HB 0189 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to nursing; providing a popular name;
3    requiring the Agency for Workforce Innovation to establish
4    a pilot program for the delivery of geriatric nursing
5    education; specifying eligibility requirements for
6    certified nursing assistants to receive geriatric nursing
7    education; specifying requirements for geriatric nursing
8    education provided to certified nursing assistants in
9    preparation for certification as certified geriatric
10    specialists; creating a Certified Geriatric Specialty
11    Nursing Initiative Steering Committee; providing for the
12    composition of and manner of appointment to the steering
13    committee; providing responsibilities of the steering
14    committee; providing for reimbursement for per diem and
15    travel expenses; requiring the agency, in consultation
16    with the steering committee, to conduct or contract for an
17    evaluation of the pilot program; requiring the evaluation
18    to include recommendations regarding the expansion of the
19    delivery of geriatric nursing education in nursing homes;
20    requiring the agency to report to the Governor and the
21    Legislature regarding the status and evaluation of the
22    pilot program; creating s. 464.0125, F.S.; providing
23    definitions; providing requirements for persons to become
24    certified geriatric specialists; specifying fees;
25    providing for articulation of geriatric specialty nursing
26    coursework and practical nursing coursework; providing
27    practice standards, restrictions, and grounds for which
28    certified geriatric specialists may be subject to
29    discipline by the board; creating restrictions on the use
30    of professional nursing titles and abbreviations;
31    prohibiting the use of certain professional titles and
32    abbreviations; providing penalties; authorizing approved
33    nursing programs to provide education for the preparation
34    of certified geriatric specialists without further board
35    approval; authorizing certified geriatric specialists to
36    supervise the activities of certain others in nursing home
37    facilities according to rules of the board; amending s.
38    381.00315, F.S.; revising requirements for the
39    reactivation of the licenses of specified health care
40    practitioners in the event of a public health emergency to
41    include certified geriatric specialists; amending s.
42    400.021, F.S.; including services provided by a certified
43    geriatric specialist within the definition of nursing
44    service; amending s. 400.211, F.S.; revising requirements
45    for persons employed as nursing assistants to conform to
46    the certification of certified geriatric specialists;
47    amending s. 400.23, F.S.; specifying that certified
48    geriatric specialists shall be considered licensed nursing
49    staff; authorizing licensed practical nurses to supervise
50    the activities of certified geriatric specialists in
51    nursing home facilities according to rules adopted by the
52    board; amending s. 409.908, F.S.; revising the methodology
53    for reimbursement of Medicaid program providers to include
54    services of certified geriatric specialists; amending s.
55    458.303, F.S.; revising exceptions to the practice of
56    medicine to include services delegated to a certified
57    geriatric specialist under specified circumstances;
58    amending s. 1009.65, F.S.; revising eligibility and
59    funding provisions for the Medical Education Reimbursement
60    and Loan Repayment Program to include certified geriatric
61    specialists; amending s. 1009.66, F.S.; revising
62    eligibility requirements for the Nursing Student Loan
63    Forgiveness Program to include certified geriatric
64    specialists; providing an appropriation; amending s.
65    464.201, F.S.; defining the term "practice of a certified
66    nursing assistant"; amending s. 464.202, F.S.; authorizing
67    the board to adopt rules regarding the practice and
68    supervision of certified nursing assistants; providing an
69    effective date.
71          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
73          Section 1. This act shall be known by the popular name the
74    "Clara Ramsey Care of the Elderly Act."
75          Section 2. Certified Geriatric Specialist Preparation
76    Pilot Program.--
77          (1) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall establish a
78    pilot program for delivery of geriatric nursing education to
79    certified nursing assistants who wish to become certified
80    geriatric specialists. The agency shall select two pilot sites
81    in nursing homes that have received the Gold Seal designation
82    under s. 400.235, Florida Statutes; have been designated as
83    teaching nursing homes under s. 430.80, Florida Statutes; or
84    have not received a class I or class II deficiency within the 30
85    months preceding application for this program.
86          (2) To be eligible to receive geriatric nursing education,
87    a certified nursing assistant must have been employed by a
88    participating nursing home for at least 1 year and must have
89    received a high school diploma or its equivalent.
90          (3) The education shall be provided at the worksite and in
91    coordination with the certified nursing assistant's work
92    schedule.
93          (4) Faculty shall provide the instruction under an
94    approved nursing program pursuant to s. 464.019, Florida
95    Statutes.
96          (5) The education must be designed to prepare the
97    certified nursing assistant to meet the requirements for
98    certification as a geriatric specialist. The didactic and
99    clinical education must include all portions of the practical
100    nursing curriculum pursuant to s. 464.019, Florida Statutes,
101    except for pediatric and obstetric/maternal-child education, and
102    must include additional education in the care of ill, injured,
103    or infirm geriatric patients and the maintenance of health, the
104    prevention of injury, and the provision of palliative care for
105    geriatric patients.
106          Section 3. Certified Geriatric Specialty Nursing
107    Initiative Steering Committee.--
108          (1) In order to guide the implementation of the Certified
109    Geriatric Specialist Preparation Pilot Program, there is created
110    a Certified Geriatric Specialty Nursing Initiative Steering
111    Committee. The steering committee shall be composed of the
112    following members:
113          (a) The chair of the Board of Nursing or his or her
114    designee.
115          (b) A representative of the Agency for Workforce
116    Innovation, appointed by the director of Workforce Innovation.
117          (c) A representative of Workforce Florida, Inc., appointed
118    by the chair of the board of directors of Workforce Florida,
119    Inc.
120          (d) A representative of the Department of Education,
121    appointed by the Secretary of Education.
122          (e) A representative of the Department of Health,
123    appointed by the Secretary of Health.
124          (f) A representative of the Agency for Health Care
125    Administration, appointed by the Secretary of Health Care
126    Administration.
127          (g) The executive director of the Florida Center for
128    Nursing.
129          (h) A representative of the Department of Elderly Affairs,
130    appointed by the Secretary of Elderly Affairs.
131          (i) A representative of a Gold Seal nursing home that is
132    not one of the pilot program sites, appointed by the Secretary
133    of Health Care Administration.
134          (2) The steering committee shall:
135          (a) Provide consultation and guidance to the Agency for
136    Workforce Innovation on matters of policy during the
137    implementation of the pilot program.
138          (b) Provide oversight to the evaluation of the pilot
139    program.
140          (3) Members of the steering committee are entitled to
141    reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses under s. 112.061,
142    Florida Statutes.
143          (4) The steering committee shall complete its activities
144    by June 30, 2007, and the authorization for the steering
145    committee ends on that date.
146          Section 4. Evaluation of the Certified Geriatric
147    Specialist Preparation Pilot Program.--The Agency for Workforce
148    Innovation, in consultation with the Certified Geriatric
149    Specialty Nursing Initiative Steering Committee, shall conduct
150    or contract for an evaluation of the pilot program. The agency
151    shall ensure that an evaluation report is submitted to the
152    Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
153    House of Representatives by January 1, 2007. The evaluation must
154    address the experience and success of the certified nursing
155    assistants in the pilot program and must contain recommendations
156    regarding the expansion of the delivery of geriatric nursing
157    education in nursing homes.
158          Section 5. Reports.--The Agency for Workforce Innovation
159    shall submit status reports and recommendations regarding
160    legislation necessary to further the implementation of the pilot
161    program to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the
162    Speaker of the House of Representatives on January 1, 2005,
163    January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2007.
164          Section 6. Section 464.0125, Florida Statutes, is created
165    to read:
166          464.0125 Certified geriatric specialists; certification
167    requirements.--
169          (a) As used in this section, the term:
170          1. "Certified geriatric specialist" means a person who
171    meets the qualifications specified in this section and who is
172    certified by the board to practice as a certified geriatric
173    specialist.
174          2. "Geriatric patient" means any patient who is 60 years
175    of age or older.
176          3. "Practice of certified geriatric specialty nursing"
177    means the performance of selected acts in facilities licensed
178    under part II or part III of chapter 400, including the
179    administration of treatments and medications, in the care of
180    ill, injured, or infirm geriatric patients and the promotion of
181    wellness, maintenance of health, and prevention of illness of
182    geriatric patients under the direction of a registered nurse, a
183    licensed physician, a licensed osteopathic physician, a licensed
184    podiatric physician, or a licensed dentist. The scope of
185    practice of a certified geriatric specialist includes the
186    practice of practical nursing as defined in s. 464.003 for
187    geriatric patients only, except for any act in which instruction
188    and clinical knowledge of pediatric nursing or
189    obstetric/maternal-child nursing is required. A certified
190    geriatric specialist, while providing nursing services in
191    facilities licensed under part II or part III of chapter 400,
192    may supervise the activities of certified nursing assistants and
193    other unlicensed personnel providing services in such facilities
194    in accordance with rules adopted by the board.
195          (b) The certified geriatric specialist shall be
196    responsible and accountable for making decisions that are based
197    upon the individual's educational preparation and experience in
198    performing certified geriatric specialty nursing.
199          (2) CERTIFICATION.--
200          (a) Any certified nursing assistant desiring to be
201    certified as a certified geriatric specialist must apply to the
202    department and submit proof that he or she holds a current
203    certificate as a certified nursing assistant under part II of
204    this chapter and has satisfactorily completed the following
205    requirements:
206          1. Is in good mental and physical health, is a recipient
207    of a high school diploma or its equivalent, and has completed
208    the requirements for graduation from an approved program for
209    nursing or its equivalent, as determined by the board, for the
210    preparation of licensed practical nurses, except for instruction
211    and clinical knowledge of pediatric nursing or
212    obstetric/maternal-child nursing. Any program that is approved
213    on July 1, 2004, by the board for the preparation of registered
214    nurses or licensed practical nurses may provide education for
215    the preparation of certified geriatric specialists without
216    further board approval.
217          2. Has the ability to communicate in the English language,
218    which may be determined by an examination given by the
219    department.
220          3. Has provided sufficient information, which must be
221    submitted by the department for a statewide criminal records
222    correspondence check through the Department of Law Enforcement.
223          (b) Each applicant who meets the requirements of this
224    subsection is, unless denied pursuant to s. 464.018, entitled to
225    certification as a certified geriatric specialist. The board
226    must certify, and the department must issue a certificate to
227    practice as a certified geriatric specialist to, any certified
228    nursing assistant who meets the qualifications set forth in this
229    section. The board shall establish an application fee not to
230    exceed $100 and a biennial renewal fee not to exceed $50. The
231    board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to
232    administer this section.
233          (c) A person receiving certification under this section
234    shall:
235          1. Work only within the confines of a facility licensed
236    under part II or part III of chapter 400.
237          2. Care for geriatric patients only.
238          3. Comply with the minimum standards of practice for
239    nurses and be subject to disciplinary action for violations of
240    s. 464.018.
241          (3) ARTICULATION.--Any certified geriatric specialist who
242    completes the additional instruction and coursework in an
243    approved nursing program pursuant to s. 464.019 for the
244    preparation of practical nursing in the areas of pediatric
245    nursing and obstetric/maternal-child nursing is, unless denied
246    pursuant to s. 464.018, entitled to licensure as a licensed
247    practical nurse if the applicant otherwise meets the
248    requirements of s. 464.008.
250          (a) Only persons who hold certificates to practice as
251    certified geriatric specialists in this state or who are
252    performing services within the practice of certified geriatric
253    specialty nursing pursuant to the exception set forth in s.
254    464.022(8) may use the title "Certified Geriatric Specialist"
255    and the abbreviation "C.G.S."
256          (b) A person may not practice or advertise as, or assume
257    the title of, a certified geriatric specialist or use the
258    abbreviation "C.G.S." or take any other action that would lead
259    the public to believe that person is certified as such or is
260    performing services within the practice of certified geriatric
261    specialty nursing pursuant to the exception set forth in s.
262    464.022(8), unless that person is certified to practice as such.
263          (c) A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor of the
264    first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
265    775.083.
266          (5) VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES.--Practicing certified
267    geriatric specialty nursing, as defined in this section, without
268    holding an active certificate to do so constitutes a felony of
269    the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
270    775.083, or s. 775.084.
271          Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
272    381.00315, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
273          381.00315 Public health advisories; public health
274    emergencies.--The State Health Officer is responsible for
275    declaring public health emergencies and issuing public health
276    advisories.
277          (1) As used in this section, the term:
278          (b) "Public health emergency" means any occurrence, or
279    threat thereof, whether natural or man made, which results or
280    may result in substantial injury or harm to the public health
281    from infectious disease, chemical agents, nuclear agents,
282    biological toxins, or situations involving mass casualties or
283    natural disasters. Prior to declaring a public health emergency,
284    the State Health Officer shall, to the extent possible, consult
285    with the Governor and shall notify the Chief of Domestic
286    Security Initiatives as created in s. 943.03. The declaration of
287    a public health emergency shall continue until the State Health
288    Officer finds that the threat or danger has been dealt with to
289    the extent that the emergency conditions no longer exist and he
290    or she terminates the declaration. However, a declaration of a
291    public health emergency may not continue for longer than 60 days
292    unless the Governor concurs in the renewal of the declaration.
293    The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health
294    emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the
295    public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:
296          1. Directing manufacturers of prescription drugs or over-
297    the-counter drugs who are permitted under chapter 499 and
298    wholesalers of prescription drugs located in this state who are
299    permitted under chapter 499 to give priority to the shipping of
300    specified drugs to pharmacies and health care providers within
301    geographic areas that have been identified by the State Health
302    Officer. The State Health Officer must identify the drugs to be
303    shipped. Manufacturers and wholesalers located in the state must
304    respond to the State Health Officer's priority shipping
305    directive before shipping the specified drugs.
306          2. Notwithstanding chapters 465 and 499 and rules adopted
307    thereunder, directing pharmacists employed by the department to
308    compound bulk prescription drugs and provide these bulk
309    prescription drugs to physicians and nurses of county health
310    departments or any qualified person authorized by the State
311    Health Officer for administration to persons as part of a
312    prophylactic or treatment regimen.
313          3. Notwithstanding s. 456.036, temporarily reactivating
314    the inactive license of the following health care practitioners,
315    when such practitioners are needed to respond to the public
316    health emergency: physicians licensed under chapter 458 or
317    chapter 459; physician assistants licensed under chapter 458 or
318    chapter 459; certified geriatric specialists,licensed practical
319    nurses, registered nurses, and advanced registered nurse
320    practitioners certified orlicensed under part I of chapter 464;
321    respiratory therapists licensed under part V of chapter 468; and
322    emergency medical technicians and paramedics certified under
323    part III of chapter 401. Only those health care practitioners
324    specified in this paragraph who possess an unencumbered inactive
325    license and who request that such license be reactivated are
326    eligible for reactivation. An inactive license that is
327    reactivated under this paragraph shall return to inactive status
328    when the public health emergency ends or prior to the end of the
329    public health emergency if the State Health Officer determines
330    that the health care practitioner is no longer needed to provide
331    services during the public health emergency. Such licenses may
332    only be reactivated for a period not to exceed 90 days without
333    meeting the requirements of s. 456.036 or chapter 401, as
334    applicable.
335          4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested,
336    vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for communicable diseases
337    that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a
338    severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or
339    unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for
340    reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to
341    quarantine.
342          a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be
343    performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health
344    Officer.
345          b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health,
346    the State Health Officer may subject the individual to
347    quarantine. If there is no practical method to quarantine the
348    individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary
349    to vaccinate or treat the individual.
351          Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this
352    paragraph shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement
353    officer under s. 381.0012.
354          Section 8. Subsection (14) of section 400.021, Florida
355    Statutes, is amended to read:
356          400.021 Definitions.--When used in this part, unless the
357    context otherwise requires, the term:
358          (14) "Nursing service" means such services or acts as may
359    be rendered, directly or indirectly, to and in behalf of a
360    person by individuals as defined in ss. s. 464.003 and 464.0125.
361          Section 9. Subsection (1) of section 400.211, Florida
362    Statutes, is amended to read:
363          400.211 Persons employed as nursing assistants;
364    certification requirement.--
365          (1) To serve as a nursing assistant in any nursing home, a
366    person must be certified as a nursing assistant under part II of
367    chapter 464, unless the person is a registered nurse, a or
368    practical nurse, or a certified geriatric specialist certified
369    orlicensed in accordance with part I of chapter 464 or an
370    applicant for such certification orlicensure who is permitted
371    to practice nursing in accordance with rules adopted by the
372    Board of Nursing pursuant to part I of chapter 464.
373          Section 10. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (3) of
374    section 400.23, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
375          400.23 Rules; evaluation and deficiencies; licensure
376    status.--
377          (3)(a) The agency shall adopt rules providing for the
378    minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes. These
379    requirements shall include, for each nursing home facility, a
380    minimum certified nursing assistant staffing of 2.3 hours of
381    direct care per resident per day beginning January 1, 2002,
382    increasing to 2.6 hours of direct care per resident per day
383    beginning January 1, 2003, and increasing to 2.9 hours of direct
384    care per resident per day beginning May 1, 2004. Beginning
385    January 1, 2002, no facility shall staff below one certified
386    nursing assistant per 20 residents, and a minimum licensed
387    nursing staffing of 1.0 hour of direct resident care per
388    resident per day but never below one licensed nurse per 40
389    residents. For purposes of computing nursing staffing minimums
390    and ratios, certified geriatric specialists shall be considered
391    licensed nursing staff. Nursing assistants employed never below
392    one licensed nurse per 40 residents.Nursing assistants employed
393    under s. 400.211(2) may be included in computing the staffing
394    ratio for certified nursing assistants only if they provide
395    nursing assistance services to residents on a full-time basis.
396    Each nursing home must document compliance with staffing
397    standards as required under this paragraph and post daily the
398    names of staff on duty for the benefit of facility residents and
399    the public. The agency shall recognize the use of licensed
400    nurses for compliance with minimum staffing requirements for
401    certified nursing assistants, provided that the facility
402    otherwise meets the minimum staffing requirements for licensed
403    nurses and that the licensed nurses so recognized are performing
404    the duties of a certified nursing assistant. Unless otherwise
405    approved by the agency, licensed nurses counted towards the
406    minimum staffing requirements for certified nursing assistants
407    must exclusively perform the duties of a certified nursing
408    assistant for the entire shift and shall not also be counted
409    towards the minimum staffing requirements for licensed nurses.
410    If the agency approved a facility's request to use a licensed
411    nurse to perform both licensed nursing and certified nursing
412    assistant duties, the facility must allocate the amount of staff
413    time specifically spent on certified nursing assistant duties
414    for the purpose of documenting compliance with minimum staffing
415    requirements for certified and licensed nursing staff. In no
416    event may the hours of a licensed nurse with dual job
417    responsibilities be counted twice.
418          (c) Licensed practical nurses licensed under chapter 464
419    who are providing nursing services in nursing home facilities
420    under this part may supervise the activities of other licensed
421    practical nurses, certified geriatric specialists,certified
422    nursing assistants, and other unlicensed personnel providing
423    services in such facilities in accordance with rules adopted by
424    the Board of Nursing.
425          Section 11. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
426    409.908, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
427          409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.--Subject to
428    specific appropriations, the agency shall reimburse Medicaid
429    providers, in accordance with state and federal law, according
430    to methodologies set forth in the rules of the agency and in
431    policy manuals and handbooks incorporated by reference therein.
432    These methodologies may include fee schedules, reimbursement
433    methods based on cost reporting, negotiated fees, competitive
434    bidding pursuant to s. 287.057, and other mechanisms the agency
435    considers efficient and effective for purchasing services or
436    goods on behalf of recipients. If a provider is reimbursed based
437    on cost reporting and submits a cost report late and that cost
438    report would have been used to set a lower reimbursement rate
439    for a rate semester, then the provider's rate for that semester
440    shall be retroactively calculated using the new cost report, and
441    full payment at the recalculated rate shall be affected
442    retroactively. Medicare-granted extensions for filing cost
443    reports, if applicable, shall also apply to Medicaid cost
444    reports. Payment for Medicaid compensable services made on
445    behalf of Medicaid eligible persons is subject to the
446    availability of moneys and any limitations or directions
447    provided for in the General Appropriations Act or chapter 216.
448    Further, nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent
449    or limit the agency from adjusting fees, reimbursement rates,
450    lengths of stay, number of visits, or number of services, or
451    making any other adjustments necessary to comply with the
452    availability of moneys and any limitations or directions
453    provided for in the General Appropriations Act, provided the
454    adjustment is consistent with legislative intent.
455          (2)
456          (b) Subject to any limitations or directions provided for
457    in the General Appropriations Act, the agency shall establish
458    and implement a Florida Title XIX Long-Term Care Reimbursement
459    Plan (Medicaid) for nursing home care in order to provide care
460    and services in conformance with the applicable state and
461    federal laws, rules, regulations, and quality and safety
462    standards and to ensure that individuals eligible for medical
463    assistance have reasonable geographic access to such care.
464          1. Changes of ownership or of licensed operator do not
465    qualify for increases in reimbursement rates associated with the
466    change of ownership or of licensed operator. The agency shall
467    amend the Title XIX Long-Term Long TermCare Reimbursement Plan
468    to provide that the initial nursing home reimbursement rates,
469    for the operating, patient care, and MAR components, associated
470    with related and unrelated party changes of ownership or
471    licensed operator filed on or after September 1, 2001, are
472    equivalent to the previous owner's reimbursement rate.
473          2. The agency shall amend the long-term care reimbursement
474    plan and cost reporting system to create direct care and
475    indirect care subcomponents of the patient care component of the
476    per diem rate. These two subcomponents together shall equal the
477    patient care component of the per diem rate. Separate cost-based
478    ceilings shall be calculated for each patient care subcomponent.
479    The direct care subcomponent of the per diem rate shall be
480    limited by the cost-based class ceiling, and the indirect care
481    subcomponent shall be limited by the lower of the cost-based
482    class ceiling, by the target rate class ceiling, or by the
483    individual provider target. The agency shall adjust the patient
484    care component effective January 1, 2002. The cost to adjust the
485    direct care subcomponent shall be net of the total funds
486    previously allocated for the case mix add-on. The agency shall
487    make the required changes to the nursing home cost reporting
488    forms to implement this requirement effective January 1, 2002.
489          3. The direct care subcomponent shall include salaries and
490    benefits of direct care staff providing nursing services
491    including registered nurses, licensed practical nurses,
492    certified geriatric specialists,and certified nursing
493    assistants who deliver care directly to residents in the nursing
494    home facility. This excludes nursing administration, MDS, and
495    care plan coordinators, staff development, and staffing
496    coordinator.
497          4. All other patient care costs shall be included in the
498    indirect care cost subcomponent of the patient care per diem
499    rate. There shall be no costs directly or indirectly allocated
500    to the direct care subcomponent from a home office or management
501    company.
502          5. On July 1 of each year, the agency shall report to the
503    Legislature direct and indirect care costs, including average
504    direct and indirect care costs per resident per facility and
505    direct care and indirect care salaries and benefits per category
506    of staff member per facility.
507          6. In order to offset the cost of general and professional
508    liability insurance, the agency shall amend the plan to allow
509    for interim rate adjustments to reflect increases in the cost of
510    general or professional liability insurance for nursing homes.
511    This provision shall be implemented to the extent existing
512    appropriations are available.
514          It is the intent of the Legislature that the reimbursement plan
515    achieve the goal of providing access to health care for nursing
516    home residents who require large amounts of care while
517    encouraging diversion services as an alternative to nursing home
518    care for residents who can be served within the community. The
519    agency shall base the establishment of any maximum rate of
520    payment, whether overall or component, on the available moneys
521    as provided for in the General Appropriations Act. The agency
522    may base the maximum rate of payment on the results of
523    scientifically valid analysis and conclusions derived from
524    objective statistical data pertinent to the particular maximum
525    rate of payment.
526          Section 12. Subsection (2) of section 458.303, Florida
527    Statutes, is amended to read:
528          458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioners;
529    exceptions, etc.--
530          (2) Nothing in s. 458.301, s. 458.303, s. 458.305, s.
531    458.307, s. 458.309, s. 458.311, s. 458.313, s. 458.319, s.
532    458.321, s. 458.327, s. 458.329, s. 458.331, s. 458.337, s.
533    458.339, s. 458.341, s. 458.343, s. 458.345, or s. 458.347 shall
534    be construed to prohibit any service rendered by a registered
535    nurse, or a licensed practical nurse, or a certified geriatric
536    specialist,if such service is rendered under the direct
537    supervision and control of a licensed physician who provides
538    specific direction for any service to be performed and gives
539    final approval to all services performed. Further, nothing in
540    this or any other chapter shall be construed to prohibit any
541    service rendered by a medical assistant in accordance with the
542    provisions of s. 458.3485.
543          Section 13. Subsection (1) and paragraph (a) of subsection
544    (2) of section 1009.65, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
545          1009.65 Medical Education Reimbursement and Loan Repayment
546    Program.--
547          (1) To encourage qualified medical professionals to
548    practice in underserved locations where there are shortages of
549    such personnel, there is established the Medical Education
550    Reimbursement and Loan Repayment Program. The function of the
551    program is to make payments that offset loans and educational
552    expenses incurred by students for studies leading to a medical
553    or nursing degree, medical or nursing licensure, or advanced
554    registered nurse practitioner certification or physician
555    assistant licensure. The following licensed or certified health
556    care professionals are eligible to participate in this program:
557    medical doctors with primary care specialties, doctors of
558    osteopathic medicine with primary care specialties, physician's
559    assistants, certified geriatric specialists,licensed practical
560    nurses,and registered nurses, and advanced registered nurse
561    practitioners with primary care specialties such as certified
562    nurse midwives. Primary care medical specialties for physicians
563    include obstetrics, gynecology, general and family practice,
564    internal medicine, pediatrics, and other specialties which may
565    be identified by the Department of Health.
566          (2) From the funds available, the Department of Health
567    shall make payments to selected medical professionals as
568    follows:
569          (a) Up to $4,000 per year for certified geriatric
570    specialists, licensed practical nurses,and registered nurses,
571    up to $10,000 per year for advanced registered nurse
572    practitioners and physician's assistants, and up to $20,000 per
573    year for physicians. Penalties for noncompliance shall be the
574    same as those in the National Health Services Corps Loan
575    Repayment Program. Educational expenses include costs for
576    tuition, matriculation, registration, books, laboratory and
577    other fees, other educational costs, and reasonable living
578    expenses as determined by the Department of Health.
579          Section 14. Subsection (2) of section 1009.66, Florida
580    Statutes, is amended to read:
581          1009.66 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.--
582          (2) To be eligible, a candidate must have graduated from
583    an accredited or approved nursing program and have received a
584    Florida license as a licensed practical nurse or a registered
585    nurse or a Florida certificate as a certified geriatric
586    specialist oran advanced registered nurse practitioner.
587          Section 15. The sum of $157,017 is appropriated from the
588    General Revenue Fund to the Agency for Workforce Innovation to
589    support the work of the Certified Geriatric Specialty Nursing
590    Initiative Steering Committee, to administer the pilot sites, to
591    contract for an evaluation, and to provide, if necessary,
592    nursing faculty, substitute certified nursing assistants for
593    those who are in clinical education, and technical support to
594    the pilot sites during the 2004-2005 fiscal year.
595          Section 16. Subsection (6) is added to section 464.201,
596    Florida Statutes, to read:
597          464.201 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
598          (6) "Practice of a certified nursing assistant" means
599    providing care and assisting persons with tasks relating to the
600    activities of daily living. Such tasks are those associated with
601    personal care, maintaining mobility, nutrition and hydration,
602    toileting and elimination, assistive devices, safety and
603    cleanliness, data gathering, reporting abnormal signs and
604    symptoms, postmortem care, patient socialization and reality
605    orientation, end-of-life care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
606    emergency care, residents' or patients' rights, documentation of
607    nursing assistant services, and other tasks that a certified
608    nursing assistant may perform after training beyond that
609    required for initial certification and upon validation of
610    competence in that skill by a registered nurse. This section
611    does not restrict the ability of any person who is otherwise
612    trained and educated from performing such tasks.
613          Section 17. Section 464.202, Florida Statutes, is amended
614    to read:
615          464.202 Duties and powers of the board.--The board shall
616    maintain, or contract with or approve another entity to
617    maintain, a state registry of certified nursing assistants. The
618    registry must consist of the name of each certified nursing
619    assistant in this state; other identifying information defined
620    by board rule; certification status; the effective date of
621    certification; other information required by state or federal
622    law; information regarding any crime or any abuse, neglect, or
623    exploitation as provided under chapter 435; and any disciplinary
624    action taken against the certified nursing assistant. The
625    registry shall be accessible to the public, the
626    certificateholder, employers, and other state agencies. The
627    board shall adopt by rule testing procedures for use in
628    certifying nursing assistants and shall adopt rules regulating
629    the practice of certified nursing assistants which specify the
630    scope of practice authorized and the level of supervision
631    required for the practice of certified nursing assistants to
632    enforce this part. The board may contract with or approve
633    another entity or organization to provide the examination
634    services, including the development and administration of
635    examinations. The board shall require that the contract provider
636    offer certified nursing assistant applications via the Internet,
637    and may require the contract provider to accept certified
638    nursing assistant applications for processing via the Internet.
639    The board shall require the contract provider to provide the
640    preliminary results of the certified nursing examination on the
641    date the test is administered. The provider shall pay all
642    reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the board in
643    evaluating the provider's application and performance during the
644    delivery of services, including examination services and
645    procedures for maintaining the certified nursing assistant
646    registry.
647          Section 18. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
648    law.