Bill No. 1775
Amendment No. 406465
Senate House

1Representative Bogdanoff offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 659 and 660 insert:
5     Section 18.  Section 737.2065, Florida Statutes, is amended
6to read:
7     737.2065  Trust contests.--An action to contest the
8validity of all or part of a trust may not be commenced until
9the trust becomes irrevocable, except this section shall not
10prohibit such action by the guardian of the property of an
11incapacitated grantor.
12     Section 19.  Paragraphs (b) and (f) of subsection (6) of
13section 744.331, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
14     744.331  Procedures to determine incapacity.--
15     (6)  ORDER DETERMINING INCAPACITY.--If, after making
16findings of fact on the basis of clear and convincing evidence,
17the court finds that a person is incapacitated with respect to
18the exercise of a particular right, or all rights, the court
19shall enter a written order determining such incapacity. A
20person is determined to be incapacitated only with respect to
21those rights specified in the order.
22     (b)  When an order is entered which determines that a
23person is incapable of exercising delegable rights, the court
24must consider and find whether there is an alternative to
25guardianship that will sufficiently address the problems of the
26incapacitated person. A guardian must be appointed to exercise
27the incapacitated person's delegable rights unless the court
28finds that there is an alternative. A guardian shall not be
29appointed if the court finds that there is an alternative to
30guardianship that will sufficiently address the problems of the
31incapacitated person In any order declaring a person
32incapacitated the court must find that alternatives to
33guardianship were considered and that no alternative to
34guardianship will sufficiently address the problems of the ward.
35     (f)  Upon the filing of a verified statement by an
36interested person stating:
37     1.  That he or she has a good faith belief that the alleged
38incapacitated person's trust, trust amendment, or durable power
39of attorney is invalid; and
40     2.  A reasonable factual basis for that belief,
42the trust, trust amendment, or durable power of attorney shall
43not be deemed to be an alternative to the appointment of a
44guardian. The appointment of a guardian shall not limit the
45court's authority to determine that certain authority granted by
46a durable power of attorney is to remain exercisable by the
47attorney in fact When an order is entered which determines that
48a person is incapable of exercising delegable rights, a guardian
49must be appointed to exercise those rights.
50     Section 20.  Subsection (11) of section 744.441, Florida
51Statutes, is amended to read:
52     744.441  Powers of guardian upon court approval.--After
53obtaining approval of the court pursuant to a petition for
54authorization to act, a plenary guardian of the property, or a
55limited guardian of the property within the powers granted by
56the order appointing the guardian or an approved annual or
57amended guardianship report, may:
58     (11)  Prosecute or defend claims or proceedings in any
59jurisdiction for the protection of the estate and of the
60guardian in the performance of his or her duties. Before
61authorizing a guardian to bring an action described in s.
62737.2065, the court shall first find that the action appears to
63be in the ward's best interest during the ward's probable
64lifetime. If the court denies a request that a guardian be
65authorized to bring an action described in s. 737.2065, the
66court shall review the continued need for a guardian and the
67extent of the need for delegation of the ward's rights.
68     Section 21.  Section 744.462, Florida Statutes, is created
69to read:
70     744.462  Determination regarding alternatives to
71guardianship.--Any judicial determination concerning the
72validity of the ward's durable power of attorney, trust, or
73trust amendment shall be promptly reported in the guardianship
74proceeding by the guardian of the property. If the instrument
75has been judicially determined to be valid, or if after the
76appointment of a guardian a petition is filed alleging that
77there is an alternative to guardianship that will sufficiently
78address the problems of the ward, the court shall review the
79continued need for a guardian and the extent of the need for
80delegation of the ward's rights.
82================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
83     Remove lines 2-52, and insert:
85An act relating to guardianship; amending s. 121.901,
86F.S.; correcting cross references; amending s. 393.063,
87F.S.; revising a definition; amending s. 393.12, F.S.;
88providing that a guardian advocate is not required to file
89an annual accounting under certain circumstances; amending
90s. 709.08, F.S.; correcting cross references; amending s.
91744.102, F.S.; providing a definition; amending s.
92744.1083, F.S.; deleting a requirement for background
93screening; requiring the Statewide Public Guardianship
94Office to receive and review credit and criminal
95investigations prior to registering a professional
96guardian; authorizing the executive director of the office
97to deny registration under certain circumstances; amending
98s. 744.1085, F.S.; correcting a cross reference; creating
99s. 744.3085, F.S.; authorizing a circuit court to appoint
100a guardian advocate under certain circumstances; amending
101s. 744.3135, F.S.; requiring the clerk of the court to
102forward copies of credit and criminal investigations of
103public and professional guardians to the office to be
104maintained in the guardians' files; amending s. 744.3678,
105F.S.; specifying nonapplication of certain annual
106accounting requirements to certain guardians under certain
107circumstances; amending s. 744.7082, F.S.; providing a
108definition; requiring a direct-support organization to
109operate under written contract with the office; providing
110the requirements of such contract; requiring the Secretary
111of Elderly Affairs to appoint a board of directors for the
112direct-support organization; authorizing the Department of
113Elderly Affairs to allow the use of department facilities
114and property by the organization; authorizing the
115organization to hold moneys in a separate account;
116requiring an annual audit; authorizing judicial
117dissolution for corporations fraudulently representing
118themselves as direct-support organizations; creating s.
119744.7101, F.S.; providing a popular name; creating s.
120744.711, F.S.; providing legislative findings and intent;
121creating s. 744.712, F.S.; creating the Joining Forces for
122Public Guardianship matching grant program; providing a
123purpose; providing for distribution of grant funds;
124providing limitations on awards; providing requirements
125for disbursement of grant funds to prior awardees;
126requiring grant funds to be used for a certain purpose;
127providing that program implementation is subject to
128specific appropriation; creating s. 744.713, F.S.;
129requiring the office to administer the grant program;
130providing guidelines for such administration; creating s.
131744.714, F.S.; providing eligibility requirements to
132receive grant funding; creating s. 744.715, F.S.;
133providing grant application requirements; requiring
134matching funds from local funding sources; amending s.
135737.2065, F.S.; excepting from a prohibition against
136commencing certain actions contesting trust validity by
137property guardians of incapacitated grantors; amending s.
138744.331, F.S.; requiring a court to determine whether
139acceptable alternatives to guardianship of incapacitated
140persons exist under certain circumstances; requiring
141appointment of a guardian if no alternative exists;
142prohibiting such appointment if an alternative exists;
143specifying circumstances of nonexistence of an
144alternative; preserving certain court authority to
145determine exercise of certain powers of attorney; amending
146s. 744.441, F.S.; requiring a court to make certain
147findings in a ward's best interest before authorizing a
148guardian to bring certain actions; requiring a court to
149review certain continuing needs for guardians and
150delegation of a ward's rights; creating s. 744.462, F.S.;
151requiring guardians to immediately report certain judicial
152determinations in certain guardianship proceedings;
153requiring a court to review certain continuing needs for
154guardians and delegation of a ward's rights under certain
155circumstances; providing effective dates.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.