Senate Bill sb2572c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2572

    By the Committee on Comprehensive Planning; and Senator Garcia


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to airport zoning; amending s.

  3         333.03, F.S.; providing exceptions from certain

  4         airport zoning prohibitions for the placement

  5         of educational facilities in certain counties;

  6         amending s. 1013.36, F.S., to conform;

  7         providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) and

12  subsection (3) of section 333.03, Florida Statutes, are

13  amended to read:

14         333.03  Power to adopt airport zoning regulations.--

15         (2)  In the manner provided in subsection (1), interim

16  airport land use compatibility zoning regulations shall be

17  adopted. When political subdivisions have adopted land

18  development regulations in accordance with the provisions of

19  chapter 163 which address the use of land in the manner

20  consistent with the provisions herein, adoption of airport

21  land use compatibility regulations pursuant to this subsection

22  shall not be required. Interim airport land use compatibility

23  zoning regulations shall consider the following:

24         (d)  Where an airport authority or other governing body

25  operating a publicly owned, public-use airport has not

26  conducted a noise study, neither residential construction nor

27  any educational facility as defined in chapter 1013, with the

28  exception of aviation school facilities, shall be permitted

29  within an area contiguous to the airport measuring one-half

30  the length of the longest runway on either side of and at the

31  end of each runway centerline. Notwithstanding this paragraph,


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2572

 1  in any county as defined in s. 125.011(1), such area shall

 2  measure one-fourth the length of the longest runway on either

 3  side of and at the end of each runway centerline.

 4         (3)  In the manner provided in subsection (1), airport

 5  zoning regulations shall be adopted which restrict new

 6  incompatible uses, activities, or construction within runway

 7  clear zones, including uses, activities, or construction in

 8  runway clear zones which are incompatible with normal airport

 9  operations or endanger public health, safety, and welfare by

10  resulting in congregations of people, emissions of light or

11  smoke, or attraction of birds. Such regulations shall prohibit

12  the construction of an educational facility of a public or

13  private school at either end of a runway of a publicly owned,

14  public-use airport within an area which extends 5 miles in a

15  direct line along the centerline of the runway, and which has

16  a width measuring one-half the length of the runway.

17  Notwithstanding this subsection, in any county as defined in

18  s. 125.011(1), such regulations shall prohibit the

19  construction of a public or private educational facility at

20  either end of a runway of a publicly owned, public-use airport

21  within an area that extends 2 miles in a direct line along the

22  centerline of the runway and has a width measuring one-fourth

23  the length of the runway.  Exceptions approving construction

24  of an educational facility within the delineated area shall

25  only be granted when the political subdivision administering

26  the zoning regulations makes specific findings detailing how

27  the public policy reasons for allowing the construction

28  outweigh health and safety concerns prohibiting such a

29  location.

30         Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 1013.36, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:


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    Florida Senate - 2004                           CS for SB 2572

 1         1013.36  Site planning and selection.--

 2         (3)  Sites recommended for purchase or purchased must

 3  meet standards prescribed in law and such supplementary

 4  standards as the State Board of Education prescribes to

 5  promote the educational interests of the students. Each site

 6  must be well drained and suitable for outdoor educational

 7  purposes as appropriate for the educational program or

 8  collocated with facilities to serve this purpose. As provided

 9  in s. 333.03, the site must not be located within any path of

10  flight approach of any airport, except as provided in s.

11  333.03(2)(e) and (3). Insofar as is practicable, the site must

12  not adjoin a right-of-way of any railroad or through highway

13  and must not be adjacent to any factory or other property from

14  which noise, odors, or other disturbances, or at which

15  conditions, would be likely to interfere with the educational

16  program. To the extent practicable, sites must be chosen which

17  will provide safe access from neighborhoods to schools.

18         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
21                         Senate Bill 2572


23  The CS differs from the bill as filed in that rather than
    exempting counties with a population of more than 1.5 million
24  from the restriction on the placement of educational
    facilities adjacent to or near airport facilities, it creates
25  a less restrictive prohibition for any county as defined in
    s.125.011(1), F.S.







CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.