Bill No. 1943
Amendment No. 521335
Senate House

1Representative Ritter offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove line(s) 39-43 and insert:
5     That the House of Representatives of the State of Florida
6requests that our President recognize that the security
7situation in Iraq is deteriorating and dangerous, and that the
8American people have the right to know what is really happening.
9     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
10urges the President to supply our military commanders with the
11additional troops requested. We must succeed in Iraq; to fail
12would mean a victory for extremism, new dangers in the Middle
13East, and a breeding ground for anti-American terrorism.
14     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
15urges the President to launch a diplomatic strategy. We should
16support the plan outlined by United Nations Special
17Representative Lakhdar Brahimi. The United States of America
18should immediately seek a United Nations Security Council
19resolution authorizing a mission with responsibility for the
20transition and elections.
21     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of
22the State of Florida urges the President to establish an
23international mission to ensure stability and set up elections.
24We need a plan for the period after June 30 when the interim
25government takes control to work with the interim government on
26governance issues, including elections and the reconstruction of
27Iraq and rebuilding the Iraqi economy.
28     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of
29the State of Florida urges the President to transform United
30States force into a NATO Security Force Commanded by an
31American, and make it truly multinational. We believe it is
32possible to transform the United States force into a NATO force,
33commanded by an American. We should send a high-level mission to
34consult with our NATO partners to encourage their participation
35and have other countries  participate so that American soldiers
36and the American people are not bearing nearly all the burden
37and all the risk. The whole world has an interest in a stable
38Iraq, but the White House has not demonstrated a willingness or
39the ability to bring in our friends and allies in any
40significant way.
43================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
44     Remove line(s) 25-33 and insert:
45     WHEREAS, the United States Armed Forces have shown great
46bravery, courage, and self-sacrifice during the war against
47terror, and America is right to defend itself from its enemies
48to keep terrorism out of our nation's streets and neighborhoods,
50     WHEREAS, the United States intelligence infrastructure has
51failed our President and our Congress, and now we are at war in
52Iraq with no plan for an exit strategy, leaving hundreds of
53thousands of America's bravest in harms way, sometimes without
54basic supplies such as bulletproof vests or armored cars, NOW,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.