Senate Bill sb1926c1

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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator Atwater


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to workers' compensation;

  3         creating s. 624.4315, F.S.; requiring workers'

  4         compensation insurers to notify the Office of

  5         Insurance Regulation of significant

  6         underwriting changes; amending s. 627.171,

  7         F.S.; providing that the 10-percent limit on

  8         the percentage of commercial insurance policies

  9         that an insurer may write at a rate in excess

10         of the applicable filed rate excludes workers'

11         compensation policies written for an employer

12         in lieu of coverage from the joint underwriting

13         plan established under s. 627.311(5), F.S.;

14         amending s. 627.211, F.S.; revising the

15         standards used by the Office of Insurance

16         Regulation in approving or disapproving an

17         insurer's deviation from the approved workers'

18         compensation rate filing; requiring the Office

19         of Insurance Regulation to submit an annual

20         report to the Legislature which evaluates

21         competition in the workers' compensation

22         insurance market; amending s. 627.311, F.S.;

23         revising provisions governing the depopulation

24         program of the workers' compensation joint

25         underwriting plan; providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Section 624.4315, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:



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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

 1         624.4315  Workers' compensation insurers; notice of

 2  significant underwriting change.--Each workers' compensation

 3  insurer shall notify the office in writing or by electronic

 4  means of a significant underwriting change that materially

 5  limits or restricts the number of workers' compensation

 6  policies or premiums written in this state. The commission may

 7  adopt rules to administer this requirement.

 8         Section 2.  Section 627.171, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         627.171  Excess rates.--

11         (1)  With written consent of the insured signed prior

12  to the policy inception date and filed with the insurer, the

13  insurer may use a rate in excess of the otherwise applicable

14  filed rate on any specific risk.  The signed consent form must

15  include the filed rate as well as the excess rate for the risk

16  insured, and a copy of the form must be maintained by the

17  insurer for 3 years and be available for review by the office.

18         (2)  An insurer may not use excess rates pursuant to

19  this section for more than 10 percent of its commercial

20  insurance policies written or renewed in each calendar year

21  for any line of commercial insurance or for more than 5

22  percent of its personal lines insurance policies written or

23  renewed in each calendar year for any line of personal

24  insurance. In determing the 10-percent limitation for

25  commercial insurance policies, the insurer shall exclude any

26  workers' compensation policy that was written for an employer

27  who had coverage in the joint underwriting plan created by s.

28  627.311(5) immediately prior to the writing of the policy by

29  the insurer and any workers' compensation policy that was

30  written for an employer who had been offered coverage in the

31  joint underwriting plan but who was written a policy by the


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

 1  insurer in lieu of accepting the joint underwriting plan

 2  policy. These workers' compensation policies shall be excluded

 3  from the 10-percent limitation for the first 3 years of

 4  coverage.

 5         Section 3.  Subsection (3) of section 627.211, Florida

 6  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (6) is added to that

 7  section, to read:

 8         627.211  Deviations; workers' compensation and

 9  employer's liability insurances.--

10         (3)  In considering an application for the deviation,

11  the office shall give consideration to the applicable

12  principles for ratemaking as set forth in ss. 627.062 and

13  627.072 and, the financial condition of the insurer, and the

14  impact of the deviation on the current market conditions

15  including the composition of the market, the stability of

16  rates, and the level of competition in the market.  In

17  evaluating the financial condition of the insurer, the office

18  may consider: (1) the insurer's audited financial statements

19  and whether the statements provide unqualified opinions or

20  contain significant qualifications or "subject to" provisions;

21  (2) any independent or other actuarial certification of loss

22  reserves; (3) whether workers' compensation and employer's

23  liability reserves are above the midpoint or best estimate of

24  the actuary's reserve range estimate; (4) the adequacy of the

25  proposed rate;  (5) historical experience demonstrating the

26  profitability of the insurer;  (6) the existence of excess or

27  other reinsurance that contains a sufficiently low attachment

28  point and maximums that provide adequate protection to the

29  insurer; and (7) other factors considered relevant to the

30  financial condition of the insurer by the office. The office

31  shall approve the deviation if it finds it to be justified, it


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

 1  would not endanger the financial condition of the insurer, it

 2  would not adversely affect the current market conditions

 3  including the composition of the market, the stability of

 4  rates, and the level of competition in the market, and it that

 5  the deviation would not constitute predatory pricing.  The

 6  office It shall disapprove the deviation if it finds that the

 7  resulting premiums would be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly

 8  discriminatory, would endanger the financial condition of the

 9  insurer, or would adversely affect current market conditions

10  including the composition of the marketplace, the stability of

11  rates, and the level of competition in the market, or would

12  result in predatory pricing.  The insurer may not use a

13  deviation unless the deviation is specifically approved by the

14  office.

15         (6)  The office shall submit an annual report to the

16  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

17  Representatives by January 1 of each year which evaluates

18  competition in the workers' compensation insurance market in

19  this state. The report must contain an analysis of the

20  availability and affordability of workers' compensation

21  coverage and whether the current market structure, conduct,

22  and performance are conducive to competition, based upon

23  economic analysis and tests. The purpose of this report is to

24  aid the Legislature in determining whether changes to the

25  workers' compensation rating laws are warranted. The report

26  must also document that the office has complied with the

27  provisions of s. 627.096 which require the office to

28  investigate and study all workers' compensation insurers in

29  the state and to study the data, statistics, schedules, or

30  other information as it finds necessary to assist in its

31  review of workers' compensation rate filings.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

 1         Section 4.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of section

 2  627.311, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         627.311  Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers;

 4  public records and public meetings exemptions.--

 5         (5)

 6         (c)  The operation of the plan shall be governed by a

 7  plan of operation that is prepared at the direction of the

 8  board of governors. The plan of operation may be changed at

 9  any time by the board of governors or upon request of the

10  office. The plan of operation and all changes thereto are

11  subject to the approval of the office. The plan of operation

12  shall:

13         1.  Authorize the board to engage in the activities

14  necessary to implement this subsection, including, but not

15  limited to, borrowing money.

16         2.  Develop criteria for eligibility for coverage by

17  the plan, including, but not limited to, documented rejection

18  by at least two insurers which reasonably assures that

19  insureds covered under the plan are unable to acquire coverage

20  in the voluntary market. Any insured may voluntarily elect to

21  accept coverage from an insurer for a premium equal to or

22  greater than the plan premium if the insurer writing the

23  coverage adheres to the provisions of s. 627.171.

24         3.  Require notice from the agent to the insured at the

25  time of the application for coverage that the application is

26  for coverage with the plan and that coverage may be available

27  through an insurer, group self-insurers' fund, commercial

28  self-insurance fund, or assessable mutual insurer through

29  another agent at a lower cost.




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 1         4.  Establish programs to encourage insurers to provide

 2  coverage to applicants of the plan in the voluntary market and

 3  to insureds of the plan, including, but not limited to:

 4         a.  Establishing procedures for an insurer to use in

 5  notifying the plan of the insurer's desire to provide coverage

 6  to applicants to the plan or existing insureds of the plan and

 7  in describing the types of risks in which the insurer is

 8  interested. The description of the desired risks must be on a

 9  form developed by the plan.

10         b.  Developing forms and procedures that provide an

11  insurer with the information necessary to determine whether

12  the insurer wants to write particular applicants to the plan

13  or insureds of the plan.

14         c.  Developing procedures for notice to the plan and

15  the applicant to the plan or insured of the plan that an

16  insurer will insure the applicant or the insured of the plan,

17  and notice of the cost of the coverage offered; and developing

18  procedures for the selection of an insuring entity by the

19  applicant or insured of the plan.

20         d.  Provide for a market-assistance plan to assist in

21  the placement of employers. All applications for coverage in

22  the plan received 45 days before the effective date for

23  coverage shall be processed through the market-assistance

24  plan. A market-assistance plan specifically designed to serve

25  the needs of small, good policyholders as defined by the board

26  must be finalized by January 1, 1994.

27         5.  Provide for policy and claims services to the

28  insureds of the plan of the nature and quality provided for

29  insureds in the voluntary market.




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 1         6.  Provide for the review of applications for coverage

 2  with the plan for reasonableness and accuracy, using any

 3  available historic information regarding the insured.

 4         7.  Provide for procedures for auditing insureds of the

 5  plan which are based on reasonable business judgment and are

 6  designed to maximize the likelihood that the plan will collect

 7  the appropriate premiums.

 8         8.  Authorize the plan to terminate the coverage of and

 9  refuse future coverage for any insured that submits a

10  fraudulent application to the plan or provides fraudulent or

11  grossly erroneous records to the plan or to any service

12  provider of the plan in conjunction with the activities of the

13  plan.

14         9.  Establish service standards for agents who submit

15  business to the plan.

16         10.  Establish criteria and procedures to prohibit any

17  agent who does not adhere to the established service standards

18  from placing business with the plan or receiving, directly or

19  indirectly, any commissions for business placed with the plan.

20         11.  Provide for the establishment of reasonable safety

21  programs for all insureds in the plan. All insureds of the

22  plan must participate in the safety program.

23         12.  Authorize the plan to terminate the coverage of

24  and refuse future coverage to any insured who fails to pay

25  premiums or surcharges when due; who, at the time of

26  application, is delinquent in payments of workers'

27  compensation or employer's liability insurance premiums or

28  surcharges owed to an insurer, group self-insurers' fund,

29  commercial self-insurance fund, or assessable mutual insurer

30  licensed to write such coverage in this state; or who refuses



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 1  to substantially comply with any safety programs recommended

 2  by the plan.

 3         13.  Authorize the board of governors to provide the

 4  services required by the plan through staff employed by the

 5  plan, through reasonably compensated service providers who

 6  contract with the plan to provide services as specified by the

 7  board of governors, or through a combination of employees and

 8  service providers.

 9         14.  Provide for service standards for service

10  providers, methods of determining adherence to those service

11  standards, incentives and disincentives for service, and

12  procedures for terminating contracts for service providers

13  that fail to adhere to service standards.

14         15.  Provide procedures for selecting service providers

15  and standards for qualification as a service provider that

16  reasonably assure that any service provider selected will

17  continue to operate as an ongoing concern and is capable of

18  providing the specified services in the manner required.

19         16.  Provide for reasonable accounting and

20  data-reporting practices.

21         17.  Provide for annual review of costs associated with

22  the administration and servicing of the policies issued by the

23  plan to determine alternatives by which costs can be reduced.

24         18.  Authorize the acquisition of such excess insurance

25  or reinsurance as is consistent with the purposes of the plan.

26         19.  Provide for an annual report to the office on a

27  date specified by the office and containing such information

28  as the office reasonably requires.

29         20.  Establish multiple rating plans for various

30  classifications of risk which reflect risk of loss, hazard

31  grade, actual losses, size of premium, and compliance with


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 1  loss control. At least one of such plans must be a

 2  preferred-rating plan to accommodate small-premium

 3  policyholders with good experience as defined in

 4  sub-subparagraph 22.a.

 5         21.  Establish agent commission schedules.

 6         22.  Establish four subplans as follows:

 7         a.  Subplan "A" must include those insureds whose

 8  annual premium does not exceed $2,500 and who have neither

 9  incurred any lost-time claims nor incurred medical-only claims

10  exceeding 50 percent of their premium for the immediate 2

11  years.

12         b.  Subplan "B" must include insureds that are

13  employers identified by the board of governors as high-risk

14  employers due solely to the nature of the operations being

15  performed by those insureds and for whom no market exists in

16  the voluntary market, and whose experience modifications are

17  less than 1.00.

18         c.  Subplan "C" must include all insureds within the

19  plan that are not eligible for subplan "A," subplan "B," or

20  subplan "D."

21         d.  Subplan "D" must include any employer, regardless

22  of the length of time for which it has conducted business

23  operations, which has an experience modification factor of

24  1.10 or less and either employs 15 or fewer employees or is an

25  organization that is exempt from federal income tax pursuant

26  to s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and receives more

27  than 50 percent of its funding from gifts, grants, endowments,

28  or federal or state contracts. The rate plan for subplan "D"

29  shall be the same rate plan as the plan approved under ss.

30  627.091-627.151, and each participant in subplan "D" shall pay

31  the premium determined under such rate plan, plus a surcharge


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 1  determined by the board to be sufficient to ensure that the

 2  plan does not compete with the voluntary market rate for any

 3  participant, but not to exceed 25 percent. However, the

 4  surcharge shall not exceed 10 percent for an organization that

 5  is exempt from federal income tax pursuant to s. 501(c)(3) of

 6  the Internal Revenue Code.

 7         23.  Provide for a depopulation program to reduce the

 8  number of insureds in subplan "D." If an employer insured

 9  through subplan "D" is offered coverage from a voluntary

10  market carrier:

11         a.  During the first 30 days of coverage under the

12  subplan;

13         b.  Before a policy is issued under the subplan;

14         c.  By issuance of a policy upon expiration or

15  cancellation of the policy under the subplan; or

16         d.  By assumption of the subplan's obligation with

17  respect to an in-force policy,


19  that employer is no longer eligible for coverage through the

20  plan. The premium for risks assumed by the voluntary market

21  carrier must be the same premium plus, for the first 2 years,

22  the surcharge as determined in sub-subparagraph 22.d. A

23  premium under this subparagraph, including surcharge, is

24  deemed approved and is not an excess premium for purposes of

25  s. 627.171.

26         24.  Require that policies issued under subplan "D" and

27  applications for such policies must include a notice that the

28  policy issued under subplan "D" could be replaced by a policy

29  issued from a voluntary market carrier and that, if an offer

30  of coverage is obtained from a voluntary market carrier, the

31  policyholder is no longer eligible for coverage through


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 1926

 1  subplan "D." The notice must also specify that acceptance of

 2  coverage under subplan "D" creates a conclusive presumption

 3  that the applicant or policyholder is aware of this potential.

 4         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 7                         Senate Bill 1926


 9  Makes a conforming change to s. s. 627.311, F.S., by deleting
    the provision of current law that allows premiums for risks
10  assumed by a carrier from the Florida Workers' Compensation
    Joint Underwriting Association (JUA) to be at the JUA rate and
11  not be considered an excess premium for purposes of s.
    6217.171, since broader authority is provided by the bill in
12  Section 2.





















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