development, and the disorders of development may |
941 | be applied toward any specialization area. Credits or points |
942 | that provide training in the areas of drug abuse, child abuse |
943 | and neglect, strategies in teaching students having limited |
944 | proficiency in English, or dropout prevention, or training in |
945 | areas identified in the educational goals and performance |
946 | standards adopted pursuant to ss. 1000.03(5) and 1001.23 may be |
947 | applied toward any specialization area. Credits or points earned |
948 | through approved summer institutes may be applied toward the |
949 | fulfillment of these requirements. Inservice points may also be |
950 | earned by participation in professional growth components |
951 | approved by the State Board of Education and specified pursuant |
952 | to s. 1012.98 in the district's approved master plan for |
953 | inservice educational training, including, but not limited to, |
954 | serving as a trainer in an approved teacher training activity, |
955 | serving as a reading coach, serving on an instructional |
956 | materials committee or a state board or commission that deals |
957 | with educational issues, or serving on an advisory council |
958 | created pursuant to s. 1001.452. |
959 | (d) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for the |
960 | expanded use of training for renewal of the professional |
961 | certificate for educators who are required to complete training |
962 | in teaching students of limited English proficiency and training |
963 | in the teaching of reading as follows: |
964 | 1. A teacher who holds a professional certificate may use |
965 | college credits or inservice points completed in English-for- |
966 | Speakers-of-Other-Languages training and training in the |
967 | teaching of reading in excess of 6 semester hours during one |
968 | certificate-validity period toward renewal of the professional |
969 | certificate during the subsequent validity periods. |
970 | 2. A teacher who holds a temporary certificate may use |
971 | college credits or inservice points completed in English-for- |
972 | Speakers-of-Other-Languages training and training in the |
973 | teaching of reading toward renewal of the teacher's first |
974 | professional certificate. Such training must not have been |
975 | included within the degree program, and the teacher's temporary |
976 | and professional certificates must be issued for consecutive |
977 | school years. |
978 | Section 15. Paragraph (g) of subsection (12) of section |
979 | 1002.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
980 | 1002.33 Charter schools.-- |
982 | (g) A charter school shall employ or contract with |
983 | employees who have undergone background screening been |
984 | fingerprinted as provided in s. 1012.32. Members of the |
985 | governing board of the charter school shall also undergo |
986 | background screening be fingerprinted in a manner similar to |
987 | that provided in s. 1012.32. |
988 | Section 16. This act shall take effect upon becoming a |
989 | law. |