Bill No. 0025
Amendment No. 776025
Senate House

1Representatives Gannon, Vana, Kosmas, Meadows, and Wiles offered
2the following:
4Amendment (with title amendment)
5     Between lines 74 and 75, insert:
6     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, because every child should
7have quality health care, the United States Congress is
8requested to appropriate funds indefinitely to ensure a
9sufficient federal match to provide access to health insurance
10for every uninsured child in America through the State
11Children's Health Insurance Program.
12     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the United States Congress,
13during the 108th Congress, is requested to pass legislation that
14will extend the State Children's Health Insurance Program beyond
15fiscal year 2007.
17================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
18     Remove line 8 and insert:
19of Medicaid funds and to extend and provide funding for the
20State Children's Health Insurance Program.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.