1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to student assessment; amending s. |
3 | 1008.22, F.S.; authorizing the SAT and the ACT as |
4 | alternate assessments for the grade 10 FCAT for |
5 | students entering a Florida public school in grade 11 |
6 | or grade 12 and for students who have exhausted all |
7 | attempts to pass the grade 10 FCAT by the end of the |
8 | regular grade 12 school year; deleting obsolete |
9 | language; providing an effective date. |
10 |
11 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
12 |
13 | Section 1. Subsection (9) of section 1008.22, Florida |
14 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
15 | 1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.-- |
17 | enters a Florida public school at the eleventh grade or the |
18 | twelfth grade or any student who has exhausted all of his or her |
19 | attempts to pass the grade 10 FCAT by the end of the regular |
20 | twelfth grade school year and The Commissioner of Education |
21 | shall determine the comparable validity of other available |
22 | standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, College Placement |
23 | Test, PSAT, PLAN, and tests used for entry into the military. If |
24 | such tests are deemed to be valid and reliable measures, the |
25 | commissioner shall approve the use of such tests as alternate |
26 | assessments to the grade 10 FCAT for the 2002-2003 school year. |
27 | Students who attains attain scores on the SAT or the ACT that |
28 | are concordant with equate to the passing scores on the grade 10 |
29 | FCAT for purposes of high school graduation on any of the |
30 | approved alternative assessments shall satisfy the assessment |
31 | requirement for a standard high school diploma as provided in s. |
32 | 1003.429(5)(a) or s. 1003.43(5)(a) for the 2002-2003 school year |
33 | graduating class. Prior to the application of these alternative |
34 | assessments in subsequent school years, the Legislature shall |
35 | review the continued use of these alternative tests. |
36 | Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law. |