Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2170
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 202710
Senate House
1 25/AD/2R .
04/23/2004 04:40 PM .
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Saunders moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 35, line 24, through
15 page 36, line 10, delete those lines
17 and insert:
18 Section 19. Subsections (4), (7), and (9) of section
19 456.025, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
20 456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.--
21 (4) Each board, or the department if there is no
22 board, may charge a fee not to exceed $25, as determined by
23 rule, for the issuance of a wall certificate pursuant to s.
24 456.013(3) s. 456.013(2) requested by a licensee who was
25 licensed prior to July 1, 1998, or for the issuance of a
26 duplicate wall certificate requested by any licensee.
27 (7) Each board, or the department if there is no
28 board, shall establish, by rule, a fee not to exceed $250 for
29 anyone seeking approval to provide continuing education
30 courses or programs and shall establish by rule a biennial
31 renewal fee not to exceed $250 for the renewal of providership
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Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2170
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 202710
1 of such courses. The fees collected from continuing education
2 providers shall be used for the purposes of reviewing course
3 provider applications, monitoring the integrity of the courses
4 provided, and covering legal expenses incurred as a result of
5 not granting or renewing a providership, and developing and
6 maintaining an electronic continuing education tracking
7 system. The department shall implement an electronic
8 continuing education tracking system for each new biennial
9 renewal cycle for which electronic renewals are implemented
10 after the effective date of this act and shall integrate such
11 system into the licensure and renewal system. All approved
12 continuing education providers shall provide information on
13 course attendance to the department necessary to implement the
14 electronic tracking system. The department shall, by rule,
15 specify the form and procedures by which the information is to
16 be submitted.
17 (9) The department shall provide a condensed
18 management report of revenues and expenditures, performance
19 measures, and recommendations, if needed, to each board at
20 least once each quarter budgets, finances, performance
21 statistics, and recommendations to each board at least once a
22 quarter. The department shall identify and include in such
23 presentations any changes, or projected changes, made to the
24 board's budget since the last presentation.
25 Section 20. Section 456.0251, Florida Statutes, is
26 created to read:
27 456.0251 Continuing education.--
28 (1) Unless otherwise provided in a profession's
29 practice act, each board, or the department if there is no
30 board, shall establish by rule procedures for approval of
31 continuing education providers and continuing education
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Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2170
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 202710
1 courses for renewal of licenses. Except for those continuing
2 education courses whose subjects are prescribed by law, each
3 board, or the department if there is no board, may limit by
4 rule the subject matter for approved continuing education
5 courses to courses addressing the scope of practice of each
6 respective health care profession.
7 (2) Licensees who have not completed all of the
8 continuing education credits required for licensure during a
9 biennium may obtain an extension of 3 months from the date
10 after the end of the license renewal biennium within which to
11 complete the requisite hours for license renewal. Each board,
12 or the department if there is no board, shall establish by
13 rule procedures for requesting a 3-month extension and whether
14 proof of completion of some approved hours of continuing
15 education are required to be submitted with the request for
16 extension as a prerequisite for granting the request.
17 (3) Failure to complete the requisite number of hours
18 of continuing education hours within a license renewal
19 biennium or within a 3 month period from the date after the
20 end of the license renewal biennium, if requested, shall be
21 grounds for issuance of a citation and a fine, plus a
22 requirement that at least the deficit hours are completed
23 within a time established by rule of each board, or the
24 department if there is no board. Each board, or the department
25 if there is no board, shall establish by rule a fine for each
26 continuing education hour which was not completed within the
27 license renewal biennium or the 3-month period following the
28 last day of the biennium if so requested, not to exceed $500
29 per each hour not completed. The issuance of the citation and
30 fine shall not be considered discipline. A citation and a fine
31 issued under this subsection may only be issued to a licensee
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Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2170
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 202710
1 a maximum of two times for two separate failures to complete
2 the requisite number of hours for license renewal.
3 (4) The department shall report to each board no later
4 than 3 months following the last day of the license renewal
5 biennium the percentage of licensees regulated by that board
6 who have not timely complied with the continuing education
7 requirements during the previous license renewal biennium for
8 which auditing of licensees regulated by that board are
9 completed. Each board shall direct the department the
10 percentage of licensees regulated by that board that are to be
11 audited during the next license renewal biennium. In addition
12 to the percentage of licensees audited as directed by the
13 boards, the department shall audit those licensees found to be
14 deficient during any of the two license renewal bienniums.
16 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
19 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
20 And the title is amended as follows:
21 On page 3, line 6, after the semicolon,
23 insert:
24 deleting requirements for the Department of
25 Health to administer an electronic continuing
26 education tracking system for health care
27 practitioners; creating s. 456.0251, F.S.;
28 providing for enforcement of continuing
29 education requirements required for license
30 renewal; authorizing citations and fines to be
31 imposed for failure to comply with required
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Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2170
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 202710
1 continuing education requirements;
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