Senate Bill sb2276er

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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276


  2         An act relating to professional geology;

  3         amending s. 492.113, F.S.; providing that

  4         violating a rule or order of the Board of

  5         Professional Geologists is grounds for

  6         disciplinary action; providing penalties;

  7         transferring certain duties relating to

  8         discipline from the Department of Business and

  9         Professional Regulation to the board;

10         correcting terminology; amending ss. 492.111,

11         492.112, and 492.115, F.S.; correcting

12         terminology; providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Subsections (2) and (4) of section 492.111,

17  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         492.111  Practice of professional geology by a firm,

19  corporation, or partnership; certificate of

20  authorization.--The practice of, or offer to practice,

21  professional geology by individual professional geologists

22  licensed under the provisions of this chapter through a firm,

23  corporation, or partnership offering geological services to

24  the public through individually licensed professional

25  geologists as agents, employees, officers, or partners thereof

26  is permitted subject to the provisions of this chapter,

27  provided that:

28         (2)  The firm, corporation, or partnership has been

29  issued a certificate of authorization by the department as

30  provided in this chapter. For purposes of this section, a

31  certificate of authorization shall be required of any firm,


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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276

 1  corporation, partnership, association, or person practicing

 2  under a fictitious name and offering geological services to

 3  the public; except that, when an individual is practicing

 4  professional geology in his or her or his own name, he or she

 5  or he shall not be required to obtain a certificate of

 6  authorization under this section. Such certificate of

 7  authorization shall be renewed every 2 years.

 8         (4)  The fact that a licensed professional geologist

 9  practices through a corporation or partnership shall not

10  relieve the registrant from personal liability for negligence,

11  misconduct, or wrongful acts committed by him or her or him.

12  Partnership and all partners shall be jointly and severally

13  liable for the negligence, misconduct, or wrongful acts

14  committed by their agents, employees, or partners while acting

15  in a professional capacity. Any officer, agent, or employee of

16  a corporation shall be personally liable and accountable only

17  for negligent acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by

18  him or her or him or committed by any person under his or her

19  or his direct supervision and control, while rendering

20  professional services on behalf of the corporation. The

21  personal liability of a shareholder of a corporation, in his

22  or her or his capacity as shareholder, shall be no greater

23  than that of a shareholder-employee of a corporation

24  incorporated under chapter 607. The corporation shall be

25  liable up to the full value of its property for any negligent

26  acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by any of its

27  officers, agents, or employees while they are engaged on

28  behalf of the corporation in the rendering of professional

29  services.




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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276

 1         Section 2.  Paragraphs (a), (b), and (f) of subsection

 2  (1) and subsection (2) of section 492.112, Florida Statutes,

 3  are amended to read:

 4         492.112  Prohibitions; penalties.--

 5         (1)  A person may not knowingly:

 6         (a)  Practice professional geology unless the person is

 7  licensed under this chapter.

 8         (b)  Use the name or title "Professional Geologist" or

 9  any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations,

10  or device tending to indicate that the person holds an active

11  license as a professional geologist when the person is not

12  licensed under this chapter.

13         (f)  Employ unlicensed persons to practice professional

14  geology.

15         (2)  Any person who violates any of the provisions of

16  this section commits is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first

17  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

18         Section 3.  Section 492.113, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         492.113  Disciplinary proceedings.--

21         (1)  The following acts constitute grounds for which

22  the disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken:

23         (a)  Violation of any provision of s. 492.112 or any

24  other provision of this chapter.

25         (b)  Attempting to procure a license to practice

26  professional geology by bribery or fraudulent

27  misrepresentations.

28         (c)  Having a license to practice professional geology

29  revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, including the

30  denial of licensure by the licensing authority of another

31  state, territory, or country.


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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276

 1         (d)  Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a

 2  plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a

 3  crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the

 4  practice of professional geology or the ability to practice

 5  professional geology.

 6         (e)  Making or filing a report or record that the

 7  licensee knows to be false, willfully failing to file a report

 8  or record required by state or federal law, willfully impeding

 9  or obstructing such filing, or inducing another person to

10  impede or obstruct such filing. Such reports or records

11  include only those that are signed in the capacity of a

12  licensed professional geologist.

13         (f)  Advertising goods or services in a manner that is

14  fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form or

15  content.

16         (g)  Committing an act of fraud or deceit, negligence,

17  incompetence, or misconduct in the practice of professional

18  geology.

19         (h)  Violation of chapter 455.

20         (i)  Practicing on a revoked, suspended, inactive, or

21  delinquent license.

22         (j)  Affixing or permitting to be affixed his or her or

23  his name to geological papers, reports, or documents that were

24  not prepared by him or her or him or under his or her or his

25  responsible supervision, direction, or control.

26         (k)  Violating a rule of the department or board  or

27  any order of the department or board previously entered in a

28  disciplinary hearing.

29         (2)  The board department shall specify, by rule, what

30  acts or omissions constitute a violation of subsection (1).



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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276

 1         (3)  When the board department finds any person guilty

 2  of any of the grounds set forth in subsection (1), it may

 3  enter an order imposing one or more of the following

 4  penalties:

 5         (a)  Denial of an application for licensure.

 6         (b)  Revocation or suspension of a license.

 7         (c)  Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed

 8  $1,000 for each count or separate offense.

 9         (d)  Issuance of a reprimand.

10         (e)  Placement of the licensee on probation for a

11  period of time and subject to such conditions as the board

12  department may specify.

13         (f)  Restriction of the authorized scope of practice by

14  the licensee.

15         (4)  The department shall reissue the license of a

16  disciplined professional geologist or business upon

17  certification by the board department that the disciplined

18  person has complied with all of the terms and conditions set

19  forth in the final order.

20         Section 4.  Section 492.115, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         492.115  Roster of licensed professional geologists.--A

23  roster showing the names and places of business or residence

24  of all licensed professional geologists and all firms,

25  corporations, or partnerships holding certificates of

26  authorization to practice professional geology in the state

27  shall be prepared annually by the department. A copy of this

28  roster shall be obtainable by each licensed professional

29  geologist and each firm, corporation, or partnership holding a

30  certificate of authorization, and copies thereof shall be

31  placed on file with the department.


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    2004 Legislature                                       SB 2276

 1         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.
































CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.