Senate Bill sb1824

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1824

    By Senator Fasano


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to veterinary prescription

  3         drugs; amending s. 499.003, F.S.; defining the

  4         term "veterinary prescription drug wholesaler";

  5         amending s. 499.01, F.S.; requiring a person or

  6         establishment to obtain a permit in order to

  7         operate as a veterinary prescription drug

  8         wholesaler; amending s. 499.012, F.S.;

  9         providing that the distribution of veterinary

10         prescription drugs is not included within the

11         meaning of the terms "wholesale distribution"

12         or "wholesale distributor" of prescription

13         drugs; amending s. 499.041, F.S.; requiring an

14         annual fee for a veterinary prescription drug

15         wholesaler's permit; amending s. 499.065, F.S.;

16         requiring the Department of Health to inspect

17         veterinary prescription drug wholesale

18         establishments; authorizing the department to

19         close such establishment if it creates an

20         imminent danger to the public health; providing

21         an effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Subsection (40) is added to section

26  499.003, Florida Statutes, to read:

27         499.003  Definitions of terms used in ss.

28  499.001-499.081.--As used in ss. 499.001-499.081, the term:

29         (40)  "Veterinary prescription drug wholesaler" means

30  any person engaged in wholesale distribution of veterinary

31  prescription drugs in or into this state. A veterinary


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1824

 1  prescription drug wholesaler may not sell any veterinary

 2  prescription drugs to any person or entity other than an

 3  animal health entity.

 4         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 499.01, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         499.01  Permits; applications; renewal; general

 7  requirements.--

 8         (1)  Prior to operating, a permit is required for each

 9  person and establishment that intends to operate as:

10         (a)  A prescription drug manufacturer;

11         (b)  A prescription drug repackager;

12         (c)  An over-the-counter drug manufacturer;

13         (d)  A compressed medical gas manufacturer;

14         (e)  A device manufacturer;

15         (f)  A cosmetic manufacturer;

16         (g)  A prescription drug wholesaler;

17         (h)  A compressed medical gas wholesaler;

18         (i)  An out-of-state prescription drug wholesaler;

19         (j)  A nonresident prescription drug manufacturer;

20         (k)  A freight forwarder;

21         (l)  A retail pharmacy drug wholesaler;

22         (m)  A veterinary legend drug retail establishment;

23         (n)  A medical oxygen retail establishment;

24         (o)  A complimentary drug distributor; or

25         (p)  A restricted prescription drug distributor; or.

26         (q)  Veterinary prescription drug wholesaler.

27         Section 3.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of

28  section 499.012, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         499.012  Wholesale distribution; definitions; permits;

30  applications; general requirements.--

31         (1)  As used in this section, the term:


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 1         (a)  "Wholesale distribution" means distribution of

 2  prescription drugs to persons other than a consumer or

 3  patient, but does not include:

 4         1.  Any of the following activities, which is not a

 5  violation of s. 499.005(21) if such activity is conducted in

 6  accordance with s. 499.014:

 7         a.  The purchase or other acquisition by a hospital or

 8  other health care entity that is a member of a group

 9  purchasing organization of a prescription drug for its own use

10  from the group purchasing organization or from other hospitals

11  or health care entities that are members of that organization.

12         b.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

13  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug by

14  a charitable organization described in s. 501(c)(3) of the

15  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and revised, to a

16  nonprofit affiliate of the organization to the extent

17  otherwise permitted by law.

18         c.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

19  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug

20  among hospitals or other health care entities that are under

21  common control. For purposes of this section, "common control"

22  means the power to direct or cause the direction of the

23  management and policies of a person or an organization,

24  whether by ownership of stock, by voting rights, by contract,

25  or otherwise.

26         d.  The sale, purchase, trade, or other transfer of a

27  prescription drug from or for any federal, state, or local

28  government agency or any entity eligible to purchase

29  prescription drugs at public health services prices pursuant

30  to Pub. L. No. 102-585, s. 602 to a contract provider or its



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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1824

 1  subcontractor for eligible patients of the agency or entity

 2  under the following conditions:

 3         (I)  The agency or entity must obtain written

 4  authorization for the sale, purchase, trade, or other transfer

 5  of a prescription drug under this sub-subparagraph from the

 6  Secretary of Health or his or her designee.

 7         (II)  The contract provider or subcontractor must be

 8  authorized by law to administer or dispense prescription

 9  drugs.

10         (III)  In the case of a subcontractor, the agency or

11  entity must be a party to and execute the subcontract.

12         (IV)  A contract provider or subcontractor must

13  maintain separate and apart from other prescription drug

14  inventory any prescription drugs of the agency or entity in

15  its possession.

16         (V)  The contract provider and subcontractor must

17  maintain and produce immediately for inspection all records of

18  movement or transfer of all the prescription drugs belonging

19  to the agency or entity, including, but not limited to, the

20  records of receipt and disposition of prescription drugs. Each

21  contractor and subcontractor dispensing or administering these

22  drugs must maintain and produce records documenting the

23  dispensing or administration. Records that are required to be

24  maintained include, but are not limited to, a perpetual

25  inventory itemizing drugs received and drugs dispensed by

26  prescription number or administered by patient identifier,

27  which must be submitted to the agency or entity quarterly.

28         (VI)  The contract provider or subcontractor may

29  administer or dispense the prescription drugs only to the

30  eligible patients of the agency or entity or must return the

31  prescription drugs for or to the agency or entity. The


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 1  contract provider or subcontractor must require proof from

 2  each person seeking to fill a prescription or obtain treatment

 3  that the person is an eligible patient of the agency or entity

 4  and must, at a minimum, maintain a copy of this proof as part

 5  of the records of the contractor or subcontractor required

 6  under sub-sub-subparagraph (V).

 7         (VII)  In addition to the departmental inspection

 8  authority set forth in s. 499.051, the establishment of the

 9  contract provider and subcontractor and all records pertaining

10  to prescription drugs subject to this sub-subparagraph shall

11  be subject to inspection by the agency or entity. All records

12  relating to prescription drugs of a manufacturer under this

13  sub-subparagraph shall be subject to audit by the manufacturer

14  of those drugs, without identifying individual patient

15  information.

16         2.  Any of the following activities, which is not a

17  violation of s. 499.005(21) if such activity is conducted in

18  accordance with rules established by the department:

19         a.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

20  among federal, state, or local government health care entities

21  that are under common control and are authorized to purchase

22  such prescription drug.

23         b.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

24  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug

25  for emergency medical reasons. For purposes of this

26  sub-subparagraph, the term "emergency medical reasons"

27  includes transfers of prescription drugs by a retail pharmacy

28  to another retail pharmacy to alleviate a temporary shortage.

29         c.  The transfer of a prescription drug acquired by a

30  medical director on behalf of a licensed emergency medical

31  services provider to that emergency medical services provider


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 1  and its transport vehicles for use in accordance with the

 2  provider's license under chapter 401.

 3         d.  The revocation of a sale or the return of a

 4  prescription drug to the person's prescription drug wholesale

 5  supplier.

 6         e.  The donation of a prescription drug by a health

 7  care entity to a charitable organization that has been granted

 8  an exemption under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

 9  of 1986, as amended, and that is authorized to possess

10  prescription drugs.

11         f.  The transfer of a prescription drug by a person

12  authorized to purchase or receive prescription drugs to a

13  person licensed or permitted to handle reverse distributions

14  or destruction under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the

15  person handling the reverse distribution or destruction

16  receives the drug.

17         g.  The transfer of a prescription drug by a hospital

18  or other health care entity to a person licensed under this

19  chapter to repackage prescription drugs for the purpose of

20  repackaging the prescription drug for use by that hospital, or

21  other health care entity and other health care entities that

22  are under common control, if ownership of the prescription

23  drugs remains with the hospital or other health care entity at

24  all times. In addition to the recordkeeping requirements of

25  s. 499.0121(6), the hospital or health care entity that

26  transfers prescription drugs pursuant to this sub-subparagraph

27  must reconcile all drugs transferred and returned and resolve

28  any discrepancies in a timely manner.

29         3.  The distribution of prescription drug samples by

30  manufacturers' representatives or distributors'

31  representatives conducted in accordance with s. 499.028.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1824

 1         4.  The sale, purchase, or trade of blood and blood

 2  components intended for transfusion. As used in this

 3  subparagraph, the term "blood" means whole blood collected

 4  from a single donor and processed either for transfusion or

 5  further manufacturing, and the term "blood components" means

 6  that part of the blood separated by physical or mechanical

 7  means.

 8         5.  The lawful dispensing of a prescription drug in

 9  accordance with chapter 465.

10         6.  Distribution of veterinary prescription drugs.

11         (b)  "Wholesale distributor" means any person engaged

12  in wholesale distribution of prescription drugs, other than

13  veterinary prescription drugs, in or into this state,

14  including, but not limited to, manufacturers; repackagers;

15  own-label distributors; jobbers; private-label distributors;

16  brokers; warehouses, including manufacturers' and

17  distributors' warehouses, chain drug warehouses, and wholesale

18  drug warehouses; independent wholesale drug traders;

19  exporters; retail pharmacies; and the agents thereof that

20  conduct wholesale distributions.

21         Section 4.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (1) of

22  section 499.041, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         499.041  Schedule of fees for drug, device, and

24  cosmetic applications and permits, product registrations, and

25  free-sale certificates.--

26         (1)  The department shall assess applicants requiring a

27  manufacturing permit an annual fee within the ranges

28  established in this section for the specific type of

29  manufacturer.




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 1         (h)  The fee for a veterinary prescription drug

 2  wholesaler's permit may not be less than $300 or more than

 3  $500 annually.

 4         Section 5.  Section 499.065, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         499.065  Imminent danger.--

 7         (1)  Notwithstanding s. 499.051, the department shall

 8  inspect each prescription drug wholesale establishment,

 9  prescription drug repackager establishment, veterinary

10  prescription drug wholesale establishment, and retail pharmacy

11  drug wholesaler establishment that is required to be permitted

12  under this chapter as often as necessary to ensure compliance

13  with applicable laws and rules. The department shall have the

14  right of entry and access to these facilities at any

15  reasonable time.

16         (2)  To protect the public from prescription drugs that

17  are adulterated or otherwise unfit for human or animal

18  consumption, the department may examine, sample, seize, and

19  stop the sale or use of prescription drugs to determine the

20  condition of those drugs. The department may immediately seize

21  and remove any prescription drugs if the Secretary of Health

22  or his or her designee determines that such prescription drugs

23  represent a threat to the public health. The owner of any

24  property seized under this section may, within 10 days after

25  the seizure, apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for

26  whatever relief is appropriate. At any time after 10 days, the

27  department may destroy the drugs as contraband.

28         (3)  The department may determine that a prescription

29  drug wholesale establishment, prescription drug repackager

30  establishment, veterinary prescription drug wholesale

31  establishment, or retail pharmacy drug wholesaler


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1824

 1  establishment that is required to be permitted under this

 2  chapter is an imminent danger to the public health and require

 3  its immediate closure if such establishment fails to comply

 4  with applicable laws and rules and, because of such failure,

 5  presents an imminent threat to the public's health, safety, or

 6  welfare. Any establishment so deemed and closed shall remain

 7  closed until allowed by the department or by judicial order to

 8  reopen.


10  For purposes of this section, a refusal to allow entry to the

11  department for inspection at reasonable times, or a failure or

12  refusal to provide the department with required documentation

13  for purposes of inspection, constitutes an imminent danger to

14  the public health.

15         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


17            *****************************************

18                          SENATE SUMMARY

19    Requires a permit to operate as a veterinary prescription
      drug wholesaler. Provides that the distribution of
20    veterinary prescription drugs is not within the meaning
      of the terms "wholesale distribution" or "wholesale
21    distributor." Requires an annual fee for veterinary
      prescription drug wholesaler permit. Requires the
22    Department of Health to inspect veterinary prescription
      drug wholesale establishments and to close such an
23    establishment if it creates an imminent danger to the
      public health.









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