HR 1939

House Resolution
3A resolution urging the United States Congress to reform
4the current class action lawsuit process in order to
5ensure fair legal process for class members with
6legitimate claims and to protect responsible companies and
7other institutions against frivolous interstate class
8actions in state courts.
10     WHEREAS, over the past decade, there have been abuses of
11the class action device that harmed class members with
12legitimate claims and defendants that have acted responsibly,
13adversely affected interstate commerce, and undermined public
14respect for the judicial system in the United States, and
15     WHEREAS, class members have been harmed by a number of
16actions taken by plaintiffs' lawyers, which provide little or no
17benefit to class members as a whole, including plaintiffs'
18lawyers receiving large fees, while class members are left with
19coupons or other awards of little or no value, and unjustified
20rewards being made to certain plaintiffs at the expense of other
21class members, and
22     WHEREAS, abusive interstate class actions have harmed
23society as a whole by forcing innocent parties to settle cases
24rather than risk a huge judgment by a local jury, thereby
25costing consumers billions of dollars in increased costs to pay
26for forced settlements and excessive judgments, and
27     WHEREAS, through the use of artful pleading, plaintiffs are
28able to avoid litigating class actions in federal court, forcing
29businesses and other organizations to defend interstate class
30action lawsuits in county and state courts where the lawyers,
31rather than the claimants, are likely to receive the maximum
32benefit, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That the House of Representatives of the State of Florida
38requests that our Representatives and Senators in the United
39States Congress join other members of Congress in passing class
40action reform legislation that ensures fair and prompt
41recoveries for class members with legitimate claims, protects
42responsible companies and other institutions against interstate
43class actions in state courts, and restores the intent of the
44framers of the United States Constitution by providing for
45federal court consideration of interstate class actions.
46     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be
47transmitted to the members of the Congressional Delegation of
48the State of Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.