HB 0179 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to health care; providing a popular name;
3    amending s. 390.012, F.S.; revising requirements for rules
4    of the Agency for Health Care Administration relating to
5    abortion clinics performing abortions after the first
6    trimester of pregnancy; requiring abortion clinics to
7    develop policies to protect the health, care, and
8    treatment of patients; deleting the requirement that
9    records relating to abortion clinics performing only first
10    trimester pregnancies be maintained as medical records;
11    providing that rules regulating abortion clinics may not
12    impose an unconstitutional burden rather than a legally
13    significant burden on a woman's right to choose to
14    terminate her pregnancy; providing for severability;
15    providing an effective date.
17          WHEREAS, abortion is an invasive surgical procedure that
18    can lead to numerous and serious medical complications,
19    including, but not limited to, bleeding, hemorrhage, infection,
20    uterine perforation, blood clots, cervical tears, incomplete
21    abortion (retained tissue), failure to actually terminate the
22    pregnancy, free fluid in the abdomen, missed ectopic
23    pregnancies, cardiac arrest, sepsis, respiratory arrest,
24    reactions to anesthesia, fertility problems, emotional problems,
25    and even death, and
26          WHEREAS, the state has a legitimate interest in ensuring
27    that abortions, like any other medical procedure, be performed
28    under circumstances that ensure maximum safety for the patient,
29    and
30          WHEREAS, the risks for abortion are greater after the first
31    trimester of pregnancy, and
32          WHEREAS, the risk of hemorrhage, in particular, is greater
33    after the first trimester of pregnancy, and the resultant
34    complications may require a hysterectomy, other reparative
35    surgery, or a blood transfusion, NOW, THEREFORE,
37          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
39          Section 1. This act shall be known by the popular name the
40    "Women's Health and Safety Act."
41          Section 2. Section 390.012, Florida Statutes, is amended
42    to read:
43          390.012 Powers of agency; rules; disposal of fetal
44    remains.--
45          (1) The agency shall have the authority to develop and
46    enforce rules for the health, care, and treatment of persons in
47    abortion clinics and for the safe operation of such clinics. For
48    clinics that perform abortions in the first trimester of
49    pregnancy only, these rules shall be comparable to rules that
50    whichapply to all surgical procedures requiring approximately
51    the same degree of skill and care as the performance of first
52    trimester abortions.
53          (2) For clinics that perform or claim to perform abortions
54    after the first trimester of pregnancy, the agency shall adopt
55    rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the
56    provisions of this section, which shall include reasonable and
57    fair minimum standards for ensuring:
58          (a) Sufficient numbers and qualified types of personnel
59    are on duty and available at all times to provide necessary and
60    adequate patient care and safety.
61          (b) Appropriate medical screening and evaluation of each
62    abortion clinic patient takes place.
63          (c) Appropriate supplies, facilities, space, and equipment
64    are available, including supplies and equipment that are
65    required to be immediately available for use in an emergency.
66          (d) Appropriate standards for followup care are
67    established and followed.
68          (e) The creation, protection, and preservation of patient
69    records, which shall be treated as medical records under
70    chapters 458 and 459.
71          (3)The rules shall be reasonably related to the
72    preservation of maternal health of the clients. The rules shall
73    be in accordance with s. 797.03 and may not impose an
74    unconstitutional a legally significantburden on a woman's
75    freedom to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy. The rules
76    shall provide for:
77          (a)the performance of pregnancy termination procedures
78    only by a licensed physician.
79          (b) The making, protection, and preservation of patient
80    records, which shall be treated as medical records under chapter
81    458.
82          (4)(2)The agency may adopt and enforce rules, in the
83    interest of protecting the public health, to ensure the prompt
84    and proper disposal of fetal remains and tissue resulting from
85    pregnancy termination.
86          (5)(3)If any owner, operator, or employee of an abortion
87    clinic fails to dispose of fetal remains and tissue in a manner
88    consistent with the disposal of other human tissue in a
89    competent professional manner, the license of such clinic may be
90    suspended or revoked, and such person is guilty of a misdemeanor
91    of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
92    775.083.
93          Section 3. If any provision of this act or the application
94    thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
95    invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
96    the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
97    or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
98    declared severable.
99          Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.