Senate Bill sb2382

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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382

    By Senators Crist, Sebesta and Miller

    12-1082-04                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the City of Tampa,

  3         Hillsborough County; revising provisions

  4         relating to the City Pension Fund for

  5         Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of

  6         Tampa; authorizing the City of Tampa to enter

  7         into a supplemental contract with certain

  8         firefighters and police officers to revise the

  9         definition of pensionable earnings to include

10         up to 300 hours per year of overtime and any

11         other payments required to be included under

12         chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes;

13         revising the medical examination requirements

14         for membership; providing for an increase in

15         the accrual of benefits from 2.5 percent to

16         3.15 percent; providing for a minimum benefit

17         for retirees; providing that the act is

18         contingent upon execution of a contract between

19         the city and the bargaining agents for the

20         firefighters and police officers; providing for

21         the execution of certain supplemental contract

22         provisions by a date certain or forever barring

23         the receipt of the benefits therein provided;

24         confirming in part the City of Tampa

25         Firefighters and Police Officers Pension

26         Contract; providing an effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  The City of Tampa is authorized and

31  empowered to enter into a supplemental contract, the


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  application of which shall be prospective commencing on

 2  October 1, 2004, with each and every firefighter or police

 3  officer who is entitled to benefits under the City Pension for

 4  Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of Tampa and was

 5  actively employed as a firefighter or police officer in the

 6  City of Tampa on or after October 1, 2003, who was an active

 7  and contributing member of the City Pension Fund for

 8  Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of Tampa on the

 9  date this act becomes a law, or who hereafter enters into a

10  pension contract with the City, amending Section 3(E), Section

11  4(3), and Section 7(A) and (B) and creating Section 7(J) of

12  the City of Tampa Firefighters and Police Officers Pension

13  Contract as prescribed by Section 28-17 of the City of Tampa

14  Code [Ordinance No. 4746-A, enacted September 30, 1969], as

15  amended by Section 28-19 of the City of Tampa Code [Ordinance

16  No. 6038-A, enacted September 17, 1974], pursuant to chapter

17  74-613, Laws of Florida; as further amended by Ordinance No.

18  89-314, enacted December 21, 1989, and approved, ratified,

19  validated, and confirmed by chapter 90-391, Laws of Florida;

20  and as further amended by chapters 92-231, 94-463, 98-515, and

21  2000-485, Laws of Florida, Ordinance No. 2001-133, enacted

22  July 3, 2001, chapters 2001-288 and 2002-369, Laws of Florida,

23  and Ordinance No. 2003-22, enacted January 23, 2003, to read:

24         Section 3(E).  Commencing for earnings paid the first

25  pay date after October 1, 2004, the term "earnings" shall mean

26  total cash remuneration paid by the City to a firefighter or

27  police officer for services rendered, including any payments

28  required to be included within the definition of compensation

29  pursuant to chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes, but not

30  including any payments for extra duty. Commencing for earnings

31  paid the first pay date after October 1, 2004, earnings shall


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  also include payments for overtime paid by the City to a

 2  firefighter or police officer up to a maximum of 300 hours of

 3  overtime per calendar year the base salary or wage exclusive

 4  of any casual, nonrecurring or unpredictable overtime,

 5  bonuses, or other special payments, providing that regular

 6  longevity bonuses shall be included.

 7         Section 4(3).  Pass a complete medical examination

 8  including, but not limited to, echo-cardiogram, functional

 9  examination of the back and neck, and any other specific

10  diagnostic tests as determined by the Medical Board based upon

11  the individual's risk factors, medical history, and physical

12  examination electro-cardiogram and exercise stress test, x-ray

13  of the entire spine, and two (2) x-rays anterior-posterior and

14  lateral view of the lumbar sacral spines; and

15         Section 7.  BENEFITS, PENSIONS TO MEMBERS.

16         (A)  Any member of the Fund having an aggregate of 10

17  years of service as defined in Section 17 in said departments,

18  and having reached the age of 46 years, who then shall receive

19  in monthly installments a pension equal to 31.5 25 percent of

20  the member's average earnings for the three (3) highest years

21  within the last 10 years of service with a minimum pension of

22  $100 per month for a period of ten (10) years certain and

23  life. For each additional year of such service after 10 years,

24  a member shall receive 3.15 2.5 percent of average earnings,

25  not to exceed a total pension of 100 percent of said average

26  earnings for a period of ten (10) years certain and life.

27  After 10 years of service as defined in Section 17, this

28  pension right shall be a vested right with the payment thereof

29  to begin upon the employee's separation from the service or

30  the employee's reaching the age of 46 years, whichever occurs

31  later, so that an employee having 10 or more years of such


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  service who resigns, retires, or is otherwise separated from

 2  the service prior to reaching the age of 46 years may elect to

 3  allow his contributions to remain in the Pension Fund and upon

 4  reaching the age of 46 years shall be entitled to commence

 5  receiving a pension based upon his service as herein provided,

 6  and should such employee die before reaching 46 years of age,

 7  then at the time that decedent would have reached 46 years of

 8  age the widow or widower shall receive such benefit as the

 9  widow or widower would have received under subparagraph 9(C)

10  if the employee had died while receiving a pension. Provided

11  however, any member of the Pension Fund who was actively

12  employed as a firefighter or police officer in the City of

13  Tampa on or after October 1, 2003, or a member of the Fund on

14  or after October 1, 2003, and, prior to October 16, 1992, was

15  a participant of Division B of the General Employees Pension

16  Plan as established by chapter 81-497, Laws of Florida, as

17  amended, shall receive benefits from this Pension Fund at the

18  rate of 3.15 2.5 percent of average earnings for each year of

19  service in this Pension Fund, provided however, the 3.15 2.5

20  percent accrual shall not apply to any service while the

21  member was a participant of Division B of the General

22  Employees Pension Plan; provided, further, that upon reaching

23  social security normal retirement age, except as provided in

24  Section 28(C) of this Contract, the benefit paid herein shall

25  be reduced by an amount equal to the actual social security

26  benefit earned by the member for employment as a firefighter

27  or police officer for the City to the extent that such

28  employment is considered to be creditable service under this

29  Fund. The effect of such reduction shall be that the sum of

30  the benefit paid herein and said social security benefit shall

31  be equal to the amount of the benefit otherwise payable


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  herein. Each such member shall, upon demand by the Board,

 2  authorize the Social Security Administration to release any

 3  information necessary to calculate such reduction. The Board

 4  shall not make any payment for the benefit payable herein for

 5  any period during which such member willfully fails or refuses

 6  to authorize the release of such information in the manner and

 7  within the time prescribed by rules adopted by the Board.

 8         (B)  Any member who in the service has received or

 9  shall receive within or without the city any injuries, disease

10  or disability, which injury, disease or disability now

11  permanently incapacitates him physically or mentally from

12  regular and continuous duty as a firefighter or police

13  officer, then he shall receive in equal monthly installments

14  an amount equal to 65% of monthly salary in effect at date of

15  disability retirement with a minimum of $100 per month, plus

16  1/12 of any other earnings received within one year prior to

17  date of disability retirement for a period of ten (10) years

18  certain and life. For any member of this Pension Fund who

19  prior to October 16, 1992 was a member of Division B of the

20  General Employees Pension Plan as established by Chapter

21  81-497, Laws of Florida, as amended, upon reaching social

22  security normal retirement age or qualifying for social

23  security disability benefits, whichever comes first, except as

24  provided in Section 28(C) of this Contract, the benefit paid

25  herein shall be reduced by an amount equal to the actual

26  social security benefit earned by the member for employment as

27  a firefighter or police officer for the City to the extent

28  that such employment is considered to be creditable service

29  under this Fund; provided, however, that if such member's

30  social security disability benefits cease prior to attaining

31  social security retirement age, such reduction shall be


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  deferred until such time as the member reaches his social

 2  security retirement age. The effect of such reduction shall be

 3  that the sum of the benefit paid herein and said social

 4  security benefit shall be equal to the amount of the benefit

 5  otherwise payable herein. Each such member shall, upon demand

 6  by the Board, authorize the Social Security Administration to

 7  release any information necessary to calculate such reduction.

 8  The Board shall not make any payment for the benefit payable

 9  herein for any period during which such member willfully fails

10  or refuses to authorize the release of such information in the

11  manner and within the time prescribed by rules adopted by the

12  Board.

13         (J)  Effective October 1, 2004, the minimum monthly

14  pension for any retired member or eligible surviving spouse

15  shall be 100 percent of the amount of the poverty level for an

16  individual member or a member with a family of two, as the

17  case may be, as established annually by the Federal Bureau of

18  Labor and Statistics and published in the Federal Register.

19         Section 2.  This act is only an enabling act, and the

20  execution by the City of Tampa of the aforesaid supplemental

21  contract and entitlement to the pension benefits referred to

22  in this act for all firefighters and police officers,

23  regardless of whether or not in the respective certified

24  bargaining unit for firefighters or police officers, and the

25  effectiveness of this act, is contingent upon contractual

26  agreement through the collective bargaining process between

27  the City of Tampa and the respective certified bargaining

28  agents for firefighters and police officers.

29         Section 3.  The benefits provided for in this act and

30  the changes to the pension contract provided for in this act

31  for firefighters and police officers who are entitled to


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  benefits under the City Pension for Firefighters and Police

 2  Officers in the City of Tampa that are actively employed as a

 3  firefighter or police officer in the City of Tampa on or after

 4  October 1, 2003, and active and contributing members of the

 5  City Pension Fund for Firefighters and Police Officers in the

 6  City of Tampa on the date this act becomes a law and other

 7  benefits or pension contract changes provided for in any other

 8  special act adopted by the Florida Legislature in the 2000,

 9  2001, 2002, or 2003 Legislative Session shall be made

10  available in one or more supplemental pension contracts, and

11  an individual shall not be permitted to select some of said

12  benefits or changes and reject others of said benefits or

13  changes. Any firefighter or police officer who is entitled to

14  benefits under the City Pension for Firefighters and Police

15  Officers in the City of Tampa that is actively employed as a

16  firefighter or police officer in the City of Tampa on or after

17  October 1, 2003, or an active and contributing member of the

18  City Pension Fund for Firefighters and Police Officers in the

19  City of Tampa on the date this act becomes a law who fails to

20  sign said supplemental pension contract before October 1,

21  2004, shall be forever barred from receiving said benefits.

22  However, any person who becomes a member of the City Pension

23  Fund for Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of Tampa

24  on or after the date this act becomes law shall be required as

25  a condition of membership into said Pension Fund to sign a

26  pension contract that includes the provisions of this act, and

27  shall be required to make contributions required as a result

28  of such benefits.

29         Section 4.  The City of Tampa Firefighters and Police

30  Officers Pension Contract as prescribed by Section 28-17 of

31  the City of Tampa Code [Ordinance No. 4746-A, enacted


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    Florida Senate - 2004        (NP)                      SB 2382
    12-1082-04                                              See HB

 1  September 30, 1969], as amended by Section 28-19 of the City

 2  of Tampa Code [Ordinance No. 6038-A, enacted September 17,

 3  1974], pursuant to chapter 74-613, Laws of Florida; as further

 4  amended by Ordinance No. 89-314, enacted December 21, 1989,

 5  and approved, ratified, validated, and confirmed by chapter

 6  90-391, Laws of Florida; and as further amended by chapters

 7  92-231, 94-463, 98-515, and 2000-485, Laws of Florida,

 8  Ordinance No. 2001-133, enacted July 3, 2001, chapters

 9  2001-288 and 2002-369, Laws of Florida, and Ordinance No.

10  2003-22, enacted January 23, 2003, is in all other respects

11  approved, ratified, validated, and confirmed.

12         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

13  law.




















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