Senate Bill sb2406c1

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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

    By the Committee on Comprehensive Planning; and Senator


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to additional sales surtax levy

  3         for school purposes; providing that certain

  4         funds to be received by certain school boards

  5         for certain purposes be placed in reserve by

  6         the Executive Office of the Governor until

  7         certain conditions by the Commissioner of

  8         Education for release of funds are met;

  9         specifying certain conditions; amending s.

10         125.01, F.S.; prohibiting certain counties from

11         levying any impact fee for school purposes;

12         amending s. 212.054, F.S., to conform; amending

13         s. 212.055, F.S.; authorizing counties to use a

14         portion of surtax revenues for certain

15         operational purposes under certain

16         circumstances; providing requirements and

17         limitations; providing for future repeal;

18         authorizing school districts to levy an

19         additional sales surtax by resolution for

20         certain purposes; specifies resolution

21         requirements; requiring referendum approval;

22         specifying a rate; requiring public hearings;

23         specifying notice requirements; providing

24         referendum requirements; requiring a plan for

25         capital outlay projects or any operations

26         purposes funded by the surtax; specifying plan

27         requirements; providing for pledging surtax

28         revenues for revenue bonds; prohibiting school

29         or educational facilities impact fees;

30         requiring repeal of such fees under certain

31         circumstances; creating s. 1013.352, F.S.;


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 1         authorizing a school district to exempt itself

 2         from Department of Education educational

 3         facilities construction and funding standards

 4         and adopt alternative standards; requiring

 5         approval by referendum; requiring an

 6         educational facilities task force to propose

 7         alternative standards; providing for public

 8         notice; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Any funds to be received pursuant to

13  section 212.055(8), Florida Statutes, by a school district in

14  a county as defined in section 125.011(1), Florida Statutes,

15  with a population greater than 2 million, shall be placed in

16  reserve by the Executive Office of the Governor until the

17  Commissioner of Education certifies that conditions for

18  release of funds have been met. These conditions shall include

19  a recommendation for release of funds received from the Land

20  Acquisition and Facilities Maintenance Operations Advisory

21  Board appointed by the Governor and the Legislature. Any

22  recommendation from the advisory board for the release of

23  funds shall include certification that policies established,

24  procedures followed, and expenditures made by such school

25  board related to site acquisition and facilities planning,

26  construction, and facilities maintenance operations are

27  consistent with recommendations of the Land Acquisition and

28  Facilities Maintenance Operations Advisory Board and will

29  accomplish corrective action recommended by the Auditor

30  General and the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

31  Government Accountability.


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 1         Section 2.  Subsection (8) is added to section 125.01,

 2  Florida Statutes, to read:

 3         125.01  Powers and duties.--

 4         (8)  Any county in which the school board is levying

 5  the local option sales surtax pursuant to s. 212.055(8) is

 6  prohibited from levying any impact fee for school purposes.

 7         Section 3.  Subsection (7) of section 212.054, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         212.054  Discretionary sales surtax; limitations,

10  administration, and collection.--

11         (7)(a)  The governing body of any county levying a

12  discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any county

13  levying the school capital outlay surtax authorized by s.

14  212.055(6) or (8) shall notify the department within 10 days

15  after final adoption by ordinance, resolution, or referendum

16  of an imposition, termination, or rate change of the surtax,

17  but no later than November 16 prior to the effective

18  date.  The notice must specify the time period during which

19  the surtax will be in effect and the rate and must include a

20  copy of the ordinance or resolution and such other information

21  as the department requires by rule. Failure to timely provide

22  such notification to the department shall result in the delay

23  of the effective date for a period of 1 year.

24         (b)  In addition to the notification required by

25  paragraph (a), the governing body of any county proposing to

26  levy a discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any

27  county proposing to levy the school capital outlay surtax

28  authorized by s. 212.055(6) or (8) shall notify the department

29  by October 1 if the referendum or consideration of the

30  ordinance or resolution that would result in imposition,

31  termination, or rate change of the surtax is scheduled to


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 1  occur on or after October 1 of that year.  Failure to timely

 2  provide such notification to the department shall result in

 3  the delay of the effective date for a period of 1 year.

 4         Section 4.  Section 212.055, Florida Statutes, as

 5  amended by section 91 of chapter 2003-402, Laws of Florida, is

 6  amended to read:

 7         212.055  Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative

 8  intent; authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the

 9  legislative intent that any authorization for imposition of a

10  discretionary sales surtax shall be published in the Florida

11  Statutes as a subsection of this section, irrespective of the

12  duration of the levy. Each enactment shall specify the types

13  of counties authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be

14  imposed; the maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed,

15  if any; the procedure which must be followed to secure voter

16  approval, if required; the purpose for which the proceeds may

17  be expended; and such other requirements as the Legislature

18  may provide. Taxable transactions and administrative

19  procedures shall be as provided in s. 212.054.


21         (a)  Each charter county which adopted a charter prior

22  to January 1, 1984, and each county the government of which is

23  consolidated with that of one or more municipalities, may levy

24  a discretionary sales surtax, subject to approval by a

25  majority vote of the electorate of the county or by a charter

26  amendment approved by a majority vote of the electorate of the

27  county.

28         (b)  The rate shall be up to 1 percent.

29         (c)  The proposal to adopt a discretionary sales surtax

30  as provided in this subsection and to create a trust fund

31  within the county accounts shall be placed on the ballot in


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 1  accordance with law at a time to be set at the discretion of

 2  the governing body.

 3         (d)  Proceeds from the surtax shall be applied to as

 4  many or as few of the uses enumerated below in whatever

 5  combination the county commission deems appropriate:

 6         1.  Deposited by the county in the trust fund and shall

 7  be used for the purposes of development, construction,

 8  equipment, maintenance, operation, supportive services,

 9  including a countywide bus system, and related costs of a

10  fixed guideway rapid transit system;

11         2.  Remitted by the governing body of the county to an

12  expressway or transportation authority created by law to be

13  used, at the discretion of such authority, for the

14  development, construction, operation, or maintenance of roads

15  or bridges in the county, for the operation and maintenance of

16  a bus system, for the payment of principal and interest on

17  existing bonds issued for the construction of such roads or

18  bridges, and, upon approval by the county commission, such

19  proceeds may be pledged for bonds issued to refinance existing

20  bonds or new bonds issued for the construction of such roads

21  or bridges;

22         3.  For each county, as defined in s. 125.011(1), used

23  for the development, construction, operation, and maintenance

24  of roads and bridges in the county; for the expansion,

25  operation, and maintenance of bus and fixed guideway systems;

26  and for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued

27  for the construction of fixed guideway rapid transit systems,

28  bus systems, roads, or bridges; and such proceeds may be

29  pledged by the governing body of the county for bonds issued

30  to refinance existing bonds or new bonds issued for the

31  construction of such fixed guideway rapid transit systems, bus


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 1  systems, roads, or bridges and no more than 25 percent used

 2  for nontransit uses; and

 3         4.  Used by the charter county for the planning,

 4  development, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads

 5  and bridges in the county; for the planning, development,

 6  expansion, operation, and maintenance of bus and fixed

 7  guideway systems; and for the payment of principal and

 8  interest on bonds issued for the construction of fixed

 9  guideway rapid transit systems, bus systems, roads, or

10  bridges; and such proceeds may be pledged by the governing

11  body of the county for bonds issued to refinance existing

12  bonds or new bonds issued for the construction of such fixed

13  guideway rapid transit systems, bus systems, roads, or

14  bridges. Pursuant to an interlocal agreement entered into

15  pursuant to chapter 163, the governing body of the charter

16  county may distribute proceeds from the tax to a municipality,

17  or an expressway or transportation authority created by law to

18  be expended for the purpose authorized by this paragraph.


20         (a)1.  The governing authority in each county may levy

21  a discretionary sales surtax of 0.5 percent or 1 percent.  The

22  levy of the surtax shall be pursuant to ordinance enacted by a

23  majority of the members of the county governing authority and

24  approved by a majority of the electors of the county voting in

25  a referendum on the surtax.  If the governing bodies of the

26  municipalities representing a majority of the county's

27  population adopt uniform resolutions establishing the rate of

28  the surtax and calling for a referendum on the surtax, the

29  levy of the surtax shall be placed on the ballot and shall

30  take effect if approved by a majority of the electors of the

31  county voting in the referendum on the surtax.


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 1         2.  If the surtax was levied pursuant to a referendum

 2  held before July 1, 1993, the surtax may not be levied beyond

 3  the time established in the ordinance, or, if the ordinance

 4  did not limit the period of the levy, the surtax may not be

 5  levied for more than 15 years. The levy of such surtax may be

 6  extended only by approval of a majority of the electors of the

 7  county voting in a referendum on the surtax.

 8         (b)  A statement which includes a brief general

 9  description of the projects to be funded by the surtax and

10  which conforms to the requirements of s. 101.161 shall be

11  placed on the ballot by the governing authority of any county

12  which enacts an ordinance calling for a referendum on the levy

13  of the surtax or in which the governing bodies of the

14  municipalities representing a majority of the county's

15  population adopt uniform resolutions calling for a referendum

16  on the surtax.  The following question shall be placed on the

17  ballot:


19        ....FOR the               ....-cent sales tax

20        ....AGAINST the           ....-cent sales tax


22         (c)  Pursuant to s. 212.054(4), the proceeds of the

23  surtax levied under this subsection shall be distributed to

24  the county and the municipalities within such county in which

25  the surtax was collected, according to:

26         1.  An interlocal agreement between the county

27  governing authority and the governing bodies of the

28  municipalities representing a majority of the county's

29  municipal population, which agreement may include a school

30  district with the consent of the county governing authority



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 1  and the governing bodies of the municipalities representing a

 2  majority of the county's municipal population; or

 3         2.  If there is no interlocal agreement, according to

 4  the formula provided in s. 218.62.


 6  Any change in the distribution formula must take effect on the

 7  first day of any month that begins at least 60 days after

 8  written notification of that change has been made to the

 9  department.

10         (d)1.  The proceeds of the surtax authorized by this

11  subsection and any interest accrued thereto shall be expended

12  by the school district or within the county and municipalities

13  within the county, or, in the case of a negotiated joint

14  county agreement, within another county, to finance, plan, and

15  construct infrastructure and to acquire land for public

16  recreation or conservation or protection of natural resources

17  and to finance the closure of county-owned or municipally

18  owned solid waste landfills that are already closed or are

19  required to close by order of the Department of Environmental

20  Protection. Any use of such proceeds or interest for purposes

21  of landfill closure prior to July 1, 1993, is ratified.

22  Neither the proceeds nor any interest accrued thereto shall be

23  used for operational expenses of any infrastructure, except

24  that any county with a population of less than 75,000 that is

25  required to close a landfill by order of the Department of

26  Environmental Protection may use the proceeds or any interest

27  accrued thereto for long-term maintenance costs associated

28  with landfill closure. Counties, as defined in s. 125.011(1),

29  and charter counties may, in addition, use the proceeds and

30  any interest accrued thereto to retire or service indebtedness

31  incurred for bonds issued prior to July 1, 1987, for


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 1  infrastructure purposes, and for bonds subsequently issued to

 2  refund such bonds. Any use of such proceeds or interest for

 3  purposes of retiring or servicing indebtedness incurred for

 4  such refunding bonds prior to July 1, 1999, is ratified.

 5         2.  For the purposes of this paragraph,

 6  "infrastructure" means:

 7         a.  Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital

 8  outlay associated with the construction, reconstruction, or

 9  improvement of public facilities which have a life expectancy

10  of 5 or more years and any land acquisition, land improvement,

11  design, and engineering costs related thereto.

12         b.  A fire department vehicle, an emergency medical

13  service vehicle, a sheriff's office vehicle, a police

14  department vehicle, or any other vehicle, and such equipment

15  necessary to outfit the vehicle for its official use or

16  equipment that has a life expectancy of at least 5 years.

17         c.  Any expenditure for the construction, lease, or

18  maintenance of, or provision of utilities or security for,

19  facilities as defined in s. 29.008.

20         3.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

21  subsection, a discretionary sales surtax imposed or extended

22  after the effective date of this act may provide for an amount

23  not to exceed 15 percent of the local option sales surtax

24  proceeds to be allocated for deposit to a trust fund within

25  the county's accounts created for the purpose of funding

26  economic development projects of a general public purpose

27  targeted to improve local economies, including the funding of

28  operational costs and incentives related to such economic

29  development. The ballot statement must indicate the intention

30  to make an allocation under the authority of this

31  subparagraph.


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 1         (e)  School districts, counties, and municipalities

 2  receiving proceeds under the provisions of this subsection may

 3  pledge such proceeds for the purpose of servicing new bond

 4  indebtedness incurred pursuant to law. Local governments may

 5  use the services of the Division of Bond Finance of the State

 6  Board of Administration pursuant to the State Bond Act to

 7  issue any bonds through the provisions of this subsection.  In

 8  no case may a jurisdiction issue bonds pursuant to this

 9  subsection more frequently than once per year. Counties and

10  municipalities may join together for the issuance of bonds

11  authorized by this subsection.

12         (f)1.  Notwithstanding paragraph (d), a county that has

13  a population of 50,000 or less on April 1, 1992, or any county

14  designated as an area of critical state concern on the

15  effective date of this act, and that imposed the surtax before

16  July 1, 1992, may use the proceeds and interest of the surtax

17  for any public purpose if:

18         a.  The debt service obligations for any year are met;

19         b.  The county's comprehensive plan has been determined

20  to be in compliance with part II of chapter 163; and

21         c.  The county has adopted an amendment to the surtax

22  ordinance pursuant to the procedure provided in s. 125.66

23  authorizing additional uses of the surtax proceeds and

24  interest.

25         2.  A municipality located within a county that has a

26  population of 50,000 or less on April 1, 1992, or within a

27  county designated as an area of critical state concern on the

28  effective date of this act, and that imposed the surtax before

29  July 1, 1992, may not use the proceeds and interest of the

30  surtax for any purpose other than an infrastructure purpose

31  authorized in paragraph (d) unless the municipality's


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 1  comprehensive plan has been determined to be in compliance

 2  with part II of chapter 163 and the municipality has adopted

 3  an amendment to its surtax ordinance or resolution pursuant to

 4  the procedure provided in s. 166.041 authorizing additional

 5  uses of the surtax proceeds and interest.  Such municipality

 6  may expend the surtax proceeds and interest for any public

 7  purpose authorized in the amendment.

 8         3.  Those counties designated as an area of critical

 9  state concern which qualify to use the surtax for any public

10  purpose may use only up to 10 percent of the surtax proceeds

11  for any public purpose other than for infrastructure purposes

12  authorized by this section.

13         (g)  Notwithstanding paragraph (d), a county in which

14  40 percent or more of the just value of real property is

15  exempt or immune from ad valorem taxation, and the

16  municipalities within such a county, may use the proceeds and

17  interest of the surtax for operation and maintenance of parks

18  and recreation programs and facilities established with the

19  proceeds of the surtax.

20         (h)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

21  section, a county shall not levy local option sales surtaxes

22  authorized in this subsection and subsections (3), (4), and

23  (5) in excess of a combined rate of 1 percent.

24         (3)  SMALL COUNTY SURTAX.--

25         (a)  The governing authority in each county that has a

26  population of 50,000 or less on April 1, 1992, may levy a

27  discretionary sales surtax of 0.5 percent or 1 percent.  The

28  levy of the surtax shall be pursuant to ordinance enacted by

29  an extraordinary vote of the members of the county governing

30  authority if the surtax revenues are expended for operating

31  purposes.  If the surtax revenues are expended for the purpose


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 1  of servicing bond indebtedness, the surtax shall be approved

 2  by a majority of the electors of the county voting in a

 3  referendum on the surtax.

 4         (b)  A statement that includes a brief general

 5  description of the projects to be funded by the surtax and

 6  conforms to the requirements of s. 101.161 shall be placed on

 7  the ballot by the governing authority of any county that

 8  enacts an ordinance calling for a referendum on the levy of

 9  the surtax for the purpose of servicing bond indebtedness.

10  The following question shall be placed on the ballot:


12        ....FOR the               ....-cent sales tax

13        ....AGAINST the           ....-cent sales tax


15         (c)  Pursuant to s. 212.054(4), the proceeds of the

16  surtax levied under this subsection shall be distributed to

17  the county and the municipalities within the county in which

18  the surtax was collected, according to:

19         1.  An interlocal agreement between the county

20  governing authority and the governing bodies of the

21  municipalities representing a majority of the county's

22  municipal population, which agreement may include a school

23  district with the consent of the county governing authority

24  and the governing bodies of the municipalities representing a

25  majority of the county's municipal population; or

26         2.  If there is no interlocal agreement, according to

27  the formula provided in s. 218.62.


29  Any change in the distribution formula shall take effect on

30  the first day of any month that begins at least 60 days after



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 1  written notification of that change has been made to the

 2  department.

 3         (d)1.  If the surtax is levied pursuant to a

 4  referendum, the proceeds of the surtax and any interest

 5  accrued thereto may be expended by the school district or

 6  within the county and municipalities within the county, or, in

 7  the case of a negotiated joint county agreement, within

 8  another county, for the purpose of servicing bond indebtedness

 9  to finance, plan, and construct infrastructure and to acquire

10  land for public recreation or conservation or protection of

11  natural resources.  However, if the surtax is levied pursuant

12  to an ordinance approved by an extraordinary vote of the

13  members of the county governing authority, the proceeds and

14  any interest accrued thereto may be used for operational

15  expenses of any infrastructure or for any public purpose

16  authorized in the ordinance under which the surtax is levied.

17         2.  For the purposes of this paragraph,

18  "infrastructure" means any fixed capital expenditure or fixed

19  capital costs associated with the construction,

20  reconstruction, or improvement of public facilities that have

21  a life expectancy of 5 or more years and any land acquisition,

22  land improvement, design, and engineering costs related

23  thereto.

24         (e)  A school district, county, or municipality that

25  receives proceeds under this subsection following a referendum

26  may pledge the proceeds for the purpose of servicing new bond

27  indebtedness incurred pursuant to law. Local governments may

28  use the services of the Division of Bond Finance pursuant to

29  the State Bond Act to issue any bonds through the provisions

30  of this subsection.  A jurisdiction may not issue bonds

31  pursuant to this subsection more frequently than once per


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 1  year.  A county and municipality may join together to issue

 2  bonds authorized by this subsection.

 3         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

 4  section, a county shall not levy local option sales surtaxes

 5  authorized in this subsection and subsections (2), (4), and

 6  (5) in excess of a combined rate of 1 percent.


 8         (a)  The governing body in each county the government

 9  of which is not consolidated with that of one or more

10  municipalities, which has a population of at least 800,000

11  residents and is not authorized to levy a surtax under

12  subsection (5), may levy, pursuant to an ordinance either

13  approved by an extraordinary vote of the governing body or

14  conditioned to take effect only upon approval by a majority

15  vote of the electors of the county voting in a referendum, a

16  discretionary sales surtax at a rate that may not exceed 0.5

17  percent.

18         (b)  If the ordinance is conditioned on a referendum, a

19  statement that includes a brief and general description of the

20  purposes to be funded by the surtax and that conforms to the

21  requirements of s. 101.161 shall be placed on the ballot by

22  the governing body of the county.  The following questions

23  shall be placed on the ballot:


25                     FOR THE. . . .CENTS TAX

26                   AGAINST THE. . . .CENTS TAX


28         (c)  The ordinance adopted by the governing body

29  providing for the imposition of the surtax shall set forth a

30  plan for providing health care services to qualified

31  residents, as defined in paragraph (d).  Such plan and


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 1  subsequent amendments to it shall fund a broad range of health

 2  care services for both indigent persons and the medically

 3  poor, including, but not limited to, primary care and

 4  preventive care as well as hospital care. The plan must also

 5  address the services to be provided by the Level I trauma

 6  center. It shall emphasize a continuity of care in the most

 7  cost-effective setting, taking into consideration both a high

 8  quality of care and geographic access. Where consistent with

 9  these objectives, it shall include, without limitation,

10  services rendered by physicians, clinics, community hospitals,

11  mental health centers, and alternative delivery sites, as well

12  as at least one regional referral hospital where appropriate.

13  It shall provide that agreements negotiated between the county

14  and providers, including hospitals with a Level I trauma

15  center, will include reimbursement methodologies that take

16  into account the cost of services rendered to eligible

17  patients, recognize hospitals that render a disproportionate

18  share of indigent care, provide other incentives to promote

19  the delivery of charity care, promote the advancement of

20  technology in medical services, recognize the level of

21  responsiveness to medical needs in trauma cases, and require

22  cost containment including, but not limited to, case

23  management. It must also provide that any hospitals that are

24  owned and operated by government entities on May 21, 1991,

25  must, as a condition of receiving funds under this subsection,

26  afford public access equal to that provided under s. 286.011

27  as to meetings of the governing board, the subject of which is

28  budgeting resources for the rendition of charity care as that

29  term is defined in the Florida Hospital Uniform Reporting

30  System (FHURS) manual referenced in s. 408.07.  The plan shall

31  also include innovative health care programs that provide


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 1  cost-effective alternatives to traditional methods of service

 2  delivery and funding.

 3         (d)  For the purpose of this subsection, the term

 4  "qualified resident" means residents of the authorizing county

 5  who are:

 6         1.  Qualified as indigent persons as certified by the

 7  authorizing county;

 8         2.  Certified by the authorizing county as meeting the

 9  definition of the medically poor, defined as persons having

10  insufficient income, resources, and assets to provide the

11  needed medical care without using resources required to meet

12  basic needs for shelter, food, clothing, and personal

13  expenses; or not being eligible for any other state or federal

14  program, or having medical needs that are not covered by any

15  such program; or having insufficient third-party insurance

16  coverage.  In all cases, the authorizing county is intended to

17  serve as the payor of last resort; or

18         3.  Participating in innovative, cost-effective

19  programs approved by the authorizing county.

20         (e)  Moneys collected pursuant to this subsection

21  remain the property of the state and shall be distributed by

22  the Department of Revenue on a regular and periodic basis to

23  the clerk of the circuit court as ex officio custodian of the

24  funds of the authorizing county. The clerk of the circuit

25  court shall:

26         1.  Maintain the moneys in an indigent health care

27  trust fund;

28         2.  Invest any funds held on deposit in the trust fund

29  pursuant to general law;

30         3.  Disburse the funds, including any interest earned,

31  to any provider of health care services, as provided in


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 1  paragraphs (c) and (d), upon directive from the authorizing

 2  county. However, if a county has a population of at least

 3  800,000 residents and has levied the surtax authorized in this

 4  subsection, notwithstanding any directive from the authorizing

 5  county, on October 1 of each calendar year, the clerk of the

 6  court shall issue a check in the amount of $6.5 million to a

 7  hospital in its jurisdiction that has a Level I trauma center

 8  or shall issue a check in the amount of $3.5 million to a

 9  hospital in its jurisdiction that has a Level I trauma center

10  if that county enacts and implements a hospital lien law in

11  accordance with chapter 98-499, Laws of Florida. The issuance

12  of the checks on October 1 of each year is provided in

13  recognition of the Level I trauma center status and shall be

14  in addition to the base contract amount received during fiscal

15  year 1999-2000 and any additional amount negotiated to the

16  base contract. If the hospital receiving funds for its Level I

17  trauma center status requests such funds to be used to

18  generate federal matching funds under Medicaid, the clerk of

19  the court shall instead issue a check to the Agency for Health

20  Care Administration to accomplish that purpose to the extent

21  that it is allowed through the General Appropriations Act; and

22         4.  Prepare on a biennial basis an audit of the trust

23  fund specified in subparagraph 1. Commencing February 1, 2004,

24  such audit shall be delivered to the governing body and to the

25  chair of the legislative delegation of each authorizing

26  county.

27         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

28  section, a county shall not levy local option sales surtaxes

29  authorized in this subsection and subsections (2) and (3) in

30  excess of a combined rate of 1 percent.



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 1         (5)  COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL SURTAX.--Any county as

 2  defined in s. 125.011(1) may levy the surtax authorized in

 3  this subsection pursuant to an ordinance either approved by

 4  extraordinary vote of the county commission or conditioned to

 5  take effect only upon approval by a majority vote of the

 6  electors of the county voting in a referendum.  In a county as

 7  defined in s. 125.011(1), for the purposes of this subsection,

 8  "county public general hospital" means a general hospital as

 9  defined in s. 395.002 which is owned, operated, maintained, or

10  governed by the county or its agency, authority, or public

11  health trust.

12         (a)  The rate shall be 0.5 percent.

13         (b)  If the ordinance is conditioned on a referendum,

14  the proposal to adopt the county public hospital surtax shall

15  be placed on the ballot in accordance with law at a time to be

16  set at the discretion of the governing body.  The referendum

17  question on the ballot shall include a brief general

18  description of the health care services to be funded by the

19  surtax.

20         (c)  Proceeds from the surtax shall be:

21         1.  Deposited by the county in a special fund, set

22  aside from other county funds, to be used only for the

23  operation, maintenance, and administration of the county

24  public general hospital; and

25         2.  Remitted promptly by the county to the agency,

26  authority, or public health trust created by law which

27  administers or operates the county public general hospital.

28         (d)  Except as provided in subparagraphs 1. and 2., the

29  county must continue to contribute each year an amount equal

30  to at least 80 percent of that percentage of the total county

31  budget appropriated for the operation, administration, and


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 1  maintenance of the county public general hospital from the

 2  county's general revenues in the fiscal year of the county

 3  ending September 30, 1991:

 4         1.  Twenty-five percent of such amount must be remitted

 5  to a governing board, agency, or authority that is wholly

 6  independent from the public health trust, agency, or authority

 7  responsible for the county public general hospital, to be used

 8  solely for the purpose of funding the plan for indigent health

 9  care services provided for in paragraph (e);

10         2.  However, in the first year of the plan, a total of

11  $10 million shall be remitted to such governing board, agency,

12  or authority, to be used solely for the purpose of funding the

13  plan for indigent health care services provided for in

14  paragraph (e), and in the second year of the plan, a total of

15  $15 million shall be so remitted and used.

16         (e)  A governing board, agency, or authority shall be

17  chartered by the county commission upon this act becoming law.

18  The governing board, agency, or authority shall adopt and

19  implement a health care plan for indigent health care

20  services.  The governing board, agency, or authority shall

21  consist of no more than seven and no fewer than five members

22  appointed by the county commission.  The members of the

23  governing board, agency, or authority shall be at least 18

24  years of age and residents of the county.  No member may be

25  employed by or affiliated with a health care provider or the

26  public health trust, agency, or authority responsible for the

27  county public general hospital. The following community

28  organizations shall each appoint a representative to a

29  nominating committee:  the South Florida Hospital and

30  Healthcare Association, the Miami-Dade County Public Health

31  Trust, the Dade County Medical Association, the Miami-Dade


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 1  County Homeless Trust, and the Mayor of Miami-Dade County.

 2  This committee shall nominate between 10 and 14 county

 3  citizens for the governing board, agency, or authority.  The

 4  slate shall be presented to the county commission and the

 5  county commission shall confirm the top five to seven

 6  nominees, depending on the size of the governing board.  Until

 7  such time as the governing board, agency, or authority is

 8  created, the funds provided for in subparagraph (d)2. shall be

 9  placed in a restricted account set aside from other county

10  funds and not disbursed by the county for any other purpose.

11         1.  The plan shall divide the county into a minimum of

12  four and maximum of six service areas, with no more than one

13  participant hospital per service area. The county public

14  general hospital shall be designated as the provider for one

15  of the service areas.  Services shall be provided through

16  participants' primary acute care facilities.

17         2.  The plan and subsequent amendments to it shall fund

18  a defined range of health care services for both indigent

19  persons and the medically poor, including primary care,

20  preventive care, hospital emergency room care, and hospital

21  care necessary to stabilize the patient. For the purposes of

22  this section, "stabilization" means stabilization as defined

23  in s. 397.311(29). Where consistent with these objectives, the

24  plan may include services rendered by physicians, clinics,

25  community hospitals, and alternative delivery sites, as well

26  as at least one regional referral hospital per service area.

27  The plan shall provide that agreements negotiated between the

28  governing board, agency, or authority and providers shall

29  recognize hospitals that render a disproportionate share of

30  indigent care, provide other incentives to promote the

31  delivery of charity care to draw down federal funds where


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 1  appropriate, and require cost containment, including, but not

 2  limited to, case management. From the funds specified in

 3  subparagraphs (d)1. and 2. for indigent health care services,

 4  service providers shall receive reimbursement at a Medicaid

 5  rate to be determined by the governing board, agency, or

 6  authority created pursuant to this paragraph for the initial

 7  emergency room visit, and a per-member per-month fee or

 8  capitation for those members enrolled in their service area,

 9  as compensation for the services rendered following the

10  initial emergency visit. Except for provisions of emergency

11  services, upon determination of eligibility, enrollment shall

12  be deemed to have occurred at the time services were rendered.

13  The provisions for specific reimbursement of emergency

14  services shall be repealed on July 1, 2001, unless otherwise

15  reenacted by the Legislature. The capitation amount or rate

16  shall be determined prior to program implementation by an

17  independent actuarial consultant. In no event shall such

18  reimbursement rates exceed the Medicaid rate. The plan must

19  also provide that any hospitals owned and operated by

20  government entities on or after the effective date of this act

21  must, as a condition of receiving funds under this subsection,

22  afford public access equal to that provided under s. 286.011

23  as to any meeting of the governing board, agency, or authority

24  the subject of which is budgeting resources for the retention

25  of charity care, as that term is defined in the rules of the

26  Agency for Health Care Administration. The plan shall also

27  include innovative health care programs that provide

28  cost-effective alternatives to traditional methods of service

29  and delivery funding.

30         3.  The plan's benefits shall be made available to all

31  county residents currently eligible to receive health care


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 1  services as indigents or medically poor as defined in

 2  paragraph (4)(d).

 3         4.  Eligible residents who participate in the health

 4  care plan shall receive coverage for a period of 12 months or

 5  the period extending from the time of enrollment to the end of

 6  the current fiscal year, per enrollment period, whichever is

 7  less.

 8         5.  At the end of each fiscal year, the governing

 9  board, agency, or authority shall prepare an audit that

10  reviews the budget of the plan, delivery of services, and

11  quality of services, and makes recommendations to increase the

12  plan's efficiency.  The audit shall take into account

13  participant hospital satisfaction with the plan and assess the

14  amount of poststabilization patient transfers requested, and

15  accepted or denied, by the county public general hospital.

16         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

17  section, a county may not levy local option sales surtaxes

18  authorized in this subsection and subsections (2) and (3) in

19  excess of a combined rate of 1 percent.


21         (a)1.  The school board in each county may levy,

22  pursuant to resolution conditioned to take effect only upon

23  approval by a majority vote of the electors of the county

24  voting in a referendum, a discretionary sales surtax at a rate

25  that may not exceed 0.5 percent.

26         2.(b)  The resolution shall include a statement that

27  provides a brief and general description of the school capital

28  outlay projects to be funded by the surtax. If applicable, the

29  resolution must state that the district school board has been

30  recognized by the State Board of Education as having a Florida

31  Frugal Schools Program. The statement shall conform to the


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

 1  requirements of s. 101.161 and shall be placed on the ballot

 2  by the governing body of the county. The following question

 3  shall be placed on the ballot:


 5        ....FOR THE               ....CENTS TAX

 6        ....AGAINST THE           ....CENTS TAX


 8         3.(c)  The resolution providing for the imposition of

 9  the surtax shall set forth a plan for use of the surtax

10  proceeds for fixed capital expenditures or fixed capital costs

11  associated with the construction, reconstruction, or

12  improvement of school facilities and campuses which have a

13  useful life expectancy of 5 or more years, and any land

14  acquisition, land improvement, design, and engineering costs

15  related thereto. Additionally, the plan shall include the

16  costs of retrofitting and providing for technology

17  implementation, including hardware and software, for the

18  various sites within the school district. Surtax revenues may

19  be used for the purpose of servicing bond indebtedness to

20  finance projects authorized by this subsection, and any

21  interest accrued thereto may be held in trust to finance such

22  projects. Neither the proceeds of the surtax nor any interest

23  accrued thereto shall be used for operational expenses. If the

24  district school board has been recognized by the State Board

25  of Education as having a Florida Frugal Schools Program, the

26  district's plan for use of the surtax proceeds must be

27  consistent with this subsection and with uses assured under

28  the Florida Frugal Schools Program.

29         4.(d)  Any school board imposing the surtax shall

30  implement a freeze on noncapital local school property taxes,

31  at the millage rate imposed in the year prior to the


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 1  implementation of the surtax, for a period of at least 3 years

 2  from the date of imposition of the surtax. This provision

 3  shall not apply to existing debt service or required state

 4  taxes.

 5         5.(e)  Surtax revenues collected by the Department of

 6  Revenue pursuant to this subsection shall be distributed to

 7  the school board imposing the surtax in accordance with law.

 8         (b)1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a),

 9  the school board in any county may use up to 50 percent of the

10  revenues generated by the surtax for operational purposes

11  solely for salaries and benefits for teachers. However, in

12  addition to the requirements of paragraph (a), the resolution

13  providing for the imposition of the surtax shall specify the

14  percentage of surtax revenues to be used solely for salaries

15  and benefits for teachers as authorized by this paragraph. The

16  plan setting forth the use of surtax proceeds shall include

17  uses solely for salaries and benefits for teachers. The plan

18  shall provide criteria to account for use of proceeds solely

19  for salaries and benefits for teachers and shall provide for

20  an annual report by the school board documenting such use.

21         2.  The school board of any county which has levied the

22  surtax authorized in this subsection before July 1, 2004, and

23  wishes to use a percentage of surtax revenues solely for

24  salaries and benefits for teachers as provided in this

25  paragraph may do so only pursuant to a new resolution

26  conditioned to take effect only upon approval by a majority

27  vote of the electors of the county voting in a referendum as

28  provided in subparagraph (a)2. However, the amount of surtax

29  revenues authorized for use solely for salaries and benefits

30  for teachers under this subparagraph shall be available only

31  to the extent such revenues are not otherwise dedicated to


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 1  service bond indebtedness in such counties as provided in

 2  paragraph (a), if applicable.

 3         3.  This paragraph is repealed July 1, 2008.


 5         (a)  The governing body in each county that has a

 6  population of less than 800,000 residents may levy an indigent

 7  care surtax pursuant to an ordinance conditioned to take

 8  effect only upon approval by a majority vote of the electors

 9  of the county voting in a referendum. The surtax may be levied

10  at a rate not to exceed 0.5 percent, except that if a publicly

11  supported medical school is located in the county, the rate

12  shall not exceed 1 percent.

13         (b)  A statement that includes a brief and general

14  description of the purposes to be funded by the surtax and

15  that conforms to the requirements of s. 101.161 shall be

16  placed on the ballot by the governing body of the county. The

17  following questions shall be placed on the ballot:


19                     FOR THE. . . .CENTS TAX

20                   AGAINST THE. . . .CENTS TAX


22         (c)  The ordinance adopted by the governing body

23  providing for the imposition of the surtax must set forth a

24  plan for providing health care services to qualified

25  residents, as defined in paragraph (d). The plan and

26  subsequent amendments to it shall fund a broad range of health

27  care services for indigent persons and the medically poor,

28  including, but not limited to, primary care and preventive

29  care, as well as hospital care. It shall emphasize a

30  continuity of care in the most cost-effective setting, taking

31  into consideration a high quality of care and geographic


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

 1  access. Where consistent with these objectives, it shall

 2  include, without limitation, services rendered by physicians,

 3  clinics, community hospitals, mental health centers, and

 4  alternative delivery sites, as well as at least one regional

 5  referral hospital where appropriate. It shall provide that

 6  agreements negotiated between the county and providers shall

 7  include reimbursement methodologies that take into account the

 8  cost of services rendered to eligible patients, recognize

 9  hospitals that render a disproportionate share of indigent

10  care, provide other incentives to promote the delivery of

11  charity care, and require cost containment, including, but not

12  limited to, case management. The plan must also include

13  innovative health care programs that provide cost-effective

14  alternatives to traditional methods of service delivery and

15  funding.

16         (d)  For the purpose of this subsection, "qualified

17  residents" means residents of the authorizing county who are:

18         1.  Qualified as indigent persons as certified by the

19  authorizing county;

20         2.  Certified by the authorizing county as meeting the

21  definition of the medically poor, defined as persons having

22  insufficient income, resources, and assets to provide the

23  needed medical care without using resources required to meet

24  basic needs for shelter, food, clothing, and personal

25  expenses; not being eligible for any other state or federal

26  program or having medical needs that are not covered by any

27  such program; or having insufficient third-party insurance

28  coverage. In all cases, the authorizing county shall serve as

29  the payor of last resort; or

30         3.  Participating in innovative, cost-effective

31  programs approved by the authorizing county.


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 1         (e)  Moneys collected pursuant to this subsection

 2  remain the property of the state and shall be distributed by

 3  the Department of Revenue on a regular and periodic basis to

 4  the clerk of the circuit court as ex officio custodian of the

 5  funds of the authorizing county. The clerk of the circuit

 6  court shall:

 7         1.  Maintain the moneys in an indigent health care

 8  trust fund.

 9         2.  Invest any funds held on deposit in the trust fund

10  pursuant to general law.

11         3.  Disburse the funds, including any interest earned,

12  to any provider of health care services, as provided in

13  paragraphs (c) and (d), upon directive from the authorizing

14  county.

15         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

16  section, a county may not levy local option sales surtaxes

17  authorized in this subsection and subsections (2) and (3) in

18  excess of a combined rate of 1 percent or, if a publicly

19  supported medical school is located in the county, in excess

20  of a combined rate of 1.5 percent.


22  SURTAX.--

23         (a)  In addition to any other surtax levied pursuant to

24  this section, the school board in each county may levy,

25  pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the

26  school board and conditioned to take effect only upon approval

27  by a majority vote of the electors of the county voting in a

28  referendum, a discretionary sales surtax at a rate not to

29  exceed 1 percent. The resolution shall specify the term and

30  proposed uses of the surtax. Proceeds of the surtax may be



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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

 1  used solely for school capital outlay or any operating

 2  purposes.

 3         (b)  Before adopting a resolution imposing the surtax

 4  authorized by this subsection, the school board shall conduct

 5  a public hearing in each municipality in the county to discuss

 6  the proposed resolution and the term, projects, and uses

 7  specified in the resolution. Such public hearings shall be

 8  conducted in accordance with the meeting and notice

 9  requirements of s. 200.065 but addressing the sales surtax

10  instead of ad valorem millage and specifying application to

11  any operating purposes. For purposes of the notice under s.

12  200.065 for the sales surtax, references in the notice to uses

13  of tax proceeds for operations shall not be limited to

14  maintenance operations but shall include any operating

15  purposes proposed by the school board to be funded by surtax

16  proceeds.

17         (c)  A statement that includes a brief and general

18  description of the purposes to be funded by the surtax and

19  that conforms to the requirements of s. 101.161 shall be

20  placed on the ballot by the governing body of the county. The

21  following questions shall be placed on the ballot:


23                     FOR THE. . . .CENTS TAX

24                   AGAINST THE. . . .CENTS TAX


26         (d)  If the resolution providing for the imposition of

27  the surtax proposes to use any proceeds of the surtax for

28  school capital outlay, the resolution shall set forth a plan

29  for use of the surtax proceeds for fixed capital expenditures

30  or fixed capital costs associated with the construction,

31  reconstruction, or improvement of specific educational


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

 1  facilities which have a useful life expectancy of 5 or more

 2  years, and any land acquisition, land improvement, design, and

 3  engineering costs related thereto. The plan shall contain an

 4  implementation schedule for construction of the specific

 5  school facilities described in the plan. If the resolution

 6  providing for imposition of the surtax proposes to use any

 7  surtax proceeds for any operating purposes, the plan shall

 8  also specify the proposed allocations of surtax proceeds for

 9  such operating purposes. A school district that receives

10  proceeds under this subsection may pledge the proceeds for the

11  purpose of servicing new bond indebtedness incurred pursuant

12  to law. A school district may use the services of the Division

13  of Bond Finance pursuant to the State Bond Act to issue any

14  bonds through the provisions of this subsection.

15         (e)  Pursuant to s. 212.054(4), the proceeds of the

16  surtax levied under this subsection shall be distributed to

17  the school district of the county in which the surtax was

18  collected.

19         (f)  Any school board levying the surtax authorized by

20  this subsection may not impose any school or educational

21  facilities impact fee and, prior to levying the surtax, shall

22  repeal any existing school or educational facilities impact

23  fee imposed by the board.

24         Section 5.  Section 1013.352, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         1013.352  School district exemption from educational

27  facilities construction and funding

28  standards.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a

29  school district may exempt itself from Department of Education

30  educational facilities construction and funding standards and

31  adopt alternative standards upon approval by a majority of the


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2406

 1  electors of the school district voting in a referendum. The

 2  proposed alternative construction and funding standards for

 3  the school district shall be based on a 20-year projection

 4  plan recommended by an educational facilities task force that

 5  is convened by the school district and consists of local

 6  elected municipal officials and the county commissioners. The

 7  proposed alternative construction and funding standards shall

 8  be published in one newspaper of general circulation in the

 9  school district at least 30 days prior to the referendum.

10  Exemption from educational facilities construction and funding

11  standards shall not include exemption from any educational

12  facilities environmental or safety standards.

13         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
16                         Senate Bill 2406


18  This (CS) differs from the bill as filed in that it expands
    the authorized uses of the School Capital Outlay Surtax by
19  allowing county school districts to use up to 50 percent of
    the tax proceeds to pay salaries and benefits for teachers
20  under certain circumstances; and provides school districts the
    option to exempt themselves from educational facilities
21  construction and funding standards set forth in Florida Law.












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