Bill No. 1807
Amendment No. 167895
Senate House

1Representative Seiler offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove line(s) 28 through 49 and insert:
5     WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that the Florida Supreme
6Court has the authority and responsibility "to reconsider and
7correct erroneous rulings in exceptional circumstances and
8where reliance on the previous decision would result in
9manifest injustice..." State v. Owens, 696 So.2d 715, 720 (Fla.
101997), and
11     WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that the case of Delgado v.
12State, 776 So.2d 233 (Fla. 2000), results in decisions which
13are manifestly unjust because it has caused the reversal of
14convictions of individuals who were tried and convicted of
15burglary, or felony murder based on burglary, under the
16interpretation of the burglary statute approved by the
17Legislature, in order to grant relief to undeserving defendants
18under an interpretation of the burglary statute expressly
19rejected by the Legislature, and

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.