Bill No. 1821
Amendment No. 228387
Senate House

1Representative Ambler offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 332 and 333, insert:
5     Section 9.  Section 766.1186, Florida Statutes, is created
6to read:
7     766.1186  Nonapplicability of limits on noneconomic
8damages.--Beginning July 1, 2004, the limits established in s.
9766.118 shall not apply to health care professionals licensed
10under chapter 458 who do not meet the financial responsibility
11requirements provided in s. 458.320(1) and health care
12professionals licensed under chapter 459 who do not meet the
13financial responsibility requirements provided in s. 459.0085(1)
14and damages recoverable under s. 766.118 shall not be limited.
16================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
17     Remove line 32, and insert:
18circumstances; creating 766.1186, F.S.; providing that limits on
19noneconomic damages shall not apply to physicians or osteopathic
20physicians who do not establish and maintain an escrow account,
21obtain and maintain professional liability coverage, or
22establish and maintain a letter of credit; providing that
23recovery of noneconomic damages is not limited; amending s.
24766.202, F.S.; revising the

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.