Senate Bill sb2020e1
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1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to specialty license plates;
3 amending ss. 320.08056 and 320.08058, F.S.;
4 increasing the annual use fee for the Florida
5 educational license plate; creating the Save
6 Our Seas license plate; creating the
7 Aquaculture license plate; creating a Family
8 First license plate; creating a Sportsmen's
9 National Land Trust license plate; creating the
10 Live the Dream license plate; creating a
11 Florida Food Banks license plate; creating a
12 Discover Florida's Oceans license plate;
13 creating the Family Values license plate;
14 creating the Parents Make A Difference license
15 plate; creating the Support Soccer license
16 plate; creating a Kids Deserve Justice license
17 plate; creating the Animal Friend license
18 plate; providing for the distribution of annual
19 use fees received from the sale of such plates;
20 providing an effective date.
22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24 Section 1. Paragraph (h) of subsection (4) of section
25 320.0056, Florida Statutes, is amended and paragraphs (ss),
26 (tt), (uu), (vv), (ww), (xx), (yy), (zz), (aaa), (bbb), (ccc),
27 and (ddd) are added to that subsection, to read:
28 320.08056 Specialty license plates.--
29 (4) The following license plate annual use fees shall
30 be collected for the appropriate specialty license plates:
31 (h) Florida educational license plate, $20 $15.
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1 (ss) Save Our Seas license plate, $25, except that for
2 an owner purchasing the specialty license plate for more than
3 10 vehicles registered to that owner, the annual use fee shall
4 be $10 per plate.
5 (tt) Aquaculture license plate, $25, except that for
6 an owner purchasing the specialty license plate for more than
7 10 vehicles registered to that owner, the annual use fee shall
8 be $10 per plate.
9 (uu) Family First license plate. $25.
10 (vv) Sportsmen's National Land Trust license plates,
11 $25.
12 (ww) Live the Dream license plate, $25.
13 (xx) Florida Food Banks license plate, $25.
14 (yy) Discover Florida's Oceans license plate, $25.
15 (zz) Family Values license plate, $25.
16 (aaa) Parents Make A Difference license plate, $25.
17 (bbb) Support Soccer license plate, $25.
18 (ccc) Kids Deserve Justice license plate, $25.
19 (ddd) Animal Friend license plate, $25.
20 Section 2. Subsections (45), (46), (47), (48), (49),
21 (50), (51), (52), (53), (54), (55), and (56) are added to
22 section 320.08058, Florida Statutes, to read:
23 320.08058 Specialty license plates.--
25 (a) The department shall develop a Save Our Seas
26 license plate as provided in this section. Save Our Seas
27 license plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
28 department. The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the
29 plate, and the words "Save Our Seas" must appear at the bottom
30 of the plate.
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1 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
2 Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Inc. After
3 reimbursement for documented costs expended for establishing
4 the license plate, the Harbor Branch Oceanographic
5 Institution, Inc., shall use the remaining funds for marine
6 science research and education programs as follows:
7 1. Ten percent of the funds shall be distributed to
8 the Guy Harvey Research Institute of the Nova Southeastern
9 University Oceanographic Center to conduct fisheries and shark
10 research in the state.
11 2. Up to 15 percent of the funds may be used for
12 administrative costs directly associated with the Harbor
13 Branch Oceanographic Institution's marine science and marine
14 education programs and administrative costs associated with
15 the Save Our Seas license plate.
16 3. Up to 10 percent of the funds may be used for
17 continuing promotion and marketing of the license plate.
18 4. The remaining funds shall be used to conduct
19 scientific research and education on marine plants and animals
20 and coastal oceanography in state marine waters; to collect
21 and analyze long-term data sets on the state's critical marine
22 habitats; to determine changes in populations and communities
23 of marine organisms and their impacts on the use of the
24 state's marine resources; to maintain reference collections of
25 scientific specimens and photographic archives of the state's
26 marine plants and animals; and to conduct scientific
27 conferences of relevance to the state's marine resources and
28 their management, utilization, and conservation.
30 (a) The department shall develop an Aquaculture
31 license plate as provided in this section. Aquaculture license
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1 plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
2 department. The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the
3 plate, and the word "Aquaculture" must appear at the bottom of
4 the plate.
5 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
6 Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Inc. After
7 reimbursement for documented costs expended for establishing
8 the license plate, the Harbor Branch Oceanographic
9 Institution, Inc., shall use the remaining funds for
10 aquaculture research and education programs as follows:
11 1. Ten percent of the funds shall be distributed to
12 the Guy Harvey Research Institute of the Nova Southeastern
13 University Oceanographic Center to conduct outreach and
14 education regarding aquaculture in the state.
15 2. Up to 15 percent of the funds may be used for
16 administrative costs directly associated with the Harbor
17 Branch Oceanographic Institution's aquaculture programs and
18 administrative costs associated with the Aquaculture license
19 plate.
20 3. Up to 10 percent of the funds may be used for
21 continuing promotion and marketing of the license plate.
22 4. The remaining funds shall be used to conduct
23 scientific research on environmentally responsible and
24 sustainable methods of farming freshwater and saltwater
25 organisms such as fish, shellfish, and crustaceans for food;
26 biomedical species for pharmaceutical and nutriceutical
27 compounds; and marine ornamentals for the aquarium trade.
28 These funds shall also be used to expand the institution's
29 educational programs that include secondary school field
30 experiences, college degree programs, and intensive courses in
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1 order to further the objective of increasing aquaculture's
2 contribution to the state's economy.
4 (a) The department shall develop a Family First
5 license plate as provided in this section. The word "Florida"
6 must appear at the top of the plate, and the words "Family
7 First" must appear at the bottom of the plate.
8 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to Family
9 First to fund programs, projects, seminars, events, and family
10 resources that promote principles for building marriages,
11 guiding parents, and raising children. Family First shall
12 retain all revenues from the sale of the plate until its
13 startup costs for developing and establishing the plate have
14 been recovered. Up to 5 percent of the funds received by
15 Family First may be expended for administrative costs directly
16 associated with the operations of Family First. Up to 20
17 percent of the funds received by Family First may be expended
18 for promoting and marketing the license plate. Family First
19 may expend all remaining funds for programs.
21 (a) The department shall develop a Sportsmen's
22 National Land Trust license plate as provided in this section.
23 The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and
24 the words "Sportsmen's National Land Trust" must appear at the
25 bottom of the plate.
26 (b) The annual revenues from the sales of the license
27 plate shall be distributed to the Sportsmen's National Land
28 Trust. Such annual revenues must be used by the trust in the
29 following manner:
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1 1. Fifty percent may be retained until fifty percent
2 of all startup costs for developing and establishing the plate
3 have been recovered.
4 2. Twenty-five percent must be used to fund programs
5 and projects within the state that preserve open space and
6 wildlife habitat, promote conservation, improve wildlife
7 habitat, and establish open space for the perpetual use of the
8 public.
9 3. Twenty-five percent may be used for promotion,
10 marketing, and administrative costs directly associated with
11 operation of the trust.
12 (c) When the provisions of subparagraph 1. are met
13 those annual revenues shall be used for the purposes of
14 subparagraph 2.
16 (a) The department shall develop a Live the Dream
17 license plate as provided in this section. Live the Dream
18 license plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
19 department. The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the
20 plate, and the words "Live the Dream" must appear at the
21 bottom of the plate.
22 (b) The proceeds of the annual use fee shall be
23 distributed to the Dream Foundation, Inc. The Dream
24 Foundation, Inc., shall retain the first $60,000 in proceeds
25 from the annual use fees as reimbursement for administrative
26 costs, startup costs, and costs incurred in the approval
27 process. Thereafter, up to 25 percent shall be used for
28 continuing promotion and marketing of the license plate and
29 concept. The remaining funds shall be used in the following
30 manner:
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1 1. Twenty-five percent shall be distributed as grants
2 for programs that provide research, care, and treatment for
3 sickle cell disease.
4 2. Twenty-five percent shall be distributed to the
5 Florida chapter of the March of Dimes for programs and
6 services that improve the health of babies through the
7 prevention of birth defects and infant mortality.
8 3. Ten percent shall be distributed to the Florida
9 Association of Healthy Start Coalitions to decrease racial
10 disparity in infant mortality and to increase healthy birth
11 outcomes. Funding will be used by local Healthy Start
12 Coalitions to provide services and increase screening rates
13 for high-risk pregnant women, children under 4 years of age,
14 and women of childbearing age.
15 4. Ten percent shall be distributed to the Community
16 Partnership for Homeless, Inc., for programs that provide
17 relief from poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
18 5. Five percent of the proceeds shall be used by the
19 foundation for administrative costs directly associated with
20 operations as they relate to the management and distribution
21 of the proceeds.
23 (a) The department shall develop a Florida Food Banks
24 license plate as provided in this section. The word "Florida"
25 must appear at the bottom of the plate, and the word "Imagine"
26 must appear at the top of the plate.
27 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
28 Florida Association of Food Banks, Inc., which may use up to
29 25 percent of the proceeds to market the association's concept
30 and the license plate. The balance of the proceeds shall be
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1 used by the association to fund programs to end hunger in this
2 state.
3 (c) An advisory board, composed of a representative of
4 each member food bank of the Florida Association of Food
5 Banks, Inc., shall review the distribution of funds by the
6 association.
8 (a) The department shall develop a Discover Florida's
9 Oceans license plate as provided in this section. The word
10 "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and the words
11 "Discover Florida's Oceans" must appear at the bottom of the
12 plate.
13 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
14 Hubbs Florida Ocean Fund, Inc., which shall administer the
15 fees as follows:
16 1. Twenty percent of the funds shall be distributed to
17 the Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc., to be used for
18 ocean, estuarine, or coastal scientific research,
19 conservation, and education projects.
20 2. Up to 10 percent of the funds may be used for
21 administrative costs directly associated with research,
22 conservation, and education programs of the Hubbs-SeaWorld
23 Research Institute and with the license plate.
24 3. Up to 15 percent of the funds may be used for
25 continuing promotion and marketing of the license plate.
26 4. The remainder of the funds shall be used to
27 collect, analyze, archive, and publish scientific data
28 regarding the state's ocean, estuary, and coastal habitats and
29 the species that inhabit, use, or migrate in state waters or
30 along the state's coastal areas; to provide response, care,
31 assistance, and research as part of the Hubbs-SeaWorld
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1 Research Institute's role in responding to and archiving data
2 on stranded marine species; to construct and maintain a marine
3 and coastal research center in association with the Archie
4 Carr National Wildlife Refuge on lands donated to the
5 Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute by the Richard King Mellon
6 Foundation; to train teachers and students to enhance
7 scientific literacy, research competency, and technology
8 development; to conduct ocean-space aquatic research and
9 scientific research focused on ocean observations from space;
10 to conduct research on economic benefits of the state's ocean,
11 estuary, and coastal resources and public use of those
12 resources; to create research and education programs that
13 contribute to the development of the state's knowledge and
14 diversify the economy; and to implement programs that seek
15 objective, common-sense, scientific solutions to the complex
16 marine and coastal ecological problems facing the state.
18 (a) The department shall develop a Family Values
19 license plate as provided in this section. Family Values
20 license plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
21 department. The words "Family Values" must appear at the top
22 of the plate, and the word "Florida" must appear at the bottom
23 of the plate.
24 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to
25 Sheridan House, Inc., to be used in the following manner:
26 1. Sheridan House, Inc., shall retain all revenues
27 from the sale of Family Values license plates until all
28 startup costs for developing and establishing the plates have
29 been recovered.
30 2. Up to 5 percent of the funds received by Sheridan
31 House, Inc., shall be expended for administrative costs
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1 directly associated with the operations of Sheridan House,
2 Inc., and up to 20 percent of the funds received shall be
3 expended for promotion and marketing of the license plate.
4 3. All remaining funds shall be expended by Sheridan
5 House, Inc., to fund residential care programs, family
6 counseling, social services for single parents and their
7 children, resources materials, and facility construction.
9 (a) The department shall develop a Parents Make A
10 Difference license plate as provided in this section. The
11 words "Parents Make A Difference" must appear at the top of
12 the plate, and the word "Florida" must appear at the bottom of
13 the plate.
14 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to The
15 Gathering/USA, Inc., to fund personal counseling for parents,
16 marriage seminars, Dads and Moms That Make A Difference
17 seminars, father-and-son retreats, mother-and-daughter
18 retreats, and personal parenting behavioral assessments. The
19 Gathering/USA, Inc., shall distribute the Parents Make A
20 Difference license plate annual use fees in the following
21 manner:
22 1. The Gathering/USA, Inc., shall retain all revenues
23 from the sale of such plates until all startup costs for
24 developing and establishing the plate have been recovered.
25 2. Up to 5 percent of the funds received by The
26 Gathering/USA, Inc., shall be expended for administrative
27 costs directly associated with the operations of The
28 Gathering/USA, Inc., and up to 20 percent of the funds
29 received shall be expended for promotion and marketing of the
30 license plate.
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1 3. All remaining funds shall be expended by The
2 Gathering/USA, Inc., for programs.
4 (a) The department shall develop a Support Soccer
5 license plate as provided in this section. Support Soccer
6 license plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
7 department. The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the
8 plate, and the words "Support Soccer" must appear at the
9 bottom of the plate.
10 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
11 Lighthouse Soccer Foundation, Inc., which shall retain the
12 initial revenues from the sale of such plates until all
13 startup costs for developing and establishing the plate have
14 been recovered, not to exceed $85,000. Thereafter, the
15 proceeds of the annual use fee shall be used in the following
16 manner:
17 1. Up to 25 percent of the proceeds may be used by the
18 Lighthouse Soccer Foundation, Inc., for continuing promotion
19 and marketing of the license plate and concept.
20 2. Twenty percent shall be distributed to the Florida
21 Youth Soccer Association for programs and services that foster
22 the physical, mental, and emotional growth and development of
23 Florida's youth through the sport of soccer at all levels of
24 age and competition, including a portion to be determined by
25 the Florida Youth Soccer Association for the TOPSoccer program
26 to promote participation by the physically and mentally
27 disadvantaged.
28 3. Twenty percent shall be distributed as grants for
29 programs that promote participation by the economically
30 disadvantaged and to support soccer programs where none
31 previously existed.
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1 4. Ten percent shall be distributed to the Florida
2 State Soccer Association to promote the sport of soccer and
3 the long-term development of the sport.
4 5. Ten percent shall be distributed as grants for
5 programs that promote and support the construction of fields
6 and soccer-specific infrastructure.
7 6. Ten percent shall be distributed as grants for
8 programs that foster and promote health, physical fitness, and
9 educational opportunities through soccer.
10 7. Five percent shall be expended by the Lighthouse
11 Soccer Foundation, Inc., for administrative costs directly
12 associated with the foundation's operations as they relate to
13 the management and distribution of the proceeds.
15 (a) The department shall develop a Kids Deserve
16 Justice license plate as provided in this section. The word
17 "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and the words
18 "Kids Deserve Justice" must appear at the bottom of the plate.
19 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
20 Florida Bar Foundation, Inc., which shall use the funds to
21 operate a grant award process to fund legal services programs
22 for children, including legal services programs, programs to
23 obtain federal benefits for disabled children, programs to
24 obtain testing and services required by law for
25 learning-disabled children, and programs to obtain permanent
26 placement for abused and neglected children. The foundation
27 may retain all proceeds until all costs for developing the
28 plate have been recovered.
30 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 320.08053,
31 the department shall develop an Animal Friend license plate as
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1 provided in this section. Animal Friend license plates must
2 bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
3 word "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and the
4 words "Animal Friend" must appear at the bottom of the plate.
5 (b) The department shall retain all annual use fee
6 revenues from the sale of such plates until all startup costs
7 for developing and issuing the plates are recovered, not to
8 exceed $60,000.
9 (c) After the department has recovered all startup
10 costs for developing and issuing the plates, the annual use
11 fees shall be distributed to the Humane Society of the United
12 States for animal welfare programs and spay and neuter
13 programs in the state.
14 (d) No more than 10 percent of the fees collected may
15 be used for administrative costs directly associated with
16 marketing and promotion of the Animal Friend license plate and
17 distribution of funds as described in subsection (c) of this
18 section.
19 (e) Funds received from the purchase of the Animal
20 Friend license plate shall not be used for litigation.
21 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.
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