Senate Bill sb1898

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1898

    By Senator Klein


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to arthritis prevention and

  3         education; creating s. 385.210, F.S.; providing

  4         a short title; providing legislative findings;

  5         providing purposes; directing the Department of

  6         Health to establish an arthritis prevention and

  7         education program; requiring the department to

  8         conduct a needs assessment; providing for

  9         establishment of an advisory panel on

10         arthritis; providing for implementation of a

11         public awareness effort; providing for funding

12         through contributions; directing the Secretary

13         of Health to seek federal waivers as necessary

14         to maximize federal funding; providing an

15         effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Section 385.210, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         385.210 Arthritis prevention and education.--

22         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the

23  "Arthritis Prevention and Education Act."

24         (2)  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--The Legislature finds the

25  following:

26         (a)  Arthritis encompasses more than 100 diseases and

27  conditions that affect joints, the surrounding tissues, and

28  other connective tissues.

29         (b)  Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in

30  the United States, limiting daily activities for more than 7

31  million citizens.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1898

 1         (c)  This disease has a significant impact on quality

 2  of life, not only for the individual who experiences its

 3  painful symptoms and resulting disability, but also for family

 4  members and caregivers.

 5         (d)  There are enormous economic and social costs

 6  associated with treating arthritis and its complications; the

 7  economic costs are estimated at almost $80 billion annually in

 8  the United States.

 9         (e)  Currently, the challenge exists to ensure delivery

10  of effective, but often underutilized, interventions that are

11  necessary in the prevention or reduction of arthritis-related

12  pain and disability.

13         (f)  Although there exists a large quantity of public

14  information about arthritis, including programs that can

15  dramatically effect early diagnosis and treatment as well as

16  the quality of life of people with arthritis, such information

17  remains inadequately disseminated and insufficient in

18  addressing the needs of specific diverse populations and other

19  underserved groups.

20         (g)  The Arthritis Foundation, Florida Chapter, the

21  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the

22  Association of State and Territorial Health Officials have led

23  the development of a public health strategy, the National

24  Arthritis Action Plan, to respond to this challenge.

25         (h)  Educating the public and the health care community

26  throughout the state about this devastating disease is of

27  paramount importance and is in every respect in the public

28  interest and to the benefit of all residents of the state.

29         (3)  PURPOSES.--The purposes of this section are to:

30         (a)  Create and foster a statewide program that

31  promotes public awareness and increases knowledge concerning


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1898

 1  the causes of arthritis, the importance of early diagnosis and

 2  appropriate management, effective prevention strategies, and

 3  pain prevention and management.

 4         (b)  Develop knowledge and enhance understanding of

 5  arthritis by disseminating educational materials and

 6  information on research results, services provided, and

 7  strategies for prevention and education to patients, health

 8  professionals, and the public.

 9         (c)  Establish a solid scientific base of knowledge

10  concerning the prevention of arthritis and related

11  disabilities through surveillance, epidemiology, and

12  prevention research.

13         (d)  Use educational and training resources and

14  services developed by organizations with appropriate expertise

15  and knowledge of arthritis and to use available technical

16  assistance.

17         (e)  Evaluate the need for improving the quality and

18  accessibility of existing community-based arthritis services.

19         (f)  Heighten awareness among state and local health

20  and human services officials, health professionals and

21  providers, and policymakers about the prevention, detection,

22  and treatment of arthritis.

23         (g)  Implement and coordinate state and local programs

24  and services to reduce the public health burden of arthritis.

25         (h)  Provide lasting improvements in the delivery of

26  health care for individuals with arthritis and their families,

27  thus improving their quality of life while also containing

28  health care costs.


30         (a)  Program establishment.--To the extent that funds

31  are specifically made available for this purpose, the


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1898

 1  Department of Health shall establish, promote, and maintain an

 2  arthritis prevention and education program to raise public

 3  awareness, educate consumers, and educate and train health

 4  professionals, teachers, and human services providers, and for

 5  other purposes as provided in this section.

 6         (b)  Needs assessment.--The department shall conduct a

 7  needs assessment to identify:

 8         1.  Epidemiological and other research on arthritis

 9  being conducted within the state.

10         2.  Available technical assistance and educational

11  materials and programs on arthritis nationwide and within the

12  state.

13         3.  The level of public and professional awareness of

14  arthritis.

15         4.  The needs of people with arthritis, their families,

16  and caregivers.

17         5.  The educational and support service needs of health

18  care providers, including physicians, nurses, managed care

19  organizations, and other health care providers, relating to

20  arthritis.

21         6.  The services available to persons with arthritis.

22         7.  The existence of arthritis treatment,

23  self-management, physical activity, and other education

24  programs.

25         8.  The existence of rehabilitation services for people

26  with arthritis.

27         (c)  Advisory panel on arthritis.--The department shall

28  establish and coordinate an advisory panel on arthritis to

29  provide nongovernmental input regarding the arthritis

30  prevention and education program. Membership shall include,

31  but is not limited to, persons with arthritis, public health


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 1898

 1  educators, medical experts on arthritis, providers of

 2  arthritis health care, persons knowledgeable in health

 3  promotion and education, and representatives of national

 4  arthritis organizations and their local chapters.

 5         (d)  Public awareness.--The department shall use, but

 6  is not limited to, strategies consistent with the National

 7  Arthritis Action Plan and existing state planning efforts to

 8  raise public awareness and knowledge on the causes and nature

 9  of arthritis, personal risk factors, the value of prevention

10  and early detection, ways to minimize preventable pain, and

11  options for diagnosing and treating the disease.

12         (5)  FUNDING.--

13         (a)  The Secretary of Health may accept grants,

14  services, and property from the Federal Government,

15  foundations, organizations, medical schools, and other

16  entities as may be available for the purposes of fulfilling

17  the obligations of this program.

18         (b)  The secretary shall seek any federal waiver or

19  waivers that may be necessary to maximize funds from the

20  Federal Government to implement this program.

21         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

22  law.


24            *****************************************

25                          SENATE SUMMARY

26    Creates the "Arthritis Prevention and Education Act."
      Provides purposes of the act. Requires the Department of
27    Health to establish an Arthritis Prevention and Education
      Program. Requires the department to conduct a needs
28    assessment. Provides for the establishment of an advisory
      panel on arthritis. Requires the department to promote
29    public awareness of and knowledge concerning arthritis.
      Allows the Secretary of Health to accept contributions to
30    further the program. (See bill for details.)



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