HB 1793CS


2The Committee on Procedures recommends the following:
4     Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to campaign financing; amending s.
8106.011, F.S.; revising and providing definitions;
9amending s. 106.03, F.S.; revising registration
10requirements of political committees; requiring the
11statement of organization to be sworn to under oath and
12penalty of perjury; providing for personal liability;
13revising content requirements of the statement of
14organization; requiring amendment of the statement of
15organization under certain circumstances; amending s.
16106.04, F.S.; requiring membership dues of committees of
17continuous existence to be reported in the same manner as
18regular contributions, with specified exemptions;
19requiring reporting of expenditures; prohibiting transfers
20from committees of continuous existence to certain
21political committees for certain purposes; providing
22penalties; creating s. 106.045, F.S.; providing
23registration and reporting requirements for partisan
24affinity groups; providing a definition; providing
25penalties for late or incomplete reports; creating s.
26106.0705, F.S.; providing for electronic filing of
27campaign treasurer's reports; providing a definition;
28providing standards and guidelines; requiring the Division
29of Elections to adopt rules to administer the electronic
30filing system and its reports; amending s. 106.08, F.S.;
31providing applicability of contribution limits to related
32entities; providing limits on contributions to committees
33of continuous existence; providing penalties; creating s.
34106.1439, F.S.; requiring reporting of contributions and
35expenditures for electioneering advertisements; providing
36definitions; providing filing requirements; providing for
37personal liability; requiring disclosure statements in
38such advertisements and providing requirements thereof;
39prohibiting certain contributions; providing penalties;
40reenacting ss. 106.075(2) and 106.19(1)(a), F.S., and s.
4130(5), ch. 2003-415, Laws of Florida, relating to
42limitations on contributions to pay loans, acceptance of
43contributions in excess of the prescribed limits, and
44applicability of contribution limits to the 2004
45elections, respectively, to incorporate the amendment to
46s. 106.08, F.S., in references thereto; providing
47severability; providing effective dates.
49Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
51     Section 1.  Subsections (1), (3), (4), (5), (8), (13), and
52(17) of section 106.011, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
53subsections (18), (19), (20), and (21) are added to said
54section, to read:
55     106.011  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the
56following terms have the following meanings unless the context
57clearly indicates otherwise:
58     (1)(a)  "Political committee" means:
59     1.  A combination of two or more individuals or persons, or
60a person other than an individual, that, in an aggregate amount
61in excess of $500 during a single calendar year:
62     a.  Accepts contributions for the purpose of making
63contributions to any candidate, political committee, committee
64of continuous existence, or political party;
65     b.  Accepts contributions for the purpose of expressly
66advocating the election or defeat of a candidate or the passage
67or defeat of an issue;
68     c.  Makes expenditures that expressly advocate the election
69or defeat of a candidate or the passage or defeat of an issue;
71     d.  Makes contributions to a common fund, other than a
72joint checking account between spouses, from which contributions
73are made to any candidate, political committee, committee of
74continuous existence, political organization subject to the
75requirements of 26 U.S.C. s. 527 that publicly disseminates an
76electioneering advertisement, or political party;
77     e.  Accepts contributions for the purpose of publicly
78disseminating an electioneering advertisement; or
79     f.  Makes expenditures for the purpose of publicly
80disseminating an electioneering advertisement.
81     2.  The sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment by
82initiative who intends to seek the signatures of registered
84     (b)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the following entities
85are not considered political committees for purposes of this
87     1.  Organizations which are certified by the Department of
88State as committees of continuous existence pursuant to s.
89106.04, national political parties, and the state and county
90executive committees of political parties regulated by chapter
92     2.  Corporations regulated by chapter 607 or chapter 617 or
93other business entities formed for purposes other than to
94support or oppose issues or candidates, if their political
95activities are limited to contributions to candidates, political
96parties, or political committees or expenditures in support of
97or opposition to an issue from corporate or business funds and
98if no contributions are received by such corporations or
99business entities.
100     (3)  "Contribution" means:
101     (a)  A gift, subscription, conveyance, deposit, loan,
102payment, or distribution of money or anything of value,
103including contributions in kind having an attributable monetary
104value in any form, made for the purpose of influencing the
105results of an election or for the purpose of publicly
106disseminating an electioneering advertisement.
107     (b)  A transfer of funds between political committees,
108between committees of continuous existence, or between a
109political committee and a committee of continuous existence.
110     (c)  The payment, by any person other than a candidate or
111political committee, of compensation for the personal services
112of another person which are rendered to a candidate or political
113committee without charge to the candidate or committee for such
115     (d)  The transfer of funds by a campaign treasurer or
116deputy campaign treasurer between a primary depository and a
117separate interest-bearing account or certificate of deposit, and
118the term includes any interest earned on such account or
121Notwithstanding the foregoing meanings of "contribution," the
122word shall not be construed to include services, including, but
123not limited to, legal and accounting services, provided without
124compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of
125their time on behalf of a candidate or political committee. This
126definition shall not be construed to include editorial
128     (4)(a)  "Expenditure" means a purchase, payment,
129distribution, loan, advance, transfer of funds by a campaign
130treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer between a primary
131depository and a separate interest-bearing account or
132certificate of deposit, or gift of money or anything of value
133made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election
134or for the purpose of publicly disseminating an electioneering
135advertisement. However, "expenditure" does not include a
136purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, or gift of money
137or anything of value made for the purpose of influencing the
138results of an election when made by an organization, in
139existence prior to the time during which a candidate qualifies
140or an issue is placed on the ballot for that election, for the
141purpose of printing or distributing such organization's
142newsletter, containing a statement by such organization in
143support of or opposition to a candidate or issue, which
144newsletter is distributed only to members of such organization.
145     (b)  With respect to telephones, an expenditure shall be
146deemed to be an expenditure for the use of communications media
147only if made for the costs of telephones, paid telephonists, or
148automatic telephone equipment to be used by a candidate or a
149political committee to communicate with potential voters but
150excluding any costs of telephones incurred by a volunteer for
151use of telephones by such volunteer.
152     (c)  For purposes of electioneering advertisements, the
153expenditure date is the date on which the person has executed a
154contract to make the expenditure, the person has made payment
155for such electioneering advertisement, or the electioneering
156advertisement is aired or otherwise disseminated, whichever is
158     (5)(a)  "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure by a
159person for the purpose of advocating the election or defeat of a
160candidate or the approval or rejection of an issue, which
161expenditure is not controlled by, coordinated with, or made upon
162consultation with, any candidate, political committee, or agent
163of such candidate or committee. An expenditure for such purpose
164by a person having a contract with the candidate, political
165committee, or agent of such candidate or committee in a given
166election period shall not be deemed an independent expenditure.
167In addition, an electioneering advertisement as defined in s.
168106.1439 shall not be considered an independent expenditure.
169     (b)  An expenditure for the purpose of advocating the
170election or defeat of a candidate which is made by the national,
171state, or county executive committee of a political party,
172including any subordinate committee of a national, state, or
173county committee of a political party, or by any political
174committee or committee of continuous existence, or any other
175person, shall not be considered an independent expenditure if
176the committee or person:
177     1.  Communicates with the candidate, the candidate's
178campaign, or an agent of the candidate acting on behalf of the
179candidate, including any pollster, media consultant, advertising
180agency, vendor, advisor, or staff member, concerning the
181preparation of, use of, or payment for, the specific expenditure
182or advertising campaign at issue; or
183     2.  Makes a payment in cooperation, consultation, or
184concert with, at the request or suggestion of, or pursuant to
185any general or particular understanding with the candidate, the
186candidate's campaign, a political committee supporting the
187candidate, or an agent of the candidate relating to the specific
188expenditure or advertising campaign at issue; or
189     3.  Makes a payment for the dissemination, distribution, or
190republication, in whole or in part, of any broadcast or any
191written, graphic, or other form of campaign material prepared by
192the candidate, the candidate's campaign, or an agent of the
193candidate, including any pollster, media consultant, advertising
194agency, vendor, advisor, or staff member; or
195     4.  Makes a payment based on information about the
196candidate's plans, projects, or needs communicated to a member
197of the committee or person by the candidate or an agent of the
198candidate, provided the committee or person uses the information
199in any way, in whole or in part, either directly or indirectly,
200to design, prepare, or pay for the specific expenditure or
201advertising campaign at issue; or
202     5.  After the last day of qualifying for statewide or
203legislative office, consults about the candidate's plans,
204projects, or needs in connection with the candidate's pursuit of
205election to office and the information is used in any way to
206plan, create, design, or prepare an independent expenditure or
207advertising campaign, with:
208     a.  Any officer, director, employee, or agent of a
209national, state, or county executive committee of a political
210party that has made or intends to make expenditures in
211connection with or contributions to the candidate; or
212     b.  Any person whose professional services have been
213retained by a national, state, or county executive committee of
214a political party that has made or intends to make expenditures
215in connection with or contributions to the candidate; or
216     6.  After the last day of qualifying for statewide or
217legislative office, retains the professional services of any
218person also providing those services to the candidate in
219connection with the candidate's pursuit of election to office;
221     7.  Arranges, coordinates, or directs the expenditure, in
222any way, with the candidate or an agent of the candidate.
223     (8)  "Person" means an individual or a corporation,
224association, firm, partnership, joint venture, joint stock
225company, club, organization, estate, trust, business trust,
226syndicate, political organization subject to the requirements of
22726 U.S.C. s. 527, limited liability company, limited liability
228partnership, or other legal entity or other combination of
229individuals having collective capacity. The term includes a
230political party, political committee, or committee of continuous
232     (13)  "Communications media" means broadcasting stations,
233newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertising facilities, printers,
234direct mailing companies, advertising agencies, and telephone
235companies; but with respect to telephones, an expenditure shall
236be deemed to be an expenditure for the use of communications
237media only if made for the costs of telephones, paid
238telephonists, or automatic telephone equipment to be used by a
239candidate or a political committee to communicate with potential
240voters but excluding any costs of telephones incurred by a
241volunteer for use of telephones by such volunteer.
242     (17)  "Political advertisement" means a paid expression in
243any communications media prescribed in subsection (13), whether
244radio, television, newspaper, magazine, periodical, campaign
245literature, direct mail, or display or by means other than the
246spoken word in direct conversation, which shall support or
247oppose any candidate, elected public official, or issue.
248However, political advertisement does not include:
249     (a)  A statement by an organization, in existence prior to
250the time during which a candidate qualifies or an issue is
251placed on the ballot for that election, in support of or
252opposition to a candidate or issue, in that organization's
253newsletter, which newsletter is distributed only to the members
254of that organization.
255     (b)  Editorial endorsements by any newspaper, radio or
256television station, or other recognized news medium.
257     (c)  An electioneering advertisement.
258     (18)(a)  "Electioneering advertisement" means a paid
259broadcast, cable, satellite, or printed communication that:
260     1.  Is publicly disseminated after the end of the candidate
261qualifying period for the office sought by the candidate. An
262electioneering advertisement is considered publicly disseminated
263if it is aired, broadcast, or distributed by cable or other
264means for a fee.
265     2.  Refers to a clearly identified candidate for office in
266any election.
267     3.  Is targeted to the relevant electorate. An
268electioneering advertisement is considered targeted to the
269relevant electorate if the communication can be received by
2701,000 or more households in the district that the candidate
271would represent if elected.
272     (b)  The term does not include:
273     1.  A political advertisement or an independent
275     2.  A statement or depiction by an organization, in
276existence prior to the time during which the candidate named or
277depicted qualifies for such election, made in that
278organization's newsletter, which newsletter is distributed only
279to members of that organization.
280     3.  An editorial endorsement by any newspaper, radio, or
281television station or other recognized news medium so long as
282such media are not owned or controlled by a candidate, political
283party, or political committee.
284     4.  A news story, commentary, or editorial broadcast by a
285radio or television station, cable television system, or
286satellite system.
287     5.  A fundraising or public service announcement publicly
288aired by a corporation organized under 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3).
289     6.  A candidate debate or forum or a communication made by
290or on behalf of the sponsor that solely promotes a debate or
292     7.  A government publication or official correspondence
293from government officials.
294     (19)  "Individual" means a natural person.
295     (20)  "Entity" means a corporation, association, firm,
296partnership, joint venture, joint stock company, club,
297organization, estate, trust, business trust, syndicate, or any
298other legal entity.
299     (21)  "Related entity" means an entity related to any other
300entity if:
301     (a)  More than 50 percent of the entity's governing board
302consists of the same persons as any other entity; or
303     (b)  One entity has a 100-percent ownership interest in the
304other entity.
305     Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 106.03,
306Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
307     106.03  Registration of political committees.--
308     (1)(a)  Each political committee which anticipates
309receiving contributions or making expenditures during a calendar
310year in an aggregate amount exceeding $500 or which is seeking
311the signatures of registered electors in support of an
312initiative shall file a statement of organization as provided in
313subsection (3) within 10 days after its organization or, if
314later, within 10 days after the date on which it has information
315which causes the committee to anticipate that it will receive
316contributions or make expenditures in excess of $500.
317     (b)  If a political committee is organized within 10 days
318before of any election, it shall immediately file the statement
319of organization required by this section.
320     (2)  The statement of organization shall be sworn to under
321oath and under penalty of perjury by the individuals, whether in
322their individual capacity or in a representative capacity,
323having or exercising control of the committee's management and
324finances. Such individuals shall be personally liable for any
325violations of filing requirements under this chapter and shall
326be required to pay any fines assessed from the personal funds of
327the individuals. The statement of organization shall include:
328     (a)  The name and address of the committee.;
329     (b)  The names, addresses, and relationships of affiliated
330or connected organizations.;
331     (c)  The area, scope, or jurisdiction of the committee.;
332     (d)  The name, address, and position of the custodian of
333books and accounts.;
334     (e)  The names name, addresses address, and positions
335position of the individuals, whether in their individual
336capacity or in a representative capacity, having or exercising
337control over the organization's finances, and other principal
338officers, including officers and members of the finance
339committee, if any.;
340     (f)  The name, address, office sought, and party
341affiliation of:
342     1.  Each candidate whom the committee is supporting or
344     2.  Any other individual, if any, whom the committee is
345supporting for nomination for election, or election, to any
346public office whatever.;
347     (g)  Any issue or issues such organization is supporting or
349     (h)  If the committee is supporting the entire ticket of
350any party, a statement to that effect and the name of the
352     (i)  A statement of whether the committee is a continuing
354     (j)  Plans for the disposition of residual funds which will
355be made in the event of dissolution.;
356     (k)  A listing of all banks, safe-deposit boxes, or other
357depositories used for committee funds.; and
358     (l)  A statement of the reports required to be filed by the
359committee with federal officials or agencies, if any, and the
360names, addresses, and positions of such officials or agencies.
361     (m)  If the committee intends to publicly disseminate
362electioneering advertisements as provided in s. 106.1439, a
363statement to that effect. If the committee submits a statement
364of organization indicating that it will not publicly disseminate
365electioneering advertisements but at a later date decides
366otherwise, it must amend its statement of organization within 10
367days after the decision.
368     Section 3.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) and subsection
369(5) of section 106.04, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
370     106.04  Committees of continuous existence.--
371     (4)
372     (c)  All committees of continuous existence shall file the
373original and one copy of their reports with the Division of
374Elections. In addition, a duplicate copy of each report shall be
375filed with the supervisor of elections in the county in which
376the committee maintains its books and records, except that if
377the filing officer to whom the committee is required to report
378is located in the same county as the supervisor no such
379duplicate report is required to be filed with the supervisor.
380Reports shall be on forms provided by the division and shall
381contain the following information:
382     1.  The full name, address, and occupation of each person
383who has made one or more contributions, including contributions
384that represent the payment of membership dues, to the committee
385during the reporting period, together with the amounts and dates
386of such contributions. For corporations, the report must provide
387as clear a description as practicable of the principal type of
388business conducted by the corporation. However, if the
389contribution is $100 or less, the occupation of the contributor
390or principal type of business need not be listed. However, for
391any contributions that which represent the regular payment of
392dues by members in a fixed amount not exceeding $50 per payment
393and $250 in the aggregate of such payments per calendar year
394pursuant to the schedule on file with the Division of Elections,
395only the aggregate amount of such contributions need be listed,
396together with the number of members paying such dues and the
397amount of the membership dues.
398     2.  The name and address of each political committee or
399committee of continuous existence from which the reporting
400committee received, or the name and address of each political
401committee, committee of continuous existence, or political party
402to which it made, any transfer of funds, together with the
403amounts and dates of all transfers.
404     3.  Any other receipt of funds not listed pursuant to
405subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2., including the sources and
406amounts of all such funds.
407     4.  The name and address of, and office sought by, each
408candidate to whom the committee has made a contribution during
409the reporting period, together with the amount and date of each
411     5.  The date, amount, and description of all expenditures
412made by the committee, including the full name and address of
413each person to whom an expenditure for personal services or
414salary was made.
415     (d)  The treasurer of each committee shall certify as to
416the correctness of each report and shall bear the responsibility
417for its accuracy and veracity. Any treasurer who willfully
418certifies to the correctness of a report while knowing that such
419report is incorrect, false, or incomplete commits a misdemeanor
420of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
422     (5)  No committee of continuous existence shall contribute
423to any candidate or political committee an amount in excess of
424the limits contained in s. 106.08(1) or participate in any other
425activity which is prohibited by this chapter. If any violation
426occurs, it shall be punishable as provided in this chapter for
427the given offense. No funds of a committee of continuous
428existence shall be expended on behalf of a candidate, except by
429means of a contribution made through the duly appointed campaign
430treasurer of a candidate. No such committee shall make
431expenditures for the purpose of publicly disseminating
432electioneering advertisements or in support of, or in opposition
433to, an issue unless such committee first registers as a
434political committee pursuant to this chapter and undertakes all
435the practices and procedures required thereof; provided such
436committee may make contributions in a total amount not to exceed
43725 percent of its aggregate income, as reflected in the annual
438report filed for the previous year, to one or more political
439committees registered pursuant to s. 106.03 and formed to
440support or oppose issues.
441     Section 4.  106.045, Florida Statutes, is created to read:
442     106.045  Registration and reporting by partisan affinity
444     (1)  For purposes of this section, "partisan affinity
445group" means a club or similar organization that is formed
446primarily to support the ideals and candidates of a single
447political party and:
448     (a)  Is affiliated with a national and statewide
449organization that has at least 20 chapters in this state;
450     (b)  All of its contributions are made to the state
451executive committee of the political party with which it is
452associated or to a single committee of continuous existence that
453is associated with its statewide parent organization; and
454     (c)  The annual dues paid by any member less the cost of
455food, beverages, and meeting expenses of the group is not more
456than $100.
457     (2)  Each partisan affinity group shall file a registration
458and disclosure report with the Division of Elections no later
459than 5:00 p.m. of the 10th day preceding each general election.
460Such report shall contain:
461     (a)  The name and address of the group.
462     (b)  The names, addresses, and relationships of affiliated
464     (c)  The names and addresses of its officers and of the
465person maintaining its books and financial records.
466     (d)  A copy of its charter, by-laws, or similar proof that
467it meets the requirements of paragraph (1)(a).
468     (e)  The current number of members in the group.
469     (f)  A statement of the gross receipts since the last
470general election, meeting and other noncontribution expenses
471during that time, and the net income available for
473     (g)  The name and address of each entity to which one or
474more contributions were made since the last general election and
475the amounts of such contributions.
477Such report shall also contain a sworn statement by the
478president and treasurer of the group that, to the best of their
479knowledge and belief, the group qualifies as a partisan affinity
480group pursuant to this section.
481     (3)  Late or incomplete reports for partisan affinity
482groups shall be governed by the provisions in s. 106.04(8),
483provided that the maximum fine that may be imposed is $500.
484     Section 5.  Effective January 1, 2005, section 106.0705,
485Florida Statutes, is created to read:
486     106.0705  Electronic filing of campaign treasurer's
488     (1)  As used in this section, the term "electronic filing
489system" means an Internet system for recording and reporting
490campaign finance activity by reporting period.
491     (2)(a)  Each candidate who is required to file reports with
492the division pursuant to s. 106.07 or s. 106.1439 must file such
493reports with the division by means of the division's electronic
494filing system.
495     (b)  Each political committee, committee of continuous
496existence, or state executive committee that is required to file
497reports with the division under s. 106.04, s. 106.07, or s.
498106.29, as applicable, must file such reports with the division
499by means of the division's electronic filing system.
500     (c)  Each person or organization that is required to file
501reports with the division under s. 106.071 or s. 106.1439 must
502file such reports with the division by means of the division's
503electronic filing system.
504     (3)  Reports filed pursuant to this section shall be
505completed and filed through the electronic filing system not
506later than midnight of the day designated. Reports not filed by
507midnight of the day designated are late filed and are subject to
508the penalties under s. 106.04(8), s. 106.07(8), or s. 106.29(3),
509as applicable. If the person, committee, or organization is
510unable to file electronically because of a problem with Internet
511communication, a written report containing the required
512information shall be filed by facsimile or hand delivery to the
513division no later than noon on the next business day.
514     (4)  Each report filed pursuant to this section is
515considered to be under oath by the candidate and treasurer or
516the chair and treasurer, whichever is applicable, and such
517persons are subject to the provisions of s. 106.04(4)(d), s.
518106.07(5), or s. 106.29(2), as applicable. Persons given a
519secure sign-on to the electronic filing system are responsible
520for protecting such from disclosure and are responsible for all
521filings using such credentials, unless they have notified the
522division that their credentials have been compromised.
523     (5)  The electronic filing system developed by the division
525     (a)  Be based on access by means of the Internet.
526     (b)  Be accessible by anyone with Internet access using
527standard web-browsing software.
528     (c)  Provide for direct entry of campaign finance
529information as well as upload of such information from campaign
530finance software certified by the division.
531     (d)  Provide a method that prevents unauthorized access to
532electronic filing system functions.
533     (e)  Have the capacity to handle the filing of at least 500
534reports by candidates, committees, and political parties within
535a 24-hour period.
536     (6)  The division shall adopt rules to administer this
537section and provide for the reports required to be filed
538pursuant to this section. Such rules shall, at a minimum,
540     (a)  Alternate filing procedures in the event that the
541division's electronic filing system becomes inoperable.
542     (b)  For the issuance of an electronic receipt to the
543person submitting the report that verifies that the report has
544been filed, including the time and date filed.
545     Section 6.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
546106.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
547     106.08  Contributions; limitations on.--
548     (1)(a)  Except for political parties, no person or related
549entity, political committee, or committee of continuous
550existence may, in any election, make contributions in excess of
551$500 to any candidate for election to or retention in office, or
552to any political committee supporting or opposing one or more
553candidates, or to any committee of continuous existence. Related
554entities shall be treated as a single entity for purposes of the
555contribution limits in this section. Candidates for the offices
556of Governor and Lieutenant Governor on the same ticket are
557considered a single candidate for the purpose of this section.
558     Section 7.  Section 106.1439, Florida Statutes, is created
559to read:
560     106.1439  Electioneering advertisements.--
561     (1)  Any individual that publicly disseminates
562electioneering advertisements must file regular reports of all
563contributions received and all expenditures made by such
564individual with the same officer as a political committee
565supporting or opposing the candidate referenced in the
566advertisements. Such reports shall be filed under penalty of
567perjury and are subject to the same filing requirements as
568reports required under s. 106.07 for candidates not receiving
569public financing. A political committee as defined in s.
570106.011(1)(a)1.e. or s. 106.011(1)(a)1.f. is exempt from the
571reporting requirements of this subsection.
572     (2)(a)  If the initial publication of the electioneering
573advertisement occurs after the final regular report is due under
574subsection (1) but prior to the closing of the polls on election
575day, the person publicly disseminating the advertisement must
576file a report electronically with the division no later than 1
577hour after the advertisement has been contracted for, paid for,
578or aired or otherwise disseminated, whichever is earliest. The
579report must contain the same information as required of a
580candidate by s. 106.07. Upon receipt of the filing, the division
581shall electronically transmit a confirmation of receipt to the
582person filing the report. If the person is unable to file
583electronically because of a problem with Internet communication,
584a written report containing the required information shall be
585filed by facsimile or hand delivery to the division no later
586than 1 hour after the initial publication of the advertisement.
587However, if a report due to be filed under this paragraph on a
588Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday cannot be electronically
589filed because of a problem with Internet communication, the
590report must be filed electronically or by facsimile or hand
591delivery to the division no later than 10 a.m. on the next
592business day.
593     (b)  Information filed with the division pursuant to this
594subsection must also be included in the next regular report
595required under subsection (1).
596     (3)(a)  The following persons shall be responsible for
597filing the reports required in subsections (1) and (2) and shall
598certify to and bear the responsibility for the accuracy,
599completeness, and veracity of each report:
600     1.  The committee chair, committee treasurer, and any
601individuals having or exercising control of the committee's
602finances, if the person publicly disseminating the
603electioneering advertisement is a political committee, committee
604of continuous existence, or executive committee of a political
605party; or
606     2.  The individual, if the person publicly disseminating
607the electioneering advertisement is a natural person who is not
608a candidate.
609     (b)  The individuals listed in paragraph (a) are liable for
610violations of filing requirements to the same extent as
611candidates pursuant to ss. 106.07(5), 106.19, and 106.265 and
612shall be required to pay any fines assessed from their personal
614     (4)(a)  All electioneering advertisements must include the
615following disclosure statement, "Pd. Adv., Pd. for by ...(Full
616name and street address of the person publicly disseminating the
618     (b)  The disclosure statement must also be followed by the
619full name of the person's four largest contributors making
620contributions in excess of $500 in the aggregate, if any.
621     1.  If there are fewer than four largest contributors, all
622largest contributors must be listed in the disclosure statement.
623     2.  If there are more than four largest contributors, the
624advertisement must list the first four largest contributors that
625made contributions to the person publicly disseminating the
626advertisement. If more than four largest contributors made
627contributions on the same date, then the first four largest
628contributors shall be determined alphabetically and listed in
629the advertisement.
630     (c)  Any statement required by paragraphs (a) and (b) shall
631be printed clearly and legibly in a conspicuous manner, subject
632to the following additional requirements:
633     1.  If the communication is broadcast on radio, the
634statement shall be spoken at the end of the communication.
635     2.  If the communication is broadcast on television, the
636statement shall be spoken and displayed at the end of the
637communication. A spoken disclosure statement is not required if
638the statement is displayed for at least 5 seconds of a 30-second
639communication or 10 seconds of a 60-second communication.
640     3.  The statement shall direct listeners or viewers to the
641Internet website of the Division of Elections for more
643     (d)  The Florida Elections Commission is authorized upon
644finding a violation of this subsection to impose a civil penalty
645in the form of a fine not to exceed $5,000 or the total cost of
646the advertisements without the proper disclaimer, whichever is
647greater. In determining the amount of the penalty, the
648commission must consider any mitigating or aggravating
649circumstances prescribed in s. 106.265. This penalty shall
650substitute for the penalties provided in s. 106.265, shall be
651deposited into the General Revenue Fund of the state, and, if
652necessary, shall be collected pursuant to s. 106.265(2).
653     (5)  A person may not make a contribution through or in the
654name of another, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of
655publicly disseminating an electioneering advertisement.
656     Section 8.  For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
657to section 106.08, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
658subsection (2) of section 106.075, Florida Statutes, is
659reenacted to read:
660     106.075  Elected officials; report of loans made in year
661preceding election; limitation on contributions to pay loans.--
662     (2)  Any person who makes a contribution to an individual
663to pay all or part of a loan incurred, in the 12 months
664preceding the election, to be used for the individual's
665campaign, may not contribute more than the amount which is
666allowed in s. 106.08(1).
667     Section 9.  For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
668to section 106.08, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
669paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 106.19, Florida
670Statutes, is reenacted to read:
671     106.19  Violations by candidates, persons connected with
672campaigns, and political committees.--
673     (1)  Any candidate; campaign manager, campaign treasurer,
674or deputy treasurer of any candidate; committee chair, vice
675chair, campaign treasurer, deputy treasurer, or other officer of
676any political committee; agent or person acting on behalf of any
677candidate or political committee; or other person who knowingly
678and willfully:
679     (a)  Accepts a contribution in excess of the limits
680prescribed by s. 106.08;
682is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
683provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
684     Section 10.  For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
685to section 106.08, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
686subsection (5) of section 30 of chapter 2003-415, Laws of
687Florida, is reenacted to read:
688     Section 30.
689     (5)  For the 2004 elections, there shall be two elections
690for purposes of the contribution limits in s. 106.08, Florida
692     Section 11.  If any provision of this act or its
693application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid,
694the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications
695of the act which can be given effect without the invalid
696provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of
697this act are severable.
698     Section 12.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
699shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.