Senate Bill sb2246

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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2246

    By Senator Carlton

    23-1512A-04                                             See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Discovery of Florida

  3         Quincentennial Commemoration Commission;

  4         establishing the commission; providing for a

  5         term of existence of the commission; providing

  6         for commission membership; providing for terms

  7         of members; providing for successor

  8         appointment; providing for commission meetings;

  9         specifying service without compensation;

10         providing for per diem and travel expenses;

11         requiring the commission to adopt bylaws;

12         requiring the commission to develop a master

13         plan for certain purposes; requiring a

14         timetable and budget for the plan; requiring a

15         report to the Governor and Legislature;

16         authorizing the commission to appoint

17         subcommittees; providing compensation and

18         expense limitations; authorizing the commission

19         to employ an executive director and staff;

20         requiring the Department of State to provide

21         administrative support and consulting services;

22         authorizing the commission to establish a

23         not-for-profit corporation for certain

24         purposes; requiring the corporation to apply

25         for federal tax-exempt status; authorizing the

26         corporation to receive moneys for certain

27         purposes; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2246
    23-1512A-04                                             See HB

 1         Section 1.  (1)  The Discovery of Florida

 2  Quincentennial Commemoration Commission is established and

 3  shall terminate July 1, 2014. The commission shall consist of

 4  the Governor or the Governor's designee, all living former

 5  Governors of this state, the President of the Senate or the

 6  president's designee, two members of the Senate appointed by

 7  the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of

 8  Representatives or the speaker's designee, two members of the

 9  House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House

10  of Representatives, the Secretary of State or the secretary's

11  designee, the chair of the Florida Historical Commission, the

12  chair of the Florida Arts Council, the director of the Office

13  of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, and a

14  representative appointed by the Governor from each of the

15  following counties of this state associated with Juan Ponce de

16  Leon's 1513 voyage: Charlotte, Lee, Palm Beach, St. Johns, and

17  Monroe. Any members of the Legislature serving on the

18  commission shall be ex officio, nonvoting members.

19         (2)  All appointed members' terms shall be coterminous

20  with the terms of their appointing authorities and, if a

21  position becomes vacant, a successor shall be appointed in the

22  manner of the original appointment.

23         (3)  The commission shall hold its initial meeting no

24  later than January 2005, at which time, and every 3 years

25  thereafter, a chair and vice chair shall be elected from its

26  membership. Meetings of the commission shall be subject to the

27  provisions of chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes.

28         (4)  Members shall serve without compensation, except

29  that members are entitled to per diem and travel expenses,

30  pursuant to section 112.061, Florida Statutes, incurred in the

31  performance of their duties.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2246
    23-1512A-04                                             See HB

 1         (5)  The commission shall adopt bylaws for the conduct

 2  of its business and shall have the power to amend and rescind

 3  these bylaws. The commission shall publish its bylaws in

 4  convenient form and shall file a copy thereof and a copy of

 5  any amendment thereto with the appropriate agency or officer.

 6         (6)  The commission shall develop and implement a

 7  statewide master plan for commemorating the quincentennial of

 8  Juan Ponce de Leon's discovery of Florida. The plan shall be

 9  developed to encourage and support participation in the

10  quincentennial by all interested ethnic groups in geographical

11  areas of the state.

12         (7)  The master plan may include, but is not limited

13  to, the following projects and activities:

14         (a)  State and local historic preservation programs and

15  activities.

16         (b)  State and local archaeological programs and

17  activities.

18         (c)  Publications, films, and other educational

19  materials.

20         (d)  Biographical, bibliographical, and documentary

21  projects that chronicle the life of Juan Ponce de Leon, his

22  1513 and 1521 voyages to Florida, the creation of the

23  commission, and the implementation of the master plan.

24         (e)  Conferences, lectures, seminars, and other

25  programs.

26         (f)  Museum, library, cultural center, park

27  improvements, services, and exhibits, including, but not

28  limited to, a quincentennial commemorative painting and mobile

29  exhibits.

30         (g)  Programs that educate the public on Florida's

31  extinct Native American cultures.


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2246
    23-1512A-04                                             See HB

 1         (h)  Public art that captures the spirit of

 2  exploration.

 3         (i)  Tourism attractions; a license plate, logo, seal,

 4  or trademark design; and retail items.

 5         (j)  Ceremonies and commemorations.

 6         (8)  The commission's master plan shall devise a

 7  timetable and budget for completion for all parts of the

 8  master plan and shall be submitted to the Governor, the

 9  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

10  Representatives. The commission shall submit an initial draft

11  of the master plan to the Governor, the President of the

12  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by

13  January 2006. The master plan must be completed by January

14  2007.

15         (9)  To perform its duties, the commission is

16  authorized to appoint subcommittees that may include persons

17  who are not members of the commission. Such persons shall not

18  be entitled to compensation but shall be reimbursed for

19  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their

20  duties.

21         (10)  The commission may employ and fix the salaries

22  and duties of an executive director and professional and

23  administrative employees as may be necessary to carry out the

24  duties of the commission as provided by law.

25         (11)  The Department of State shall provide

26  administrative support and consulting services to the

27  commission for the commission's activities.

28         (12)(a)  The commission may establish a not-for-profit

29  corporation to raise funds and to assist in the implementation

30  of the master plan relating to the quincentennial

31  commemoration of the discovery of this state. The corporation


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    Florida Senate - 2004                                  SB 2246
    23-1512A-04                                             See HB

 1  shall be governed by a board of directors. The board of

 2  directors of the corporation may select a name for the

 3  corporation. The board shall choose its own chair.

 4         (b)  After proper incorporation, the corporation is

 5  authorized and directed to apply for tax-exempt status under

 6  s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

 7         (c)  The corporation may receive funds from the general

 8  public or other public or private sources for purposes of

 9  funding its activities and implementing the provisions of this

10  act. In addition to funds received from the general public or

11  other public and private sources, the not-for-profit

12  corporation may receive funds from state agencies at such

13  times and in such amounts as may be appropriated by the

14  Legislature for the quincentennial or made available to the

15  corporation from state agencies from the corporation's sources

16  of revenue.

17         (d)  Costs to underwrite activities related to the

18  commemoration of the quincentennial may be borne from revenues

19  by the not-for-profit corporation.

20         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

21  law.












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