HR 1967

House Resolution
2A resolution urging the United States Congress to
3reevaluate the requirements of the No Child Left Behind
4Act and to fund the authorized levels required by the act.
6     WHEREAS, Florida led the nation in school reform when, in
71990, the Legislature passed what was popularly known as
8"Blueprint 2000," a system of school reform and accountability,
10     WHEREAS, Blueprint 2000 called for the establishment of
11goals for K-12 education, high standards of achievement,
12development of a curriculum based on the standards, and an
13assessment system to ensure student learning progress and school
14accountability, and
15     WHEREAS, Florida has witnessed tremendous educational gains
16among its students as a result of the efforts of its students,
17teachers, parents, schools, and communities as an outcome of the
18implementation of the school reform and accountability system
20     WHEREAS, in 2001 the Congress of the United States enacted
21and President Bush later signed into law the "No Child Left
22Behind Act," an act designed to ensure accountability of
23America's schools for the academic success of our students,
24especially those from minority groups, those with disabilities,
25and those with limited English proficiency, and
26     WHEREAS, the No Child Left Behind Act represents one of the
27most sweeping federal intrusions into state and local control of
28education and disregards the time-honored American principle of
29balanced federalism and respect for state and local
30prerogatives, especially in education, and
31     WHEREAS, the No Child Left Behind Act mandates that all
32schools attain adequate yearly progress toward the goal of 100
33percent student proficiency in reading, math, language arts, and
34science by the 2013-2014 school year, and
35     WHEREAS, most of the schools deemed as performing well
36under Florida's system were determined to be deficient under the
37No Child Left Behind Act, and
38     WHEREAS, the No Child Left Behind Act has been determined
39to be a tremendous unfunded mandate during a time of economic
40challenges in the state and funding cutbacks in public education
41budgets, NOW, THEREFORE,
43Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
46     That the House of Representatives, on behalf of the people
47of the State of Florida and its system of public elementary and
48secondary school education, respectfully requests the President
49and Congress of the United States to hold harmless those states
50which, as a result of their own educational accountability
51systems, meet or exceed the requirements of the No Child Left
52Behind Act.
53     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that federal funding be provided in
54amounts consistent with the levels authorized in the No Child
55Left Behind Act for education programs and expanded information
56systems needed to accurately reflect student, school, and
57school-district performance and professional development
58training necessary for teachers.
59     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate methods of
60assessment be authorized for students who are not proficient in
61English and students with disabilities.
62     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an alternative methodology be
63allowed for determining adequate yearly progress targets and
64progress of students who are not proficient in English and
65students with disabilities.
66     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that flexibility be allowed in
67calculating adequate yearly progress for students belonging to
68multiple groups and subgroups.
69     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that current law, including any
70revisions thereof, recognizes that under our federal system of
71government education is primarily a state and local
73     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of State send
74copies of this resolution to the Honorable George W. Bush,
75President of the United States, the President of the United
76States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of
77Representatives, the members of the Florida Congressional
78Delegation, the United States House of Representatives Committee
79on Education and the Workforce, and the United States Senate
80Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.