Bill No. 1899
Amendment No. 801191
Senate House

1Representative Ambler offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove lines 357-363 and insert:
5     (13)(a)  If the claimant has accepted the offer in writing
6of the person receiving notice of claim under subsection (1),
7then the person receiving such notice shall be legally obligated
8to make the agreed repairs or pay the agreed amount of money and
9such legal obligation shall be independently enforceable in a
10court proceeding.
11     (b)  Nothing in this section shall require the person
12receiving notice of claim under subsection (1) from complying
13with all contractual provisions of any liability insurance
14policy as a condition precedent to coverage for any claim under
15this section.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.