HR 1937

House Resolution
3A resolution requesting the Congressional Delegation of
4the State of Florida to support federal legislation to
5authorize Lifetime and Retirement Savings Accounts.
7     WHEREAS, the personal savings of working Americans continue
8to decline and are now at dangerously low levels, and
9     WHEREAS, the personal savings of working Americans are not
10enough to pay for current catastrophic expenses or to supplement
11the modest benefits derived from social security, and
12     WHEREAS, savings provide the financing of new capital
13investment and job creation, which in turn increases the
14standard of living for all Americans, and
15     WHEREAS, the double taxation of savings and the intricacy
16of current savings incentives are so burdensome and complex that
17many working Americans are not participating in a savings
18program, and
19     WHEREAS, authorization of Lifetime Savings Accounts would
20allow Americans to contribute up to $7,500 a year and to make
21penalty-free withdrawals at any time for any purpose, and
22     WHEREAS, authorization of Retirement Savings Accounts would
23allow Americans to contribute up to $7,500 a year and to make
24penalty-free withdrawals after a participant reaches age 58, and
25     WHEREAS, authorization of Lifetime and Retirement Savings
26Accounts would eliminate the double taxation on savings, would
27simplify existing savings programs, and would thereby encourage
28increased participation, and
29     WHEREAS, eliminating the double taxation on savings and
30simplifying current incentives would boost savings for all
31Americans, which would enhance the economic security of working
32families, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the House of Representatives of the State of Florida
38requests our elected Representatives and Senators in the United
39States Congress to support federal legislation to authorize
40Lifetime and Retirement Savings Accounts.
41     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be
42transmitted to the members of the Congressional Delegation of
43the State of Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.